Submitted by dhimmi no more (United States), Jan 20, 2022 at 08:32
Our dear Matthew al-tablighee who told us that he teaches Arabic but his knowledge of basic Arabic is no more than tablighee gobbledygook
This video is an introduction to children about ال التعريف و اللام الشمسية والام القمرية
This is as basic as you can get.
Mr. alliterate; This is about vocalization and still it does not change the way you write the word. So do you see a Nuun as part of ال التعريف? Hint: No and an Arab child would be laughing at you if you add a nuun as part of ال التعريف
An-Nisa is a joke and Urdu/Tablighee gobbledygook
The real question is: Why do tablighees like you have no clue about the Arabic language ال التعريف and Surat al-Baqara becomes the Tablighee Surah (sic) Baqarah (sic)? care to explain?
Leave Islam and be free
Oh, More?
>My God actually has come down to the earth in human shape and form; call him Jesus.
Mashallah. Who cares
>And you dont know who your own monkey God is?
Well, I DNM the monotheist my Allah is a monkey. If your Allah cannot be a monkey he is not omnipotent. What a disaster
>What an idiot!
Your Allah plans everything right? If I'm an idiot then you are making fun of your god shame on you brother.
Last, is it true that your so called prophet was a WHITE DUDE?
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