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Reader comment on item: Pope Benedict XVI and the Koran
in response to reader comment: you are absolutely right

Submitted by Sohail (United Kingdom), Nov 24, 2006 at 09:35

Fatima you said the follwoing:

i saw the hatred in the quran andlove in the bible.

i dont think anyone can prove that love wrong.

Show me where in the Bible is there love and where in the Quran is they hate.


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Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (1097) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Great amount of information. [12 words]BazoongaJan 23, 2020 06:34257416
1Double standards [93 words]GrevalAug 12, 2016 11:03231336
5God is a Loving and Just, Really? [201 words]RobertAug 26, 2014 11:35217432
5God Loving and Just, Really? [237 words]RobertSep 6, 2014 22:18217432
guidance [158 words]truthOct 11, 2014 07:49217432
Struggling with life [149 words]RichJJun 16, 2015 12:36217432
2Fulfillment After Death? Wishful Thinking. [233 words]RobertJun 18, 2015 08:06217432
1Free Will or Robots [91 words]RichJJun 22, 2015 08:50217432
LIfe after death? [80 words]RobertJun 25, 2015 15:37217432
2Evil Proves No God? [146 words]RichJJul 3, 2015 12:12217432
God and Evil in the World [378 words]RobertJul 8, 2015 15:03217432
32The Holy Quran has all answers: [97 words]MdShafiqMJun 24, 2012 11:17196636
11Victims of Arabian imperialism and islam is the religion of the arabs only [180 words]dhimmi no moreJun 24, 2012 17:51196636
21IDIOTS, PAID TO WRITE ...? [173 words]M sJun 26, 2012 01:27196636
19Yes Kuran said so [31 words]PrashantJun 26, 2012 02:13196636
7Meltdown Muslim style [435 words]dhimmi no moreJun 28, 2012 16:54196636
4Victims of Arabian imperialism and islam is the religion of the arabs only [124 words]dhimmi no moreJun 28, 2012 17:04196636
4Allah and us kuffar [184 words]dhimmi no moreJun 29, 2012 06:31196636
3Indian Muslims and Pakistanis in the land of the wahhabis [193 words]dhimmi no moreJun 29, 2012 06:39196636
4Islam is the religion of the Arabs only and our dear Md ain't no Arab [164 words]dhimmi no moreJun 29, 2012 06:48196636
3More questions for our dear Md or is it M s [239 words]dhimmi no moreJun 30, 2012 13:30196636
2Our dear M s is saying that he is the son of Allah! [96 words]dhimmi no moreJun 30, 2012 13:33196636
1Our dear M s aka Md is saying that islam was spread by conquest and violence and as if we did not know [94 words]dhimmi no moreJun 30, 2012 13:38196636
11venting [179 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJul 2, 2012 02:53196636
12The Hindu Genocide [128 words]dhimmi no moreJul 3, 2012 14:14196636
2Our dear Mdshafiq disagrees with his Allah and time to tell the wahhabis [200 words]dhimmi no moreJul 3, 2012 14:23196636
2do not be tempted [96 words]a christian arabAug 2, 2012 12:01196636
2Prophet Muhammad taught conquest of self and ego not what some imagine. [375 words]DavidAug 18, 2014 10:02196636
2We believe in the same God. [300 words]SisterSep 20, 2015 17:21196636
1Research research research. [131 words]SisterSep 20, 2015 17:37196636
explanation of the arabic aya [43 words]arabJul 5, 2016 12:15196636
3Quran 14:4 says Islam is the religion of the Hijazi Arabs only and our dear arab does not like it [239 words]dhimmi no moreJul 9, 2016 05:57196636
2Allah's purpose can never be subverted [99 words]Zara GemMar 23, 2018 14:31196636
Real Gems from our dear Zara Gem! [477 words]dhimmi no moreMar 24, 2018 07:24196636
Logical advice to reader Zara Gem [199 words]PrashantMar 24, 2018 11:29196636
20ALLAH reveals in the Holy Quran: [88 words]MdShafiqMJun 24, 2012 11:09196635
2Music in islam read and laugh [69 words]dhimmi no moreJun 29, 2012 06:24196635
1What happens to a person that gets someone to convert [107 words]confusedJan 11, 2009 03:40147717
1Reply to CONFUSED's What Happens ? [38 words]Stuart ParsonsMay 5, 2009 19:36147717
3What is Islam Really about (for people who use their minds , not their hearts) [110 words]I Love Jesus Because I'm MUSLIMMay 27, 2009 21:35147717
2Do You Have Proof That There Is Brain In Your Head? [76 words]Not-ConfusedJan 22, 2010 10:28147717
6Koran HAS been CHANGED [136 words]Emily WatsonJun 27, 2012 11:24147717
Tradition is not Truth. [98 words]robertFeb 10, 2008 04:02119876
inspired [33 words]REndrean templeMar 10, 2008 19:59119876
4I have a question for the whole Islamic world [425 words]DillahDec 19, 2007 16:28116541
4Re: I have question for whole islamic world [120 words]Rashid hussainApr 30, 2008 06:28116541
1Regarding Dillah's Question [42 words]ShoSep 11, 2008 23:55116541
3wrong! [209 words]BobDec 12, 2008 22:21116541
The basic problem is the killing, theft and expulsion of Palestinians [361 words]to Bob (Lebanon)Dec 30, 2008 16:19116541
3Honesty is the beginnning of peace [197 words]Rashid hussain (Australia),Dec 30, 2008 17:00116541
1Yes..Israel is mentioned!! [168 words]imadOct 18, 2009 05:41116541
2imad....I believe you missed the point [292 words]DillahNov 11, 2009 18:46116541
Why a messiah..at all? [134 words]DaveMar 31, 2012 12:20116541
In response to Rashid hussain [83 words]DillahApr 3, 2012 14:20116541
In Quran it is stated that Diaspora is the fate of jews, [36 words]GrevelAug 12, 2016 05:11116541
2Answer to the reasons explained by Daniel Pipes [361 words]mohammad waqasAug 7, 2007 09:29105617
1tell it to cair [42 words]coldjointDec 19, 2007 22:54105617
1New Testament says mohammad waqas is wrong about 'knowlegable Christians' [395 words]DillahJan 14, 2008 14:42105617
2answer to Dillah (United States) statements [1101 words]mohammad waqas rajaJan 15, 2008 02:42105617
1response to mohammad waqas raja [392 words]DillahJan 16, 2008 20:06105617
1few words for Dillah (United States) [250 words]Mohammad WaqasJan 21, 2008 00:44105617
1Try for Peace [590 words]Mohammad WaqasJan 22, 2008 04:16105617
3some answers to you my friend [682 words]Mohammad WaqasJan 23, 2008 03:44105617
3Response to Mohammad Waqas [695 words]DillahJan 25, 2008 23:31105617
3Islam is not a race [79 words]mmsMar 31, 2008 18:16105617
2Mohammed had 12 wives, one just a 9 year old baby [89 words]TRUTHJul 18, 2008 07:07105617
2Answer to the allegation by the indian friend [585 words]mohammad waqasAug 4, 2008 04:53105617
1Yes, Muhammad married Aisha when she was 6 years old [100 words]Joe PriceDec 27, 2008 13:54105617
Why is it said by Islam... "Jesus (peace be upon him)?" [1480 words]mohammad waqas rajaDec 30, 2008 17:39105617
In response to Mohammad Waqas (Pakistan) [995 words]DillahDec 30, 2008 18:39105617
3The Qur'an is the word of MUHAMMAD not Allah [137 words]Stuart ParsonsMay 4, 2009 12:05105617
5Quran is the only ture and complete Word of God that Exist in the current world [831 words]Mohammad Waqas RajaMay 7, 2009 00:28105617
1Reply to Mohammad Waqas Raja From Stuart Parsons [494 words]Stuart ParsonsMay 8, 2009 20:30105617
3Manners and Faultless life of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) [4258 words]Mohammad Waqas RajaMay 11, 2009 03:19105617
1Mohammed had 12 wives, one just a 9 year old baby [89 words]Mansoor_aliMay 17, 2009 18:47105617
2"Manners and faultless life of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)" a response [2183 words]Lactantius Jr.May 21, 2009 10:18105617
4reply to Unauthentic views of Lactantius Jr. (United Kingdom [181 words]mohammad waqas rajaMay 23, 2009 02:54105617
2Authentic views of Muhammad [196 words]Lactantius JrMay 24, 2009 12:04105617
26Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Old Testament [1273 words]Mohammad Waqas RajaMay 26, 2009 00:27105617
4Quran the final word of God Almighty [1002 words]mohammad waqas rajaMay 26, 2009 00:31105617
4"Qur'an the final word of God Almighty," a response [1597 words]Lactantius JrMay 27, 2009 17:14105617
3Are there Biblical Prophecies about Muhammad? No and Yes [5016 words]Lactantius JrMay 28, 2009 09:27105617
28Is Muhammad prophesied in the Bible? No and yes [5012 words]Lactantius JrMay 30, 2009 14:10105617
1be a wise man [87 words]islah-ur khanMay 31, 2009 15:52105617
17Claims for Muhammad in the Old Testament, true or false? you be the judge [1671 words]Lactantius JrJun 1, 2009 18:34105617
7"Old Testament prophecy fulfilled in Jesus Christ; the fascinating future" [3225 words]Lactantius JrJun 2, 2009 15:32105617
are human beings only "nothing butteries?" [221 words]Lactantius JrJun 3, 2009 05:19105617
3SCIENTIFIC COMPARISION BETWEEN QUR'AN AND BIBLE reply to Lactantius Jr (United Kingdom) [1557 words]Mohammad Waqas RajaJun 4, 2009 00:00105617
the Right interpretation of concept of God in Cristianity and the status of Jesus (pbuh) [1226 words]Mohammad Waqas RajaJun 4, 2009 00:20105617
3Where does the sun set? [619 words]Lactantius JrJun 4, 2009 02:47105617
3The "Scientific Miracle" of the Qur'an [1011 words]Lactantius JrJun 7, 2009 11:53105617
2"Jesus very clearly says and shows Who He is" [5648 words]Lactantius JrJun 7, 2009 18:53105617
1RE:Mohammed had 12 wives [128 words]ashJul 7, 2009 10:44105617
Respond to Lactantius Jr. [364 words]ALiSep 9, 2009 02:02105617
1"The Scientific Miracle of the Qur'an" continued [881 words]Lactantius JrSep 10, 2009 15:24105617
well.. [144 words]ImadOct 18, 2009 04:48105617
1Mohammed is not GOD [291 words]imadOct 18, 2009 06:22105617
Thank you [20 words]ChrisNov 5, 2009 12:34105617
why would he [102 words]joey guyNov 5, 2009 20:07105617
1Reply to Muhammad Rizwan Talib [248 words]Stuart ParsonsJan 23, 2010 17:45105617
Mohammad [122 words]studunstFeb 10, 2010 22:02105617
2MOHAMEDIM not MACHMAD [87 words]DAWUDApr 10, 2010 01:10105617
"I rest my case" [989 words]Lactantius Jr.Apr 11, 2010 06:58105617
mohammed [47 words]TerryAug 12, 2010 22:00105617
that's not the way it work [449 words]aishaSep 17, 2010 02:23105617
U R KIDDING?!! [277 words]IbrahimDec 16, 2010 05:19105617
No Kidding!! [2770 words]Lactantius JrDec 20, 2010 20:05105617
2Prophet Muhammad in the Old Testament [65 words]ArianitAug 5, 2011 17:35105617
what is your evidence? [61 words]saraAug 5, 2011 19:23105617
When read more carefully [41 words]UgriAug 6, 2011 10:08105617
2"True and False Prophets" [1568 words]Lactantius JrAug 6, 2011 15:32105617
Truth about Muhammad last wife [363 words]AliFeb 11, 2012 23:51105617
Wasaf response [269 words]WaterbearerApr 17, 2012 01:05105617
revisiting the term "Paraclete" in John's gospel [2529 words]Lactantius JrJun 5, 2012 16:06105617
Quran the word of God [142 words]I love PEACE...Jun 19, 2012 17:42105617
Please choose life in Jesus' Name [459 words]Lactantius JrJun 20, 2012 03:07105617
2Another victim of Arabian imperialism and Islam [249 words]dhimmi no moreJun 21, 2012 08:14105617
God has power over his creation [317 words]I love peace :-)Jun 22, 2012 02:02105617
2Victims of Arabian imperialism and islam is the religion of the arabs only part two [1525 words]dhimmi no moreJun 23, 2012 07:28105617
Was Islam really spread by peaceful preaching? [2723 words]Lactantius JrJun 23, 2012 15:23105617
1Islam indeed was spread by violence and this time crimes against our cultural human heritage [121 words]dhimmi no moreJun 24, 2012 09:57105617
"machmad" correct translation? [95 words]Mark ChetkinSep 18, 2012 01:48105617
Deciphering prophecies correctly [681 words]EbrahimNov 23, 2012 09:58105617
10Machmad and "Muhammad foretold in the Bible" [1635 words]Lactantius JrJan 1, 2013 17:41105617
misinterpretation of sunset [584 words]believerJan 3, 2013 20:39105617
this two verses are 100% refers to Mohammed [114 words]ahmedFeb 15, 2013 23:58105617
1Teaching one tablighee at a time [677 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 17, 2013 07:39105617
1One more victim [684 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 18, 2013 10:49105617
6Prophecy, the Servant of God [324 words]submitJul 10, 2013 03:35105617
Who are you talking about? Have you learn Muhammad from the right source? [98 words]T. J.Dec 20, 2013 06:12105617
2But the Bible is a corrupted book our dear TJ right? [280 words]dhimmi no moreDec 21, 2013 15:43105617
Muhammad Prophet of God [282 words]JeffMar 20, 2014 03:22105617
islam is only religion acceptable to Allah and god also. [191 words]aymul haqApr 27, 2014 23:01105617
NOT muhammed [160 words]BillMay 25, 2014 21:58105617
1To reject Muhammad is to reject Christ [656 words]DavidAug 13, 2014 10:10105617
1Thank You [352 words]DavidAug 14, 2014 22:21105617
No, he did not. [238 words]Nazeem AliOct 9, 2014 12:36105617
1What a bunch of quotes [234 words]PrashantOct 14, 2014 04:12105617
Enlighten yourself and distance from those who are leading you to hell [26 words]Syed AbbasNov 1, 2014 11:05105617
Challenge [349 words]AnnaMay 18, 2015 22:58105617
Prophet Muhammad wives [328 words]haseebOct 23, 2015 07:46105617
Well said [5 words]John LaneNov 30, 2015 20:15105617
Proof of Coming Prophet Mohammad: [5 words]lizaJan 7, 2016 08:34105617
Jesus Christ, Prophet, Priest and King [856 words]Lactantius Jr.Jan 11, 2016 07:05105617
Biological age for sex. [114 words]GrevalAug 12, 2016 06:40105617
The impact of indoctrination on the human mind [36 words]GrevalAug 12, 2016 07:31105617
Inaccuracies [43 words]TealSep 3, 2016 05:27105617
7Muhammad and his lap dancing with Khadija [973 words]LACTANTIUS Jr.Sep 5, 2016 16:55105617
1But the OT and NT are corrupted books Why do you quote corrupted books our dear Teal? [184 words]dhimmi no moreSep 7, 2016 17:09105617
AREN'T CATHOLICS CHRISTIANS [61 words]F WILMOTOct 4, 2016 22:09105617
"Unity without truth is useless" [582 words]Lactantius JrOct 8, 2016 17:04105617
1'GOD' is a figment of an active imagination and does not exist [196 words]Jay de SilvaMay 1, 2017 22:44105617
Your [204 words]TruthWFreeJun 27, 2017 15:26105617
1Thank you [398 words]Lactantius Jr.Jul 3, 2017 15:41105617
God Bless [134 words]TruthWFreeJul 5, 2017 09:31105617
Support [14 words]IgnatiusJun 6, 2021 17:05105617
Muhammad P.B.U.H never ask to hate any one [333 words]A_believerJun 21, 2007 03:5599911
Islam Society Superior? Not according the UN! [81 words]Guy MacherMay 11, 2008 18:4799911
you are absolutely right [31 words]fatimaNov 22, 2006 16:0866992
To Fatima With love [1007 words]Lactantius Jr.Nov 23, 2006 05:4066992
Fatima [43 words]SohailNov 24, 2006 09:3566992
To Sohail [75 words]PlutoNov 26, 2006 08:0366992
Pluto [11 words]SohailNov 28, 2006 09:4166992
To Sohail [120 words]Plato (Pluto was a typo)Nov 28, 2006 20:3466992
To Sohail and Plato, what do the Bible and Qur'an say about violence? [804 words]Lactantius Jr.Nov 29, 2006 18:2366992
Dig deeper for the reasons [25 words]muslimNov 30, 2006 09:3666992
1To Muslim [171 words]PlatoNov 30, 2006 22:0766992
To Lactantius Jr - the magic of "LOGIC" [918 words]PlatoDec 1, 2006 01:2666992
Lactantius Jr, Pluto [22 words]SohailDec 1, 2006 09:2066992
There is always time for biblical God to hate/abhor/drive out/destroy [304 words]Syed KasimJan 3, 2007 01:2966992
To Fatima [221 words]JohnFeb 10, 2007 15:0866992
Sohil [19 words]MasudJun 19, 2007 10:0666992
i think fatima you are wrong [335 words]mohammad waqas rajaJan 16, 2008 02:5366992
Christians and Muslims... get a Life! There is enough Land for both of you! [827 words]Digita7Voic3May 12, 2008 18:0266992
reply about your thinking [485 words]mohammad WaqasMay 14, 2008 01:0766992
to Sohail [18 words]GrevelAug 12, 2016 06:0466992
Qur'an and Science [148 words]Raqib Ahmed AsifNov 1, 2006 12:0064999
1To Raqib, "Qur'an and Science" [3157 words]Lactantius Jr.Nov 2, 2006 09:5364999
Qur'an and Science [276 words]Raqib Ahmed ASifNov 3, 2006 23:0264999
To Raqib, "science in the Qur'an" continued [1046 words]Lactantius Jr.Nov 5, 2006 18:2164999
Qur'an and Science [494 words]Raqib Ahmed AsifNov 9, 2006 12:3664999
To Raqib "Science in the Qur'an" continued [1433 words]Lactantius JrNov 10, 2006 10:5064999
A small assurance [25 words]muslimNov 11, 2006 12:0564999
Raqib's (Copernicus') heliocentric theory in the Koran! [785 words]PlatoNov 30, 2006 14:1464999
To Plato [316 words]Raqib Ahmed AsifDec 1, 2006 23:3964999
To Raqib: Koran demonstrates Islam is only for Arabs & reading science into and not from Koran [991 words]PlatoDec 3, 2006 02:5264999
1Council of Nicaea, the Bible and Gospel Truth [1314 words]Lactantius Jr.Dec 4, 2006 12:2264999
There is NO SCIENCE in the Qu'ran [800 words]franDec 4, 2006 16:0364999
1Nicaea, The Bible and the GOB ("Gospel of Barnabas") [1506 words]Lactantius JrDec 5, 2006 11:5864999
To Muslim and Raqib about scientific miracles in the Koran [100 words]PlatoDec 10, 2006 03:2664999
Keep your comments to me [39 words]muslimDec 11, 2006 08:1264999
2Who else was the comment for? [333 words]PlatoDec 13, 2006 05:2164999
1not "kept unmolested" Raqib [399 words]Lactantius Jr.Dec 13, 2006 11:3364999
Reply to Lactantius [379 words]Raqib Ahmed AsifDec 14, 2006 12:5364999
1let's get real Raqib [2972 words]Lactantius Jr.Dec 16, 2006 19:2364999
To Lactantius [589 words]Raqib Ahmed AsifDec 18, 2006 11:5164999
1To Raqib about "unmolested" Koran [847 words]PlatoDec 19, 2006 02:3764999
The Holy Bible was revealed by God in HEBREW. [50 words]MosheDec 19, 2006 04:4264999
Reply to Raqib's reply to Lactantius: Re Holy wars, Jewish tribes, massacre of Muslims [1381 words]PlatoDec 19, 2006 09:3864999
To Brother Plato [279 words]Raqib Ahmed AsifDec 19, 2006 12:1364999
let's get real and deal with the unfinished business Raqib [362 words]Lactantius JrDec 19, 2006 12:1364999
Reply to Raqib's reply to Lactantius [1383 words]PlatoDec 22, 2006 02:0264999
A reply [135 words]Raqib Ahmed AsifDec 22, 2006 06:5664999
Fact not self beleive [618 words]Raqib Ahmed AsifDec 22, 2006 13:3264999
To Raqib regarding "?" , hatred, and science. [1525 words]PlatoDec 23, 2006 01:5964999
To Raqib about Banu Quraiza mostly [1195 words]PlatoDec 23, 2006 05:2664999
To Raqib: continuation of reply, French school teaching etc. [1743 words]PlatoDec 23, 2006 05:5964999
God and his languages [66 words]PlatoDec 23, 2006 06:1264999
Where is Muslim [17 words]PlatoDec 23, 2006 10:5564999
"The Business is still unfinished Raqib" [384 words]Lactantius Jr.Dec 23, 2006 18:1364999
For these guys the whole world is intelligible only in Arabic [35 words]MosheDec 24, 2006 04:2164999
1Plato, you must be kidding. [79 words]MosheDec 24, 2006 04:5264999
Raqib, here is the answer to your accusations. [283 words]MosheDec 24, 2006 06:4064999
To Moshe: Not kidding. We need to plug away [301 words]PlatoDec 25, 2006 00:4364999
1To Moshe [447 words]Raqib Ahmed AsifDec 25, 2006 01:1564999
To Raqib about what is tiresome [1244 words]PlatoDec 25, 2006 04:3964999
To Raqiq: Why no reply forthcoming [757 words]PlatoDec 26, 2006 04:1164999
To Br. Raqib about answer to Moshe [656 words]PlatoDec 26, 2006 04:2864999
Raqib, I have a few questions. [842 words]MosheDec 26, 2006 17:1064999
To Plato, re: Palestinian "anomaly". [914 words]MosheDec 27, 2006 13:0064999
For Moshe [520 words]Raqib Ahmed AsifDec 29, 2006 22:0264999
Raqib, where are you? [83 words]MosheDec 30, 2006 16:2264999
To Raqib, re. "my hatred of Muslims".(?) [278 words]MosheJan 2, 2007 04:2464999
Brother Raqib, could you please answer at least some of my questions? [417 words]MosheJan 2, 2007 06:0664999
Reply to Moshe [563 words]Raqib Ahmed AsifJan 3, 2007 13:0764999
Brother Raqib, I give up. [88 words]MosheJan 4, 2007 11:3064999
Brother Moshe, lets discuss. [279 words]Raqib Ahmed AsifJan 5, 2007 06:4264999
For raqib and Science in the Qur'an! How did I miss this little gem? [344 words]dhimmi no moreJan 5, 2007 07:0564999
For Raqib and the big bang in the Qur'an! [125 words]dhimmi no moreJan 7, 2007 18:1964999
You got evidence? [35 words]Ibrahim AliJan 12, 2007 08:0564999
1For Ibrahim Ali and the big bang theory! [189 words]dhimmi no moreJan 13, 2007 08:2764999
To Plato: Better late than never > I guess :P [273 words]muslimJan 13, 2007 16:0764999
To Muslim:Re better late than never [582 words]PlatoJan 14, 2007 06:1864999
dhimmi [10 words]Ibrahim AliJan 14, 2007 08:1564999
For Ibrahim Ali and the big bang theory in the Qur'an and the ancient Egyptian religion! [320 words]dhimmi no moreJan 15, 2007 06:5164999
For Muslim and tafsir and why created the creator! [561 words]dhimmi no moreJan 16, 2007 08:0464999
To dhimmi no more [145 words]muslimJan 18, 2007 13:0964999
To Muslim on preaching [327 words]PlatoJan 20, 2007 04:4064999
For Muslim and tafsir and who created the creator part deux [118 words]dhimmi no moreJan 20, 2007 16:4864999
To dhimmi no more and Plato [104 words]muslimJan 21, 2007 11:3664999
For Muslim and Islam is the religion of the Arabs only [82 words]dhimmi no moreJan 22, 2007 06:5664999
reproduction [51 words]AmeenJan 22, 2007 13:4364999
To dhimmi no more [138 words]muslimJan 23, 2007 04:2064999
For Muslim and Islam is the religion of the Arabs only part deux! [106 words]dhimmi no moreJan 23, 2007 17:4464999
"Reproduction thoroughly explained by Koran" [136 words]Lactantius Jr.Jan 23, 2007 18:0064999
To Ameen on reproduction [71 words]PlatoJan 24, 2007 03:4164999
To Muslim on Islam is for all [425 words]PlatoJan 24, 2007 07:2464999
To dhimmi no more: The END [102 words]muslimJan 24, 2007 14:0864999
For Muslim and Islam is the religion of the Arabs only part trois! [184 words]dhimmi no moreJan 25, 2007 07:3964999
"recommended books for Ameen" [321 words]Lactantius Jr.Jan 25, 2007 19:0664999
"online resources for Ameen" [213 words]Lactantius Jr.Jan 30, 2007 14:3764999
Why Muslims Fail [326 words]WilliamFeb 26, 2007 20:4764999
Science and the Quran??? [283 words]forgivenJun 22, 2007 08:5864999
To Forgiven [309 words]Raqib Ahmed AsifJun 23, 2007 12:0464999
1Is there any Muslim that can debate the topic at hand. [145 words]forgivenJun 25, 2007 06:3864999
Moshe, you are wasting your time with Raqib or any other Muslim. [336 words]forgivenJun 26, 2007 02:2464999
I challenge any Muslim in the name of your Allah to response to me [179 words]forgivenJun 26, 2007 02:3664999
To forgiven [94 words]Raqib Ahmed AsifJun 26, 2007 04:0764999
Raqib! [69 words]ForgivenJun 27, 2007 06:3964999
For Mr. Forgiven [93 words]Raqib Ahmed AsifJun 28, 2007 06:3264999
Here are the real reasons [1838 words]truth-tellerOct 18, 2008 10:0564999
Correction to the translation [138 words]MohammadJul 11, 2009 06:3664999
Slight mistake [40 words]TheRationalizerMar 18, 2010 07:1664999
Cutting down trees [41 words]GrevalAug 12, 2016 07:0164999
Cutting down trees [41 words]GrevalAug 12, 2016 07:0164999
I would like to know the Verses on cutting down trees [41 words]GrevalAug 12, 2016 07:0264999
Islam and peace, islam and modernisation [472 words]Ahmad NazemSep 25, 2006 11:0957458
"Mistakes" [1258 words]Lactantius Jr (Sep 26, 2006 07:3857458
Salvation [346 words]KarwanSep 27, 2006 03:0757458
Which Way Will You Go? [1891 words]Lactantius Jr.Sep 28, 2006 17:3157458
clarification! [94 words]the truthMay 4, 2009 19:2457458
"Excluded" [74 words]Lactantius JrMay 9, 2009 05:0857458
excluded [14 words]The truthMay 12, 2009 03:3557458
52"Why can't God forgive sin without the need for a sacrifice?" [2402 words]Lactantius JrMay 20, 2009 12:1457458
1Great Article [35 words]DavidJan 7, 2010 17:1757458
Why sacrifice necessary [47 words]Lynn BerntsonMar 5, 2010 23:2457458
3"Why sacrifice is necessary to atone for sin" [319 words]Lactantius JrMar 6, 2010 15:5357458
Poorly Argued Case for Forgiveness [546 words]AlexanderAug 12, 2010 17:5957458
3"Foolishness to the Greeks" [298 words]Lactantius JrAug 14, 2010 06:5257458
Mmmmm [71 words]lynApr 9, 2012 19:5157458
this is perfect [9 words]Eric ShullNov 16, 2013 02:4457458
I concur [49 words]Jesse OsterlingDec 9, 2013 13:1857458
SIN Sacrifices [26 words]ConstanceMay 12, 2014 18:2157458
1Excellent Explanation [120 words]calvin basaSep 19, 2015 19:3457458
Sacrifices are some evil shift [114 words]RigoDec 29, 2015 00:4557458
I'm ransomed, healed, restored and forgiven by the Triune God [338 words]Lactantius JrJan 4, 2016 17:2357458
God DID and CAN forgive sin without a blood sacrifice! [18 words]StaciJan 17, 2016 20:1957458
Yahweh/Jehova's all-sufficient sacrifice, Jesus Christ the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world [3266 words]Lactantius JrJan 31, 2016 09:5757458
Human sacrifice disgusting to God and completely unacceptable [39 words]RHMar 21, 2016 07:5957458
The Forgivness with The Blood of the Lamb [22 words]Daniel GarciaJun 26, 2016 20:5857458
Jesus Christ the sinner's all-sufficient Saviour [140 words]Lactantius JrJun 30, 2016 16:1757458
adam [24 words]MICHAEL JONESJul 9, 2018 15:2457458
Choices have consequences [297 words]Lactantius Jr.Jul 9, 2018 17:1957458
"God cant forgive sin without a sacrifice" [18 words]william biscornerDec 19, 2018 13:4557458
All complete man-made BS. YHWH forgives sin all the time, what is required is sincere repentance.. [91 words]John (Yochannan) WilliamJun 10, 2020 17:5257458
Islam and the world... [681 words]Mahmoud HayatSep 20, 2006 19:2156713
religion and peace [139 words]Jebus AllahSep 21, 2006 16:4756713
Islam means "peace" really? [469 words]Lactantius Jr.Sep 22, 2006 08:3156713
To Jebus Allah, regarding the comment on my comment... [105 words]Mahmoud HayatSep 22, 2006 18:2756713
Islam is the religion of easiness not intolerance [278 words]muslimSep 23, 2006 05:2856713
1No, they are not the same God at all [1286 words]Lactantius JrSep 25, 2006 11:1556713
just for thought [72 words]observeSep 25, 2006 22:4656713
Your God is Of course not the same God as Ours [139 words]observerSep 26, 2006 00:1156713
In reply to observer [1049 words]RajeshSep 27, 2006 00:4556713
1Strength in Weakness [688 words]Lactantius JrSep 27, 2006 06:3256713
ISLAM,A MERCY TO MANKIND. [245 words]Hafiz AHMEDOct 6, 2006 08:1656713
20A Tale Of Two Halves: Meccan Islam vs.Medinan Islam [635 words]Lactantius Jr.Oct 10, 2006 13:2156713
Clearing a mis-understanding [371 words]Hafiz AHMEDOct 15, 2006 08:4856713
1Misunderstanding cleared, thank you [900 words]Lactantius JrOct 15, 2006 18:2656713
AN article [510 words]Hafiz AHMEDOct 18, 2006 09:5856713
Muhammad The Sinner and where sure and certain salvation is found [514 words]Lactantius Jr.Oct 21, 2006 09:2356713
To Lactantius [296 words]Hafiz AHMEDOct 22, 2006 07:1556713
Forgiveness and certainty of salvation [1015 words]Lactantius JrOct 23, 2006 10:0256713
Is there "science in the Qur'an?" [322 words]Lactantius Jr.Oct 25, 2006 08:5656713
To Lactantius [183 words]HafizOct 28, 2006 04:1156713
To Lactantius [291 words]Hafiz AhmedOct 28, 2006 04:3056713
Sure and certain salvation in Jesus Christ, the sinner's all-sufficient Saviour [2454 words]Lactantius JrOct 30, 2006 16:3956713
The claim for "Science in the Qur'an" [2133 words]Lactantius Jr.Oct 31, 2006 09:3556713
1Islam means "peace" really? revisited [413 words]Lactantius Jr.Nov 29, 2006 07:3956713
I stand by what I said [69 words]muslimNov 30, 2006 09:2956713
Muslim stand by what you said. [187 words]PlatoDec 25, 2006 11:1756713
Hatred [47 words]Syed HussainFeb 28, 2007 23:1656713
really? [14 words]timMar 27, 2007 15:3056713
peep deep [88 words]atulApr 2, 2007 18:5356713
A mercy to mankind [57 words]Tim CoyneApr 16, 2008 16:2756713
david ..solomon [19 words]timMay 12, 2009 08:3656713
Meaning of the word Islam [58 words]GrevalAug 12, 2016 08:1956713
Religion of Peace The Medina verses ??? [5 words]GrevalAug 12, 2016 09:4256713
The Medina verses are about plunder and murder by a band of brigands [5 words]GrevalAug 12, 2016 09:4356713
A small correction [116 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
muslimSep 20, 2006 12:2556686
CATHOLICS are NO DIFFERENT [107 words]c. cartwrightSep 18, 2006 17:1056387
Catholicism completely different than Islam [201 words]Michael KocianSep 19, 2006 18:3856387
Interesting that those criticizing Pope Benedict don't even know what he was saying [231 words]Michael KocianSep 19, 2006 19:0256387
Popes Comments [111 words]James CartwrightSep 20, 2006 08:5556387
Let's be straight about this... up is not down, and left is not right. [323 words]Michael KocianSep 18, 2006 16:0556378
Christian is False, Islam is Right [936 words]A NizamiSep 18, 2006 02:0856321
That is realy the Truth [128 words]Javed AkhtarSep 18, 2006 17:1356321
Wow... Lets talk about a worthless diatride [124 words]Lin QiuShanSep 18, 2006 22:3456321
Islam has corrected nothing... [1108 words]RajeshSep 19, 2006 02:2956321
If you have to lie, you really don't have the truth, do you? [186 words]Michael KocianSep 21, 2006 10:5056321
3why jesus and not mohammed [436 words]jardelleOct 7, 2006 08:2356321
if you have to lie you dont have the truth do you. [106 words]peterOct 7, 2006 08:3956321
Jesus is not a God [609 words]Agus NizamiOct 9, 2006 00:1756321
Islam is Blasphemy [108 words]Michael KocianJan 10, 2007 14:0856321
Why not both [90 words]AliaDec 16, 2007 01:1856321
non conformist Islamist [138 words]RicardoSep 17, 2006 21:3656302
Islam - A Dead Religion- No change No Life [143 words]ismail KhanSep 13, 2006 07:1155798
US will do what muslims dont want to do [66 words]Javed AkhtarSep 15, 2006 07:1355798
Islam is the saviour of human civilization [199 words]Taj Wali KhanSep 15, 2006 16:2655798
Muslims peaceful? [68 words]paul BarnesSep 16, 2006 19:3255798
Lisa your all class. [26 words]The truthSep 17, 2006 23:4455798
ISLAM? [14 words]VilledaNov 21, 2010 21:1255798
Flush all the Holy Books [120 words]Holy Book FlusherJun 2, 2006 14:0546931
Flusher, [68 words]SaladinJun 4, 2006 07:2946931
See what Taha said and after that comment, argue or talk. [36 words]AbubakerJul 29, 2006 06:4846931
ignorance needs a reply. for the truth always has an explanation. [274 words]resistanceAug 19, 2006 06:5646931
i read the bio on mahmoud muhammed taha, this is what it made me think [312 words]josephSep 14, 2006 23:5046931
To Saladin [52 words]LisaMay 25, 2006 16:2746405
Jesus (PBUH) was a prophet not a rabbi [122 words]SaladinMay 27, 2006 10:3846405
to saladin [81 words]garySep 18, 2006 18:4846405
To Saldin: Jesus is the lamb of GOD who took away the sins of the world [451 words]LisaMay 23, 2006 22:1846246
To Lisa [79 words]SaladinMay 25, 2006 14:2146246
1Jesus is the lamb of God who took away the sins of the world [71 words]Paul BarnesSep 12, 2006 10:3946246
Similarity between Christians and Muslims [235 words]John BastileApr 25, 2006 12:4344110
Similarity between Christians and Muslims [131 words]Paul BarnesSep 12, 2006 10:5744110
1The actual muslim prayer is........... [212 words]Zedine LaiqSep 14, 2006 06:2144110
1Response to difference between Muslim and Christian prayer... [71 words]Reply to difference between Muslims and ChristianitySep 16, 2006 04:2044110
is Islam a peaceful religion? [32 words]paul barnesSep 16, 2006 20:0044110
Islam is a Peaceful Religion...... [866 words]Zedine LaiqSep 17, 2006 07:3044110
The real prayer... [113 words]John of the CrossSep 18, 2006 18:1244110
Response to the origin of the word "Christianity" [59 words]RajeshSep 19, 2006 02:3844110
I'm not sure what you mean. [616 words]SandraSep 19, 2006 17:1744110
I mean Islam is really a Peaceful Religion...... [337 words]Zedine LaiqSep 20, 2006 14:5444110
I've got questions Zedine [727 words]Lactantius Jr.Dec 20, 2006 17:1444110
Reply (1) to your several questions [6841 words]ZedineJan 3, 2007 14:0844110
"The Whole truth, the plain truth and nothing but the truth" [569 words]Lactantius JrJan 4, 2007 18:4444110
"Can 'real' Muslims be terrorists?" [1096 words]Lactantius Jr.Jan 5, 2007 09:0744110
To Mr. Zedine about Muslim tolerance etc. [1964 words]PlatoJan 6, 2007 06:1244110
Here is my final reply to your questions [5472 words]ZedineJan 6, 2007 11:5544110
To Zedine about final reply - 1 [916 words]PlatoJan 7, 2007 23:3444110
To Zedine - continuation to your final reply - II [1162 words]PlatoJan 7, 2007 23:3644110
1Is the Islam of Muhammad peaceful and peaceloving? what do the Islamic sources say Zedine? [2083 words]Lactantius Jr.Jan 9, 2007 18:3544110
RE: Quran verse number is not quoted [38 words]GrevalAug 12, 2016 07:0644110
Lack of logical argument [250 words]GrevalAug 12, 2016 07:2444110
For Christians who think that cartoons are ok [72 words]tariqMar 21, 2006 11:1540920
Tariq, Bad Mouthing Christ And Christians Is Nothing New [54 words]AnneMApr 24, 2006 17:2240920
to AnneM [122 words]tariqApr 26, 2006 11:1540920
It Is Going To Suprise You That Six Nations In The Middle East Are Allowing "The DaVinci Code " Movie To Be Shown [104 words]AnneMMay 16, 2006 13:4740920
To AnneM [246 words]SaladinMay 18, 2006 02:0240920
Saladin, There Is A Very Big Difference [210 words]AnneMMay 20, 2006 09:2240920
Blood of Jesus [21 words]SaladinMay 21, 2006 04:0940920
why God forgives you... [70 words]NaomiAug 23, 2006 07:0140920
Naomi [81 words]SaladinAug 25, 2006 10:5040920
Why God forgives you. [33 words]Paul BarnesSep 12, 2006 11:0340920
Criticism of religion is paramount [139 words]CharlotteMay 2, 2007 01:0740920
This discussion board [161 words]JordanMar 13, 2006 13:3239955
jordan...i agree [65 words]ahmad zafireMar 13, 2006 19:3639955
I agree as well... [226 words]JoeMar 14, 2006 13:4839955
I concur too [25 words]jeffreybMar 14, 2006 15:1039955
i agree...jew, christian, islam [32 words]ahmad zafireMar 14, 2006 17:1439955
To Jeffrey: Koran is contrary to the Bible [62 words]Richard Lion heartMar 14, 2006 17:5339955
To lion heart [68 words]jeffreybMar 14, 2006 23:1839955
To lion heart [307 words]jeffreybMar 15, 2006 01:2939955
Lion Heart has really got a lion heart! [11 words]Octavio JohansonMar 15, 2006 04:2039955
to Jordan [471 words]tariqMar 15, 2006 07:5239955
Ten Commandments- There is the Truth for All to see! [190 words]AnswerThis!Mar 15, 2006 14:2139955
More TRUTH [484 words]jeffreybMar 15, 2006 15:1239955
Capital Punishment in the Bible, and Misinterpretation [516 words]JoeMar 15, 2006 16:3539955
The commanments of the Lord Jesus [287 words]Richard Lion heartMar 15, 2006 18:1239955
Re: Answer This! [172 words]jaleelMar 15, 2006 23:1639955
Hypocrisy? [89 words]jeffreybMar 16, 2006 19:0939955
To Jaleel [68 words]Richard Lion heartMar 16, 2006 19:2539955
lion heart [157 words]ahmad zafireMar 16, 2006 22:0139955
Jeffrey, thou shalt not kill in the name of allah [239 words]Richard Lion heartMar 17, 2006 15:5739955
to jeffreyb [71 words]tariqMar 18, 2006 07:4439955
to joe: Misinterpretation? [43 words]tariqMar 18, 2006 07:4939955
Huh? [178 words]JbarMar 18, 2006 11:3739955
To Jbar [80 words]jeffreybMar 18, 2006 18:0939955
To tariq [153 words]jeffreybMar 18, 2006 18:3339955
To Jbar: more about sin [209 words]jeffreybMar 18, 2006 19:2539955
Ahmad: Misinterpretations again [373 words]JoeMar 19, 2006 18:1539955
Jesus [308 words]JoeMar 20, 2006 15:1039955
Lion heart; Get educated [185 words]B. MustaphaMar 29, 2006 06:2639955
Joe; TRUE REPENTANCE is enough [145 words]B. MustaphaMar 29, 2006 07:0739955
Mustafa you need to learn history [161 words]Richard Lion heartMar 30, 2006 23:0839955
More Education Lion Heart [241 words]B. MustaphaMar 31, 2006 06:4439955
Mustapha you need a dictionary [424 words]Richard Lion heartMar 31, 2006 17:5439955
ahmad zafire's comment [95 words]old manApr 22, 2006 17:4639955
No Contradictions To Be Found In The Bible [33 words]AnneMApr 24, 2006 12:0439955
Bible and Koran [135 words]AnnApr 27, 2006 17:4439955
... [89 words]ZaraMay 7, 2006 12:3039955
thou haven't learned from our last encounter [7 words]SaladinMay 10, 2006 09:4039955
I defeated you Saladin the last time we met [14 words]Richard Lion heartMay 12, 2006 13:4239955
You wish! [163 words]SaladinMay 12, 2006 16:3439955
Let me correct you [125 words]Richard Lion heartMay 14, 2006 23:4739955
Ignorance of Christianity [151 words]Octavio JohansonMay 15, 2006 02:5139955
Truth of the matter [347 words]SaladinMay 15, 2006 10:4139955
Jesus...the man/the son of God... [307 words]LindseyJun 3, 2006 02:1639955
Lindsey, for there are three who bear record in the heaven... [14 words]SaladinJun 4, 2006 10:2039955
To Saladin [8 words]LindseyJun 8, 2006 12:0239955
Lindsey, Let me explain... [150 words]SaladinJun 9, 2006 00:2739955
The death of God [191 words]Calvin SmithAug 21, 2006 12:2539955
Ten Commandments-there is the truth for all to see [18 words]Paul BarnesSep 12, 2006 11:0739955
Questions [107 words]Paul BarnesSep 12, 2006 11:3539955
Split among Muslims [172 words]tttedisonSep 15, 2006 17:0139955
Is the God of Muslims a terrorist? [150 words]paul barnesSep 16, 2006 19:2039955
"if Jesus commanded it Muslims follow it" [133 words]Paul S. BarnesNov 28, 2006 12:2339955
100% right! [159 words]Muhammad FikriJan 17, 2007 00:2139955
ten commandments [128 words]RendreaMar 16, 2008 19:1739955
Please answer [70 words]JunaidJul 24, 2015 16:5939955
1Our dear Junaid from the failed state of Pakistan is asking for help! Mash'allah [576 words]dhimmi no moreJul 27, 2015 07:2039955
War is Deceit [320 words]GrevalAug 12, 2016 10:1739955
how all good muslims feel....not islamist there's a difference [346 words]ahmad zafireMar 5, 2006 21:0139010
To ahmad [31 words]jeffreybMar 6, 2006 01:1939010
I am with you [220 words]RichardSep 18, 2006 05:1339010
To Ahmad [18 words]LisaMar 4, 2006 22:4538925
lisa [278 words]ahmad zafireMar 6, 2006 02:3738925
Sorry for you Ahmad [206 words]LisaMar 6, 2006 16:5238925
To Zafire: A few question [108 words]Richard Lion heartMar 6, 2006 21:3038925
Please leave Ahmed alone! [64 words]B. MustaphaMar 7, 2006 06:5638925
lisa [91 words]ahmad zafireMar 7, 2006 07:5838925
lion heart [316 words]ahmad zafireMar 7, 2006 08:2138925
lisa [69 words]ahmad zafireMar 7, 2006 10:5638925
To Zafire: You need to read revelation [453 words]Richard Lion heartMar 7, 2006 23:4938925
Dear Ahmad Zafire [391 words]LisaMar 8, 2006 00:4538925
Islam does NOT believe in all holy books [208 words]LisaMar 8, 2006 01:1238925
The new covenant [354 words]jeffreybMar 8, 2006 03:1438925
you people still dont get it..lion heart [193 words]ahmad zafireMar 8, 2006 09:4438925
lisa [304 words]ahmad zafireMar 8, 2006 10:0538925
To Jeffrey: The new convenent [537 words]Richard Lion heartMar 8, 2006 16:4938925
Sins are justified? [120 words]jeffreybMar 8, 2006 22:4938925
lisa [51 words]ahmad zafireMar 9, 2006 00:0238925
lisa [247 words]ahmad zafireMar 9, 2006 00:2838925
To Jeffrey: only the blood Jesus and repentance [352 words]Richard Lion heartMar 9, 2006 19:4238925
To lion heart [70 words]jeffreybMar 10, 2006 18:4838925
To Jeffrey: denouncing Muhammad is duty [274 words]Richard Lion heartMar 12, 2006 14:0538925
lion [121 words]ahmad zafireMar 13, 2006 00:4038925
To lion heart [242 words]jeffreybMar 13, 2006 02:4738925
Richard [262 words]B. MustaphaMar 13, 2006 08:5138925
Questions [407 words]JoeMar 13, 2006 17:1238925
To Jeffrey: outlandish claims [433 words]Richard Lion heartMar 14, 2006 01:1338925
joe [98 words]ahmad zafireMar 14, 2006 07:1038925
lion...then what prophets is christ talking about?........ [345 words]ahmad zafireMar 14, 2006 17:5438925
To Zafire: That prophet is Jesus not Muhammad [420 words]Richard Lion heartMar 15, 2006 01:0938925
Islam & other holy books [298 words]B. MustaphaMar 15, 2006 05:5738925
To lion heart [88 words]jeffreybMar 15, 2006 14:3038925
More Questions [281 words]JoeMar 15, 2006 16:5838925
To Jeffrey: don't deny God's words [51 words]Richard Lion heartMar 15, 2006 18:0138925
To lion heart [198 words]jeffreybMar 16, 2006 18:3338925
A new world order... [424 words]MarkMar 17, 2006 13:1038925
To Jeffrey: That was a mediocre play on words [239 words]Richard Lion heartMar 17, 2006 16:1438925
To lion heart [101 words]jeffreybMar 17, 2006 16:5138925
To mark [60 words]jeffreybMar 17, 2006 19:1038925
That's another mediocre analysis jeffrey [130 words]Richard Lion heartMar 19, 2006 23:4738925
The Ten Commandments [185 words]Octavio JohansonMar 20, 2006 09:4538925
tut tut tut [438 words]trekytekySep 19, 2006 13:0738925
Jeffery and his new religeon [217 words]LisaMar 4, 2006 22:1338922
To Lisa [194 words]jeffreybMar 4, 2006 23:3138922
Repentance is not optional [161 words]jeffreybMar 5, 2006 00:2238922
to lisa [227 words]tariqMar 5, 2006 07:0638922
lisa [494 words]ahmad zafireMar 5, 2006 11:0038922
lisa [35 words]ahmad zafireMar 5, 2006 11:0438922
To Jeffrey: God's message is Jesus not Muhammad [183 words]Richard Lion heartMar 5, 2006 23:5038922
To Tariq: Muhammad was slave holder [378 words]Richard Lion heartMar 6, 2006 00:2738922
God's Message to ALL [157 words]JeffreybMar 6, 2006 01:0638922
Jesus' Message to ALL [243 words]jeffreybMar 7, 2006 23:0538922
Mohammed's Message to ALL [85 words]jeffreybMar 7, 2006 23:2238922
What is God waiting on? [42 words]jeffreybMar 8, 2006 23:0638922
to richard [1349 words]tariqMar 12, 2006 11:0338922
Thank you Joe [44 words]LisaFeb 28, 2006 14:0238369
Thank you Lisa [62 words]JoeMar 1, 2006 16:0438369
Comparing Christianity with Islam [33 words]S. R.Feb 27, 2006 08:5238195
my 2 pennies... [99 words]jeffreybFeb 27, 2006 21:0838195
Another verse on trinity in the bible to jeffreyb [101 words]LisaFeb 27, 2006 21:3638195
To jeffreyb [319 words]LisaFeb 28, 2006 13:4238195
To Lisa [105 words]jeffreybFeb 28, 2006 15:2838195
To Jeffrey: You can be a heretic if you choose to [552 words]Richard Lion heartFeb 28, 2006 16:2138195
To lion heart [91 words]jeffreybFeb 28, 2006 17:5638195
jeffreyb, common sense please [45 words]LisaFeb 28, 2006 17:5938195
To Lisa [27 words]jeffreybMar 1, 2006 01:3138195
Jeffery... [287 words]JoeMar 1, 2006 13:4438195
Easiness of Christianity versus that of Islam: to Jeffery [660 words]JoeMar 1, 2006 14:3838195
Sorry jeffreyb [143 words]LisaMar 1, 2006 15:2638195
To Joe [287 words]jeffreybMar 1, 2006 16:3338195
jefferey b [146 words]ahmad zafireMar 2, 2006 02:2138195
To ahmad zafire [762 words]JoeMar 2, 2006 18:3338195
jefferyb [192 words]JoeMar 2, 2006 19:0538195
To Zafire: Do research first [168 words]Richard Lion heartMar 2, 2006 20:1238195
To ahmad [229 words]jeffreybMar 2, 2006 21:1638195
Gnosticism in Greece, Influence on Christianity, and refutation [365 words]JoeMar 3, 2006 11:5838195
lion heart [88 words]ahmad zafireMar 3, 2006 12:2538195
jefferyb [152 words]ahmad zafireMar 3, 2006 12:4238195
To Zafire: The false prophets [251 words]Richard Lion heartMar 3, 2006 16:1438195
To ahmad [371 words]jeffreybMar 4, 2006 01:0238195
about the crucifixion [355 words]jeffreybMar 4, 2006 01:5438195
The Angel Gabriel [297 words]jeffreybMar 4, 2006 04:5238195
lion heart [251 words]ahmad zafireMar 4, 2006 07:5038195
To Jeffrey: Contrast between Bible Jesus and Koran Jesus [623 words]Richard Lion heartMar 4, 2006 14:1138195
Are you sure it was Gabriel? [255 words]Richard Lion heartMar 4, 2006 15:3038195
lion [316 words]ahmad zafireMar 4, 2006 21:3038195
Gabriel again [235 words]JoeMar 5, 2006 15:2838195
S R [107 words]ahmad zafireMar 6, 2006 11:1238195
To ahmad [166 words]jeffreybMar 6, 2006 21:5138195
lion heart [25 words]ahmad zafireMar 6, 2006 22:2038195
To Jeffrey: There is no salvation in allah [413 words]Richard Lion heartMar 7, 2006 13:5138195
Muhammad is not a false prophet [18 words]SohailJun 26, 2006 10:2538195
Son of Man [648 words]EBrattonJul 25, 2006 03:3238195
Question [47 words]DaveAug 18, 2006 12:5838195
Trinity [90 words]chrisAug 13, 2007 03:3638195
Kaneh bosm [16 words]Garry MinorAug 29, 2007 16:1438195
hey [60 words]mattApr 13, 2009 21:4238195
scientific facts???? [311 words]MOHAMMADFeb 19, 2006 18:3036413
scientific "facts" Mohammad? [311 words]Richard the Lion heartFeb 20, 2006 02:1936413
to richard [94 words]tariqMar 5, 2006 07:4236413
Awake; Richard the Lion heart [222 words]B. MustaphaMar 9, 2006 08:2636413
To Mustafa: Do you dip flies in your drinks? [269 words]Richard Lion heartMar 9, 2006 19:5636413
To Richard Lion heart [234 words]B. MustaphaMar 10, 2006 03:4536413
To Mustapha: Muhammad was not hygienic [221 words]Richard Lion heartMar 11, 2006 13:5936413
1to richard [1085 words]tariqMar 12, 2006 11:5936413
tariq don't deny the truth with pseudo science [381 words]Richard Lion heartMar 13, 2006 01:5536413
to richard [437 words]tariqMar 14, 2006 06:4136413
eating flies [120 words]doodSep 15, 2006 23:0936413
About Jesus [51 words]tariqFeb 19, 2006 07:5436325
tariq in the quranland [15 words]ItalianFeb 19, 2006 15:5436325
Tariq quotes the Bible and believes what it says inspite of the fact that his Allah says it is corrupted therefore he is not a Muslim anymore ya ayuha al-Faylasoof al-sagheer inta jahil [161 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 19, 2006 18:1536325
To Tariq: Jesus did not go to mecca [126 words]Richard the Lion heartFeb 20, 2006 02:0736325
lion heart [265 words]ahmad zafireFeb 22, 2006 04:2936325
To Tariq: Show them to me [46 words]Richard Lion heartFeb 23, 2006 19:4236325
I have a few questions [539 words]jeffreybFeb 25, 2006 16:1336325
To Jeffrey: Answer to your questions [539 words]Richard Lion heartFeb 26, 2006 02:2936325
To lion heart [171 words]jeffreybFeb 26, 2006 17:4136325
To Jeffrey: more answers [521 words]Richard Lion heartFeb 27, 2006 01:0736325
To lion heart [233 words]jeffreybFeb 27, 2006 16:2336325
Son of Man [130 words]JoeFeb 27, 2006 20:5436325
To Jeffrey: You are in denial [553 words]Richard Lion heartFeb 27, 2006 22:1336325
Denial? [201 words]JeffreybFeb 28, 2006 15:0636325
To Jeffrey: you are hopelessly confused [365 words]Richard Lion heartFeb 28, 2006 18:0436325
To lion heart [33 words]jeffreybMar 1, 2006 01:1136325
yes... [26 words]ahmad zafireMar 4, 2006 13:1336325
Replies to Italian, dhimmi no more and Richard [1023 words]tariqMar 5, 2006 06:5736325
To Tariq: Let me educate you [498 words]Richard Lion heartMar 6, 2006 00:4836325
To Tariq: More education [251 words]Richard Lion heartMar 6, 2006 00:5336325
to richard- Jesus being a Muslim [117 words]tariqMar 12, 2006 10:2936325
To tariq: Jesus is the creator [637 words]Richard Lion heartMar 13, 2006 15:5136325
to richard [275 words]tariqMar 14, 2006 06:4736325
U THE JAHIL FOR SURE [169 words]IbrahimDec 16, 2010 04:0336325
2Jesus returning to Makkah [13 words]imranMar 25, 2011 03:1036325
Response to The Pope and the Qur'an [3181 words]Anees AhmadFeb 18, 2006 08:4736200
Oh For GODS Sake! [50 words]jeffreybFeb 14, 2006 04:0735518
Jeffrey you are confused [93 words]Richard the Lion heartFeb 14, 2006 19:2435518
i agree... [17 words]ahmad zafireFeb 15, 2006 02:5335518
confused? [230 words]JeffreybFeb 15, 2006 16:0635518
To Jeffrey: JESUS=Salvation [449 words]Richard the Lion heartFeb 15, 2006 20:3935518
the most sense i heard since i got on this forum [55 words]ahmad zafireFeb 15, 2006 21:4935518
Qur'an not = to either Bible or any other book [491 words]JoeFeb 16, 2006 14:0035518
a different gospel? [233 words]jeffreybFeb 16, 2006 17:0435518
A must read for ALL Christians [409 words]jeffreybFeb 16, 2006 20:0435518
lion heart.....your'e half right. [125 words]ahmad zafireFeb 17, 2006 00:0135518
To Jeffrey: The Koran is contrary to Gospels [429 words]Richard the Lion heartFeb 17, 2006 01:4635518
Synchretism [447 words]JoeFeb 17, 2006 12:4035518
Worship Jesus? [557 words]jeffreybFeb 17, 2006 16:1935518
LION HEART [39 words]ahmad zafireFeb 17, 2006 21:1635518
To Jeffrey: Jesus is God [494 words]Richard the Lion heartFeb 18, 2006 00:3235518
Jesus is God? [411 words]jeffreybFeb 18, 2006 17:4035518
Let me ask you something lion heart [333 words]jeffreybFeb 19, 2006 15:3935518
To Jeffrey: Your confusion is deep [533 words]Richard the LionheartFeb 20, 2006 01:4135518
To Jeffrey: Christianity 101 [404 words]Richard the Lion heartFeb 20, 2006 16:3035518
Thanks for clearing things up lionheart [173 words]jeffreybFeb 20, 2006 16:4135518
To Jeffrey:Unfortunately you are still confused [454 words]Richard Lion heartFeb 21, 2006 01:1435518
To Jeffrey: More about your confusion [111 words]Richard Lion heartFeb 21, 2006 02:1135518
qu'ran v BIBLE [695 words]Jeff PFeb 21, 2006 10:2835518
Repentance [861 words]jeffreybFeb 21, 2006 16:5035518
To Jeffrey: Salvation of Jesus [390 words]Richard Lion heartFeb 21, 2006 20:3135518
LION HEART...CONFUSE [52 words]AHMAD ZAFIREFeb 22, 2006 04:5935518
believe in jesus? [34 words]ahmad zafireFeb 22, 2006 05:0635518
Jeffery, What are you doing? Confused? [276 words]JoeFeb 22, 2006 15:2235518
Ahmad Zafire, I urge you to study religion objectively [393 words]JoeFeb 22, 2006 15:3935518
to ahmad zafire [190 words]jeffreybFeb 22, 2006 16:0835518
joe [72 words]ahmad zafireFeb 22, 2006 23:0835518
joe [61 words]ahmad zafireFeb 22, 2006 23:1735518
What distortion? [515 words]JoeFeb 27, 2006 20:3035518
The Light [210 words]JoeFeb 27, 2006 20:4235518
they reject jesus as christians reject mohammad..... [50 words]ahmad zafireMar 14, 2006 18:2035518
You're still not answering Ahmad [298 words]JoeMar 16, 2006 14:5735518
joe [241 words]ahmad zafireMar 16, 2006 23:4235518
joe [39 words]ahmad zafireMar 17, 2006 11:2635518
Ahmad dont be so naive [531 words]JoeMar 19, 2006 19:0735518
Jesus is God [90 words]StudunstrdFeb 10, 2010 22:3935518
1Quran AND Science [200 words]LisaFeb 6, 2006 00:4233894
I agree [162 words]joeFeb 6, 2006 20:1733894
1To Lisa [886 words]tariqFeb 7, 2006 07:1133894
Muhammad the scientist [399 words]Richard the Lion heartFeb 7, 2006 23:5433894
another comment by an ignorant kaffir (for TARIQ) [320 words]ITALIANFeb 8, 2006 14:3233894
to joe's comment titled 'i agree' [282 words]tariqFeb 11, 2006 05:5133894
Tariq, don't you get it [142 words]LisaFeb 11, 2006 19:0433894
to italian. when did i say you are ignorant? [508 words]tariqFeb 12, 2006 06:3233894
to Lisa [533 words]tariqFeb 12, 2006 07:2133894
a correction to Tariq's last response to Lisa. [108 words]ItalianFeb 12, 2006 18:5133894
Tariq- I can only pray and hope [652 words]LisaFeb 12, 2006 22:4133894
to italian [292 words]tariqFeb 13, 2006 07:1733894
TO TARIQ: I STILL AGREE [382 words]JoeFeb 14, 2006 02:3833894
to lisa: then pray tht i get good grades this semester [1515 words]tariqFeb 14, 2006 11:4833894
Are you joking Tariq? [168 words]ItalianFeb 14, 2006 15:3433894
Tariq, are you serious? Everything you said was wrong [317 words]JoeFeb 14, 2006 22:2233894
to Joe's comment titled: I STILL AGREE [1649 words]tariqFeb 18, 2006 08:0333894
To Tariq: The Quaran's and hadith fake science [761 words]Richard the Lion heartFeb 18, 2006 16:2133894
to richard [363 words]tariqFeb 19, 2006 06:0833894
to italian [329 words]tariqFeb 19, 2006 06:3233894
to Joe [3159 words]tariqFeb 19, 2006 07:2233894
To Tariq in quranland [586 words]italianFeb 19, 2006 16:4333894
Tariq, Science is not in the Qur'an [229 words]JoeFeb 22, 2006 16:0633894
Crusades, Hitler [198 words]JoeFeb 22, 2006 16:1433894
Tariq, you still are not learing the facts, but getting better [734 words]JoeFeb 22, 2006 16:4733894
to italian [519 words]tariqFeb 28, 2006 03:4633894
to joe [3891 words]tariqMar 5, 2006 05:1233894
To Lisa [163 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
B. MustaphaMar 9, 2006 09:3933894
to joe [1018 words]tariqMar 13, 2006 10:2833894
To Tariq: [2636 words]JoeMar 19, 2006 21:2533894
misnterpretations [130 words]Sumaiya A.Aug 19, 2006 17:2333894
THE SUN MOVES! [107 words]doodSep 17, 2006 03:2133894
1For Sumaiya al-faylasoofa al-kabira and "Dhul Qarnian"! [407 words]dhimmi no moreSep 17, 2006 08:0933894
to dhimmi no more [136 words]doodSep 22, 2006 10:5533894
For Sumaiya al-faylasoofa al-kabira and her bogus Arabic! [232 words]dhimmi no moreSep 22, 2006 17:1933894
For Sumaiya and balagha and balaagha part deux! [136 words]dhimmi no moreSep 22, 2006 17:3133894
For Sumaiya -part trois! [532 words]dhimmi no moreSep 23, 2006 07:2433894
For Sumaiya and balagha and balaagha and Dhul Qarnain part deux! [268 words]dhimmi no moreSep 24, 2006 15:5633894
fascinating post I tell you!!! [253 words]doodSep 26, 2006 04:2133894
For Sumaiya and Dhul Qarnain part quatre! [162 words]dhimmi no moreOct 9, 2006 18:0833894
For Sumaiya and her chutzpah! [479 words]dhimmi no moreOct 10, 2006 17:4933894
you have the guts to mention PLAGIARISM? [194 words]doodOct 11, 2006 03:1733894
Celestial bodies [339 words]NasrDec 17, 2014 10:2633894
1And speaking of "Celestial" bodies and other sordid matters [570 words]dhimmi no moreDec 19, 2014 18:0733894
Re:Celestial bodies [620 words]NasrDec 21, 2014 10:1133894
1The Qur'an says that the earth is flat! [1032 words]dhimmi no moreDec 25, 2014 07:0133894
1The Mufti of Saudi Arabia says that the stationary earth if the center of the universe and the sun orbits earth because the Qur'an says so [481 words]dhimmi no moreDec 25, 2014 10:3733894
1Our dear Nasr is saying that camels urine contains premarin (sic) and this is why Muslims are told to drink it! [987 words]dhimmi no moreDec 26, 2014 08:3933894
1The Quranic disaster of comets in the Qur'an [604 words]dhimmi no moreDec 26, 2014 12:0833894
The Qur'an says that Allah skins the day et voila we have the night! How about the arctic summer? [513 words]dhimmi no moreDec 27, 2014 07:4733894
1The Qur'an says that the earth and the sky are flat and mountains prevent earthquakes and other disasters [1211 words]dhimmi no moreDec 28, 2014 17:0033894
More Quranic disasters Q22:18 and the Qur'an says that there are people that live on the sun and the moon! [477 words]dhimmi no moreDec 30, 2014 13:4533894
responses to a story about visiting tribes drinking camel urine, and need to farther read about punishment given later. [666 words]NasrJan 10, 2015 09:3733894
Mufti of Saudi with King and Princes that went to space [283 words]NasrJan 10, 2015 09:5133894
Earth Spread to be flat with waters, and livings unlike Moon, (not spread to be flat for livings and no water extracted out from the Moon) [559 words]NasrJan 10, 2015 11:0933894
Shaytan being chased away for eavesdropping and visibility of Shaytan [270 words]NasrJan 10, 2015 11:2833894
Try checking 24 hour summer, there is still layers of darkness on top as sun attempt to set [552 words]NasrJan 10, 2015 12:2733894
Mountain with deep roots aid in forces distribution [692 words]NasrJan 10, 2015 14:0033894
People who resides in wad-dawaab? [480 words]NasrJan 10, 2015 14:3733894
The Qur'an says that there are people that live on the sun yes on the sun as well as the moon! [932 words]dhimmi no moreJan 11, 2015 08:1533894
The author of the Qur'an had no clue about the arctic summer and winter [1209 words]dhimmi no moreJan 11, 2015 16:5533894
The Qur'an says that semen comes from the kidneys! [1481 words]dhimmi no moreJan 12, 2015 09:1433894
The Saudi Mufti el-Sheikh Bin Baz said that the Qur'an says that the moon and the sun orbit earth and the earth is stationary and that the moon landing in 1969 is a lie [1214 words]dhimmi no moreJan 12, 2015 17:2033894
1Our dear Nasr has no clue about the Quranic rasm and the editing of the Qur'an [1266 words]dhimmi no moreJan 13, 2015 08:4333894
Our dear Nasr is saying that comets are driven by angels in-order to chase al-Shytan! Mash'allah [581 words]dhimmi no moreJan 16, 2015 08:3433894
The creator in the Qur'an and his poor creation [1255 words]dhimmi no moreJan 16, 2015 09:0833894
Response to people living in al-dawab [419 words]NasrJan 24, 2015 08:1533894
Response to hurled Comets against eavesdropper [336 words]NasrJan 24, 2015 08:3333894
Response to shape of universe [788 words]NasrJan 24, 2015 09:2233894
Response to Kidney not mentioned in Quran [935 words]NasrJan 24, 2015 10:0233894
Response to Imams claiming earth being spherical [681 words]NasrJan 24, 2015 10:4733894
Response to skinning of earth [865 words]NasrJan 24, 2015 11:2633894
Response to earlier scholars' interpretation used by Ibn Baz [530 words]NasrJan 24, 2015 12:1733894
1The Qur'an is an edited book and my evidence? Q17:23 and the flat earth in the Qur'an read and laugh [1918 words]dhimmi no moreJan 27, 2015 14:5233894
1Bin Baz was 100% correct that the Qur'an says that the earth is flat and stationary [1214 words]dhimmi no moreJan 27, 2015 17:4133894
1Our dear Nasr says that he would drink camel's urine! It must be the Premarin! [2086 words]dhimmi no moreJan 28, 2015 07:4433894
The hot comets that chase al-Shaytan! oh I'm not kidding [559 words]dhimmi no moreJan 28, 2015 08:0933894
1Our dear Nasr and my mantra: Silence is golden! [1198 words]dhimmi no moreJan 28, 2015 13:1233894
1More Quranic disasters poor syntax and mistakes in spelling and people that live on the sun and the moon [646 words]dhimmi no moreJan 29, 2015 13:5333894
1The shameful translation of the Qur'an by Yusuf Ali [241 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 14, 2015 11:4433894
1Real Islamic disaster: There is a Saudi Sheikh who is saying that the earth if stationary and the sun runs in an orbit around earth! [132 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 16, 2015 17:1933894
Sun's appointed course and Moon appointed course are different [194 words]NasrFeb 18, 2015 07:1933894
That is the reason more translations were given [92 words]NasrFeb 18, 2015 07:2233894
Earth is round as accepted by all [1084 words]NasrFeb 18, 2015 08:3633894
Living beings inside animals? [824 words]NasrFeb 18, 2015 09:3033894
Meteors not possible to have fire? [358 words]NasrFeb 18, 2015 09:4033894
Covenant for mankind in language of Arabs [1183 words]NasrFeb 18, 2015 10:4533894
Moon surface not flat and water not extracted from within [505 words]NasrFeb 18, 2015 11:0733894
Spherical earth is common belief in the past in most regions around the world [713 words]NasrFeb 18, 2015 11:2933894
Guiding the perplexed our dear Nasr [1062 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 21, 2015 09:4333894
The Quranic word Ahad in Surat al-Ikhlas means one of so who are the other Gods? [1215 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 21, 2015 12:3933894
Education in Malaysia must be terrible [146 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 21, 2015 12:5433894
Sheikh Bandar al-Khaibari rejects that the earth revolves around the sun because the Qur'an says so! [380 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 21, 2015 13:0933894
1Education in Malaysia must be a disaster [840 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 22, 2015 08:3433894
Our dear Nasr says that Allah made the sky "solid" and the Qur'an says that the sky is a roof! and I'm not kidding [2077 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 22, 2015 11:1133894
1Tablighee twists and turns [2021 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 23, 2015 08:0833894
2It seems that Jesus is the author of Q19:33! What a disaster [1367 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 23, 2015 09:0633894
1Lost tablighees and the Arabic language [436 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 23, 2015 17:1633894
1More disasters: Q67:5 Stars are really decorations and they are used for stoning the devil! Alhamdulilah! [286 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 24, 2015 14:0333894
No real counter arguments (yet) [122 words]tariqFeb 5, 2006 12:2433835
Tariq: So Allah the pre-islamic Arabian pagan deity did not tell his followers to kill pagans unless they convert to Islam? have you ever heard of Ayat al-Saif? [4 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 6, 2006 17:4933835
Forced conversion did happen [277 words]Richard the Lion heartFeb 6, 2006 22:0333835
to dhimmi no more [35 words]tariqFeb 7, 2006 05:5533835
Tariq and quoting the Bible: Why do you quote the Bible when Muhammad claimed that Jews and Christians corrupted the Bible? [4 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 7, 2006 06:4033835
Tariq: It spells Ayat al-Saif. Do you really know what it says in Ayat al-Saif? [78 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 7, 2006 18:1233835
christians forced conversion... [32 words]ahmad zafireFeb 8, 2006 01:2333835
Ahamd Zafire: What gave you the impression that I'm Nusrani or yahudi? You need to read with care Tariq's claim about Allah not asking his followers to kill al-Mushrikiin unless they convert to Islam [24 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 8, 2006 06:5833835
Muhammad is in trouble [79 words]Richard the Lion heartFeb 8, 2006 13:3133835
BLACK OR AS SOME SAY AFRO-AMERICAN ....... [28 words]ahmad zafireFeb 8, 2006 19:3533835
African slaves [77 words]JoeFeb 9, 2006 14:0533835
christanity was forced.... [190 words]ahmad zafireFeb 9, 2006 16:3133835
to dhimmi no more [431 words]tariqFeb 11, 2006 06:0533835
Forced conversion did(not) happen [382 words]tariqFeb 11, 2006 08:5533835
The amazing Tariq and the Islamic mind ... [356 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 11, 2006 17:1433835
Forced conversions [297 words]Richard the Lion heartFeb 13, 2006 01:3433835
to dhimmi no more: changing the topic cuz you dont have an answer, arent you? [652 words]tariqFeb 14, 2006 10:4233835
Tariq and the flawed Muslim mind... [138 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 15, 2006 07:3533835
to Dhimmi no more [302 words]tariqFeb 19, 2006 07:3433835
who is the prophet mohammad? [282 words]mohammadFeb 19, 2006 18:1433835
Muhummad [89 words]JoeFeb 28, 2006 16:3433835
to joe [28 words]tariqMar 13, 2006 09:3033835
Islam-Catholicism [238 words]Terry SenumJan 28, 2006 00:2532878
The Truth [290 words]Brian GregoryJan 28, 2006 11:1032878
If you read the Bible and the Koran [74 words]ahmad zafireJan 28, 2006 19:5432878
The difference between Bible and Quran [38 words]PDMJan 29, 2006 11:1532878
islam derives from the meaning peace.... [90 words]ahmad zafireJan 29, 2006 20:1532878
glade to see... [37 words]ahmad zafireJan 29, 2006 20:2432878
Ahmad Zafire, you are wrong about the holocaust and Crusades [285 words]xtianJan 29, 2006 20:2632878
It Is Not A Matter Of If But When [58 words]AnneMJan 30, 2006 14:2532878
Re: What Being " Born Again " Is About [109 words]AnneMJan 30, 2006 14:5532878
Re: History Cannot Be Denied [54 words]AnneMJan 30, 2006 16:2532878
Socrates for Muslims [85 words]IanusJan 30, 2006 16:3732878
xtian.... [106 words]ahmadzafireJan 31, 2006 04:3432878
Prof. ahmadzafire on the crusades [141 words]IanusJan 31, 2006 16:2232878
Crusades [349 words]xtianJan 31, 2006 17:1732878
It Is Not A Matter Of If But When [150 words]IanusFeb 1, 2006 17:1532878
ENLIGHTENS...YET....SICKENS ME...THE THOUGHT OF WHATS TO COME.... [312 words]ahmad zafireFeb 3, 2006 10:2432878
"Being a Westerner and a Muslim" [37 words]IanusFeb 11, 2006 14:5832878
westerner and muslim.... Ianus [40 words]ahmad zafireFeb 12, 2006 03:3432878
to terry senum [303 words]tariqFeb 12, 2006 06:0632878
To Zafire: Islam is not growing [185 words]Richard the Lion heartFeb 13, 2006 13:2832878
No- You're the fool Lionheart [118 words]ahmad zafireFeb 13, 2006 21:4932878
Ahmad zafire [221 words]JoeFeb 14, 2006 02:5132878
To Zafire: The numbers speak for themselves [241 words]Richard the Lion heartFeb 14, 2006 13:1232878
joe.. [171 words]ahmad zafireFeb 15, 2006 03:1732878
lion heart [65 words]ahmadz faireFeb 15, 2006 03:2332878
Ahmad Zafire [292 words]JoeFeb 17, 2006 12:5532878
Islam Growing Fast [76 words]tariqFeb 19, 2006 07:4132878
To Tariq: The coming of global Christianity [331 words]Richard the Lion heartFeb 20, 2006 14:0332878
to richard [40 words]tariqMar 5, 2006 07:4732878
7Islam is a Modern Religion [144 words]Asad AhmedJan 27, 2006 07:3932670
Open your mind, Zafire [159 words]italianJan 30, 2006 16:1032670
Re: Christianity Ahead Of Its Time [118 words]AnneMJan 30, 2006 17:3632670
italian [108 words]ahmad zafireJan 31, 2006 23:4432670
To Italian [126 words]tariqFeb 5, 2006 07:4232670
to tariq [273 words]ItalianFeb 6, 2006 16:0132670
to italian [871 words]tariqFeb 7, 2006 08:2932670
for Tariq [548 words]italianFeb 7, 2006 18:2732670
reply to italian [859 words]tariqFeb 12, 2006 06:1032670
29Why do people convert to Islam? [284 words]xtainJan 26, 2006 15:2232551
How Islam spread [297 words]AhmedJan 26, 2006 17:2832551
Daniel Pipes was right, "faith follows the flag" [133 words]j.m.Jan 27, 2006 00:5732551
...how about: "Convert, Be Enslaved or Die by Beheading!"? [492 words]RPaineJan 27, 2006 08:0432551
to Xitian [183 words]Asad AhmedJan 27, 2006 08:2332551
Why do people convert to Islam? [228 words]IanusJan 27, 2006 11:1932551
164Islamic conquest of India bloodiest in the history [626 words]AyeshaJan 27, 2006 16:5932551
converts.....in al-islam [169 words]ahmad zafireJan 28, 2006 00:1532551
R Paine [16 words]S.C.PandaJan 28, 2006 04:4932551
Re: Thankfully The West Is Begining To Wake Up To The Truth [79 words]AnneMJan 30, 2006 16:1032551
xtain..... [127 words]ahmad zafireJan 31, 2006 23:5732551
xtian [41 words]ahmad zafireFeb 12, 2006 18:3132551
Context is a beautiful thing [731 words]LyleMar 7, 2006 11:3432551
The answer for why people convert to Islam. [119 words]Muhammad FikriJan 9, 2007 03:1132551
"Why should anyone become a Muslim Muhammad? what's the deal with Allah?" [469 words]Lactantius Jr.Jan 11, 2007 17:2932551
To Muhammad Firi on conversion [342 words]PlatoJan 15, 2007 05:5332551
My friend... [586 words]Muhammad FikriJan 16, 2007 00:2232551
To Muhammed Fikri on conversion to Islam, etc. [2435 words]PlatoJan 17, 2007 06:2232551
Plato... [118 words]Muhammad FikriJan 17, 2007 23:2132551
To Muhammed Fikri, on conversion continued [466 words]PlatoJan 20, 2007 04:4532551
To Plato [534 words]Basimah C. Legander-WoodsJan 21, 2007 04:3432551
To Basimah-Fikri [967 words]PlatoJan 22, 2007 02:3632551
To Plato [197 words]Sr. Basimah WoodsJan 23, 2007 04:5932551
"Response to sister Basimah. Contradicting Allah and Muhammad" [995 words]Lactantius Jr.Jan 23, 2007 18:2732551
To Basimah-Fikree on long-winded ranting... [491 words]PlatoJan 25, 2007 02:0032551
Cant stand the heat, Plato? [9 words]Basimah Legander-WoodsJan 26, 2007 00:5832551
To Basimah-Fikree: Be cool [22 words]PlatoJan 27, 2007 00:2032551
"What do the Islamic sources say about the Bible?" [90 words]Lactantius Jr.Jan 28, 2007 18:3232551
do you know why? [108 words]fatmaApr 3, 2008 04:2932551
Consider yourself mistaken. [150 words]MuslimahJun 5, 2008 02:2132551
nothing about Islam [380 words]HesoJul 25, 2008 23:1232551
Understand God (great to poor india) [135 words]EmidioDec 19, 2008 14:4832551
why people convert to Islam [127 words]AshleeJan 17, 2009 20:3832551
Truth always stands [200 words]NaveedFeb 22, 2009 15:1032551
Depressing [56 words]AleishaMay 7, 2009 00:2832551
Youre Completely wrong. [136 words]sunyJul 19, 2009 19:3732551
Teaching one tablighee at a time [516 words]dhimmi no moreJul 20, 2009 07:1932551
1see all the videos od 1) dr zakir naik 2) ahmed deedat which is free on youtube [49 words]faruq shaikhAug 9, 2009 19:2432551
islam does not ... [194 words]fatima.sSep 8, 2009 12:2632551
Why do some people love to bash other religions, Islam in particular? [483 words]Lalgerien AbdelKaderSep 26, 2009 04:2932551
bloodiest in history [60 words]MikeNov 10, 2009 16:2132551
correction [106 words]sarahNov 10, 2009 18:0332551
Islam is the Truth [22 words]SajjadApr 26, 2010 18:2332551
Religion is a product like any other - people buy it if they like it [410 words]Luis GoncalvesAug 29, 2010 11:4832551
research [17 words]anonymousDec 15, 2010 00:5632551
An error [21 words]A DwivediOct 23, 2013 08:5132551
bloodiest conquest in history? [74 words]saad amjadFeb 20, 2014 10:2832551
2Saad Amjad again repeats the frivolous argument [304 words]PrashantFeb 21, 2014 22:1032551
Get rid of all religion [63 words]LeeApr 4, 2014 05:1832551
... article that reiterates the MYTH OF 1000 YR RULE and chooses to IGNORE THE RESISTANCE OF HINDU INDIA [308 words]VishNov 5, 2014 02:2832551
Koenraad Elst is Belgian [12 words]Peter van LenthMar 7, 2015 15:3332551
Islamic conquest of India bloodiest in the history [73 words]venkat raoFeb 4, 2016 12:3632551
I'm not sure I agree with you [99 words]MescaleroJan 26, 2006 00:3032491
On the immuntability of Christianity [211 words]xtianJan 25, 2006 18:1632473
The Two Xtianities (not counting the myriad sects currently extant) [134 words]orange yonasonJan 26, 2006 14:1832473
the philosophy [146 words]xtianJan 26, 2006 15:4132473
ALL YOU NEED IS, ....LOVE? [518 words]orange yonasonFeb 1, 2006 03:4232473
Christianity, Love, and eschatology [431 words]xtianFeb 3, 2006 03:2832473
REALITY CHECK [773 words]orange yonasonFeb 5, 2006 02:3332473
LOVE again [466 words]xtianFeb 6, 2006 20:4532473
XTIAN...YOURE RIGHT.. [69 words]AHMAD ZAFIREFeb 9, 2006 16:4732473
did I read you right [59 words]Chad TimmerOct 13, 2006 13:4432473
Yes, but is it a religion? [596 words]BarbaraJan 25, 2006 16:5532461
Comment on " Is islam a religion" [358 words]N. K.Jan 26, 2006 12:2232461
Yes, but is it a religion?...Of course no, but what will dhimmi Brussels say? [349 words]IanusJan 26, 2006 16:4232461
TO N K [75 words]AHAMD ZAFIREFeb 9, 2006 16:5732461
1Congress debate Quran petition (faithfreedom.org) [165 words]A.A.Jan 24, 2006 13:4032326
Congress debate Quran petition (faithfreedom.org) [36 words]IanusJan 24, 2006 19:3932326
Koran [34 words]SamanthaFeb 16, 2006 09:4032326
outlaw sam.... [72 words]ahmad zafireFeb 17, 2006 00:1232326
HATERS AT IT AGAIN...........? [215 words]Abdul KareemDec 6, 2007 16:2332326
Pirates to the core [511 words]GrevalAug 12, 2016 10:0532326
The Pope and the Koran art. No.3281 [48 words]S.C.PandaJan 24, 2006 05:0832294
Why change [203 words]yuval brandstetterJan 23, 2006 15:4432259
Reform is only possible by defeat [97 words]JaladhiJan 24, 2006 14:0132259
The longer the delay... [204 words]J.S.Jan 24, 2006 15:4032259
I agree with Daniel Pipes... [341 words]on behalf of Sheikh Prof. Abdul Hadi PalazziJan 23, 2006 12:5932251
A response to Mr.Palazzi [513 words]FaridJan 24, 2006 01:2632251
Rebuttal to Sheikh Prof. Abdul Hadi Palazzi [168 words]xtianJan 24, 2006 13:0532251
Very bad fall of style Mr Palazzi [188 words]ItalianJan 24, 2006 16:4332251
The Good Book [247 words]ryanJan 25, 2006 01:4932251
Immutability vs Adaptability [658 words]orange yonasonJan 25, 2006 03:3432251
Note To My "Immutability vs Adaptability" [50 words]orange yonasonJan 26, 2006 01:0632251
مبارك قداسة الأب بيندكت السادس عشر وكل من ي&# [612 words]mohamed.mJan 23, 2006 12:4932250
If Islam is Stuck, Should it be Pushed - or Pulled? [101 words]David SchachterJan 23, 2006 11:4432245
Neither [319 words]J.S.Jan 23, 2006 15:4032245
Replies to Ianus [653 words]tariqJan 23, 2006 08:0332231
Ianus , there is a technomatic question here [428 words]HarrakJan 23, 2006 16:4432231
To Tariq the Rightly-Guided Muslim [1013 words]IanusJan 23, 2006 16:5932231
To Harrak - a crusade conspiracy [120 words]IanusJan 23, 2006 20:0432231
RE: Bin Laden and Sadam not good Muslims [224 words]VinodguptJan 24, 2006 01:1532231
Ianus..if you know the answer why do you ask! [118 words]HarrakJan 24, 2006 18:5932231
RE: Ianus..if you know the answer why do you ask! ...Never heard of rhetoric questions, Harrak? [240 words]IanusJan 25, 2006 07:2132231
to Ianus and Vindogupt [3124 words]tariqJan 25, 2006 09:0032231
You will never get an honest answer - Ianus [103 words]JaladhiJan 25, 2006 15:2432231
Clarity about islam [127 words]G.BisvasJan 26, 2006 06:4532231
A dialogue between a kaffir (Ianus) and and a "moderate" Muslim (Tariq) [3577 words]IanusJan 26, 2006 12:5132231
You will never get an honest answer , Ianus...I know. [154 words]IanusJan 26, 2006 14:0932231
reply to Ianus' comment: A dialogue between a kaffir and and a "moderate" Muslim [4617 words]tariqJan 28, 2006 11:0132231
A dialogue between a kaffir (Ianus) and and a "moderate" Muslim(Tariq) -continued [7861 words]IanusJan 29, 2006 11:0232231
to ianus [3929 words]tariqFeb 5, 2006 07:3132231
Oh no, Islam is not stuck! [341 words]BorisJan 22, 2006 16:2332186
"creative and eternal book"... [139 words]IanusJan 22, 2006 18:2432186
CONGRATS Boris [386 words]tariqJan 23, 2006 08:2632186
Law on the Land has priority! [386 words]BorisJan 23, 2006 21:4832186
to Boris [595 words]tariqJan 25, 2006 09:3832186
The Pope and the Koran [365 words]Ed GordonJan 22, 2006 14:3632180
Keep Eyes On Third World, Christian Faith Growth [115 words]AnneMJan 23, 2006 10:1632180
Mr Pipes is right [59 words]tariqJan 22, 2006 06:3332161
Interpretations of the Koran- Tariq [138 words]VinodguptJan 23, 2006 11:2132161
reply to vinodgupt [6 words]tariqJan 28, 2006 11:0632161
The Pope [266 words]YovenJan 21, 2006 19:1732139
Response to yoven about demography [160 words]ItalianJan 24, 2006 17:0832139
The weapons of demography [187 words]IanusJan 25, 2006 07:4432139
The advantage of immutability [431 words]Reuben HorneJan 21, 2006 18:2732138
Ayatollah Vrs the Pope -reported speech [552 words]HarrakJan 21, 2006 10:5832117
Moderate and radical Muslim [133 words]VinodguptJan 20, 2006 16:4832074
Moderate and radical Muslim [63 words]IanusJan 21, 2006 08:5832074
reply to Ianus [151 words]tariqJan 22, 2006 06:4632074
Ianus to Tariq [385 words]IanusJan 22, 2006 18:1332074
Not so sure... [48 words]Garry LockwoodJan 22, 2006 22:2332074
Misconception about Islam [1943 words]OmarJan 23, 2006 10:5232074
Response to Tariq [520 words]VinodguptJan 23, 2006 11:0832074
Misconceptions about Islam, Omar [223 words]VinodguptJan 24, 2006 12:5232074
Reform is Muslims' job. What's ours? [78 words]Alain Jean-MairetJan 20, 2006 11:0632054
1islam will win .. and neo conservatives will loose [74 words]ismailJan 21, 2006 15:2732054
RE: islam will win .. or hell for neo conservative loosers (sarcasm on) [254 words]IanusJan 22, 2006 18:3832054
Response to Ismail ... . Bring it on ! [179 words]JimJan 23, 2006 23:1932054
You're so right [30 words]hannahSep 20, 2007 11:0332054
1Thoughts on this topic . . . [286 words]DanielJan 20, 2006 08:3932050
RE: Thoughts on this topic . . . [281 words]IanusJan 20, 2006 17:1232050
Re: The Pope and the Koran [280 words]Gloria StewartJan 19, 2006 20:0132026
Islam and the Koran [109 words]TellisJan 19, 2006 19:4332025
Stuck in the ancient sands of arabia. [102 words]RenchJan 19, 2006 17:4832018
Is Islam stuck, or is Wahhabism the real problem? [169 words]PatJan 19, 2006 17:3332017
Wahabbism is pristine Islam [378 words]VinodguptJan 20, 2006 10:3232017
Pope Benedict's comments more Roman Catholic then Christian [191 words]A. ReedahJan 19, 2006 14:2632006
The Gates of Itijihad are Closed... [285 words]J.S.Jan 19, 2006 18:0032006
Can Islam modernize and reinterpretation [261 words]VinodguptJan 19, 2006 13:0932001
Can Islam modernize and reinterpretation [142 words]IanusJan 19, 2006 17:0132001
hardly reassuring - more depressing actually [71 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
SullyJan 18, 2006 19:1831952
The Pope and the Koran [42 words]E. David LitvakJan 18, 2006 14:5831933
I know "who" could change Islam-not the Pope! [201 words]PigfootJan 18, 2006 13:2131924
More on change in Islam-women-another problem [75 words]PigfootJan 18, 2006 14:0231924
The Pope needs to bring Catholicism into the modern age too. [49 words]Laina Farhat-HolzmanJan 18, 2006 12:1331922
Re: The Church Has Been Brought Into The Modern Era [37 words]AnneMJan 18, 2006 16:0731922
response to js (focus of islam) [463 words]ahmad zafireJan 18, 2006 19:1631922
"True" Muslims... [183 words]IanusJan 19, 2006 07:3931922
true muslim [142 words]ahmad zafireJan 19, 2006 16:5231922
To: ahmad zafire [131 words]LisaJan 19, 2006 17:3031922
A question to every true muslim [88 words]IanusJan 20, 2006 06:1831922
The Quran against the Bible [478 words]IanusJan 20, 2006 07:4331922
to lisa [309 words]ahmad zafireJan 20, 2006 16:3031922
ianus [62 words]ahmad zafireJan 20, 2006 16:3831922
thanks [13 words]ahmad zafireJan 20, 2006 16:4131922
i dont know about that [50 words]ahmad zafireJan 20, 2006 16:4831922
To ahmad zafire [276 words]LisaJan 21, 2006 01:2831922
The answer to the question that sould be posed to every "true" Muslim [159 words]IanusJan 21, 2006 06:4431922
I don't know about that...I wish you did. [560 words]IanusJan 21, 2006 08:3931922
lisa [186 words]ahmad zafireJan 21, 2006 20:5731922
ianus [96 words]ahmad zafireJan 21, 2006 21:1231922
Response to ahmad zafire [94 words]John BedrossianJan 21, 2006 23:2531922
Answer for Ianus: Do you as a true Muslim want America to become a Muslim country ? [304 words]HarrakJan 22, 2006 05:0231922
Let Pope and Pipes read this [237 words]G.BisvasJan 22, 2006 09:4531922
to lisa [660 words]tariqJan 22, 2006 10:5431922
"be a good muslim ..." or stop using your brain. [236 words]IanusJan 22, 2006 17:4131922
To Ahmad zafire and Tariq [683 words]LisaJan 22, 2006 20:2331922
Question to Harrak : "Do you as a true Muslim want the West to become Muslim"? [924 words]IanusJan 23, 2006 07:0431922
Reply to Lisa [1074 words]tariqJan 23, 2006 09:1231922
Quran is Allah's word [47 words]Ahmed A.Jan 23, 2006 15:2631922
respondence to john [102 words]ahmad zafireJan 23, 2006 15:3431922
lisa [124 words]ahmad zafireJan 23, 2006 15:4931922
To Tariq [1051 words]LisaJan 23, 2006 16:1631922
what pratice then?... [8 words]ahmad zafireJan 23, 2006 18:2431922
tariq [82 words]ahmad zafireJan 23, 2006 18:5131922
1How many Qurans ? to Ahmed A., [328 words]IanusJan 23, 2006 19:4431922
To Ahmad Zafire [264 words]LisaJan 23, 2006 20:5931922
Reply to Lisa [1481 words]tariqJan 25, 2006 11:2931922
To Tariq And Ahmad Zafire [89 words]LisaJan 26, 2006 00:3331922
Uniformity of Christian Message [197 words]j.m.Jan 27, 2006 01:1331922
to lisa [320 words]tariqJan 28, 2006 07:2731922
America a Muslim Country [70 words]JFSSep 16, 2006 23:3631922
You are Really ... [25 words]belalAug 31, 2009 12:2131922
A Muslim view [157 words]saamJan 18, 2006 11:0131920
Saam learn the facts before you speak [147 words]AnyoneJan 29, 2006 21:1031920
Reinterpretation in Iran [152 words]juanonJan 18, 2006 10:4331919
Coercion in Islam [296 words]J.S.Jan 18, 2006 15:5231919
the enemy [109 words]PigfootJan 18, 2006 19:2231919
The Pope has it right [313 words]ron thompsonJan 18, 2006 10:3531918
Divorce is not the issue . . . polygamy is. [195 words]Maureen CoteJan 18, 2006 10:1231916
Bible versus Koran [65 words]DonnaJan 18, 2006 10:0831915
1No "love" in Koran [164 words]Wesley's GhostJan 19, 2006 03:0331915
hilter and the muslims? [159 words]ahmad zafireJan 20, 2006 17:0831915
Rahman and Raheem, both in the Quran [24 words]PeterJan 20, 2006 20:2231915
Muslims or on literacy [58 words]IanusJan 21, 2006 09:2331915
ianus [33 words]ahmad zafireJan 22, 2006 16:0231915
its just like in today society...No, it isn't. [145 words]IanusJan 22, 2006 18:5331915
ianus [95 words]ahmad zafireJan 23, 2006 19:0531915
Muhammad's miracles to ahmad zafire [391 words]IanusJan 24, 2006 07:2131915
No LOVE in Koran [110 words]RezaMar 18, 2007 17:2231915
Hilter was actually Roman Catholic... [16 words]lalalaJun 7, 2007 01:0631915
The Word Love in the Koran (Quran) [101 words]JanNov 13, 2007 08:2131915
KORAN AND LOVE [125 words]mark carterSep 8, 2009 06:0131915
love in the koran [59 words]Terry FroeseAug 12, 2010 21:5231915
the word love in the quaran [45 words]meSep 8, 2010 20:4831915
Love in the KORAN [87 words]EmilyJun 27, 2012 11:0931915
Love in th Koran [82 words]Nina NaimyMar 9, 2016 10:4231915
Catholics higher-ups have long provided 'cover' for Islam. [238 words]etJan 18, 2006 07:4531906
goodness of the individual [76 words]xtianJan 31, 2006 00:4031906
I thought a liberal stance was already tried? [64 words]Jeroen RuigrokJan 18, 2006 07:0031902
At last, Even the Pope Gets it [161 words]LexEconJan 18, 2006 02:1931890
Weak Iran=Weak Muhammad [66 words]PTJan 18, 2006 01:5031888
Modernizing The Church [142 words]orange yonasonJan 18, 2006 01:4731887
Pope's statements [743 words]Aidan MaconachyJan 18, 2006 00:4031884
Progress but Ibn Taymiya [237 words]HarrakJan 18, 2006 00:1031883
HOLD THE PHONE! [716 words]orange yonasonJan 17, 2006 23:1231882
Mr. Yonason Psalm 119 [75 words]InfidelJan 18, 2006 17:4431882
You Are Correct, It Has 176 Verses, Not 177. [9 words]orange yonasonJan 25, 2006 01:1931882
So what? [175 words]YochevedMiriamJan 17, 2006 22:3831880
How do we inspire them to want to reinterpret it? By banning it, of course. [133 words]Alain Jean-MairetJan 18, 2006 04:5631880
So what? [62 words]IanusJan 18, 2006 07:5531880
So what? Please understand. [152 words]howlinJan 18, 2006 13:2331880
The Crusades [493 words]GrevalAug 12, 2016 09:3731880
About the Pope and the koran [124 words]John BedrossianJan 17, 2006 22:3331879
May be we need a "UNICORE" to help muslums reform [271 words]John BedrossianJan 20, 2006 20:3231879
"UNICORE" ...another unicorn ? [295 words]IanusJan 21, 2006 10:4231879
Do not fool yourself [420 words]F. ShakkiJan 17, 2006 21:5131877
Amen brother [2 words]PDMJan 17, 2006 23:0131877
Radical and Moderate Moslems [824 words]F.shakkiJan 21, 2006 21:1231877
Problem with Pope's comments [165 words]J PincusJan 17, 2006 21:5031876
Wow! That's a Great Analysis! BZ! [130 words]GKJan 17, 2006 21:2331875
The Pope is a Realist [101 words]Darwin BarrettJan 17, 2006 21:0231873
To Don, Jeff, Alo et al [172 words]Richard B.Jan 17, 2006 20:5031871
To Richard B [28 words]DonJan 19, 2006 15:0931871
The Truth: Islam Is Stuck, Theologically [178 words]Mike RamirezJan 17, 2006 19:5231862
Ratzinger's words do not surprise me [30 words]ItalianJan 17, 2006 18:1131853
On interpreting the Koran [67 words]john h. rubelJan 17, 2006 17:5631848
Hopeful but not... [30 words]KaylanJan 17, 2006 16:5131842
Islam Must Accept the Koran as a Historical Document [164 words]Jonathan KeilerJan 17, 2006 16:4231840
Endless conflict? [46 words]David LevinsonJan 17, 2006 15:4331834
Comment on Fr. Joseph Fessio's remarks [307 words]Christian W. TrollJan 17, 2006 15:2531833
Re the Popes take on Islam [136 words]George EustermanJan 17, 2006 15:2131832
Rediscover the origions of faith, the seeds of peaceful coexistence. [219 words]D.Jan 17, 2006 15:1631830
Sure, enough in common and enough difference. [531 words]Jeroen Ruigrok van der WervenJan 18, 2006 15:5131830
Open to Change?? [305 words]J.S.Jan 17, 2006 14:5431828
The incredible task of changing the SHARIA LAWS [85 words]batya daganJan 17, 2006 14:4731827
2No hope. No redeeming value whatsover. [573 words]howlinJan 17, 2006 14:3831825
No hope. No redeeming value whatsover. [219 words]IanusJan 17, 2006 17:1031825
Vade Retro Me Satana [565 words]Alo KievalarJan 17, 2006 14:2431822
Many thanks to Alo Kievalar for his entry on this blog [96 words]PigfootJan 18, 2006 19:0131822
What about Maslaha ? [78 words]Shammai FishmanJan 17, 2006 14:2331821
Physician, heal thyself. [207 words]John W. McGinleyJan 17, 2006 13:3831814
Two popes [7 words]IanusJan 18, 2006 08:1531814
Pope Benedict's statement not 'Ex Cathedra' [34 words]TW PopeJan 20, 2006 12:3431814
Pope Benedict's statement not 'Ex Cathedra' [83 words]IanusJan 20, 2006 17:2331814
JPII and BXVI [185 words]TW PopeJan 22, 2006 10:0931814
Amen TW Pope [5 words]AllonehhobJan 22, 2006 19:2731814
RE: JPII and BXVI [264 words]IanusJan 23, 2006 10:5931814
Re: PBXVI, JPII, and PXVI [481 words]TW PopeJan 23, 2006 18:0331814
Re: PBXVI, JPII, and PXVI ...or a "noble Islam" [962 words]IanusJan 24, 2006 15:2831814
Christianity is tolerance [158 words]j.m.Jan 27, 2006 01:3831814
Have you read the latest corrections? [104 words]TW PopeJan 27, 2006 10:1531814
1Christianity is tolerance...but look at Northern Cyprus ! [733 words]IanusJan 27, 2006 17:5331814
JM, how do you know that there is no hell? [50 words]TW PopeJan 27, 2006 18:0631814
Have you read the latest corrections? [450 words]IanusJan 28, 2006 09:2931814
Thomas Aquinas [184 words]j.m.Jan 29, 2006 20:4131814
Existence of Hell [206 words]j.m.Jan 29, 2006 20:5831814
TW Pope, Hell [1254 words]j.m.Jan 29, 2006 21:1931814
Thomas Aquinas [223 words]IanusJan 30, 2006 16:5231814
The Pope is right: Islam is stuck. [201 words]Carl GoldbergJan 17, 2006 13:3031812
Pope's comments echo Rodney Stark [60 words]Gary HarmonJan 17, 2006 12:5931805
The Discover of warm water [47 words]italianJan 17, 2006 18:5631805
Qur'an is Racist and Profiteering [16 words]americanJan 27, 2006 01:4231805
Not the case for the Bible, either [161 words]JosephJan 17, 2006 12:4931803
The Catholic Church has real problems with other religions [217 words]Kenneth S. BesigJan 17, 2006 14:3231803
Jewish "Modernity" [241 words]orange yonasonJan 18, 2006 02:3531803
Pope and Pipes on Revelation [648 words]DonJan 17, 2006 12:4331802
Which version of the Bible? [45 words]Mark GarretsonJan 17, 2006 16:1731802
You are no better Don [61 words]John GiannascaJan 17, 2006 16:5331802
christianity will not be reduced at a mere question of bible-observance [140 words]ItalianJan 17, 2006 18:3231802
Don... [45 words]ChristianJan 18, 2006 02:3231802
Response to Mark [278 words]DonJan 19, 2006 09:5531802
Response to John [472 words]donJan 19, 2006 10:3131802
To Christian [3 words]DonJan 19, 2006 15:0331802
To Don And Christian [278 words]AllonehhobJan 19, 2006 20:5431802
Response to Allonehhob [741 words]DonJan 20, 2006 14:0531802
To Don [174 words]AllonehhobJan 20, 2006 22:4631802
To Dona response to Allonehhob [4 words]JerryJan 21, 2006 02:5431802
Agree with John Giannasca [128 words]NicholasJan 21, 2006 09:1931802
The other Don---To my friend Allonehhob [142 words]DonJan 22, 2006 09:5831802
To My Friend Don, reply to Jan 22 post [117 words]AllonehhobJan 22, 2006 19:4231802
Response to Allonehhob and the Other Don, from Don (original) [511 words]The Original DonJan 23, 2006 15:0531802
Protestantism and Catholicism [82 words]CatholicJan 27, 2006 01:5131802
Daniel Pipes is right [78 words]Amitabh tripathiJan 17, 2006 12:1631800
If Terrorist would have followed Quran [333 words]Abd_AbdalJan 17, 2006 19:3131800
Islam and killing innocents [197 words]VinodguptJan 18, 2006 14:2731800
To Abd_Abdal [174 words]AllonehhobJan 19, 2006 21:5031800
Conversion or dhimmitude [97 words]David W. LincolnJan 17, 2006 11:5631798
Articles Like This Advance The Ideas Needed for Peace [18 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
William Sumner ScottJan 17, 2006 11:5431797
Just another interpretation...of so many others! [242 words]EDFJan 17, 2006 11:5231796
The Pope and The Koran [84 words]Roy WagnerJan 17, 2006 11:2431794
Statement made by Roy Wagner [130 words]DillahDec 19, 2007 16:5231794
Muslims Modifying the Quran [61 words]td9Jan 17, 2006 11:2131793
Putting a bandaid on a third degree burn. [66 words]JeffJan 17, 2006 16:5731793
A 46-year-old forward jump. [214 words]Geoffrey LewisJan 17, 2006 11:1531792
Pipes, Pope, Taha & Interpretability of the Quoran [378 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
JOvertonJan 17, 2006 11:1131791
Pipes, Pope, Taha & Interpretability of the Qur'an re Pipes' response [406 words]Nomad TanruJun 12, 2006 19:0031791
and what happened to Al-Ustazh Mahmud Muhammad Taha? [99 words]LactantiusJan 17, 2006 11:0931790
1and what happened to Al-Ustazh Mahmud Muhammad Taha? [150 words]IanusJan 18, 2006 14:1931790
PAPAL COMMENTS [114 words]DONVANJan 17, 2006 09:4031787

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