Women in islam part II - AdolescenceReader comment on item: Advice to Non-Muslim Women against Marrying Muslim Men Submitted by Margaret (Poland), Nov 3, 2009 at 03:14 Please note- the film was not made by me- the authors are Arabs from Arab Atheist Network- this is the script... An adolescent woman experiences disparagement at the first sign of her becoming an adult woman, which is the beginning of menses. Scientifically speaking, menstruation is normal blood that passes due to the fall of the arterioles that multiplied to from a layer in the uterine wall so that the expected fertilized egg be attached to and fed by. Due largely to the ignorance of the people of the old days, there is wide misunderstanding on the nature of menses, a number of cultures and religions dealt with the menses as unclean and imposed demeaning rituals for the woman in her menstrual period. Islam is one of these religions. The Quran says (2: 222), "And they ask you about menstruation. Say: it is a hurt and a pollution: So keep away from women in their courses, and do not approach them until they are clean." In Islam, a woman in her time of menstruation is not permitted to pray or fast. Muhammad said as recorded in "Al-Bukhari's authentic" (vol. 2 p.45), "Isn't it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?..This is the deficiency in her religion." Now that she is an adult woman, she is put on equal footing with the donkey and the dog insofar as abolishing the prayer of a Muslim male if she would just pass in front of him. Mohammad said as recorded in "Muslim's authentic" (vol. 2 p.60), the third authoritative book in Islam next to the Quran and "Al-Bukhari's authentic", "A woman, a donkey and a dog disrupt the prayer". In Islam, a woman is of a lesser mind than the man, and so her testimony in financial dealings is only worth half his, according to the Quran (2:282), "and get two witnesses, out of your own men, and if there are not two men (available), then a man and two women, such as you choose, for witnesses, so that if one of them (two women) errs (by forgetting), the other can remind her". Muhammad said about women as recorded in "Al-Bukhari's authentic" (vol. 1, p. 115), "I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you (women). A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you." The women asked, "O Allah's Apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?" He said, "Is not the witness of two women equal to the witness of one man?". They replied in the affirmative. He said, "That is from the deficiency in her intelligence." Women cannot provide witness in the case of felonies and penalties. They cannot give witness without a man except in matters which men should not be exposed to. Ali Bin Abi Talib (Muhammad's cousin) said, "Women's witness is not permitted in the case of divorce, marriage, felonies and blood". (See: Abdul Razzaiq's collection, vol. 8, pp. 329-330). Ibn Al Munther (856-931) said: "Muslim jurists have unanimously agreed on the literal reading of this verse in that they permitted women's testimony alongside that of men. They limited this to finances and debts. But they said that her witness is not allowed in the case of felonies and penalties. They didn't reach agreement on the position of her testimony in marriage, divorce, genealogy and loyalties. While the majority prohibited it, the Kufis permitted it. Muslim jurists have also agreed on accepting their testimonies without a man in matters which men should not be exposed to such as menstruation and the giving of birth". (See: Fat'h Al-Bari by Ibn Hajar, vol. 5 p. 266). (Quran 4:5) "To those fools do not give away your property which Allah has made for you a (means of) support". Ibn Kathir (1302-1373), the most notable Quran commentator, says: "'The 'fool' is the ignorant, simple-minded person who has little knowledge in areas of benefit and harm. This is why, according to the majority of the scholars, Allah used the term foolish to include women and children, when He said (4:5) "To those fools do not give away your property which Allah has made for you a (means of) support". (See: Ibn Kathir's Tafsir vol. 1 p. 290, Sura 2 verse no. 13). (Quran 2:228) "men have a degree (of advantage) over them (women)" Ibn Kathir (1302-1373) commentated: "men are in a more advantageous position than women physically as well as in their mannerism, status, obedience (of women to them), spending, taking care of the affairs and in general, in this life and in the Hereafter". (Quran 4:34) "Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property". Ibn Kathir commentated: "meaning, the man is responsible for the woman, and he is her maintainer, caretaker and leader who disciplines her if she deviates. 'because Allah has made one of them to excel the other', meaning, because men excel over women and are better than them. This is why prophethood was exclusive of men, as well as other important positions of leadership. The Prophet said, 'People who appoint a woman to be their leader, will never achieve success.' Al-Bukhari recorded this Hadith. Such is the case with appointing women as judges or on other positions of leadership. A man in himself is superior to the woman and he bestows favour upon her always. For these reasons it is suitable that he is appointed her maintainer". A female in Islam is allotted half of what a male gets in inheritance. (Quran 4:11) "Allah directs you regarding your Children's (Inheritance): to the male, a portion equal to that of two females". A woman is also an image of devil as recorded in "Muslim's authentic" (vol. 4, p. 129), that the prophet "saw a woman, and so he came to his wife, Zainab, as she was tanning a leather and had sexual intercourse with her.He then went to his Companions and told them: a woman advances and retires in the image of a devil, so when one of you sees a woman, he should come to his wife (for sex), for that will repel what he feels in his heart." After adolescence, it is an obligation for the woman to cover her body in front of men who might not be "Maharem" (ie. Father, siblings, sons, uncles and nephews), or a spouse. In our age, Muslims claim that the veil was sanctioned out of guarding modesty and morality and also so that a woman will not entice a man. But historical facts from Islamic sources reveal that the veil was originally sanctioned as a classifying law to separate slave girls, who would be captives of war, from free women. The veil verse says, (33:59) "O Prophet! say to your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers that they let down upon them their over-garments; this will be more proper that they should be recognized and not annoyed". "more proper that they should be recognized" which means their being recognized as free women and not slave girls. Throughout the ages, the Muslim commentators of the Quran have backed up this interpretation. Al-Tabari (839-923) says, "To draw their cloaks close round them helps them in not being identified by anybody passing by so that they might know that these are not slave girls, thus harassing them". Al-Baghawi (1045-1117) says, "This verse was revealed in the case of those adulterers who would chase in Al-Madinah after women who might have to go outside to use the bathroom. At first they would wink at the woman, and if she keeps silent they keep following her, but if she rebukes them, they would leave her alone. They were only seeking after slave girls, and yet it was hard for them to identify a free woman from a slave girl since they all dressed alike, dressed in some kind of cover. They complained to their husbands and it got mentioned to the messenger of Allah and thus the verse was revealed". Az-Zamakhshari (1074-1143) says, "In the beginning of Islam, women who were following their customs dressed immodestly. Young men would go out in the fields and palm lots at night in order to chase after slave girls going to bathroom. They would try to sexually harass a free woman under the pretext that she might be a slave girl, and so they were ordered to change their attire from that of the slave girls by wearing cloaks, quilts, and covering both heads and faces". Ibn Al-Jawzi (1114-1201) said, "'should be recognized' means their being recognized as free women". Al-Qurtubi (1204-1273) said, "Before this verse was revealed, a woman of the household of believers would go outside to use the bathroom and some perverts would try to harass her thinking that she is a slave girl. She would scream and he goes away. They complained to the prophet and this verse was revealed for that reason". Ibn Kathir (1302-1373) said, "means, if they do that, it will be known that they are free, and that they are not slaves or whores." Al-Mahali and As-Syyoutti (1445-1505) both said, " 'more proper' that is they are closer to be 'to be recognized' i.e. that they are free women 'and not annoye' that is, by sexually harassing them unlike the slave girls, as they are not covered in their faces and getting harassed by hypocrites". Al Alousi (1802-1854) said, " 'Adna' means closer to 'to be recognized' that is being set apart from the slave girls who were vulnerable to being sexually harassed". Ummar Bin Al-Khattab, a prominent companion of Mohammad and second successor (caliph) to him, used to beat a slave girl if she wore the veil. Anas Bin Malik, a companion of Muhammad, said, "Omar saw a slave girl of ours wearing the veil, he struck her and said to her: "Don't be dressed like free women" (See: Ibn Abi Shaiba's collection, vol. 3, p. 127). Anas Bin Malik also said:"A slave girl went on into where Omar Bin Al-Khattab was sitting. She had a dressed that she used for a veil. Omar asked her, "Have you been freed?". She said, "No". He said, "What then is the veil for? Move it away from your head, for the viel is to be on the heads of free women". She tarried and Omar got up to her and struck her on her head with a rod until she moved it away from her head". (See: Ibn Abi Shaiba's collection, vol. 3 p. 128). Anas Ibn Malik also said, "slave girls of Omar were waiting on us with their hair being uncovered and their breasts shaking". (See: As-Sunnan Al-Kubra by Al-Bayhaqi, vol. 2 p. 321). This narration is authentic according to Al-Albani. (See: Hijab Al-mar;a Walibasuha Fe Al-Sala, Ibn Taymyyah p. 43 , checked by Al-Albani). Al Bayhaqi said, "These narrations about Omar Bin Al-Khattab are authentic". (See: As-Sunnan Al-Kubra by Al Bayhaqi, vol. 2 p. 321). For a slave girl what parts in view of another male is the same thing that a male should not show in front of another male, and that stretches from the navel to the knees. Mohammad said, "When one of you marries off his female servant to his slave or to his employee, he should not look at her private part below the navel and above the knees." (See: The authentic of Abu Dawood' collection, by Al-Albani, vol. 2, p. 523). That means if a slave girl gets married, she changes status as far as her owner is concerned in that he is no longer allowed to see more than what is between the navel and the knees, and this is what has been established by most Muslim jurisprudents. Al-Nawawi (1233-1277) said: "Man's private parts would be what is between his navel and knees, and the same goes for the slave girl. But a free woman can show only her face and hands". (See: Minhaj Al-Talibeen by Al-Nawawi, p. 105). Al-Maqdisi (1160-1227) says, "A slave girl's privates are the same like man". (See: Sharh Al-Umdah, p. 65). Al-Dardeer (1715-1786) says, "private parts for a man is his male organ and buttocks, and for the slave girl it is the same". (See: Al-sharh Al- Sagheer, vol. 1 p. 285). In the history of Islam, slave girls were being sold in the markets, stripped naked and men would check them out in any form they wanted to. If Ubdallah Bin Omar Bin Al-Khattab, a companion of Mohammad, wanted to buy a slave girl, he would place his hand on her buttocks, take a look at her legs, belly, put his hand between her breasts and then shake her. (See Abdul Razzaq's collection, vol. 7 p. 286. and see also As-Sunnan Al-Kubra by Al-Bayhaqi, vol. 5 p. 537). Ali Bin Abi Talib, Mohammad's cousin and the fourth caliph, was asked about the slave girl being sold. "Is it permissible to look at her legs, buttocks, and her belly?". He replied, "No problem with that. No prohibition. She was not made to stand except to be checked out as a bargain" (See Abdul Razzaq's collection, vol. 7 p. 287). Abdullah Bin Masood, a prominent Quran scholar and a close companion of Mohammad, said in relation to the slave girl being sold, "If I touch her or a wall, I don't care; it is all the same to me". (See Abdul Razzaq's collection, vol.7 p.287). In Islam, a man is entitled to marry up to 4 wives. Yet he has an unlimited number of slave girls that he is entitled to have sex with. A woman, however, has nobody but her own husband. (Quran 4:3) "marry such women as seem good to you, two and three and four; but if you fear that you will not do justice (between them), then (marry) only one or what your right hands possess". (Quran 23:5-6) "And who guard their private parts, Except with their wives or what their right hands possess,- for (in their case) they are free from blame". (comments on the last verse) Al-Tabari (839-923) says, " 'what their right hands possess' refers to the slave girls." Al Baghawi (1045-1117) says, "This verse is specific of men as evidenced in his saying 'or whom their right hands possess', since that a woman isn't allowed to sexually enjoy her own slave." Az-Zamakhshari (1074-1143) says, "what is meant is that they guard their private parts at all times except in the case of their marrying or having slave girls". Ibn Al Jawzi (1114-1201) expounds, " 'But who ever seeks', that is, he actually sought after, 'beyond that' referring to wives and slave girls." Ibn Kathir (1302-1373) says, "and do not approach anyone except the wives whom Allah has made permissible for them or their right hand possessions from the captives". Al Mahali and As-Soyyoutti (1445-1505) both said: " 'what their right hands possess' " referring to slave girls." Al-Aloussi (1802-1854) says, "what is meant is whatever slave girl their right hand has owned. Note that Allah used the word 'what' in describing who they are instead of the word 'whom'. This signifies that they are objects, articles of merchandise for sale. Or signifies that they are considered non-sentient beings because of their femininity which points to their lacking brains in reasoning. Women's being non-sentient is quite obvious whether they be Circassian, Roman or anything like that. But how obvious would it be if they be Negro or from any black ethnicity?, I swear that if they supposedly aren't belonging to the animals class, then they aren't far from belonging to it. The verse is specific to men, since that women unanimously aren't permitted to have sex with their slaves". (Quran 4:24) "Also (prohibited are) women already married, except those which your right hands possess". It's recorded in "Muslim's authentic" (vol. 4 p.170) that "at the Battle of Hanain Allah's Messenger sent an army to Autas and encountered the enemy and fought with them. Having overcome them and taken them captives, the Companions of Allah's Messenger seemed to refrain from having sex with married captive women. Then Allah sent down regarding that: " Also (prohibited are) women already married, except those which your right hands possess " (i.e. it's lawful to have sex with them when their 'Idda' period came to an end)." Ibn Kathir says in his commentary: "you are prohibited from marrying women who are already married, 'except those which your right hands possess', meaning, except those whom you acquire through war, it's allowed for you to have sex with such women after making sure they are not pregnant. The verse was revealed for this case." What Muslims claim to be the privileges of Mohammad is the fact that he could marry more than 4 wives. Anas Bin Malik, a close companion of Mohammad, said as recorded in "Al-Bukhari's authentic" (vol. 1 p.110), "The Prophet used to visit (for sex) all his wives in one night and he had nine wives at that time." As for the slave-girls of Mohammad, the Quran says, (33:50) "O Prophet! surely We have made lawful to you your wives whom you have given their dowries, and what your right hand possesses out of what Allah has given to you as prisoners of war". Ibn Kathir says in his commentary, "means, the slave-girls whom you took from the war booty are also permitted to you. He owned Safiyyah and Juwayriyah, then he manumitted them and married them, and he owned Rayhanah bint Sham'un An-Nadariyyah and Mariyah Al-Qibtiyyah, the mother of his son Ibrahim; they were both among the slave-girls". Muslims' many raids resulted in capturing many women, which multiplied the number of slave-girls in Muslim lands. Ali Bin Abi Talib, Mohammad's cousin and the fourth caliph, passed away while he had 19 slave girls in his property. (See: Abdul Razzaq' collection, vol. 7 p. 288). At the end of the first century of Islamic era, Musa Bin Nusair conquered Morocco. Ibn Kathir says in his history on this regard: "Plenty of pretty boys and pretty women were taken as captives. and sent off to the caliph, 40, 000 heads, which is fifth of what he captured. . . when he went entered upon the caliph in Damascus he came along with 30,000 of captives, not to mention what we already listed. This was fifth of what he captured in the last raid which he launched into the lands of Morocco." (See: Al Bidaya wa Al-Nihayyah, vol. 12 p. 629). The caliph of Abbasid period, Harun Al Rashid, a very well-renowned caliph for the Abbassaid State which ruled the Muslims for 5 centuries, had in his house 4,000 slave-girls. (See: Al Bidaya wa Al-Nihaya, Ibn Kathir, vol. 14 p. 49). (A video clip from Iqra Channel in a show entitled "Before You are Judged" by Basma Wahba) (Basma: Well, now, folks, I have now 2 of the giants of Al-Azhar Islamist scholars. They are required to refute this allegation, that Islam encourages slavery and the companions of the Prophet were sexually enjoying whatever their right hands possessed. How shall we respond to that? Jamal Qutub: whoever doesn't like it can bang his head against the wall. Mabrook: I have a very small question. Do you believe that the Quran is the Word of God?. Or it is the same like Hadith which some are authentic and some are questionable? Basma: I am Basma Wahbah a believer. Mabrook: I am asking Ms. Basma in the same way I am asking any of the people watching the TV show now. Basma: We are indeed believers. Mabrook: This is not the point. We are trying to objectively discuss an issue now. What does objectivity here mean? It means, I ask people if they believe that the Quran is the Word of God? A person might say, yes and there is no corruption in the Quran. He might quote for me the verse in the Quran "We have revealed the Book and we are guarding it". Great! Is everybody fully at peace that it is the Word of God? Yes!. Then read from surat Al-Nissa ("women" chapter). I read "marry such women as seem good to you, two and three and four; but if you fear that you will not do justice (between them), then (marry) only one or what your right hands possess". Do I have any right to abolish such a verse? What do I do about it now? Erase it with an eraser? In order to make it a beautiful religion and I defend it, I do this to the Quran?. And this was the first question. Basma: I am a believer. How do I answer (the allegation)? How do I answer?. Mabrook: (islam) is not accused so no need to answer. My religion is God's Word. It says "Or what your right hands possess". In surat Al-Muminin, (sura 23), it begins with saying, "Successful indeed are the believers. Who are humble in their prayers,….." until he said " "And who guard their private parts, Except with their wives or what their right hands possess,- for (in their case) they are free from blame. But whoever seeks to go beyond that, these are they that exceed the limits.". Having read this, how shall I answer? I simply say, "This is my religion". Basma: So, in brief, you have no answer. Mabrook: No! We have a world!. Basma: This is how our religion works and if anyone doesn't like it he can bang his head against the wall. Basma: what if somebody we meet at the street is asking, we can't reply? I just want to know. I really want to know. Jamal Qutb: What do you want to know? Basma: I want to know. Jamal: We are telling you that the Quran is there and this verse is not abrogated. Basma: Sheikh Jamal, May I frankly say something to you? I want to frankly tell you that 90% of Muslims including me don't know what the point is in this verse saying "or what your right hands possess". Jamal: you don't need to know. Basma: And we frankly can't stomach this verse. Jamal: you don't need to know. Basma: what do you mean "I don't need to"? Is that a reasonable answer sheikh Jamal?. Jamal: Of course, all Muslims don't need to….. Basma: I come to ask you a question and you tell me that I don't need to know? Jamal: is there a wise person in the world who would claim to express the divine wisdom that god knows?. Is there anybody in the world Dr Mabrook who would know how to express divine wisdom in these verses? . Mabrook: only god would. Basma: This is not about divine wisdom, this is about human liberty. Jamal: No everybody is free with himself. ........................................... the movie is on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrfZ81b-nBw&feature=related
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