Our dear Fajri and his little da3wa and the Qur'an and the hadithReader comment on item: Counting Islamists Submitted by dhimmi no more (United States), Oct 19, 2008 at 10:43 I wrote >I urge you to revert to the religion of your ancestors and stop being a victim of Arabian imperialism and of islam And this is our dear Fajri's answer: >No thanks, Let me repeat: I urge you to abandon islam and be free. After all you told me that you are now free from the Dutch and their imperialism so why not be free from the arabs and their imperialism and be real Indonesian? >I'm no Arab wannabe, By being Muslim you are a wannabe Arab as the Qur'an says wa ma arsalna min rasulan (i3rab) ila bi lisani qawmihi (for the short vowles see the Cairo Qur'an) Do you know what this means? It means that Muhammad was only sent to his people the Hijazi Arabs because he spoke their language arabic that is and that Allah also sent a rasul to your ancestors that spoke their language (oh the hadith tells us that Allah sent 120,000 prophets to various nations right our dear Fajri? so who was the one sent to your people because for sure he was not Muhammad) which means that islam is the religion of the Hijazi Arabs only and you ain't no HIjazi Arab >my name is Fajri Al Kautsar Let me repeat: wannabe arab >and i supposed by looking at both your answer regarding Al-Qur'an Reminder: I do not translate Arabic for wannabe Arabs like you and you did ask for it The Qur'an? A book that you cannot read in Arabic because you ain't no Arab is a confused and confusing book where Allah tells us that this life is about al-qada' wa al-qadr but then he says that he also leads us astray and do you know what this means? It means that your Allah is evil. And why would your Allah tells us that he is a makkar or he whom decieves? And why would Allah change his mind so is it la ikrah fi al-deen or is it iqtoloo al-mushrikeen and qatiloo ahl al-kitab and is it to tashrab al-khamra or la tashrub al-khamra (I'm paraphrasing here) and what was the way away? It was that funny and strange doctrine of al-nasikh wa al-munsukh! Pretty strange indeed. And then we have the rather funny theology mixed with silly polemics as in Allah says that Jesus is prophet then he changes his mind and he tells that Jesus really did not die and Allah rafa3ahu ila al-sama' (I'm paraphrasing here) and I' sure you agree with me that only a god does not die and then Allah tells us that Jesus created life and only a God creates life. So congratulations our dear Fajri but it seems that your Allah is saying that Jesus is really God. The Trinity? Allah tells you that it is Allah, Jesus and Mary and that such Trinity is no more than shirk. Right? But it seems that Allah is silent about the Trinity as defined by Christians which is God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit. Do you know what this means? It means that Allah has no difficulty about the Trinity as defined by Christians otherwise he would have told us. So much for the poor theology of the Qur'an The Muslim tawheed? This must be the most bogus doctrine in the Qur'an and there is an interesting exchange bewteen Muhammad and the Jews of Mecca (see Sira pages 572-572) about the profound Aristotelian question so go and read it and the querstion is: If Allah created this creation then who created Allah?So who really created your Allah our dear Fajri? Oh cosmology? That is a big time joke. So Allah tells us that he unstitched the flat earth from the skies and that the earth is the center of the universe and the sun and the moon orbit earth! Oh there is more: he also created the mountains and made them like rawasi or pegs so the skies that he unstitched from the flat earth does not come down crashing on your little farash (bed) or is it so we do not get earth quakes. Do you have mountains in Indonesia? So according to your Allah you are not supposed to get earth quakes but you do. And why is that? It seems that your Allah's work is defective. How can we get ahold of him and let him know? And you think we should tell Allah to stop listening to Ptolemy and stop reading his Almagest? What do you think our dear Fajri the wannabe arab? It seems that Allah had no clue about the works of Copernicus and Kepler. So much for Allah's voodoo cosmology Oh medicine? Let me see: semen comes from the kidneys and menses is a disease and your Allah is not even a perfect creator as 25% of pregnancies end in spontaneous abortions. Oh and boys and girls are born intact and then Allah says: ooops foreskin has to go. So much for the perefct creator Kitab mubeen? The Qur'an claims to be a clear book which is far from the turth. The Quranic narrative is disjointed and poorly edited and we have no idea what this opaque revelation really says and as an example in surat al-tahreem where we have this little drama in the abode of Abul Qasim the Arabian warlord and caravan raider and was it about him eating bad 3asl nahl and having bad breath or was it all about mariya al-qibtiya and you know what? This cannot be about both. So much for your lame asbab al-nuzul. Oh there is more: What are all these strange letters at the begining of some suras? And in surat al-fatiha is the rasm MLK, maaliki or the owner of (see the 1923-1924 Cairo edition of the Qur'an) or is it maliki or the king of (see the 1969 Tunisian Qur'an) and it cannot be both. Even the names of the suras are confusing so is Q105: Surat al-Feel or is it Surat alam tara (see Tabari)? DO you know what this means? It means that the names of the suras did not drop from the skies and as if we did not know that already. But you know what? The most celebrated strange word in the Qur'an that no one has a clue what it really means not back then and not now is the word Ilaf is Surat Quraish. So much for the claim that the Qur'an is really a kitab mubeen Asateer al-qudama'? Oh the authors of the Qur'an "borrow" from the lure of the Jewish people and the end result is the so called isra'leeyat so if there is no evidence that there was such a thing as the exodus (see Redford) then your Allah palgiarized an unhistorical little story and made it real history. See what happens when an author plagiarizes literature and call it real history? Oh there is more. Your Allah "borrows" from the literature of the Greeks and the Syrians as in the case of of Qissat Dhul Qarnain and in this case from "The Romance of Alexnader" and Qissat ahl al-kahf from "the seven sleepers of Ephesus" and the author have the audacity to call such stories of fiction the word of Allah. al-Raqeem in qissat ahl al-kahf? It must be Decius (via Syriac DQS) and it is not the name of the dog and do you know what this means? It means that the Muslim ulama were guessing and that they had no clue about what theQur'an really says. Oh I like this one: Muhammad's fable of al-isra' wa al-mi3raj is "borrowed" from the Zoroastrian book: "Arta Viraf" buraq and all. So much for the originality of the Qur'an Oh the religion of the arabs? You see why is your Allah silent about both Buddhism and Hinduism? Could it be because he was no more than an Arabian deity and he knew nothing beyond the borders of Arabia? Oh and the ramadan fasting: Let me see if you live in the arctic and during the summer months you can have sun 24 hours per day which means that you have to be fasting for 24 hours for 30 days. Is this possible our dear Fajri? and during the winter months you will have darkenss 24 hours per day which means that there will be no ramadan. Do you know what this means? It means that Allah cannot be the god of the arctic which means that he knows his Arabia but nothing beyond and it also means that he cannot be the God of the universe. 3Arabi faseeh? Or perfect Arabic? This is far from the truth. The Qur'an is full of mistakes in Arabic grammar spellings of Arabic words and the most celebrated mistake is inna hadhan la sahiran. It seems that your Allah had no clue about the rule in Arabic grammar where: inna wa akhawatiha tansub al-mubtada' wa tarfa3 al-khabr and this means that it sould be inna hadhayn la sahiran. Your Allah had no clue about double consonants so MHMMD is MHMD (Muhammad) oh short vowles and at times long vowels! Your Allah had no clue about either and these had to be invented by the Ulama and added to the rasm of the Qur'an and so much for the unedited Qur'an Oh there is more: let me see the Qur'an is full of foreign words and let me give you a few examples: 1. From Syriac: Tur or mountain and why would allah use a Syriac word when we have a perfect Arabic word: jabal? and why would your Allah use the word Ruum or Greeks which is from Syriac Ruumaye when we have perfect arabic words and not just one word for the greeks and they are: al-ighreeq and al-yunaniuun? But my favorite word from Syriac is Furqan from Syriac PRQN and notice that the letter Feh in Arabic is P in Syriac and the word means salvation 2. From Latin via Syriac: sarat in surat al-fatiha 3. From Ethiopic; Hawaryuun 4. From Hebrew: Zakat (see Cook) Do you know what this means? It means that the claim that the Qur'an is written in perfect Arabic is no more than a bogus claim Next is it really the word of a God? Well let us take the case of Suart al-Fatiha and with no qul or say this must be the words of the author of the Qur'an and it cannot be the words of your Allah Now things that do not make sense; why would your allah go after some ignorant Arab Abu Lahab and curse him and then call his wife names and call this drivel the words of a deity? And why would the god of the universe demands that he and his rasul get 1/5 of the loot collected from infidels? Violence? There is plenty of it in the Qur'an: terrorize the infidles (Q8:60), kill the polytheists (Q9:5 or the infamous ayat al-sayf) fight ahl al-kitab (Q9:29) kill infidels and be killed (Q 9:111) And you know what? If I tell you that Allah also spoke to me via an angel and I have a book for you should you believe me? You should not and there is no reason for you to believe that Muhammad communicated with a deity via an angel Oh there is more: Tahreef al-Quaran. I think it is fuuny when Muslims and Pakistanis tell us that the Qur'an has never been edited. And you know what? The Muslim masora was all about editing of this opaque revelation by fixing the poor spellings and grammar and adding the missing long vowles and inventing the short vowels (eg: fatha, damma, and kasra) and invening the missing consonants eg: shadda and hamza Interpolation?The most celebarted example is Q53:32 Muslims early on realized that Q53:32 in no more than interpolation. I urge the readers to check the Arabic text of Sura 53 and even if you do not know any arabic you will discover that verse 32 is out of place Oh seeing God? It is very clear that in Qur'an sura 53 he claimed to have seen God. So what does he look like?It just makes you wonder No the Qur'an cannot be the word of a deity and it must be the words of a certain ignorant Arab that shall remain unnamed. It is poor literature and it is no match to let us say the Gita, the Dhamappda, Fardawsi's Shahnemah, Virgil's Aenid, Homer's Iliad and even the Bible is much more interesting and well edited book than the Qur'an Did it ever corss your mind why are we after islam but not after let us say Buddhism or Hinduism? > and Hadith, you clearly don't know what your talking about. Oh the hadith? you can check an old blog of mine http://www.danielpipes.org/comments/102546 I urge you to abandon islam and be free again
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