threats, what else is new?Reader comment on item: Ban Islam? Submitted by susan (Italy), Sep 13, 2007 at 18:22 "I called you sister out of courtsey as is common amongst us. If there was an elder woman I would refer to her as Aunt or mother. " considering women in islam are treated like cattle, I am glad I am not sister or relative of any muslim, fortunately women in the west are realizing what a fraud is to be married with a muslim man. "You say we never created poetry or art. This shows your ignorance. I suggest you go to a library in your country and ask for books on Islamic art, poetry and architecture. " LOL, the few poetry and art coming out from lands subjugated by arabians warriors were pre-islamic or christian/jew made. There is no poet or art in the islamic world, because your prophet ordered to kill a poet because he was making fun of him. See? I am not ignorant of islam, I know all the sordid details too. Maybe you don't know that the palaces in Dubai are not designed by muslims, it's all western creativity. You once had some pretty impressive statues in afghanistan, the Buddahs, but you blew them up. Do you have a muslim painter with some artwork in some museum? any sculpture like donatello's david... oh my bad, I forgot that it's illegal for muslims to paint or show the human body. Do you have a muslim shakespear? I guess not. To be a real artist he would have to explore subjects that are not allowed in islam, like questioning the divine, even doing satire. Well I actually know a muslim writer, he's called Salman Rushdie but I bet you don't like him. "I suggest you go to a library in your country and ask for books on Islamic art, poetry and architecture. " I went and the library guy told me "are you crazy? you might ask for the unicorn and have the same result" "Most Muslims sympathised with the USA until the pimp said he was fighting a crusade. " strange, since your xenophobic venom against jews and christians started 1400 years ago. You don't sympatize with anyone that's no muslim, your camel-clerics have been singing death to usa nearby the rock you adore for years, long before Iraq happened. "I pray that they are taught such a lesson that they never ever try to fight us again. And that goes for Europe also." Europe kicked you out at the gates of vienna, lepanto and poitiers, and also from sicily and south of spain. We all know that your war methods are the coward one, terrorism and using human shields, you don't subscribe to any geneva convention, basically fighting with you losers is an unfair war, where you can do anything and we cannot do an ounce of the brutality and barbarism you do. We know that. But situation will have to change, because we cannot let you behave like animals using human shields, using our donation to fulfil your terrorism needs etc. The western world is too stupid, most muslim countries live off western donations, it would be enough to cut off that and you'd be starving. It would be enough not to send you anymore the medicines WE WESTERN PEOPLE invented. Then we would see what "lesson" you'd get. "I am ashamed of my country for siding with the Americans against a criminal Usama Bin Laden. " I know, Bin laden is a hero in pakistan, national hero. http://www.brunei-online.com/bb/thu/sep13w18.htm ISLAMABAD (AFP) - Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden is more popular in Pakistan than President Pervez Musharraf, according to a poll released Wednesday. It said his approval rating was 38 per cent behind 46 per cent for bin Laden, the architect of the September 11, 2001 attacks who is believed to be hiding on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. Bin Laden's ratings jumped to 70 per cent in the Islamist-ruled North West Frontier Province. "better to have remained neutral and left the Americans to their stae. John Negrponte would not have had to say Pakistan has done more than it needed to in the war on terror. read your newspapers. " on my newspapers i read that people get killed in mosques in pakistan (muslim killing muslims) and I think "wonderful, it's all people not coming to Europe". "Today American is a bad word in the Muslim world." and you don't know ugly words like muslim and islam are in the west!!! You cannot imagine!!!! Beside, I would be scared and disappointed to be admired by muslims, since they stand for the opposite of human rights, modernity, progress, culture, respect. "Rermember, Hitler and Mussolini were not Muslims, The japanese were not Muslims,those who carried out pograms against Jews were not Muslims." and they were all stopped, what's your point? Our bad guys have been caught and punished, while your hero osama bin laden is protected and loved by pakistan. What is your point? that we can punish the evil doers and you cannot? You are not aware the hitler was friends with the mufti of jerusalem? you never studied history, right? "The Inquisition in Spain was not Muslim. " the inquisition killed less people than the number of christians that you kill in pakistan in one year. And your point is? "The Concentration camps and the Gluags and Gas chambers were not Muslims." and hitler was condemned at nuremberg trials. The mufti of jerusalem was never condemned. http://www.jimena.org/faq/images/mufti_husseini_hitler.jpg If I remember well, the jews were saved by Americans, not muslims. Or you read a different version of the story? And we see everyday how you muslims love the jews, those peaceful muslims in gaza remind us of it every time they blow up themselves in some fast food in tel aviv. " The Streets of jerusalem ankle deep in blood was not done by Muslims. This was the Second Crusade. The first crusade ended after slaughtering Jews in Germany. When the Muslims retook Jerusalem, they let the Christians go, History books will tell you that." history books (not the jokes you have in pakistan) tell me that the crusades were a reply to the blood thirsty muslims raiding and looting europe and the holy land. So what's up? you muslims can loot and raid and murder and we cannot? since when you grant yourself this special right? "The massacre at Sebrenitsa in Bosnia was not done by Muslims and neither were the Serb concentration camps run by Muslims. " yes it was muslims massacring serbs http://sheikyermami.com/2007/09/05/serb-concentration-camp-survivors-want-oscar-award-revoked/ too bad you don't read the news. War is deceit, said your prophet. "The Taguba Repolrt says that Iraqi women were sodmised by American soldiers as punishment those soldiers were not Muslims. " Well, you muslims rape and sodomize western women in sweden and germany and there's not a war declared. Isn't that strange? "Abu gharaib and Guantanamo bay are not Muslim . Go and read these facts. " LOL, it's pretty funny that when muslims took over at abu graib, you heard torture screams all over and prisoners begging to have americans back!!! LOL... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/09/10/wirq10.xml The notorious Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad is at the centre of fresh abuse allegations just a week after it was handed over to Iraqi authorities, with claims that inmates are being tortured by their new captors. Uhu, it seems the americans weren't that bad after all... But we all know, muslim torture people and nobody speaks, it would ruin your "peaceful" image. American soldiers who did something wrong are put on trial, that's how civilized people deal with it. But you muslims, nooooo, you hide everything under the sand. That's your way of dealing with things. "Where were you great humanists when that was taking place?" I was busy rallying to prevent sharia law from taking place in Europe. Sorry if I think first about my civilization and last about your barbarity. "I want you to remember the Muslims conquered Rome, entered Switzerland, the Baltic states, Spain, East Europe and reached Vienna." and everywhere they went they brought misery. How can you forget that? that's why we are trying to keep barbarians away. Stay in your lands and possibly without our money and technology see what you can do. BWHAHAHHAAH. "If we need to do it again then we will and you will have to kill 1.5 billion muslims to stop us." we know, that's why you are everything but "peaceful". See? your post will be shown to everybody and beyond to expose what a fraud you are. Whenever challenged with your mistakes (many and hidden) you resort to violence, threat, mayhem, because that's all you can do. I was right when I told you i don't believe your fake greetings and courtesy, it's all FAKE as a 11 dollar bill.... My goal is to show to people that it's impossible to deal with you at any level and you are helping me a great deal. People like yourself help our cause MORE than people like bin laden. It shows what you muslims are really made of. "How many Americans had Saddam Hussein killed?" I don't know, but I know he routinely gassed kurds and shiites...
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