ARAB-ISLAMIC MYTHSReader comment on item: "An Arabist's Guide to Egyptian Colloquial" Now Online Submitted by IamJoseph (Australia), May 23, 2010 at 22:43 Submitted by dhimmi no more (United States), May 22, 2010 at 08:37 Our dear iam wrote ># Something cannot drop from the sky when the evidence on the ground contradicts this: the Quran contains precedent descriptions and this had to come from the Hebrew bible. No alternatives exist. The Qur'an is a strange book and the style of the Qur'an is not uniform as for the sources of the Qur'an is a long list and it includes: 1. The first five books of the Bible 2. al-Isra'ilyyat or the stories and traditions of the Biblical figures more so that comes from sources external to the Bible 3. The NT and the non canonized Gospels as in the case of the Gospel of Thomas 4. The secular literature of the Greeks and the Syrians (eg: Qissat ahl al-kahf and qissat dhul Qarnain) 5. The Avesta as in the case of the story of al-isra' wa al-mi3raj (see Arta Viraf) 6. Very old texts that are not extant and we do not know very much about them as in the case of ahl al-ayaka or layka ---------------------------------- The above is a faulty assessment. The life and history of both Abraham and Moses are derived exclusively from the Hebrew bible - there are no alternative sources. The Greeks first translated the Hebrew bible [Septuagint] in 300 BCE, which was later adapted for the Latin Christian bible. The source, 'ahl al-ayaka or layka' has no bearing here as these are not authentic or even near contemporary writings: there was no Arab race or any Arabic writings adjacent with the Hebrew. With Islamic teachings, while the belief of the people is genuine, what they believe in as historical truth is not bona fide. This is backed by 100's of false teachings appearing in Islamic states today with total impunity, and no mulsms question it, E.g. the Blood libels; the Protocols; the denial of the Jewish temple and the acceptence of the name Palestinean applying to Muslims. These are among the most blatant and impudent falsehoods in the world today - and the silence of Christians and Muslims of these falsehoods does not mean they have an iota of historical truth - regardless that the multitude of people accept them as truths. These are unquestionably and totally false - almost all of them being antithetical. Above all, it says there is no such thing as belief when they are based on the acceptance of falsehoods. This only makes 'ALL' Christians and 'ALL; Muslims guilty and liable. A true believer understands that true belief cannot be based on a foundation of falsehoods or when falsehoods are met with silence: A FASEHOOD AND THE HOLY ONE ['BELIEF'] CANNOT ABIDE TOGETHER" [Hebrew proverb] ----------------------------------------------------------- 7. There is so much Syriac in the Qur'an but we reaaly do not know what this really means? Is it Garshouni or is it the fact that the Qur'an was really written in Syriac as claimed by Luxenburg? and is it Qur'an 3arabi or is it quryana gharbiya We really do not know # This does not apply where the Quran got its writings of the Hebrew bible - this did not come from any Syriac writings. It can only come from the Hebrew writings originally. The Hebrew bible is the first alphabetical book, and remained so for many centuries. Both the Arab race and Arabic writings did not exist for many centuries thereafter. Both Christianity and Islam are engaged in ducking these historical truths via gross manipulations of real historical truths. ----------------------------------------------------- 8. The Qur'an is full of foreign words (Syriac, Hebrew, Ethiopic, Greek, Latin, Persian) and what does this mean? we really do not know # The Quranic writings [Arabic] is an admix of a host of predating languages - which also evidences the same of most of the Quran's content, such as descriptions of Monotheism, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon and the Hebrew moral, ethical and Judiciary laws - these were taken from the Hebrew bible. The sources you mention are all post-Hebraic wrtings - their later books are a confirmation the Hebrew bible is the world's most credible writings humanity possesses - despite being the most denied also. ------------------------------------------------ 9. What is most puzzling is to identify what is really Arabic or from Arabia in the Qur'an and there is hardly anything Now we have great advances in reading this opaque revelation and here are two examples 1. And I quote here Michael Cook: "the qur'an despite the prominent part it plays in muslim life is used only to a limited extent in liturgy in marked contrast to the bible among jews and christians. why should it be so and was it always so Angelika Neuwirth who highlighted the problem found in meccan material of the qur'an indications that it took shape in liturgical contexts which subsequently disappeared" # Obviously, Cook is saying in effect, wherever the Quran contradicted the Hebrew bible - the latter prevails. The Quran's liturgy does not stand up to the Christian bible, which includes the Hebrew bible - great discordances are seen in the Quran wih regard datings, names and history per se. -------------------------------------- Now could this be why we have the likes of the story of ahl al-ayka? We may never know 2. Now we know that Allah seems to be in the habit of repeating himself ad-nausem as in the case of the Shu3ayb tradition and the two garden tradition and the Muslim ulama explain such strange phenomenon on the basis of the so called asbab al-nuzul or reasons of revelations but a more interesting reason comes from John Wansbrough who calls such phenomenon variant traditions that this could be the result of "independent possibly regional traditions incorporated more or less intact into the canonical compilation" which means that the Qur'an has multiple authors # Variant traditions refer to unaccepted contradictions. Obviously, both the Quran and the Hebrew Bible cannot both be correct - one is in error. The same applies between the Quran and the Gospels - both cannot be correct as they contradict each other, even when referring to the same space-time events. --------------------------------------------------- You see our dear iam nothing is ever black and white # There is no source other than the Hebrew bible for much of the Quran's contents - this is in vivid black and white, and not subject to effect from your posts. The Hebrew bible introduced Monotheism and Abraham. ------------------------------------------- Oh and check my post addressed to Omar about Q17:1 or the ridiculous claim by Muslims about al-masjad al-aqsa must be located in Jerusalem # Honesty must precede belief. Christians and Muslims must sort themselves and cease bearing false witness about Jews, Israel and History, whether this is conducted in liturgy, sermons, media or at the UN - does not make them truths. Such falsehoods will become undermined to the extent their beliefs will be diminshed and the people will be led to false doctrines and principles. Honesty and Godly beliefs cannot exst seperately of each other. Jews have never stolen or occupied another peoples land in all their 4000 year history. Its denial is in the same category of the Blood Libels and the Protocols, sustained today by European silence - even as these heinous falsehoods come from European Christianity's backyards. How can the truth set free here?
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