Submitted by dhimmi no more (United States), Jan 21, 2022 at 08:54
Our dear Matta aka Matthew al-Tablighee who told us that he teaches Arabic in the UAE and so far his knowledge of very basic Arabic grammar is really bad.
Here is an introduction to " ال التعريف for the dummies."
Dear readers: ال التعريف or al al-Ta'reef is the definite article in Arabic and for reasons unknown to me Indian and Pakistani Muslims have no clue about what is ال التعريف and when to use it. And Surat al-Baqara becomes Surah (sic) Baqarah (sic) and ال التعريف is gone.
Back to our dear Matthew al-Tablighee: Ibn Manzur defines the word التعريف in ال التعريف as:
عبارة عن ذكر شيء تستلزم معرفته شيء اخر
Or: It is a statement of something that requires (previous) knowledge of something else.
Do you get it our dear Matthew al-Tablighee?
And this is why if you write: انجيل and Indian or Pakistani Muslim would understand it as: The NT.
Your Arab masters will ask you: انجيل متى? انجيل لوقا? Which one?
Now if your answer is: الانجيل by adding the definite article al- then it would be understood as: الكتاب المقدس
Do you get it or are you that slow like prophet Quthm?
Here from the Qur'an: سورة الماءدة ٤٦: It says; Blah...blah اتيناه الانجيل or we sent/revealed to him al-Injil or THE INJIL Notice that it is not اتيناه انجيل (sic)
More? in the same verse it says: التوراة or al-Torah (sic) Notice the definite article.
This is basic Arabic grammar and the fact that you had no clue is more evidence that you cannot be teaching Arabic more so in the UAE.
And here is a very good introduction about how al-Mufasereen defines (Ta'reef) what is THE GOSPEL (notice that it is singular) and THE TORAH (sic)
I DNM the monotheist have to go to pray for my one God who is al-Shyatan. So is monotheism good or bad our dear Matthew al-Tablighee?
PS: It is funny when lost tablighees tell us: Read Quran! My answer would be which Qur'an? Did you get this one our dear Matthew al-Tablighee?
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