Here is my final reply to your questionsReader comment on item: Pope Benedict XVI and the Koran Submitted by Zedine (India), Jan 6, 2007 at 11:55 In Part one you will find most of the answers to the questions about Prophet Mohammed. The Life of Prophet Mohammed is an example for the whole of Mankind. God loved His Messenger Mohammed for his exemplary life and For delivering God's Message that is Holy Quran to Mankind. Before him God has sent Prophet Moses and old Testament was revealed to Him. Then God has sent Prophet Jesus Christ and Holy Bible was revealed to Him. Then God has sent Prophet Mohammed as His Last Prophet and revealed To him The Holy Quran, which is the Last Testament. From Father/Prophet Adam To Prophet Mohammed God has sent many Prophets for the guidance of Mankind. Muslims believe in all the prophets of God and the revelations from God. Allah (GOD) has praised Prophet Mohammed for his exemplary character and Conduct and his behavior, He was kind and merciful towards all. God has revealed to him the Holy Quran as guidance for the whole of Mankind. God Loves all, He is the Creator of everything existed. He is the One and Only God. Prophet Mohammed is held in High Esteem by about one and half Billion Muslims today, as well as millions of Non Muslims. Below are some of the Verses of Quran in which God has praised His Messenger Mohammed. " And Most Certainly, Thou (O Muhummed) Art of most sublime And Exalted Character" Holy Quran 68:4' MOST Certainly, YOU HAVE IN THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH' AN EXCELLENT PATTERN (OF BEHAVIOUR) Holy Quran:33:21 AND HAVE WE NOT RAISED HIGH THE ESTEEM (IN WHICH) THOU (ART HELD)? Holy Quran 94.4 Alternative renderings:
IT IS HE (GOD ALMIGHTY) WHO HAS SENT HIS MESSENGER (MUHUMMAD) WITH GUIDANCE AND THE RELIGION OF TRUTH (ISLAM) THAT HE MAY MAKE IT PREVAIL, OVER ALL RELIGIONS. AND ENOUGH IS GOD FOR A WITNESS. Holy Quran 48:28 AND WE SENT THEE NOT (O MUHUMMED) BUT AS A MERCY UNTO (all) THE WORLDS. Holy Quran 21:10 WE HAVE NOT SENT THEE (OH MUHUMMED) BUT TO THE WHOLE OF MANKIND. AS A GIVER OF GLAD TIDINGS AND AS A WARNER. BUT MOST OF MANKIND STILL DO NOT KNOW. Holy Quran 34:28' O THOU WRAPPED UP ARISE AND DELIVER THY WARNING1! AND THY LORD DO THOU MAGNIFY! AND THY GARMENTS KEEP FREE FROM STAIN! AND ALL ABOMINATION SHUN! NOR EXPECT, IN GIVING, ANY INCREASE (FOR THYSELF) BUT, FOR THY LORD'S (CAUSE) BE PATIENT AND CONSTANT Holy Quran 74:1-7 Part (3) what, some Non-Muslims have to say about Prophet Mohammed. (Only a few quotations of their tributes are given out of many) Jules Masserman, United States psychoanalyst and was professor of the Chicago University says that Leaders must fulfill three functions. 1. The Leader must provide for the Well-being of the Lead. 2. The Leader or would be Leader Must provide a Social organization in which People feel relatively secure 3. That this Leader Must provide, His people with one set of belief. With the foregoing three standards. Masserman searches History and analyses Louis Pasteur, Salk, Gandhi, Confucious, Alexder the great, Ceasar, Hitler, Budha, Jesus, Moses, Mohammed and the rest. Finally coming to the conclusion that: PERHAPS THE GREATEST LEADER OF ALL TIMES WAS MUHAMMED. WHO COMBINED ALL THREE FUNCTIONS (AND) TO A LESSER DEGREE MOSES DID THE SAME. In recent times, Michael H. Hart (Historian, Mathematician and Astronomer) in his book "The Hundred" or The Hundred Greatest in History. He has searched history for Men who had the Greatest influence on Mankind. He has put the Holy Prophet Mohammed as No. 1., The first of his "100". James Gavin US army retired Lt. General says "Among leaders who have made the Greatest impact through ages I would consider, Mohammed, Jesus Christ, Maybe Lenin, possibly Mao. As for a leader whose qualities we could most use now, I would choose John F Kennedy". William McNeill considers Mohammed as worthy of honor in his list of the first three names. GREATEST INFLUENCE' UPON THE HUMAN RACE…MOHAMMED." John William Draper, M.D. LLD in his "A History of the Intellectual Development of Europe" London 1875 ‘I DOUBT WHETHER ANY MAN WHOSE EXTERNAL CONDITIONS CHANGED SO MUCH EVER CVHANGED HIMSELF LESS TO MEET THEM' R.V. C. Bodley in ‘The messenger" "London" 1946 P.9 I HAVE STUDIED HIM – THE WONDERFUL MAN – (Mohammed) AND IN MY OPENION FAR FROM BEING AN ANTI-CHRIST. HE MUST BE CALLED THE SAVIOUR OF HUMANITY' George Bernard Shaw, in "The Genuine Islam" Vol. 1. No. 81936 "BY FORTUNE ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE IN HISTORY. MOHAMMED IS A THREEFOLD FOUNDER OF A NATION, OF AN EMPIRE, AND OF A RELIGION' R. Bosworth Smith in "Mohammed and Mohammedanism" 1946 "MOHAMMED WAS THE MOST SUCCESSFUL OF ALL RELIGIOUS PERSONALITIES". Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th Edition. "MOHAMMED WAS THE SOUL OF KINDNESS, AND HIS INFLUENCE WAS FELT AND NEVER FORGOTTEN BY THOSE AROUND HIM". A Hindu Scholar – Diwan Chand Sharma in his. "The Prophets of the East" Calcutta 1935 p122 "HISTORY MAKES IT CLEAR HOWEVER, THAT THE LEGEND OF FANATICAL MUSLIMS SWEEPING THROUGH THE WORLD AND FORCING ISLAM AT THE POINT OF THE SWORD UPON CONQUERED RACES IS ONE OF THE MOST FANTASTICALLY ABSURD MYTHS THAT HISTORIANS HAVE EVER REPEATED' De Lacy O'Leary in "Islam at the crossroads" London 1923, p8 "THE CREED OF MOHAMMED IS FREE FROM THE SUSPICIONS OF AMBIGUITY AND THE KORAN IS A GLORIOUS TESTIMONY TO THE UNITY OF GOD' Gibbon in his "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" "THE MORE I STUDY THE MORE I DISCOVER THAT THE STRENTH OF ISLAM DOES NOT LIE IN THE SWORD' Mahatma Gandhi in "Young India" "THEY (Mohammed's critics) SEE FIRE INSTEAD OF LIGHT. UGLINESS INSTEAD OF GOOD. THEY DISTORT AND PRESENT EVERY GOOD QUALITY AS A GREAT VICE. IT REFLECTS THEIR OWN DEPRAVITY. THE CRITICS ARE BLIND, THEY CANNOT SEE THAT THE ONLY SWORD MUHAMMED WIELDED WAS THE SWORD OF MERCY, COMPASSION, FRIENDSHIP AND FORGIVENESS. THE SWORD THAT CONQUERS ENEMIES AND PURIFIES THEIR HEARTS. HIS SWORD WAS SHARPER THEN THE SWORD OF STEEL" Hindu Scholar Pandit Gyanadra Dev Sharma Shastri 1928 Gorakhpur, India. Mohammed the Prophet was the Messenger of God for the Whole Mankind, Universal Messenger. He practiced what he preached. Among his first companions and converts Beside the Arab can be counted Bilal the Abyssinian, Salman the Persian, and Abdullah Bin-Salam the Jew. He sent out five epistles, one each to five countries, inviting them to Islam. 1. The Emperor of Persia 2. The King of Egypt 3. The Negus of Abyssinia 4. The Emperor Hiraclius at Constantinopple 5 The king of Yemen. His Greatness of purpose was the reclamation of the whole of humanity into the Master's fold that is "GOD" by this he was carrying out the trust that was reposed in him by the Lord of Creation "GOD". History will tell you that it was the darkest period in the history of mankind when Mohammed (pbuh) was commanded to declare his mission. The need was for the raising of prophets in every corner of the world or the sending of one Master Messenger for the whole Mankind to deliver them from falsehood, superstition, selfishness, polytheism, Evil, wrong and oppression. It was to be the reclamation of the whole humanity. And God Almighty in His wisdom chose His prophet from the backwaters of Arabia as His Universal Messenger. Thus He records in the Noble Quran: "AND WE SENT THEE NOT (O MUHUMMED) BUT AS A MERCY UNTO (ALL) Some specific answers to your questions are given below: There is no question of deliberately being deceitful. Specific Quotes from Holy Quran were given. Holy Quran is from God for whole Mankind. It should be read with understanding. It is meant for all, there is nothing to hide in Islam, It is just TRUTH from Almighty God. One should know in what context certain verses are revealed. In Surah V:32-35 In your Quotes you have not mention V:34 which is very important "Save Those who repent before ye overpower them, For know that Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." V;34 . God is Most Merciful and Benificent towards all. Any one who repents and ask for forgiveness then He may forgive them Well, Please read the chapter below then you will understand why God has Given permission to fight in self defence, while you are defending yourselves against The most Barbaric and ruthless people who bury alive the Girl children, who burn People alive, who rape women and killed them, Un-imaginable brutality. What your General will order you, He will order you to kill them. For justice and peace and only in Self defence fighting is allowed. However still there are restrictions in fighting. There is a conduct of war and fighting also. If any one read Quran thoroughly they can very well know it. But Prophet Mohammed has set many examples of pity and mercy for even his worst enemies and adversaries, he was kind and just towards all. Read the history of the early converts to Islam, and every heart would melt at the sight of the brutal treatment of innocent Muslim men and women. Sumayya, an innocent women, is cruelly torn into pieces with spears. An example is made of "Yassir whose legs are tied to two camels and the beast were are driven in opposite directions", Khabbab bin Arth is made lie down on the bed of burning coal with the brutal legs of their merciless tyrant on his breast so that he may not move and this makes even the fat beneath his skin melt. "Khabban bin Adi is put to death in a cruel manner by mutilation and cutting off his flesh piece-meal." In the midst of his tortures, being asked weather he did not wish Mohammad in his place while he was in his house with his family, the sufferer cried out that he was gladly prepared to sacrifice himself his family and children and why was it that these sons and daughters of Islam not only surrendered to their prophet their allegiance but also made a gift of their hearts and souls to their master? Is not the intense faith and conviction on part of immediate followers of Mohammad, the noblest testimony to his sincerity and to his utter self-absorption in his appointed task? And these men were not of low station or inferior mental caliber. Around him in quite early days, gathered what was best and noblest in Mecca, its flower and cream, men of position, rank, wealth and culture, and from his own kith and kin, those who knew all about his life. All the first four Caliphs, with their towering personalities, were converts of this period. MUSLIMS BELIEVE IN ONE GOD AND ALL HIS PROPHETS AND ALL HIS HOLY BOOKS FROM PROPHET ADAM TO PROPHET MOHAMMED. Thanks and Regards, Zedine Laiq In Part one you will find most of the answers to the questions about Prophet Mohammed. The Life of Prophet Mohammed is an example for the whole of Mankind. God loved His Messenger Mohammed for his exemplary life and For delivering God's Message that is Holy Quran to Mankind. Before him God has sent Prophet Moses and old Testament was revealed to Him. Then God has sent Prophet Jesus Christ and Holy Bible was revealed to Him. Then God has sent Prophet Mohammed as His Last Prophet and revealed To him The Holy Quran, which is the Last Testament. From Father/Prophet Adam To Prophet Mohammed God has sent many Prophets for the guidance of Mankind. Muslims believe in all the prophets of God and the revelations from God. Allah (GOD) has praised Prophet Mohammed for his exemplary character and Conduct and his behavior, He was kind and merciful towards all. God has revealed to him the Holy Quran as guidance for the whole of Mankind. God Loves all, He is the Creator of everything existed. He is the One and Only God. Prophet Mohammed is held in High Esteem by about one and half Billion Muslims today, as well as millions of Non Muslims. Below are some of the Verses of Quran in which God has praised His Messenger Mohammed. " And Most Certainly, Thou (O Muhummed) Art of most sublime And Exalted Character" Holy Quran 68:4' MOST Certainly, YOU HAVE IN THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH' AN EXCELLENT PATTERN (OF BEHAVIOUR) Holy Quran:33:21 AND HAVE WE NOT RAISED HIGH THE ESTEEM (IN WHICH) THOU (ART HELD)? Holy Quran 94.4 Alternative renderings:
IT IS HE (GOD ALMIGHTY) WHO HAS SENT HIS MESSENGER (MUHUMMAD) WITH GUIDANCE AND THE RELIGION OF TRUTH (ISLAM) THAT HE MAY MAKE IT PREVAIL, OVER ALL RELIGIONS. AND ENOUGH IS GOD FOR A WITNESS. Holy Quran 48:28 AND WE SENT THEE NOT (O MUHUMMED) BUT AS A MERCY UNTO (all) THE WORLDS. Holy Quran 21:10 WE HAVE NOT SENT THEE (OH MUHUMMED) BUT TO THE WHOLE OF MANKIND. AS A GIVER OF GLAD TIDINGS AND AS A WARNER. BUT MOST OF MANKIND STILL DO NOT KNOW. Holy Quran 34:28' O THOU WRAPPED UP ARISE AND DELIVER THY WARNING1! AND THY LORD DO THOU MAGNIFY! AND THY GARMENTS KEEP FREE FROM STAIN! AND ALL ABOMINATION SHUN! NOR EXPECT, IN GIVING, ANY INCREASE (FOR THYSELF) BUT, FOR THY LORD'S (CAUSE) BE PATIENT AND CONSTANT Holy Quran 74:1-7 Part (3) what, some Non-Muslims have to say about Prophet Mohammed. (Only a few quotations of their tributes are given out of many) Jules Masserman, United States psychoanalyst and was professor of the Chicago University says that Leaders must fulfill three functions. 1. The Leader must provide for the Well-being of the Lead. 2. The Leader or would be Leader Must provide a Social organization in which People feel relatively secure 3. That this Leader Must provide, His people with one set of belief. With the foregoing three standards. Masserman searches History and analyses Louis Pasteur, Salk, Gandhi, Confucious, Alexder the great, Ceasar, Hitler, Budha, Jesus, Moses, Mohammed and the rest. Finally coming to the conclusion that: PERHAPS THE GREATEST LEADER OF ALL TIMES WAS MUHAMMED. WHO COMBINED ALL THREE FUNCTIONS (AND) TO A LESSER DEGREE MOSES DID THE SAME. In recent times, Michael H. Hart (Historian, Mathematician and Astronomer) in his book "The Hundred" or The Hundred Greatest in History. He has searched history for Men who had the Greatest influence on Mankind. He has put the Holy Prophet Mohammed as No. 1., The first of his "100". James Gavin US army retired Lt. General says "Among leaders who have made the Greatest impact through ages I would consider, Mohammed, Jesus Christ, Maybe Lenin, possibly Mao. As for a leader whose qualities we could most use now, I would choose John F Kennedy". William McNeill considers Mohammed as worthy of honor in his list of the first three names. GREATEST INFLUENCE' UPON THE HUMAN RACE…MOHAMMED." John William Draper, M.D. LLD in his "A History of the Intellectual Development of Europe" London 1875 ‘I DOUBT WHETHER ANY MAN WHOSE EXTERNAL CONDITIONS CHANGED SO MUCH EVER CVHANGED HIMSELF LESS TO MEET THEM' R.V. C. Bodley in ‘The messenger" "London" 1946 P.9 I HAVE STUDIED HIM – THE WONDERFUL MAN – (Mohammed) AND IN MY OPENION FAR FROM BEING AN ANTI-CHRIST. HE MUST BE CALLED THE SAVIOUR OF HUMANITY' George Bernard Shaw, in "The Genuine Islam" Vol. 1. No. 81936 "BY FORTUNE ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE IN HISTORY. MOHAMMED IS A THREEFOLD FOUNDER OF A NATION, OF AN EMPIRE, AND OF A RELIGION' R. Bosworth Smith in "Mohammed and Mohammedanism" 1946 "MOHAMMED WAS THE MOST SUCCESSFUL OF ALL RELIGIOUS PERSONALITIES". Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th Edition. "MOHAMMED WAS THE SOUL OF KINDNESS, AND HIS INFLUENCE WAS FELT AND NEVER FORGOTTEN BY THOSE AROUND HIM". A Hindu Scholar – Diwan Chand Sharma in his. "The Prophets of the East" Calcutta 1935 p122 "HISTORY MAKES IT CLEAR HOWEVER, THAT THE LEGEND OF FANATICAL MUSLIMS SWEEPING THROUGH THE WORLD AND FORCING ISLAM AT THE POINT OF THE SWORD UPON CONQUERED RACES IS ONE OF THE MOST FANTASTICALLY ABSURD MYTHS THAT HISTORIANS HAVE EVER REPEATED' De Lacy O'Leary in "Islam at the crossroads" London 1923, p8 "THE CREED OF MOHAMMED IS FREE FROM THE SUSPICIONS OF AMBIGUITY AND THE KORAN IS A GLORIOUS TESTIMONY TO THE UNITY OF GOD' Gibbon in his "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" "THE MORE I STUDY THE MORE I DISCOVER THAT THE STRENTH OF ISLAM DOES NOT LIE IN THE SWORD' Mahatma Gandhi in "Young India" "THEY (Mohammed's critics) SEE FIRE INSTEAD OF LIGHT. UGLINESS INSTEAD OF GOOD. THEY DISTORT AND PRESENT EVERY GOOD QUALITY AS A GREAT VICE. IT REFLECTS THEIR OWN DEPRAVITY. THE CRITICS ARE BLIND, THEY CANNOT SEE THAT THE ONLY SWORD MUHAMMED WIELDED WAS THE SWORD OF MERCY, COMPASSION, FRIENDSHIP AND FORGIVENESS. THE SWORD THAT CONQUERS ENEMIES AND PURIFIES THEIR HEARTS. HIS SWORD WAS SHARPER THEN THE SWORD OF STEEL" Hindu Scholar Pandit Gyanadra Dev Sharma Shastri 1928 Gorakhpur, India. Mohammed the Prophet was the Messenger of God for the Whole Mankind, Universal Messenger. He practiced what he preached. Among his first companions and converts Beside the Arab can be counted Bilal the Abyssinian, Salman the Persian, and Abdullah Bin-Salam the Jew. He sent out five epistles, one each to five countries, inviting them to Islam. 1. The Emperor of Persia 2. The King of Egypt 3. The Negus of Abyssinia 4. The Emperor Hiraclius at Constantinopple 5 The king of Yemen. His Greatness of purpose was the reclamation of the whole of humanity into the Master's fold that is "GOD" by this he was carrying out the trust that was reposed in him by the Lord of Creation "GOD". History will tell you that it was the darkest period in the history of mankind when Mohammed (pbuh) was commanded to declare his mission. The need was for the raising of prophets in every corner of the world or the sending of one Master Messenger for the whole Mankind to deliver them from falsehood, superstition, selfishness, polytheism, Evil, wrong and oppression. It was to be the reclamation of the whole humanity. And God Almighty in His wisdom chose His prophet from the backwaters of Arabia as His Universal Messenger. Thus He records in the Noble Quran: "AND WE SENT THEE NOT (O MUHUMMED) BUT AS A MERCY UNTO (ALL) Some specific answers to your questions are given below: There is no question of deliberately being deceitful. Specific Quotes from Holy Quran were given. Holy Quran is from God for whole Mankind. It should be read with understanding. It is meant for all, there is nothing to hide in Islam, It is just TRUTH from Almighty God. One should know in what context certain verses are revealed. In Surah V:32-35 In your Quotes you have not mention V:34 which is very important "Save Those who repent before ye overpower them, For know that Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." V;34 . God is Most Merciful and Benificent towards all. Any one who repents and ask for forgiveness then He may forgive them Well, Please read the chapter below then you will understand why God has Given permission to fight in self defence, while you are defending yourselves against The most Barbaric and ruthless people who bury alive the Girl children, who burn People alive, who rape women and killed them, Un-imaginable brutality. What your General will order you, He will order you to kill them. For justice and peace and only in Self defence fighting is allowed. However still there are restrictions in fighting. There is a conduct of war and fighting also. If any one read Quran thoroughly they can very well know it. But Prophet Mohammed has set many examples of pity and mercy for even his worst enemies and adversaries, he was kind and just towards all. Read the history of the early converts to Islam, and every heart would melt at the sight of the brutal treatment of innocent Muslim men and women. Sumayya, an innocent women, is cruelly torn into pieces with spears. An example is made of "Yassir whose legs are tied to two camels and the beast were are driven in opposite directions", Khabbab bin Arth is made lie down on the bed of burning coal with the brutal legs of their merciless tyrant on his breast so that he may not move and this makes even the fat beneath his skin melt. "Khabban bin Adi is put to death in a cruel manner by mutilation and cutting off his flesh piece-meal." In the midst of his tortures, being asked weather he did not wish Mohammad in his place while he was in his house with his family, the sufferer cried out that he was gladly prepared to sacrifice himself his family and children and why was it that these sons and daughters of Islam not only surrendered to their prophet their allegiance but also made a gift of their hearts and souls to their master? Is not the intense faith and conviction on part of immediate followers of Mohammad, the noblest testimony to his sincerity and to his utter self-absorption in his appointed task? And these men were not of low station or inferior mental caliber. Around him in quite early days, gathered what was best and noblest in Mecca, its flower and cream, men of position, rank, wealth and culture, and from his own kith and kin, those who knew all about his life. All the first four Caliphs, with their towering personalities, were converts of this period. MUSLIMS BELIEVE IN ONE GOD AND ALL HIS PROPHETS AND ALL HIS HOLY BOOKS FROM PROPHET ADAM TO PROPHET MOHAMMED. Thanks and Regards, Zedine Laiq In Part one you will find most of the answers to the questions about Prophet Mohammed. The Life of Prophet Mohammed is an example for the whole of Mankind. God loved His Messenger Mohammed for his exemplary life and For delivering God's Message that is Holy Quran to Mankind. Before him God has sent Prophet Moses and old Testament was revealed to Him. Then God has sent Prophet Jesus Christ and Holy Bible was revealed to Him. Then God has sent Prophet Mohammed as His Last Prophet and revealed To him The Holy Quran, which is the Last Testament. From Father/Prophet Adam To Prophet Mohammed God has sent many Prophets for the guidance of Mankind. Muslims believe in all the prophets of God and the revelations from God. Allah (GOD) has praised Prophet Mohammed for his exemplary character and Conduct and his behavior, He was kind and merciful towards all. God has revealed to him the Holy Quran as guidance for the whole of Mankind. God Loves all, He is the Creator of everything existed. He is the One and Only God. Prophet Mohammed is held in High Esteem by about one and half Billion Muslims today, as well as millions of Non Muslims. Below are some of the Verses of Quran in which God has praised His Messenger Mohammed. " And Most Certainly, Thou (O Muhummed) Art of most sublime And Exalted Character" Holy Quran 68:4' MOST Certainly, YOU HAVE IN THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH' AN EXCELLENT PATTERN (OF BEHAVIOUR) Holy Quran:33:21 AND HAVE WE NOT RAISED HIGH THE ESTEEM (IN WHICH) THOU (ART HELD)? Holy Quran 94.4 Alternative renderings:
IT IS HE (GOD ALMIGHTY) WHO HAS SENT HIS MESSENGER (MUHUMMAD) WITH GUIDANCE AND THE RELIGION OF TRUTH (ISLAM) THAT HE MAY MAKE IT PREVAIL, OVER ALL RELIGIONS. AND ENOUGH IS GOD FOR A WITNESS. Holy Quran 48:28 AND WE SENT THEE NOT (O MUHUMMED) BUT AS A MERCY UNTO (all) THE WORLDS. Holy Quran 21:10 WE HAVE NOT SENT THEE (OH MUHUMMED) BUT TO THE WHOLE OF MANKIND. AS A GIVER OF GLAD TIDINGS AND AS A WARNER. BUT MOST OF MANKIND STILL DO NOT KNOW. Holy Quran 34:28' O THOU WRAPPED UP ARISE AND DELIVER THY WARNING1! AND THY LORD DO THOU MAGNIFY! AND THY GARMENTS KEEP FREE FROM STAIN! AND ALL ABOMINATION SHUN! NOR EXPECT, IN GIVING, ANY INCREASE (FOR THYSELF) BUT, FOR THY LORD'S (CAUSE) BE PATIENT AND CONSTANT Holy Quran 74:1-7 Part (3) what, some Non-Muslims have to say about Prophet Mohammed. (Only a few quotations of their tributes are given out of many) Jules Masserman, United States psychoanalyst and was professor of the Chicago University says that Leaders must fulfill three functions. 1. The Leader must provide for the Well-being of the Lead. 2. The Leader or would be Leader Must provide a Social organization in which People feel relatively secure 3. That this Leader Must provide, His people with one set of belief. With the foregoing three standards. Masserman searches History and analyses Louis Pasteur, Salk, Gandhi, Confucious, Alexder the great, Ceasar, Hitler, Budha, Jesus, Moses, Mohammed and the rest. Finally coming to the conclusion that: PERHAPS THE GREATEST LEADER OF ALL TIMES WAS MUHAMMED. WHO COMBINED ALL THREE FUNCTIONS (AND) TO A LESSER DEGREE MOSES DID THE SAME. In recent times, Michael H. Hart (Historian, Mathematician and Astronomer) in his book "The Hundred" or The Hundred Greatest in History. He has searched history for Men who had the Greatest influence on Mankind. He has put the Holy Prophet Mohammed as No. 1., The first of his "100". James Gavin US army retired Lt. General says "Among leaders who have made the Greatest impact through ages I would consider, Mohammed, Jesus Christ, Maybe Lenin, possibly Mao. As for a leader whose qualities we could most use now, I would choose John F Kennedy". William McNeill considers Mohammed as worthy of honor in his list of the first three names. GREATEST INFLUENCE' UPON THE HUMAN RACE…MOHAMMED." John William Draper, M.D. LLD in his "A History of the Intellectual Development of Europe" London 1875 ‘I DOUBT WHETHER ANY MAN WHOSE EXTERNAL CONDITIONS CHANGED SO MUCH EVER CVHANGED HIMSELF LESS TO MEET THEM' R.V. C. Bodley in ‘The messenger" "London" 1946 P.9 I HAVE STUDIED HIM – THE WONDERFUL MAN – (Mohammed) AND IN MY OPENION FAR FROM BEING AN ANTI-CHRIST. HE MUST BE CALLED THE SAVIOUR OF HUMANITY' George Bernard Shaw, in "The Genuine Islam" Vol. 1. No. 81936 "BY FORTUNE ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE IN HISTORY. MOHAMMED IS A THREEFOLD FOUNDER OF A NATION, OF AN EMPIRE, AND OF A RELIGION' R. Bosworth Smith in "Mohammed and Mohammedanism" 1946 "MOHAMMED WAS THE MOST SUCCESSFUL OF ALL RELIGIOUS PERSONALITIES". Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th Edition. "MOHAMMED WAS THE SOUL OF KINDNESS, AND HIS INFLUENCE WAS FELT AND NEVER FORGOTTEN BY THOSE AROUND HIM". A Hindu Scholar – Diwan Chand Sharma in his. "The Prophets of the East" Calcutta 1935 p122 "HISTORY MAKES IT CLEAR HOWEVER, THAT THE LEGEND OF FANATICAL MUSLIMS SWEEPING THROUGH THE WORLD AND FORCING ISLAM AT THE POINT OF THE SWORD UPON CONQUERED RACES IS ONE OF THE MOST FANTASTICALLY ABSURD MYTHS THAT HISTORIANS HAVE EVER REPEATED' De Lacy O'Leary in "Islam at the crossroads" London 1923, p8 "THE CREED OF MOHAMMED IS FREE FROM THE SUSPICIONS OF AMBIGUITY AND THE KORAN IS A GLORIOUS TESTIMONY TO THE UNITY OF GOD' Gibbon in his "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" "THE MORE I STUDY THE MORE I DISCOVER THAT THE STRENTH OF ISLAM DOES NOT LIE IN THE SWORD' Mahatma Gandhi in "Young India" "THEY (Mohammed's critics) SEE FIRE INSTEAD OF LIGHT. UGLINESS INSTEAD OF GOOD. THEY DISTORT AND PRESENT EVERY GOOD QUALITY AS A GREAT VICE. IT REFLECTS THEIR OWN DEPRAVITY. THE CRITICS ARE BLIND, THEY CANNOT SEE THAT THE ONLY SWORD MUHAMMED WIELDED WAS THE SWORD OF MERCY, COMPASSION, FRIENDSHIP AND FORGIVENESS. THE SWORD THAT CONQUERS ENEMIES AND PURIFIES THEIR HEARTS. HIS SWORD WAS SHARPER THEN THE SWORD OF STEEL" Hindu Scholar Pandit Gyanadra Dev Sharma Shastri 1928 Gorakhpur, India. Mohammed the Prophet was the Messenger of God for the Whole Mankind, Universal Messenger. He practiced what he preached. Among his first companions and converts Beside the Arab can be counted Bilal the Abyssinian, Salman the Persian, and Abdullah Bin-Salam the Jew. He sent out five epistles, one each to five countries, inviting them to Islam. 1. The Emperor of Persia 2. The King of Egypt 3. The Negus of Abyssinia 4. The Emperor Hiraclius at Constantinopple 5 The king of Yemen. His Greatness of purpose was the reclamation of the whole of humanity into the Master's fold that is "GOD" by this he was carrying out the trust that was reposed in him by the Lord of Creation "GOD". History will tell you that it was the darkest period in the history of mankind when Mohammed (pbuh) was commanded to declare his mission. The need was for the raising of prophets in every corner of the world or the sending of one Master Messenger for the whole Mankind to deliver them from falsehood, superstition, selfishness, polytheism, Evil, wrong and oppression. It was to be the reclamation of the whole humanity. And God Almighty in His wisdom chose His prophet from the backwaters of Arabia as His Universal Messenger. Thus He records in the Noble Quran: "AND WE SENT THEE NOT (O MUHUMMED) BUT AS A MERCY UNTO (ALL) Some specific answers to your questions are given below: There is no question of deliberately being deceitful. Specific Quotes from Holy Quran were given. Holy Quran is from God for whole Mankind. It should be read with understanding. It is meant for all, there is nothing to hide in Islam, It is just TRUTH from Almighty God. One should know in what context certain verses are revealed. In Surah V:32-35 In your Quotes you have not mention V:34 which is very important "Save Those who repent before ye overpower them, For know that Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." V;34 . God is Most Merciful and Benificent towards all. Any one who repents and ask for forgiveness then He may forgive them Well, Please read the chapter below then you will understand why God has Given permission to fight in self defence, while you are defending yourselves against The most Barbaric and ruthless people who bury alive the Girl children, who burn People alive, who rape women and killed them, Un-imaginable brutality. What your General will order you, He will order you to kill them. For justice and peace and only in Self defence fighting is allowed. However still there are restrictions in fighting. There is a conduct of war and fighting also. If any one read Quran thoroughly they can very well know it. But Prophet Mohammed has set many examples of pity and mercy for even his worst enemies and adversaries, he was kind and just towards all. Read the history of the early converts to Islam, and every heart would melt at the sight of the brutal treatment of innocent Muslim men and women. Sumayya, an innocent women, is cruelly torn into pieces with spears. An example is made of "Yassir whose legs are tied to two camels and the beast were are driven in opposite directions", Khabbab bin Arth is made lie down on the bed of burning coal with the brutal legs of their merciless tyrant on his breast so that he may not move and this makes even the fat beneath his skin melt. "Khabban bin Adi is put to death in a cruel manner by mutilation and cutting off his flesh piece-meal." In the midst of his tortures, being asked weather he did not wish Mohammad in his place while he was in his house with his family, the sufferer cried out that he was gladly prepared to sacrifice himself his family and children and why was it that these sons and daughters of Islam not only surrendered to their prophet their allegiance but also made a gift of their hearts and souls to their master? Is not the intense faith and conviction on part of immediate followers of Mohammad, the noblest testimony to his sincerity and to his utter self-absorption in his appointed task? And these men were not of low station or inferior mental caliber. Around him in quite early days, gathered what was best and noblest in Mecca, its flower and cream, men of position, rank, wealth and culture, and from his own kith and kin, those who knew all about his life. All the first four Caliphs, with their towering personalities, were converts of this period. MUSLIMS BELIEVE IN ONE GOD AND ALL HIS PROPHETS AND ALL HIS HOLY BOOKS FROM PROPHET ADAM TO PROPHET MOHAMMED. Thanks and Regards, Zedine Laiq
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