To Maqsood: Pigs are also Gods creationReader comment on item: Salman Rushdie and British Backbone Submitted by Plato (United Arab Emirates), Jul 23, 2007 at 06:30 Pigs are also Gods creation >>you r saying to do Halal and haram is freedom....., i will ask u if you have any religion or you r free from all sorts of social and religious boundries.<< You got me wrong. Haram and halal puts very restrictive boundaries on your freedom and can also result in unethical behaviour. For instance you cannot eat meat over which Allah's name has not been mentioned even though it can be as hygienic as of animals killed by other means. It also prevents you from eating meat of animals which have been killed painlessly. Is inflicting pain on animals ethical. You sacrifice millions of animals every year to appease God, is this ethical? >>As long as concept of halal n haram is concerned in Islam, there is nothing against nature. If you want a debate i will answer your questions one by one. If there would be no bounadries there would be no difference between forest (jungle) and the humans beings will be worst than animals. ( yo can take examples like homosexuality, polygamy, rape etc and think from where these came.... simple answer is from animals Pig most prominant.... think honestly, you will learn definitely). I will discuss other things about Islam if you tell me about your religion or no religion???<< Circumcision is halal. Is it not against nature. Children have died due to infection and bleeding. Instead of instructions to keep the area clean you are told to cut off the foreskin. The boundaries that Islam has set does not include the number of slaves or concubines you can keep. Is not keeping slaves and concubines worse behaviour than that of animals?? What is your problem with pigs, Allah created the creature did he not? Allah is supposed to love his creation which includes pigs. No one would be silly enough to create something he knows he will loathe. I don't have any religion. I consider it a throwback to our savage past, a mental appendage like the appendix, not of much visible use. >>Ans: This is because u dont even love your mother and father, how come you can love ur heroes. you send their old ones to old home like used items thrown to basket. Tell me if you love someone more than any thing i.e your life, wealth, mother, father, children, ken etc ( i m sure you cant do but just assume) and some one says about that personality shameful words, wat will you do then? especially if you dont have any courts??<< I will say shameful words back at them. I won't take a knife and slit their throats. My love for my family does extend to killing people who malign them. Love which requires killing of someone who slights those you love is unnatural, another throwback to our brute and uncivilised past. Probably those people had poor parenting and cannot be held fully accountable. If there are courts in my country I will sue them too. >>Ans:these words are said about the people who do not listen, dont think and dont recognize the truth. U can decide if it is not true??? If someone jumps up and says he has received a revelation are people supposed to believe it. What are they supposed to think. What is the basis for recognising that he is telling the truth? I would not believe a word of it. >> and remember these r not words of some human, these r from All mighty Allah, << How would I know whether they are the words of Allah or not? How can you prove to me that the Koran is the word of Allah. Because the Koran says so?? >>Which Muslim country occupied a non muslim country based on Arms and killing millions of people including civilians, children and woman.<< Who occupied Persia, Palestine, Syria, Egypt, Spain, India. How many countless people did they kill including civilians, children and women in occupying them. Have you read about what Khalid bin Walid used to do? >>All these words pigs, najees and apes are not used for jews or any religion but for the non believers who who refused the sayings of Allah and Allah Almighty converted them to Apes and Pigs. << 002.065 YUSUFALI: And well ye knew those amongst you who transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath: We said to them: "Be ye apes, despised and rejected." 5:60 Shall I tell thee of a worse (case) than theirs for retribution with Allah ? (Worse is the case of him) whom Allah hath cursed, him on whom His wrath hath fallen and of whose sort Allah hath turned some to apes and swine, and who serveth idols. Such are in worse plight and further astray from the plain road. 2:65 is clearly referring to Jews. So you are wrong about it not being about jews or other religions. 5:60 is talking about idol worshippers. Idol worshipping is a form of religion practiced by more than a billion people. Are you approving of the Koran's name-calling and Allah cursing his own creation? >>If u know history many nations have been destroyed completely before Hazarat Essa << Yes the Koran talks gleefully of the many populations the merciful Allah has wiped out without a trace.When he wants to wipe out a population he even sends them a command to transgress so that He can with a clean conscience murder everyone including babies in arms. 17:16 PIKTHAL And when We would destroy a township We send commandment to its folk who live at ease, and afterward they commit abomination therein, and so the Word (of doom) hath effect for it, and we annihilate it with complete annihilation. 19:98 And how many a generation before them have We destroyed! (Seems god is taking pleasure in destroying whole generations. See also 17:17, 22:45, 28:58, 36:31, 38:3) If this is not abuse of divine power what is it. When God wishes to destroy a township he orders the people to commit abomination and then destroys it. The people of those communities were Allah's own creation, but yet he destroys them completely including the innocent (children and babies). >>you should read Quran completely and true spirit. I think yu will get the true light<< If by true spirit you mean swallow whatever is said, I cannot do that. For instance what true light am is supposed to get from this verse: 9:111 GOD has bought from the believers their lives and their money in exchange for Paradise. Thus, they fight in the cause of GOD, willing to kill and get killed. Such is His truthful pledge in the Torah, the Gospel, and the Quran - and who fulfills His pledge better than GOD? You shall rejoice in making such an exchange. This is the greatest triumph. Even after reading the whole Koran how will it change the import of this verse inviting Muslims to kill or get killed and be rewarded handsomely for it. >>Dont just remember few lines which are selected by some satans to misguide the humanity.<< Since you mention satan, what about these few lines from the Koran: 38:78 And lo! My curse is on thee till the Day of Judgment. 38:79 He said: My Lord! Reprieve me till the day when they are raised.38:80 He said: Lo! thou art of those reprieved 38:81 Until the day of the time appointed. 82 He said: Then, by Thy might, I surely will beguile them every one, 38:83 Save Thy single-minded slaves among them. 38:84 He said: The Truth is, and the Truth I speak, 38:85 That I shall fill hell with thee and with such of them as follow thee, together. Why does Allah reprieve Satan until Judgment day. Read: Then, by Thy might, I surely will beguile them every one. Allah is repreiving Satan so that he can use His power to beguile humans? What hope do people have then? >>Ans: Very strange... There is not limit for living but for dead??. Actuallu you people dont get hurt from any thing as i mentioned above becoz you dont and perhaps cant love some one except money thats why you can afford anything.<< Let me rephrase it, the living should not be abused (nor should the dead be of course, but abuse or more correctly criticism will not hurt them). Maqsood you have made an assumption that unbelievers have no human feelings. If by money you mean progress which means more money in our hands then it is true. By believers you perhaps mean people who instead of doing an honest days work are more interested in prayers and singing praises of God. Since they are more interested in the here after they should not complain if their present life is full of misery because they have failed to earn a good living because of their obsession with an after life. >>Yes you r right the court can resolve the issue but you know if the court is America..., all members of courts are satans or colleagues of satan and court itself abuses your sister then what will u do?<< You did read what I wrote above of Satan's deal with God did you not. I would rather trust my sisters complaint to a court full Satan's representatives in America than a sharia court for justice. You know what happens to a rape victim if she gets pregnant and cannot produce witnesses to the rape under sharia. Malik said, "The position with us about a woman who is found to be pregnant and has no husband and she says, 'I was forced,' or she says, 'I was married,' is that it is not accepted from her and the hadd is inflicted on her unless she has clear evidence of what she claims about the marriage or being forced or if she comes bleeding if she was a virgin or she calls out for help so that someone comes to her and she is in that state or what resembles of it of the situation in which the violation occurred." He said, "If she does not produce any of those, the hadd is inflicted on her and whatever such claims she makes are not accepted from her." [http://bewley.virtualave.net/muw16.html#hudud ] Since Islam is stuck in the seventh century your scholars even refuse to accept DNA evidence for rape. Those representatives of Satan in American courts will give justice to my sister.>>you r saying to do Halal and haram is freedom....., i will ask u if you have any religion or you r free from all sorts of social and religious boundries.<< You got me wrong. Haram and halal puts very restrictive boundaries on your freedom and can also result in unethical behaviour. For instance you cannot eat meat over which Allah's name has not been mentioned even though it can be as hygienic as of animals killed by other means. It also prevents you from eating meat of animals which have been killed painlessly. Is inflicting pain on animals ethical. You sacrifice millions of animals every year to appease God, is this ethical? Malik said, "The position with us about a woman who is found to be pregnant and has no husband and she says, 'I was forced,' or she says, 'I was married,' is that it is not accepted from her and the hadd is inflicted on her unless she has clear evidence of what she claims about the marriage or being forced or if she comes bleeding if she was a virgin or she calls out for help so that someone comes to her and she is in that state or what resembles of it of the situation in which the violation occurred." He said, "If she does not produce any of those, the hadd is inflicted on her and whatever such claims she makes are not accepted from her." [http://bewley.virtualave.net/muw16.html#hudud ] Since Islam is stuck in the seventh century your scholars even refuse to accept DNA evidence for rape. Those representatives of Satan in American courts will give justice to my sister.
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