Submitted by darren (United Kingdom), Sep 2, 2006 at 21:15
Fern, As much as i respect and admire your passion in every word you say in the above writings.I have a thought for you!! And all religious people who are so passionate about what they stand for. Imagine a child in Mexico, born in a shelter,starving and crying and dying through malnutrition.Then after two weeks that child dies. What God did it have?.Is it the same god that you worship? or because the child was Mexican,maybe it didnt have the same God? Now if the child was born in Israel and died with a bomb two weeks after birth,it would be a catastrophy. Both children didnt stand a chance,both children didnt know God and both children might have had a chance if ,synical,twisted,unconditional and bitter relgious freaks like you,would open your eyes to the fact ,that religion is not the be all and end all. Everyone is born innocent and neutral,and has no say in what there life or beliefs will be.So docturine will decide when they grow up,what road they take.There is one creater,one God,one almighty.There wasnt two or three or four. So in conclusion Fern,put your great use of writing into helping those less fortuate as you and stop trying to win a battle of whos God is greatest. Come judgement day,it wont be how much you hated other religions,it will be how compassionate you were to others..
Sincerely, Darren
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