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Reader comment on item: "An Arabist's Guide to Egyptian Colloquial" Now Online
in response to reader comment: RE: gobbeldygook

Submitted by dhimmi no more (United States), Apr 17, 2010 at 07:57

More comedy from our dear iamjoseph

>Hello: what does the so called law of precedence whatever that is have to do with EA (Egyptian Arabic)?# We see a serial array of lies, whereby the hands are not clean - a jurisdiction term. There is no EA either - that is why there is no chain of dots from Egypt to Arabic, as seen with every other nation and language. The term ARAB is never seen pre-500 BCE. You are exploiting the generic deriving of all people from Arabia as being aligned with Arab - while there has never been any Arab group or race, nor any Arab language or writings pre-500 BCE - but there certainly has been a host of other nations, languages and groups pre-500 BCE. Its like Iraq & Jordan - ficticious states created behind closed doors 120 years ago - unlike Israel and now boasted as 'ISLAMIC SACRED SOIL'. Is Pakistan Islamic sacred soil too - as you claim of Jerusalem?

Let me repeat again: Hello: What does this have to do with EA? Let me guess nothing right?

>And what does islamic law have to do with EA?# Both are fictions. Please tell us of any Islamic law which is from Islam?

Careless reader: What does EA have to do with islamic law? Surpise me with an answer

>namely if there is a same law in the Quran and Hebrew bible - the precedence ruled. Yes/no?What does this have to do with EA? Surpise me for a change.# There is no precedence of Islamic laws, just like there is no precedence of EA. There is only laws predating Islam seen in the Hebrew bible, and there is Egyptian - but no Egyptian Arabic, and no mention of 'ARAB' in Egypt or re-500 BCE. Still confused?

Hello: The Arabs INVADED Egypt in 642CE!!!

>I suspect the precedence factor is a stumbling block for you. Was Moses Muslim by belief - or Hebrew, the son of Amran and Yochabeth?What does Moses or Amran have to do with Egyptian Arabic? Oh wait spare us this one# It has a lot to do with it. Moses was *NOT* a Muslim by belief or historically, as advocated by Muslims - its about the lie there was no Jewish temple under the Mosque in Jerusalem and Protocolian stuff. Moses had Hebrew parents - and the omission of this is a mark against Muslims, the silence by all Muslims constituting a lie-by-omission, and a failed attempt of Israel's heritage genocide.

As I suspected: More gobbledygook

># No sir. There actually was a Jewish temple and the Mosque stands on that site, denied by all Muslims today. So there is no problem understanding how you claim an EA or Muslim Pretend Palestineans. Unclean hands?

Yes we know that the islamic story of al-isra' wa al-mi3raj does not make any sense and no one has a clue what it means but what does this have to do with EA?

>There were no 'ARABS' nor Arabic writings in the Pharoahic times.So? And by the way did you ever hear of Herodotus' Arabs? If not then go and read some real history# Heridotus is post 500-BCE.Then we have established that there were really Arabs as far back as 500 BCE right?Hello: you are a demagogue sorry it is not a Hebrew word># Why? I can easily be refuted -

Refute what? you are and you must pardon me a demagogue and no more

>all you need do is put some hard proof on the table. Consider that the world witnessed the dead sea scrolls asserting Israel's history, 100's of alphabetical Hebrew books, detailing the exact sizes and locations of the Jewish temple. Where are the Arabic and/or Islamic Dead sea scrolls? This is fully encumbent, considering Arabs were never displaced or exiled, as were the Jews. Looks like I am demagogue for requesting such proof!

What proof?And what does this have to with EA? Surpise me!!

># If I said there were no Arabs pre-500 BCE - what do you think it means!?But we have established that there were "Arabs" in 900BCE or did you forget?# No, you have not established it at all! I showed you how there was no word Arab before 500 BCE,

Mr. ignorant you requested that you are to be provided with a reference and I told you to go and read Jan Resto's book so did you read the book? Let me guess you did not right? And here are two more books

1. Arabia and the Arabs from the bronze age to the coming of Islam by Hoyland

2. Kees Versteegh's "The Arabic language" and its history

And do us a favor: Learn to read a book!!!!

>and also no imprints from 900 BCE to 500 BCE - and there must be, as seen in every other nation's history. I also showed you that even allowing the 900 BCE lie -

Oh the "conspiracy theory" You lived with Muslims for too long

But what lie ? The liar is not Resto but the ignorant is you

>you still have no connection to Abraham r Moses, via history or belief.

Oh no not Ibrahim wa musa again!!!

> I showed you that Arabic never possessed the 'V' sound,

So? And Hebrew does not have the letter dad right? so what?

>so Arvi has no alignment with Arabs. I showed to there was never any pre-500 BCE Arab kings, cities, wars, monuments, writings - nothing at all, which is an anomoly with any other nation in this region. The Jews, the Kurds, the Coptics - all predate ARABS, and none of them spoke Arabic!

Mr ignorant the Jews used Aramaic as their language for writing for a long period of time that does not mean the the Jews did not exist and the Arabs did the same and this is why we have the Garshouni Arabic remember? and the Copts stopped using the Egyptian language for almost 200 years before the introduction of and were only using Greek this does not mean that the Copts did not exist

>At the very least, it lays credibility about the falsehoods spread by Muslims about Moses, Abraham and any means of history recall of those who yet never had writings for a 1000 years.Bogus as you shall see below> Muslims have a problem admitting anything about Jewish history - it contradicts the sermons in Islamic Madarassas and schools.So what is the difference between a madrassa and a midrash? Not very much and you are the evidence# There was nothing below about any counter that the pre-Islamic Arabs at no time observed the beliefs of Abraham or Moses - you ran from the issue.

Oh no not Musa wa Ibrahim! You tell us what does Musa and Ibrahim have to do with EA? Surpise me with an answer

> The difference between the Medrash or any Hebrew, is it is historically based with evidence. Over 70% of the Hebrew bible has been scientifically proven - unlike anything Arabic.

No you did not get it al-madaris al-islamiyya produce total ignorance and so is midrash!

>The first mention of ancient Egyptian culture and history, is mentioned only in the Torah.Really? Did you really study the history of Ancient Egypt? Let me guess: you never did and you only learned by pure fahlawa right? If so then go and read a real book of history# Yes, I have.You did? Mash'allah># I studied ancient history, including the greek writers you mention about Arabs and found Arab history is not so ancient. Instead of congratulating me with uncalled for sarcasm, enlighten with some proof: guess why we have no Arab kings, nations, capitals, wars, names pre-500 BCE!# You are not catering to any ssues: please show us any proof of Egypt's descriptions older than the Hebrew bible? If there was any EA, you should have 100's of dead sea scrolls - which museum?But I just told you that there were Arabs back in 900BCE and they have their own tribes even back then.# Yes, you 'TOLD' me - and I showed you how this was totally false.

Then write a book and refute Resto and Versteegh and Hoyland and I will be watching you making a fool of yourself

>Arabs are less than 2,500 years old; Arabic is 1600 years old. Nothing exists before these dates or in transit imprints between those dates. Unlike the Hebrew, the Greek, the Roman, the Egytian, the Indian, the Chinese - the Arab claims are as bogus as the denial of the Jewish temple and the term of Pretend PLESTINEANS. What's next - Islamic Zionists being persecuted by the foreign, alian Jews?

Hello: The first attested record of "The Arabs" is 900BCE GET OVER IT

>is in the Hebrew bible,What is in the Hebrew Bible? Oh the history of Egypt? Sobhanallah!Yes. I gave many historical examples of ancient Egypt in the Hebrew bible.Let me repeat it the Hebrew Bible is a book of history? Sobhanallah# Absolutely, and perhaps the first historical book in existence. We find historical names, kings, wars, cities, travel routes, diets, inter-nation back-ups, historical books going back 1000's of years. Pithom, Goshen, Mount Ararat, Abraham, Jerusalem, the Medianites, Gaza, Jericho, Hebron and the river Tigris are first introduced to humanity in the Hebrew bible.

As the Arabs would say: wa minkum nastafeed and this is sarcasm

> But it still says the Hebrew bible reigns here, and that Arabs could have no input here - they never yet existed. All of archeology of Egypt, till 150 years ago, was derived from the Hebrew bible exclusively.# did you ever hear of Manetho?Yes: I quote, " Manetho His work, the Aegyptiaca (History of Egypt), is the most important source, although no complete firsthand record of this book survives and the facts it contained are not regarded as completely reliable. The work is preserved in edited extracts in the writings of Flavius Josephus (c.AD 79), ;Manetho was a Graeco-Egyptian priest in the Temple of Heliopolis. He was born in Sebennytos (in the Delta) during the Third Centuary A.D. His "Egyptian History" divided the rulers into dynasties, or ruling houses and formed the basis of the modern system of dating Ancient Egypt. He had access to many sources which no longer exist (such as temple records), but also included legends and fanciful stories. As a result, you have to take some of his stories with a pinch of salt. No full copies of Manetho's text remain, we only have short sections of text and a few references in the writings of Josephus Flavius (first century A.D), Sextus Julius Africanus (third century B.C), Eusebius of Cesarea (third/fourth century B.C) and George Syncellos (a Byzantine historian from the eighth century A.D). As a result, our knowledge of the original text is limited, and coloured by the opinions of the authors who referred to him. [http://www.ancientegyptonline.co.uk/manetho.html] The fact is, unlike the Hebrew books

Then why did you utter this nonsesne that the only source of the history of Egypt was the Bible?

>- there is no proof whatsoever of EA, Arabs pre-500 BCE.

Why would Manetho be interested in the Arabs or the jews for this matter?

>which is also the exclusive source for the life and history of Abraham and Moses.And you tell us what does Moses or Abraham have to do with the fact that Egyptian Arabic is a real lugha? You are not very focused our dear !am# I'm very focused here and I mar what I say in a public forum. There is no egyptian arabic, there is only Hebrew which mentions Abraham. Arabs & Muslims would not know of this fugurehead but for the Hebrew bible. Nothing to do with revelation. It also says, if there was such a thing as Egyptian Arabic - there would NOT be a total vaccuum of any such writings till 400 CE.More gobbeldygook# I admire your counter proof! Lol.

Let me repeat it: more gobbledygook

>Roecket science!I will leave this to the readers to judge you# I concur. Let anyone put proof on the table to align with anything you said!

Now I'm going to be blunt: what does all of this drivel have to do with EA and is it a lugha or a lahja?


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (191) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
re: Arabic vernacular [97 words]LUANNE M ASHEFeb 12, 2017 08:29236657
2The debate in Egypt now is about not just al-hijab and al-niqab but also what is really the language of Egypt [452 words]dhimmi no moreAug 29, 2010 09:20177419
1The mantra of many young people in Egypt now is: "i"m Egyptian not Arab" [195 words]dhimmi no moreJul 12, 2010 19:07175474
Arabic language threatened in it's homeland [713 words]VijayJun 16, 2010 07:24174457
Muhammedian affinity [94 words]DONVANFeb 10, 2010 10:38168755
From quran [99 words]skalMar 30, 2010 16:12168755
Blissful Political Correction [342 words]ArlindaJan 12, 2010 19:15167255
Diglossia [96 words]VijayJan 3, 2010 08:49166768
Egyptian Arabic is it a case of diglossia or it is a unique language and the ligua sacra [504 words]dhimmi no moreJan 6, 2010 12:10166768
Egyptian Arabic [266 words]VijayJan 7, 2010 18:37166768
3More about Egyptian Arabic [1013 words]dhimmi no moreJan 9, 2010 09:07166768
EGYPT WAS NOT ARAB; ARABIC IS A NEW LANGUAGE. [150 words]IamJosephApr 6, 2010 03:17166768
Vijay: The fundamental things apply. [295 words]IamJosephApr 6, 2010 19:57166768
ALLAH DID NOT REGARD THE PHARAOHS EVIL - THE TORAH DID. [159 words]IamJosephApr 6, 2010 20:09166768
DIGLOSSIA THEME IS A FAKE HERE. [454 words]IamJosephApr 8, 2010 20:43166768
Yes the Copts are persecuted in Egypt and it is a fact [262 words]dhimmi no moreApr 9, 2010 19:07166768
Our dear Jospeh needs to take a deep breath [306 words]dhimmi no moreApr 9, 2010 19:18166768
Diglossia and our dear Jospeh [163 words]dhimmi no moreApr 9, 2010 19:29166768
NO ARAB RACE PRE-500 BCE. [571 words]IamJosephApr 10, 2010 19:51166768
THE POINT! [305 words]IamJosephApr 10, 2010 20:11166768
GOBBLEDYGOOK, NOT! [568 words]IamJosephApr 10, 2010 21:55166768
Our Dear Iam who is not very focused [909 words]dhimmi no moreApr 12, 2010 07:42166768
Point? What point? [440 words]dhimmi no moreApr 12, 2010 18:12166768
Our Dear Iam part deux [855 words]dhimmi no moreApr 12, 2010 18:45166768
Gem time and our dear Joseph [130 words]dhimmi no moreApr 12, 2010 19:07166768
Focused response to yah habibi. [1473 words]IamJosephApr 12, 2010 20:48166768
MOSES WAS THE FIRST ZIONIST. [634 words]IamJosephApr 12, 2010 21:08166768
ARAB-ISLAMIC MYTHS [544 words]IamJoseph'Apr 14, 2010 05:54166768
It is ya and not your bogus yah [1956 words]dhimmi no moreApr 14, 2010 18:04166768
RE: gobbeldygook [1619 words]IamJosephApr 15, 2010 20:13166768
And the comedy goes on and on [2049 words]dhimmi no moreApr 17, 2010 07:57166768
Ya habibi: Is EA a lugha or a lahja? [640 words]dhimmi no moreApr 17, 2010 08:14166768
The Arabs in antiquity and more references that attest to the existence of the Arabs from the 9th century BCE [406 words]dhimmi no moreApr 17, 2010 10:14166768
Four for the price of one: Arabs and their language, their kings, Syro-Arabic all in one in the namara inscription [275 words]dhimmi no moreApr 17, 2010 14:35166768
THE SAME NONSENSE REPEATED HERE. [454 words]IamJosephApr 19, 2010 01:36166768
THESE REFERENCES HAVE NO RELATION TO ARABS. [633 words]IamJosephApr 19, 2010 02:15166768
THERE IS NO READING ISSUE HERE - JUST A LACK OF PROOF. [35 words]IamJosephApr 19, 2010 02:19166768
NO ARAB RACE PRE-500 BCE. [539 words]IamJosephApr 19, 2010 02:42166768
Four for the price of one: Arabs and their language, their kings, Syro-Arabic all in one in the namara inscription part deux [620 words]dhimmi no moreApr 20, 2010 07:19166768
Ya habibi: Is EA a lugha or a lahja? part deux [119 words]dhimmi no moreApr 20, 2010 07:26166768
Cherry picking time and our dear iam and EA [959 words]dhimmi no moreApr 20, 2010 18:51166768
NO EVDENCE MEANS ITS A FICTION. [286 words]IamJosephApr 20, 2010 21:19166768
The Arabs and their language and our dear iam [78 words]dhimmi no moreApr 22, 2010 06:25166768
Four for the price of one: Arabs and their language, their kings, Syro-Arabic all in one in the namara inscription part trois [758 words]dhimmi no moreApr 22, 2010 06:41166768
NO EVIDENCES PRODUCED HERE. [1051 words]IamJosephApr 22, 2010 21:07166768
RE DISHONESTY. [158 words]IamJosephApr 22, 2010 21:17166768
MANIPULATING HSTORY. [671 words]IamJosephApr 23, 2010 00:17166768
RESPONDING TO ALL YOUR UNSUBSTANTIATED CLAIMS: [949 words]IamJosephApr 23, 2010 21:50166768
And more ignorance [486 words]dhimmi no moreApr 24, 2010 06:24166768
Cherry picking time and our dear iam [75 words]dhimmi no moreApr 24, 2010 06:58166768
Our dear iam and some of the Quranic material pre-dates Muhammad by hundreds of years and "argument from silence" [1597 words]dhimmi no moreApr 24, 2010 09:39166768
Egypt should pay us Jews backpay for building the fa cochta Pyramids! [47 words]Benny zeeApr 25, 2010 14:30166768
ARAB & ARABIAN ARE NOT EQUAL. [217 words]IamJosephApr 25, 2010 22:09166768
TRUTHFULNESS IS GREATER THAN TRUTH. [1358 words]IamJosephApr 25, 2010 22:45166768
Our dear iam and the word ghalabawi [311 words]dhimmi no moreApr 27, 2010 06:44166768
Our dear iam and "argument from silence" [1778 words]dhimmi no moreApr 27, 2010 07:27166768
NO PROOF BY THIS POSTER IN ANY F HIS CLAIMS. [403 words]IamJosephApr 28, 2010 05:47166768
INCULCATED DENIAL IS SEEN THROUGHOUT THIS DEBATE. [636 words]IamJosephApr 28, 2010 21:38166768
Our dear iam and more comedy [1044 words]dhimmi no moreMay 1, 2010 06:56166768
NO PROOF ANYWHERE IN YOUR POSTS. [1005 words]IamJosephMay 1, 2010 23:31166768
Our dear iam and the Qur'an [1122 words]dhimmi no moreMay 2, 2010 09:17166768
NO CHANGES BY YOUR COMMENTS. [1661 words]IamJosephMay 3, 2010 20:24166768
At last our dear iam is discovering the Periplus but did he read it? that is a different! and he also discovered the Arabs that lived in the Syrian desert and! [1242 words]dhimmi no moreMay 4, 2010 07:12166768
It seems that at last our dear iam gets it [2214 words]dhimmi no moreMay 4, 2010 17:54166768
EGYPT WAS NOT ARAB. [339 words]IamJoseohMay 4, 2010 22:46166768
More delusions [996 words]dhimmi no moreMay 5, 2010 06:47166768
Coptic is an alpahebt and Egytpian is a langauge [62 words]dhimmi no moreMay 5, 2010 18:31166768
THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS. [2453 words]IamJosephMay 5, 2010 20:55166768
BIG FONTS - BIG DENIALS. [332 words]IamJosephMay 6, 2010 20:26166768
The language is called Egyptian or metremnkemi and the abgad is Greek with 6 more consonants [449 words]dhimmi no moreMay 7, 2010 18:26166768
NO PROOFS WHATSOEVER HERE. [1420 words]IamJosephMay 7, 2010 22:03166768
THERE IS NO FRAUD IN THE HEBREW WRITINGS. [1577 words]IamJosephMay 7, 2010 23:00166768
Egypt and its languages 101 and this is as basic as it can be [381 words]dhimmi no moreMay 8, 2010 10:36166768
DENIALS WITH NO ADMISSION OF THE FACTS. [683 words]IamJosephMay 8, 2010 22:48166768
The Arabs as people [152 words]dhimmi no moreMay 9, 2010 06:32166768
Arabs in the literary sources before 500BCE [73 words]dhimmi no moreMay 9, 2010 07:06166768
The Diglossia Desperation to hype a total forgery. [358 words]IamJosephMay 11, 2010 02:58166768
YOU ARE GRASPING AT FALSE PREMISES. [580 words]IamJosephMay 11, 2010 03:28166768
NO 'ARAB' - ONLY 'ARABIAN' [262 words]IamJosephMay 11, 2010 07:35166768
More comedy [264 words]dhimmi no moreMay 12, 2010 06:47166768
ARAB & ARABIAN ARE NOT EQUAL. [484 words]IamJosephMay 12, 2010 22:00166768
Why we Egyptians do not speak Arabic [93 words]Ahmed EgyptianMay 24, 2010 11:22166768
The language of Egypt [203 words]dhimmi no moreMay 25, 2010 18:20166768
Dr. Pipes statements [378 words]YnnatchkahJan 3, 2010 03:00166756
5Great Topic: Egyptian Arabic is a lugha and not a lahga or even lugha 3amiyya [696 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
dhimmi no moreJan 2, 2010 09:44166717
THERE WAS NEVER AN EGYPTIAN ARABIC PRE-500 BCE. [162 words]IamJosephApr 10, 2010 22:09166717
More gems from our dear iamjoseph [203 words]dhimmi no moreApr 12, 2010 18:51166717
Our dear Iamjospeh and more comedy [383 words]dhimmi no moreApr 14, 2010 08:06166717
No Gobbledygook [135 words]IamJosephApr 15, 2010 20:20166717
Yes gobbledygook [243 words]dhimmi no moreApr 17, 2010 08:06166717
No Gobbledygook [126 words]IamJosephApr 19, 2010 02:25166717
Oh yeah real gobbledygook and ano chi is Arabic ana hay! gasp!!! [216 words]dhimmi no moreApr 20, 2010 19:05166717
NO PROOF BY THIS POSTER IN ANY F HIS CLAIMS. [147 words]IamJosephApr 20, 2010 21:27166717
Hebrew and Arabic and Syriac have much in common but nothing in common with the language of Egypt [179 words]dhimmi no moreApr 24, 2010 06:32166717
1JEWS NEVER STEAL LANDS. [458 words]IamJosephApr 24, 2010 21:20166717
AnoChi and the language of Egypt and anok pe or ang pe [767 words]dhimmi no moreApr 26, 2010 07:36166717
ARAB IS NEW; ARABIAN IS OLD. [731 words]IamJosephApr 26, 2010 23:26166717
More delusions [1282 words]dhimmi no moreApr 28, 2010 07:38166717
DENIAL OF HISTORY. [1394 words]IamJosephApr 28, 2010 20:35166717
The Greeks invaded Arabia? Really? Hint: Egypt ain't Arabia [149 words]dhimmi no moreMay 1, 2010 07:11166717
Our dear iam is pontificating about not just one language but several languages that he are clueless about [721 words]dhimmi no moreMay 1, 2010 07:31166717
The 'En Avadat aka 'En Abadat's Arabic language inscription dated 88 to 150CE [451 words]dhimmi no moreMay 1, 2010 11:56166717
our dear iam al-munafiq al-kabeer and his so called experts [617 words]dhimmi no moreMay 1, 2010 15:16166717
THERE IS NO PROOF WHEN THEY SHOULD BE 1000's OF PROOF. [1666 words]IamJoseph'May 1, 2010 21:42166717
NO PROOF CONTINUES. [507 words]IamJosephMay 1, 2010 23:49166717
This time our dear iam does not seem to realize that history is never black and white [450 words]dhimmi no moreMay 2, 2010 12:41166717
Arabic inscriptions revisited [126 words]dhimmi no moreMay 4, 2010 08:12166717
BANKRUPTCY OF PROOF IS NOW BLATANT. [824 words]IamJosephMay 4, 2010 22:35166717
YOUR OWN SOURCES PROVE YOU WRONG. [363 words]IamJosephMay 4, 2010 23:01166717
More delusions [14 words]dhimmi no moreMay 5, 2010 18:23166717
More ignorance and more comedy [80 words]dhimmi no moreMay 5, 2010 18:38166717
Arabic inscriptions revisited and our dear iam' and more comedy [984 words]dhimmi no moreMay 6, 2010 06:47166717
Books and History. [222 words]IamJosephMay 6, 2010 20:37166717
Fase connections are not proofs. [1992 words]IAMjosephMay 6, 2010 21:39166717
CLECK MATE AGAIN. [226 words]IamJosephMay 6, 2010 21:54166717
1More from our dear iam [147 words]dhimmi no moreMay 7, 2010 17:59166717
Gem time [159 words]dhimmi no moreMay 7, 2010 18:07166717
REASONINGS WITHOUT ANY MERITS. [524 words]IamJosephMay 7, 2010 21:29166717
RE, PALESTINE AND COPTICS. [263 words]IamJoseohMay 7, 2010 22:18166717
our dear iam [71 words]dhimmi no moreMay 8, 2010 07:05166717
Coptic and Egyptian [1234 words]dhimmi no moreMay 8, 2010 07:51166717
EGYPT AND PALESTINE WERE INVADED BY ARABS [210 words]IamJoseohMay 8, 2010 22:26166717
Our dear iam and baby steps [326 words]dhimmi no moreMay 9, 2010 06:50166717
Arabs in the literary sources before 500BCE part deux [122 words]dhimmi no moreMay 9, 2010 07:17166717
This time three for the price of one [182 words]dhimmi no moreMay 10, 2010 07:01166717
ALL YOUR SUBMISSIONS ARE USELESS. [416 words]IamJosehMay 11, 2010 03:16166717
ANOTHER FCTICIOUS NAME. [329 words]IamJosehMay 11, 2010 03:42166717
THE HEBREW BIBLE PROVES THE REVERSE. [520 words]IamJosephMay 11, 2010 06:43166717
And speaking of "greasy" [60 words]dhimmi no moreMay 12, 2010 06:35166717
Let me repeat it one more time [96 words]dhimmi no moreMay 12, 2010 06:52166717
I read this as you have no answer [238 words]dhimmi no moreMay 12, 2010 06:55166717
Much more comedy [341 words]dhimmi no moreMay 12, 2010 07:05166717
And speaking of the Negev [139 words]dhimmi no moreMay 12, 2010 07:20166717
LOGICAL HISTORY DISPROVES YOU. [517 words]IamJosephMay 12, 2010 21:48166717
ARAB & ARABIAN ARE NOT EQUAL. [212 words]IamJosephMay 12, 2010 22:10166717
ARAB IS NEW; ARABIAN IS OLD. [198 words]IamJosephMay 12, 2010 22:38166717
ARAB-ISLAMIC MYTHS [401 words]IamJosephMay 12, 2010 22:43166717
ALL YOUR SUBMISSIONS ARE USELESS. [304 words]IamJosephMay 12, 2010 23:17166717
The word for today is bizarre and more evidence from 'En 'Avdot [513 words]dhimmi no moreMay 13, 2010 07:12166717
The Greeks are coming.... the Greeks are coming.... for the readers read and laugh [321 words]dhimmi no moreMay 13, 2010 07:46166717
ARAB IS NEW; ARABIAN IS OLD. [679 words]IamJosephMay 13, 2010 22:44166717
ARAB IS NEW; ARABIAN IS OLD. [891 words]IamJosephMay 13, 2010 23:12166717
Egypt was in Arabia? Really? [39 words]dhimmi no moreMay 14, 2010 06:26166717
Our dear iam has nothing to say [131 words]dhimmi no moreMay 14, 2010 06:34166717
More delusions from our dear iam part trois [277 words]dhimmi no moreMay 14, 2010 06:43166717
Arabs in the literary sources and the Arabic language [805 words]dhimmi no moreMay 14, 2010 07:13166717
Incorrect deflection. [214 words]IamJosephMay 14, 2010 22:24166717
ARAB IS NEW; ARABIAN IS OLD. [1205 words]IamJosephMay 14, 2010 23:03166717
NO ARAB RACE PRE-500 BCE. [607 words]IamJosephMay 14, 2010 23:16166717
The mother of all gems revisited [1221 words]dhimmi no moreMay 15, 2010 07:38166717
More from 'En Avdot inscription [110 words]dhimmi no moreMay 15, 2010 07:48166717
So when did Egypt move out of Arabia to its present location in Africa? [199 words]dhimmi no moreMay 15, 2010 11:42166717
ARAB-ISLAMIC MYTHS [437 words]IamJosephMay 16, 2010 21:25166717
ARAB-ISLAMIC MYTHS [632 words]IamJosephMay 17, 2010 20:01166717
The Islamic concept of al-jahiliyya and our dear iam and it seems that Arabic became a real language as back as 1500BCE [908 words]dhimmi no moreMay 18, 2010 07:57166717
ARAB-ISLAMIC MYTHS [1652 words]IamJosephMay 18, 2010 20:03166717
ARAB-ISLAMIC MYTHS [931 words]IamJosephMay 19, 2010 20:20166717
Reading the Qur'an [506 words]dhimmi no moreMay 22, 2010 08:37166717
More nonsense from our dear iam [435 words]dhimmi no moreMay 22, 2010 12:01166717
ARAB-ISLAMIC MYTHS [1222 words]IamJosephMay 23, 2010 22:43166717
Hebrew writings are authentic and contemporary. [100 words]IamJosephMay 23, 2010 22:51166717
The letter V in Egyptian/Coptic [50 words]dhimmi no moreMay 25, 2010 18:07166717
BOGUS PROOF OF HISTORY. [212 words]IamJosephMay 27, 2010 03:35166717
2HUMANITY HAS BEEN FOOLED BY A FALSIFIED HISTORY. [951 words]IamJosephMay 27, 2010 21:07166717
1The second letter in the Coptic alphabet is Beta also Veta [538 words]dhimmi no moreJun 1, 2010 18:41166717
ANOTHER BLUNDER EXPOSED. [384 words]IamJosephJun 2, 2010 20:28166717
LETTER 'V' WAS INTRODUCED BY THE HEBREW WRITINGS. [184 words]IamJosephJun 2, 2010 20:41166717
More drivel [220 words]dhimmi no moreJun 4, 2010 18:28166717
Our dear iam the letter V in the language of Egypt and those pesky Copts and the long version [1165 words]dhimmi no moreJun 5, 2010 15:35166717
BOGUS MANIPULATIONS ARE NOT PROOFS. [394 words]IamJosephJun 5, 2010 19:30166717
More ignorance [1568 words]dhimmi no moreJun 6, 2010 08:33166717
THERE IS NOTHING SACRED ABOUT FALSEHOODS. [1911 words]IamJosephJun 7, 2010 22:39166717
MORE ERRORS REPEATED. [961 words]IamJosephJun 9, 2010 00:31166717
More drivel and the saga goes on and on [181 words]dhimmi no moreJun 9, 2010 05:55166717
The pesky Copts again and the letter B and V and F [175 words]dhimmi no moreJun 9, 2010 18:02166717
WRONG AGAIN. [232 words]IamJosephJun 9, 2010 19:17166717
and who really created Allah [70 words]dhimmi no moreJun 11, 2010 18:25166717
THE FALSEHOODS OF MUSLIMS. [370 words]IamJosephJun 11, 2010 20:45166717
The Aristotelian problem and the so called tawheed [54 words]dhimmi no moreJun 14, 2010 06:24166717
DID ISLAM CREATE JERUSALEM - OR COMMIT ROBBERY AND DENIAL? [250 words]IamJosephJun 14, 2010 23:28166717
Who really created the creator? [13 words]dhimmi no moreJun 17, 2010 06:10166717
ISLAM WILL COLLAPSE UNLESS THE BALFOUR IS RESTORED. [299 words]IamJosephJun 17, 2010 21:58166717
You still did not answer [115 words]dhimmi no moreJun 20, 2010 06:49166717
4Old civilizations and their languages are not conjured away and Beer-root aka Beirut [1033 words]dhimmi no moreJun 19, 2011 07:52166717
The word ANOCHI [80 words]Victor HakimDec 18, 2014 13:46166717
1Syriac and Lebanese/Syrian Arabic [11 words]dhimmi no moreDec 20, 2015 12:29166717
Egyptian colloquial Arabic [48 words]Arthur GoldschmidtDec 31, 2009 21:39166643
Thank you very much [21 words]Anne-Marie DelcambreDec 31, 2009 11:46166623
Thank You [36 words]Becky KivakDec 30, 2009 19:45166585
ironic juxtaposition [21 words]philipDec 30, 2009 13:14166562
Thank you for the grammar! [33 words]Michael TownsDec 30, 2009 10:51166550

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