how many mistakesReader comment on item: Ban Islam? Submitted by susan (Italy), Oct 7, 2007 at 05:08 "single authority - unlike distributed power of modern organizations or religions, cult leaders totally overshadow other leaders within their organization and exhibit lack of trust to members (muhammed, ayatollahs, imams) = Christianity preist,decons,revs alike talk about eachother different christians sects, have no trust among eachother, look at the pope...do you know how many christians can't stand him or catholics..please..then maybe christianity is a cult!!!!! i dont think so..." ... unlike distributed power of modern organizations or religions = christianity, where power is distributed, in islam it's concentrated. Cult leaders overshadow other leaders. The pope doesn't over shadow anybody else. He's got his role and he's only recognized by catholics, not protestants or orthodox, so please don't talk about things you don't know. The pope is the head of catholic church only. When he talks to the head of coptic church he talk from peer to peer, so there is no struggle for authority. You don't know anything about christianity do you? "What and christians don't please all i hear is that one christian group is better then the other because God said so." what it counts is the official position of the church, not what your cheap and ignorant "friends" tell you. We acknowledge orthodox and protestants as other branches of christianity. No one is "better than anybody". Otherwise explain me why in christian majority lands you have freedom of religion and muslim countries you don't have. That's because christianity recognize different beliefs and islam don't "again look at the presit around the world especailly in the catholic church having sex with young boys, res and decons being caught in scandals of adultary." those priests have been condemned, what about your precious muhammed. BEside, no priest engaged sex with women and had children with them. We are talking about cult leaders like muhammed, not single actions of single priests that have been punished. Stick to the topic and don't try to divert to cover up the many fallacies of your cult- "everytime you turn to a christian tv show radio station you see that clearly christians saying that God will help maintain christianity and help christians prevail. Dont this sound right????" are christians forcing christianity over others? no. everywhere christians are, there is freedom of religion, that goes in direct contradiction with imposing a religion over others. everywhere islam is, other religions are severely restricted, with muslims imposing their cult on others. I don't need to explain further. Evidence is with me. You have just blind ignorance. "WHAT!! PLEASE muslims are required to give zakat which is charity and it dont have to be in the form of money but help the poor,orphans,being good role models etc. while christians only ask for money period." the zakat of muslims is charity for muslims only. All the charities of christians are for everybody. There is no need to mention that poor muslim people in africa are assisted by christians. I never gave money to the church so your assumption that christians asks for money is false like pretty much anything you say. What happens in your small little world of muslims hating non-muslims is not reality. It's your own little muslim world. "Now this you have a point ....but you are judging islam by what islamic terrorist say or think." ...Every muslim wants to impose their cult on others, that's to me is terrorism. Islam is deprivation of freedom of thought, conscience, press etc. So to me it's like the armageddon. Once you deprive humanity of freedom that's not life anymore. ... "muslim claim the same as christians that the messaih jesus christ(pbuh) will come at the end time to judge all humanity..please if you don't know this then your just making up lies to down a faith you don't have no understanding of period." sorry to inform you that for christians, christ already came. You are mistaking us for jews, which shows how little you know about the religions you are trying to wipe away from the face of the earth. "again you will find christains all over the world who are close minded and don't want to listen or hear anything other then what they have already in their minds." where critical enquiry blossomed and brought scientific discoveries? in christian based lands. Not muslim ones. Muslim brains are crippled. I am a teacher and muslim people are just less intelligent than others, because they are required from early age not to question anything and learn everything by memory. You must be really blind not to notice that science progressed in christian based lands and not in muslim ones. Please let me know of any important medicine discovered in the middle east if you have one. "im not screaming at you so don't take it that way but just making it known. muslims say that it is good to marry people of the book meaning christian,jews and anyone that is human with good intenions. because we are all God creations." that's your fairy tale world. In my country muslim women cannot marry christian men. And a christian woman that marries a muslim man must convert first. So much for your screams. It's becoming SO much of an issue that the embassy of morocco and other countries are DENYING visa and papers to muslim women wanting to marry christian men calling them "whores" and such. So much for your God creations and people of the book. RIght now they are making a law to forbid this human rights violation but I suppose muslim countries will stick their nose into it and try to overcome it. This is what happens in my country right now, nothing that you can tell me (your fairy tales) can change that. "your ready have hate in your heart because your quote are not facts at all. in the koran it clearly state to be kind to christians and human being and dont try to convert them by force. but if they want to convert it will be his or her own decision. so what do you call jevoauh witness that are christian going around to people house every sunday preaching the word of God and trying to convert other faiths and different christian groups to follower their ways????" forced conversion is a main characteristic of islam. People converted just because they couldn't pay the jyza anymore. If this for you is "converting by your own decision" then you are talking another english language. The koran doesn't say to be kind to christians but to slay them and make them pay the jyza, because the koran considers them infidels worthy of contempt. After all, just by reading your posts, there is nothing but hatred for christians. Then I ask you why you are in a christian majority country? because you like to live off christian money and modernity while at the same time treating them with contempt. Jeovah witness are some millions. Muslims are 1 billion, I am not worried by proselytism of jeovah witness, because their numbers are not a threat. Muslims are. "teaching members that their church is the only true church (typical of muslims)= christianity, catholic,jevuaoh witness,holiness must i go on???" fairy tale world of a deluded muslim. In which countries you have freedom of religion? muslim countries? NO "christians fast, have prayer service twice sundays morning and afternoon, thursday, ash wednesday,palm sunday,easter i know these are holidays they are`required to go to church also. whats wrong with that????" chrstians fast only if they want. I don't know any single christian (and I am in the catholic country by excellence) who fasts. even going to a church is not followed strictly. So again, your assumptions of your small muslim brain.Also in the mosque you learn to despise all other religions., in christian churches we don't talk about other religions and we don't downgrade them. "disciplining members who question the authority of leaders (nobody question muhammed behaviour)= why did the catholic church kick mother teresa out because she question their authority." Mother theresa is currently on her way to sainthood, blessed by both popes and she was NEVER kicked out. You must be crazy to think that. Why someone kicked out (that would mean extradites) is made saint goes beyond any logic, but so your muslim brain. "you claim islam is a cult but many if not all the thing you mentioned...christianity does the same and islam got many of the ways from christainty." your little idea of christianity is not the reality, it's just the idea of a bitter muslim full of hatred that cannot cope that his muslim majority lands are full of hatred, famine, corruption, poverty and have to depend totally from the christian world. If your self-proclaimed prophet copied somethings from christianity and judaism just lets you understand how poor his visions were. Christianity takes from where judaism left. Islam merely copied and poorly threw together. This is not a religion, it's a cult to keep people enslaved. In christian based countries you have freedom. In muslim countries you have slavery. That's the sum of everything there is to know about religions and cults. "Islam don't claim christian are bad or christianity is wrong but all is said that the bible has lost note books and been revised many times over which make it not to authenic. " your koran tells to slay christians and make them pay the jyza or convert or be killed. The bible has been revised because it's a book written by men. your koran has been collected from the deranger deliriums of an illiterate man, bound on thievery, promiscuous sex and murder. your koran was written by hear say and reading pieces of palm leaves. Do you really think your koran is THAT authentic? how reliable are the bedouins of the desert. "I dont down any faith but just show the truth." I know many, but none of them is islam susan if i ask you to go to a website and watch this speech of this christian pastor turned muslim will you? now dont look at it as bias but listen to his words, he will explain a lot better than i can on the web. he points out problems with islam and muslim as well as christianity. If this person is any good, it's because he was raised as christians, therefore having the seeds of tolerance, understanding and goodness within him. But he was misguided in thinking he can do something within islam. There is no hope in islam and there is no chance to "reform" it being islam inherently bad and violent. I am not interested in what this guy has to say other than if he condems the neverending mistreatment of non-muslims in muslim lands. You don't have to be a rocked scientist to notice that in western lands there is freedom of religion and in muslim lands there is NOT. Therefore if this priest points out alleged fallacies of christianity in this regard he's totally missing the point. It's islam that's wiping away all non muslims from their lands, not the other way around. And I notice you keep talking about this stupid expression "people of the book". Well, that's another "racism" of islam. Christians are taught that any belief is worth to be called belief, it doesn't matter if monotheistic or not. We respect as well hindus and buddist, while islam being so racist considers them polytheists worthy of contempt.
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