Submitted by dhimmi no more (United States), Dec 23, 2021 at 10:22
Dear readers: this is an easy mistake to spot even if you do not know Arabic
This is سورة المؤمنون or Q23:21
This is what the verse says in Arabic a language that our dear Abdul Hadi al-tablighee cannot read speak or write:
وانّ لكم في الانعام لعبرة نسقيكم مما في بطونها
Now, compare with this verse from سورة النحل Qur'an 16:66
وانّ لكم في الانعام لعبرة نسقيكم مما في بطونه
This can be rendered as: And truly in the cattle there is a lesson for you We (Allah) give you to drink of what is in their bellies
Notice that the word "bellies" is feminine which is the correct grammar but it is masculine in the second version which is the incorrect grammar. What a disaster your god does not know if the cattle is مؤنث او مذكر!
Notice that it is the same Arabic text with the exception of the last word on the left.
1. In the first version is it بطونها (f.)
2. In the second version it is بطونه (m.)
SO here are the disasters:
1. Your god made a mistake in gender for the word cattle in Q16:66 and fixed it in Q 23:21. What a disaster
2. The word نسقيكم or We (Allah) make you drink puzzled the early mufasereen after all if your god is the one who assist people in drinking the milk of cattle he will be busy 24/7 right Mr. genius and this is why al-Qurtubi solves this disaster by telling us نسقيكم should be تسقيكم or the cattle (not your god) make you drink their milk.
What a disaster a mere human being is correcting your god's poor Arabic
3. So do tell us Mr. genius: does the milk of the cattle come from their bellies or their mammary glands? Hint: Mammary glands! You think we should tell your Allah about it or keep him in the dark?
See? They lies to you in India because your Mullahs and the likes of the pathetic Zakir Naik and tell you that the Qur'an is perfect when it is not
Last, and this is your bonus: al-mufasereen called the likes of these two verses: al-Kalam al-Mukarrar or Allah is in the habit of repeating himself ad-nauseum and blamed it on Asbab al-Nuzul
Wansbrough calls this literary phenomenon in the Qur'an "Variant Traditions" which means that the Qur'an has multiple authors (GASP!)
Now, make a fool of yourself again
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