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The B'tselem / BdS - Anti-Israel NIF 'New Israel Fund' endangering lives

Reader comment on item: Putin's Invasion Scrambles the West

Submitted by Jako (United States), Oct 13, 2022 at 15:06

The B'tselem / BdS - Anti-Israel NIF 'New Israel Fund' endangering lives

Regarding NIF anti-Israel activities see: https://www.ngo-monitor.org/funder/new_israel_fund/

The following is an example of the recent 2021/2022 phenomenon of soldiers thinking twice before shooting a dangerous Arab-Islamic bigot terrorist for fear of prosecution. That directly has cost lives.



Tali Gottlieb for Channel 7: We will not defeat terrorists who come to kill us with axes by bowing our heads

Attorney Gottlieb: A commission of inquiry should be established for the instructions to open fire that make our soldiers afraid of responding to terrorists who approach them.

Shimon Cohen, published: 17th of Tishrei 5783, 12.10.22

The recent attacks and attempted attacks lead lawyer Tali Gottlieb, who is ranked 25th on the Likud list, to wonder about the chains of opening fire instructions placed upon the hands of the IDF soldiers.
We spoke with attorney Gottlieb about her claims and according to her, since she published a video on Facebook yesterday in which she makes her claims, the [global or Israeli] Facebook removed tens of thousands of her followers, and of the 35 thousand followers she had, she was left with only 9000 in less than a day.
"What I said yesterday and I say many times are the words of Rafoul, that a soldier in the field is the chief of staff in the field and he will back him up," says Gottlieb, quoting the alternate prime minister, Naftali Bennett, in his words from the past, according to which the soldiers are more afraid of the Military-Advocate-General than Sinwar. In these things, says Gottlieb, Bennett was right. "We have heroic and righteous soldiers who make our existence possible, and I hear about soldiers who are waiting for the order to open fire and it is costing them their lives."

In Gottlieb's opinion, a commission of inquiry should be opened to examine the meaning of the instructions to open fire, and especially the gap between the written instructions and those that exist in the field and restrict the fighters much more. It is also necessary to check the data for the cost in human life that these instructions cost the IDF.
"There is a gap between what is written and the prohibitions on the ground, and thus terrorists rear their ugly heads and we are in a war of attrition because we do not subdue the enemy. I only believe in strength, because by bowing our heads we will not defeat terrorists who come to kill us with axes. If terrorists knew that when they approach the checkpoint they will be shot, it is not Beloved," she says and states that the time has come to stop the policy of showing mercy to the cruel, a policy that weakens the IDF soldiers who fear that as a result of a shooting they will find themselves facing one kind of investigation or another.
"We are losing the element of deterrence. We have a skilled and formidable army with almost unlimited skills, but I weaken the power of the IDF, the senior command creates impossible barriers that will make the soldiers think and only then shoot and not the other way around."

Regarding the former Military-Advocate-General, Sharon Afek, Gottlieb points out that today he serves as the deputy ombudsman for legislative affairs. "That means that as a member of the Knesset I should receive advice from him as a radical leftist who comes from the creative house of Talia Sasson [New Israek Fund], he is the one who will give me advice on legislative matters... No thanks, I am no less talented than he is and no less skilled than he is. I have no intention of helping him, but you have to understand "This is a prosecutor who, as chief military prosecutor, among other things, made the lives of the settlers difficult, and I want to know what elements of strictness there were as part of the procedure for opening fire during his time. We as citizens deserve an account for this," she says, and as mentioned believes that it is right to establish a commission of inquiry that will examine the issue in depth.

"I want a soldier who is in the S.G. [army base guard] to know that he has no reason to fear prosecution if he shoots. Self-defense is the basis of the IDF's existence, just like during the Raful era. A terrorist will know that his blood is on his mind if he approaches and that every soldier will know that he will receive complete backing as he protects his own life and all of our lives."
Regarding the claim made by her opponents that things cannot be left to the judgment of each soldier at the end, and that these things can lead to mistakes and malfunctions, Attorney Gottlieb says that she rejects the claim completely. theirs, so enough talking to me about faults. I prefer hundreds of failures and not the loss of the life of one of my soldiers."

"The IDF produces excellent, skilled, trained, brave and professional soldiers who know how to function in real time and I am not ready for us to interfere in their considerations in real time. The backing for the soldiers should be absolute." Gottlieb also emphasizes that "checking for faults should be internal only because externalization damages the strength and status of the IDF. We must remember that we face a primitive and cruel enemy who uses our personal criticism as propaganda to our detriment. They see it as a weakness.
Against such a cruel enemy one must not show any weakness... we are obliged to protect ourselves, our country and our soldiers. I prefer a mishap to one hair from a soldier's head, and let it be clear, we are not putting untrained soldiers, but trained and excellent combat soldiers."

In order to understand the mindset of the enemy, says Gottlieb, we must also hear what the Palestinians say in the videos they distribute and not just see the pictures. "They say there, 'Khaybar Khaybar Ya Yahud', and for those who don't understand the meaning I will explain, they talk about how when Muhammad wanted the Jews to convert to Islam he gave them peace until he massacred them, and that is what Arafat said he would do. They keep us quiet to hurt us. Abd thus is what Arafat said gecwill do. Then, well, 'if one comes to kill you, so rise up and kill him.-

Regarding what she can do as a member of the Knesset in this direction, Gottlieb says that she expects every member of the Knesset to act without sacred cows because "I am committed to the citizens and to this country. I want to get explanations, I want to see the instructions, who developed them and who signed them. In the world of law I learned the cosmetics to stretch opinions to every possible extreme with the same pomposity, and therefore I want to know what is at the basis of this thing. We have an excellent army and we need to make sure that it has the opportunity to act correctly at any given moment without fear of investigations and prosecution."


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Reader comments (74) on this item

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