And speaking of trumpets and mistakes in grammar in the Qur'anReader comment on item: Iraq - A Province of Iran? Submitted by dhimmi no more (United States), Jul 10, 2011 at 11:26 You see our dear Amin Riad I mean Riaz it is silly as you shall see to debate a language and grammar of a language that you cannot read speak or write I also call it delusional >Anyone with 2 brain cells can fake writing styles dear :-) - Anyhow - its the same attitude and those honorifics ..... ha ha ha ha I read this as you have nothing to say right? ina hadhan lasahiran Oh yes the little celebrated mistake in the Qur'an and by the way both Sunni and Shi3a ulama realize that this is a mistake and what a fadiha Allah had no clue ablut a basic Arabic language grammar rule called ina wa akhawatiha and for the readers: 1. In sunni literature you will find no other than al-Suyuti in his Itqan 277-280 examines this little Quranic mistake and tries just about any thing to fix Allah's poor Arabic and I will get back to it 2. Even the Shi3a realize that this is a mistake and for this see Ali Dashti in his book bist o sel sal and for this see page 49and what a fadiha Allah has no clue about this little grammatical rule that a child should know So let us read it together this is Allah's rasm IN HDHN LSHRN Which was edited by the ulama (and so much for the unedited Qur'an and what a fadiha) and it is IiN HaaDHaaNi LaSaaHiRaaNi and what a fadiha Allah's rasm had to be edited and fixed But wait the grammar is wrong as ina wa akhawatiha means that ina tarfa3 al-mubtada' wa tansub al-khabar or in plain English the word hadhani is in the nominative case when it should be in the accusative case or hadhayne and this is what your islamic sources are saying so let me fix Allah's poor Arabic In Hadhayne lasahiran What a fadiha a kafir like me just fixed Allah's poor Arabic Oh there is more your masters the Arabs tried every trick in the book to fix this mistake and here are a few examples of trying to fix Allah's little error 1. Innhu hadhan lasahiran so is this what the aya says?let me help you no 2. Innahu hadhan lahuma sahiran so is this what the aya says? Let me help you no 3. Innaha dhan lasahiran! Sobhanallah 4. 'In hadhan sahiran! Really? 5. 'In dhan ila sahiran! Oh I see edting Allah's Arabic how desperate can they get 6. 'In Hadhan sahiran! really and where did the la go? And when nothing worked we are told by Abn Qutayba that we should write 'Inn hadhan but read it as 'inn hadhayne and what a hypocrite but do you know what this means? It means that he was editing Allah's words and that the Qur'an that tablighees like you recite and claim it to be the words of Allah unaltered is far from the truth Oh there is more Uthman got into it and he was quoted as saying 'ara fih lahnan wa sataqimihu al-3arab bi alsinatiha fa'aqamahu bilisanihi wa taraka al-rasm 3ala halihi What a joke Uthman admits that the grammar is wrong but still vocalize it as hadhayne! Sobhanallah Oh there is more Abu 'Ubayda was quoted as saying 'in hadhayne la sahiran fi al-lafz wa kutiba hadhan kama yaziduun wa yunqasoon fi al-kitab wa al-lafz sawaban What a fadiha they are telling Muslims to play let us pretend that there is no mistake when there is one big one Oh there is more 3A'isha tells us hadha 3aml al-kuttab 'akhta'uu fi al-kitab Oh the "blame the dog argument! Oh spare us this one Oh darn it the Arabic! You can ask your arab master that is helping you to translate it for you >A) That is hardly a mistake - Go and tell al-Suyuti or Uthman and they will be laughing at your ignorance >you should have given reference for sake of accuracy - partial quote like that is unhelpful. It take you mean - Verse (20:63) - if not give me the reference - not your own ... transliteration - which does not follow a standard Mr ignorant the standard of transliteration we follow here in kuffar lands is from the Chicago Manual of Style But you know what? let me guess you consulted with one of your Arab masters and he read it for you right? Stop your delusions >that I could have converted to Arabic. Delusions! and shall, I say lies right? >Its very easy to write arabic anyhow. Plus use copy paste. I never copy and paste I read the Qur'an for myself and transliterate it for wannabe Arabs like you that cannot read Arabic right? قَالُوٓا۟ إِنْ هَٰذَٰنِ لَسَٰحِرَٰنِ يُرِيدَانِ أَن يُخْرِجَاكُم مِّنْ أَرْضِكُم بِسِحْرِهِمَا وَيَذْهَبَا بِطَرِيقَتِكُمُ ٱلْمُثْلَىٰ Oh Allah has no clue about the basic Arabic grammar ina wa akhawatiha and what a scandal >This is taught in second year Classical Arabic - Really? where/ in your dreams? Even your Arab masters' command of the grammar of Arabic is poor at best And what classcial Arabic? >try Shrah Jami for better explanation or a commentary on Ibn Hisham Insari Shuzur Az-Zahab ROTFL Pakistani Arabic what on earth is Shuzur? and do us a favor it is al-dhahab but again wannabe Arab and tablighees like you have no clue about al al-ta3reef and the Arabic dhal becomes Urdu Z right? Just like your Riaz is really an Arabic Riad? >(Commentary: Kanuz al Arab). ROTFL There is an Arabic word called kanuz? Where? and kanuz to you too! so here is your open grammar question for today; kinz is Arabic for treasure and what is really the plural? Hint: kunuz and not your bogus kanuz ... >Even the absolute begginer book in persian that is or was commonly taught Nahw Mir - ROTFL More Pakistani Arabic. Nahw is grammar so what on earth is this mir? you are confusing your Allah >its commentaries give multiple uses of ان . These mind you are know as darsi books. So hardly breaking a sweat. Mr ignorant if I wish to explain an issue in Arabic I will check what kutub al-nahw wa qawa3id al-lugha al-3arabiyya are saying so stop your delusions and they are saying that hadhan is a mistake and it should be hadhayne >Some grammarian took ان as affirmative particle - but that never had much support with major grammarians. "Some" typical ignorant Muslim! So who are really those "some"? Let me guess you are making things up right? قالوا - verb Or they said is not even part of the recension which is in hadhan (sic) lasahiran >and subject ان ROTFL Mr ignorant in is not a subject the subject here are the sahiran and what a fadiha The in here is what is called in Arabic grammar an introductory particle of emphasis as in truly So is truly a subject? what an ignorant person you are >nafiah liljins ROTFL Pakistani Arabic what on earth is this? Do you mean tanfi al-jins what ever that is?and tanfi al-jins to you darling >negation (of genus) particle هذان demonstrative pronoun ل exceptive particle - the negative and exceptive particles imply restriction - this is very in common classical arabic to use particles like that - heaache to translate in english - especially formaing positive sentences and meaning with double negation. gobbledygook mr ignorant it is a case where the word should have been in the accusative case and not the nominative case ... >They said these two are not but sorcerers. Not really the word ina means truly and the word hadhan (sic) means they (dual) la means not but sahiran means magicians (dual) and the word is from the root SHR or magic >Also there are standard books of I'rab ul Quran - There are books called I'rab al-Qurna? really? where? >one commonly found on the net is محيّ الدين درويش - el-ustaz Muhy el-deen darwish! Who on earth is he? and why should I read him when i can read lisan al-3Arab by Ibn Manzur you tell me? >these books give complete break down of syntactial analysis of quran. And are commonly taught in madrassah. Oh the glorious madrassa where boys are sexually abused by ignorant and criminal mullahs right? >B) Muslims took Quran as grammar - Really? where does it say in the Qur"an that qul ina al-Qur'an kitab nahw wa qawa3id al-lugha al-3arabiyya Where would i find it? >and developed Arabic rules from it. I take it you are going to name me Arabic Grammar book - pre Islam. From around Makkah? really? where is your evidence? >Forgert grammar books - any work of literature that is not poetry - as pre islamic peotry has several distinct and differeng grammar rules. Plus it is diffcult to judge grammar from poetry. gobbledygook and ignorance >Even then you would have to come up with the reason - why such a work is correct grammatically - etc. More gobbledygook >Also try laying off insults ..... - why pretend and give your self such honorifics in the Nur el Masih comments. Oh yeah and if your Allah gives himself honorifics in the Qur'an then If I'm Nur which i'm not then i must be in good company as you Allah does the same right? I urge you to leave islam and be free again and get a grip on reality
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