Masood: You are welcome to your status as a slave of Muhammad and have you heard of the Moonies?Reader comment on item: Counting Islamists Submitted by Plato (India), Dec 12, 2008 at 20:59 Masood, you wrote: >>Mr. Btilly…. What kind Of master Mohammad was? And what kind of slavery Mohammad had given to his slave, Zaid, that he denied his own biological parents to go with them? The same parents who had been longing for years for their lost son to see him again. The same parents, after getting a clue, reach Mohammad to pay each price to set their son free again. They are told to ask their son that if he wants to go with them. They can take him without any bargaining. But, the same slave expresses his wish to be slave to Mohammad instead be free.<< Mr. Masood, whatever the kind of slavery, it is SLAVERY. It does not say much for Zaid that he rejected his loving parents for the status of a slave. He probably had some mental disorder to make that choice. Or he was in the grip of the cult that Muhammad had founded. You find that with modern cults where children abandon their parents to do the biddings of some godman or the other (read below what I have cut and paste about the Moonies). I do not know whether Zaid's parents had accepted Islam, but if they had not then as a Muslim he is required to reject them according to the glorious Koran: 009.023 >>We, all Muslims, want to embrace the slavery of Mohammad. We try our best to follow our prophet teachings and orders revealed to him through The Almighty God. Anybody, who obeys more commands, gets more happiness.<< Muslims who embraced the slavery of Muhammad committed the Mumbai massacres for they are guaranteed the happiness of wine and women by Allah (alias Muhammad) in 9:111 if they kill or are killed for his cause. Your prophet was hung up on slaves like he was on sex. He considered them financial assets to be traded for Allah's grace, or to obtain money to buy arms (the Banu Quraiza women and children). Your prophet taught that women are like prisoners or animals (i.e. slaves) in men's hands and that they can be beaten if you suspect they will be disobedient (Read the last sermon of Muhammad). If obeying these commands of Muhammad gives his slaves happiness then they are welcome to this kind of shallow happiness. >>I recommend all human to become true slave of Mohammad. Who embrace this slavery, will enjoy life of goodness which will bring happiness in their lives.<< There are over one billion slaves of Muhammad on the planet. Of this since nearly 50% are regarded as prisoners or animals cannot really enjoy a life of goodness and be happy. Of the remaining 50% a good number are engaged in jihad (inner and outer) in hopes of enjoying an afterlife of goodness and happiness. >>And I am myself an example of slavery to Mohammad. I have got patience, straightforwardness, simplicity, truth, moral values, contentment in this slavery.<< I cannot comment on your other qualities as a slave but you have revealed your moral values when you write approvingly of marrying off children just reaching puberty. You approve of your prophet, at 53, marrying a 6-year-old girl. Your moral values also leave much to be desired when you approve of your prophet keeping slaves, and distributing captured women and children to his cohorts (Zeid, and others) when he should of his own accord have freed them unconditionally even if they wished to remain his slaves. Also I am sure you approve of the Prophet's immoral act of having Zeid divorce his wife so that he could marry his own daughter-in-law (telling us that there is a Koranic injunction allowing such marriages is laughable. Even the pagans, who Muslims think are of low moral fibre, were disgusted by this marriage). >> If I am enjoying heavenly life in this world of misery, so why should not invite all my fellow humans to the slavery of Mohammad.<< The slavery of Muhammad makes Muslims murder anyone who criticizes him. Slaves of Muhammad see nothing wrong in marrying girls young enough to be their granddaughters. Infidels like me consider these actions of the slaves of Muhammad to be abhorrent and your invitation to your religion will be firmly rebuffed. Masood, on the whole your post makes you sound like any of the cults that are floating around. Islam too sounds exactly like a cult. This is what I found about the Moonies: ‘Sun Myung Moon was born in 1920 in northern Korea. Moon claims to have received a vision in 1936 on Easter Sunday of Jesus calling him "to carry out my unfinished task…….. Soon after this Moon began writing the "Divine Principle" which was the book of revelation for the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, founded by Moon in 1954. According to the "Divine Principle" Adam and Eve would have achieved the "Perfect Family" had not Satan seduced Even. Then Jesus, the second "Adam," was sent By God to redeem mankind by marrying the second "Eve" and achieve the "Perfect Family." ……… "The Lord of the Second Advent," or the third Adam, was to be born in Korea. This new messiah would have the task of building the "Perfect Family." The obvious implication is that Moon is this new messiah. ……. The recruitment practices of the Unification Church are very well planned although flexible enough to meet individual needs. Pamphlets promising chances to broader one's spiritual understanding at retreats are sent or given to prospects without revealing any connection with the Moon organization. The Moonies themselves often use a lecture, a study club, a rap session, or even an offer of employment as an opening wedge for potential converts. The youths who continue their contact with the Moonies beyond this point are usually disenchanted young: those who are turned off by the institutionalized establishment, who are looking for commitment and community, who want something to believe in and who want unequivocal answers. According to Time magazine, one of the first follows ups with those showing interest is a weekend retreat where there is a warm experience of shared hopes, quiet flattery and an encouragement to return for a week. Neither the church nor Moon is mentioned. The second phase becomes more intense: the recruit is put through rounds of physical education and exhaustion, alternate bouts of positive and negative ego reinforcement, and a gradual unfolding of deprecation of parents, religion and other so-called Satanic institutions of the world. The lifestyle of the Moonies is usually characterized by a total dedication to Moon in everything they do. They work long hours during the day peddling flowers, candy, candles, peanuts and other such items. The Moonies will often claim to be gathering donations for drug addiction aid, orphans, youth organizations or whatever may suit their purpose best. Member think of this as "heavenly deceit." Moonies generally live in communes that have been set up in most major U.S. cities and live with only basic amounts of food and clothing. They strongly oppose free love, alcohol and drugs. Although they may earl several hundreds of dollars every week, they faithfully turn every cent in to their superiors. Many ex-Moonies have complained that this total dedication to Moon causes an intellectual void among Unification members. Cynthia Slaughter told Time magazine of her adjustment to the outside world after breaking from the Unification Church: It took a long time to fill the vacuum that had been created inside me. It was like drawing from a drug. The most ardent foes of the Unification Church are the parents of Moonies and ex-Moonies. The national organization Citizens Engaged in Reuniting Families was formed by parents anguished by the loss of their children to Moon. Because Moonies are taught that Moon and his wife are their only "true" parents, parents of members are only physically related to their Moonie children. …….. The tremendous wealth and power of Sun Myung Moon must not be underestimated. It has enormous control over 30,000 devoted follower in the U.S. It is known that many fanatical members would kill for Moon, believing he is God. He had been quoted: "The whole world is in my hand, and I will conquer and subjugate the world." …………. In Mark 13:5-6, Jesus said to his disciples, "Take heed that no one lead you astray. Many will come in my names, saying, I am He! and they will lead many astray." ……. Masood, read the italicized parts carefully. Do you get a sense of déjà vu? Regards Plato
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