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To Maqsood: Muslim mind exposed: ..my fight is…against any other religion or practice being carried out by ANYONE, ANYWHERE!

Reader comment on item: Salman Rushdie and British Backbone
in response to reader comment: Alcohlism Prohibited as per Nature

Submitted by Plato (India), Aug 23, 2007 at 03:54

IV Muslim mind exposed when you say ..my fight is…against any other religion or practice being carried out by ANYONE, ANYWHERE!

M…Instead my fight is for the religion Islam as ordered by Allah Almighty and as practiced by Prophet Muhammad PBUH and his close companions (Sahaba) against any other religion or practices being carried out by anyone, anywhere.

I have picked the above statement you have made. Have you considered it carefully? It is revealing of what is in a Muslim's mind. It tells us quite a lot about what Islam has done to Muslims. It tells us why we the unbelievers should not only be terrified of you but also probably feel sorry for you.

Muslims proclaim from the roof tops Islam is a religion of peace. You have now shown it is a false claim. You claim Islam is a religion of peace, but at the same time you say you will go out and impose it on others (..my fight is…against any other religion or practice being carried out by ANYONE, ANYWHERE!!). You cannot help but go out and fight as Allah orders you in this verse:

4:76 SHAKIR: Those who believe fight in the way of Allah, and those who disbelieve fight in the way of the Shaitan. Fight therefore against the friends of the Shaitan; surely the strategy of the Shaitan is weak.

What you have said reveals:

1. You BELIEVE you have been ordered by Allah to fight for the religion of Islam, however abhorrent some of the Islamic practices are like allowing slavery, demeaning women by allowing them to be beaten by men, chopping up people's limbs for even non-violent crimes.

2. You think the example set by the shahaba is what you should follow and you should go out and put an end to the religious practices of other people wherever they may be. You, the Muslims, claim the right to end other people's religious practices but you scream and hurl abuse at the Crusaders both ancient and modern for just trying to defend the existence of their religions.( As an aside: Why are so bothered about Palestine. Just as you think that Muslims have a right to Palestine because one of your Caliphs conquered it and converted it to Islam. So too the Jews think they have a right to it because even before the Muslims they had conquered it and made it a Jewish land. Can you spell out your reasons for the Muslim claim to Palestine. )

3. You arrogate the right to fight and kill for Islam but you scream abuse at other religions for defending their faiths like the crusaders who were trying to rescue their brethren from the Muslim invaders. Do you think only Muslims have the right to fight and kill for their religion??

We unbelievers feel sorry for you Muslims at this kind of warped thinking that your Prophet has given you.

M:…If some one do against Islam ( Quran and Sunnah) he or that society has to suffer for that wrong deed, sometimes at once and sometimes after a period…

P: What about Islam ‘going and doing'against other people like the Persians and the Christians in Palestine and elsewhere, including in far away Spain. By what right, except your Allah's and your prophet's self-proclaimed claim in the Koran to ownership of the Universe which no unbeliever accepts or believes, did the Muslims go and invade all those countries???????

And what has anyone done against Islam, except mostly defend themselves from Muslim invasions.

M: As you shown a few examples from Muslim world, they might be true, but It is due to, not obeying Islam. Also see the important thing that as Most of the Muslims still follow the basics of Islam that's y these type of incidents are far less as compared to the societies where there is no Islam.

I saw the whole list from where you picked these stories.

P: Unbelievers are honest in reporting problems with their society. Islamic countries on the other hand try to hide their shame and hence make no effort to correct the crimes their societies suffer from. Is not the data I gave for two representative Muslim countries enough. How long can you be an ostrich and hide from what is happening in your pure Islamic countries. If you insist on hiding the defects inherent in your society it is condemned to being second class as compared to the West which is open and free for anyone, including from the Muslim world, to examine the underpinnings of its society.

M: For your information what I found that most of the stories like you given, are from Non Islamic Countries. I just quoted one below.

P: What makes you say such a thing Maqood. All the source for Pakistan and Saudi Arabia I have given are from people in those countries. You have called me a liar and much else. What does this statement of yours indicate? Who is the liar? (Addressing the issue of family violence at the Jeddah Chamber of Industry and Commerce on Sunday night, Inaam Robai, chairperson of the Committee for Protecting Children's Rights at the Armed Forces Hospital, http://www.sahil.org/abt_publications_cruelnumbers.html, Sahil is Pakistani organization)

P: You brought up the accusation that incest is rampant in the US. Your statistics are so disjoint that the August 6 post about pigs being forbidden has these stats:

"… According to statistics, 8% of Americans commit incest i.e. one in every twelve to thirteen persons in America is involved in incest. Almost all the cases of incest are due to intoxication of one or both the persons involved.

Then you write:

Recently, the literature about child sexual abuse and incest has proliferated, but incest remains poorly documented because of its severe social stigma. One study of college students that defined incest as "a sexual experience with a family member" found a 28 percent prevalence, with 50 percent of the contact between siblings and 30 percent of the sibling contacts involving force. Another study of randomly selected women found that 16 percent had experienced exploitative incest before the age of 18. The psychiatric sequelae of incest are not well known. To determine the long-term psychiatric effects of incest, Pribor and Dinwiddie conducted a study to determine the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in adult women with a history of incest."

You give some more numbers which all seem to contradict one another. What exactly are you trying to tell us with these numbers. You are simply ignoring the few numbers that are available for Muslim countries or unwilling to acknowledge that they are not very different from that of other countries.

Here is what I have copied from your post. You even have some statistics that are more than a 100 years old. Your arguments are totally unfocussed. Either you have no clue to what you are trying to convey or you are deliberately throwing out numbers to confuse.

62% of females are sexually abused by age 18. Finkelhor, David and J. Dziuba-Leatherman. "Victimization of Children." American Psychologist Vol. 49:3 (1992): 173-183. 1896 in The Aetiology of Hysteria, Freud discusses his "Seduction Theory" acknowledging the sexual abuse and incest of children.

31% of males are sexually abused by age 18. Ibid.

More than 60 million adult survivors of incest and sexual child abuse live in America. *Note these are only reported cases. It is believed as great as 50% of sexual child abuse is unreported. Forward, 1993

99% of sexual abuse survivors know their perpetrators-80% are abused by family members, 19% are abuse by other trusted adults. CCPA, 1992

Of 50 male sexual abuse survivors, many were as young as 8 years old. FBI Uniform Crime Report, 1991.

96% of female rape survivors were younger than 12 years old and knew their attackers. U.S. Department of Justice, 1992.

A study of 10,000 female children under age 18 raped in 1992, reports that 3,800 girls were under 12 years old. U.S. Justice Department, study conducted in 11 states and the District of Columbia, June 1994.

Of teenage, unwed mothers, 60-67% were incest survivors. Los Angeles Times survey, 1993

96% of teenage prostitutes were sexually molested in childhood. CCPA, 1992. Almost 80% had become prostitutes before age 18. Ibid. *60% of prostitutes were 16 or under; many were younger than 13. Ibid.

Over 80% of the mothers of incest survivors were also sexually abused.

57% of sexual child abuse and incest perpetrators are survivors of sexual child abuse. Goldstein-Harte Study 1973: Carter, et al.

A sexual child abuse perpetrator (a.k.a. sex offender) abuses an average of 117 children. National Institute of Mental Health, 1988.

Extensive evidence substantiates the fact that sexual child abuse has taken place for centuries.

In the U.S. in 2000 over 3 million child abuse and neglect reports were filed and one million were confirmed. There are 3,000 children abused each day and four of them will die. Forty % of these children were under the age of six. The age group with the highest abuse rate is 0-3 years. Nationally the highest form of abuse is neglect followed by physical abuse. In March of 2001 when President Bush declared April National Child Abuse Prevention Month he stated the cost of child abuse and neglect in the U.S. was $258 million dollars a day. This includes the price of intervention, the treatment of children who have been emotionally, physically or sexually abused as well as the indirect costs of the long term consequences both for the child and our society. Prevent Child Abuse America. In 2000, there were 261,000 victims of rape, attempted rape or sexual assault. [2000 National Crime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics.] Of these 261,000, 114,000 were victims of sexual assault, 55,000 were victims of attempted rape, and 92,000 were victims of completed rape. [2000 NCVS.]

An estimated 906,000 children were victims of abuse and neglect in 2003 (cases substantiated by child protective service agencies).1

In 2003, 48.3 percent of child victims were male; 51.7 percent of victims were female. 83.9 percent of victims were abused by a parent. 40.8% of child victims were maltreated by their mothers acting alone; another 18.8 percent were maltreated by their fathers acting alone; 16.9 percent were abused by both parents.1

Types of maltreatment included:1

Neglect (including medical neglect) 61%
Physical Abuse 19%
Sexual Abuse 10% (90,600 children)
Psychological Maltreatment 5%
Medical Maltreatment 2%
Other* 17%

1U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Child Maltreatment 2003 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2005). Online summary: http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/cb/publications/cm03/index.htm/

Dare to see these.

P: I have dared to see those figures. What are those statistics telling you? Figures for different kinds of crimes all mixed up to cause confusion. What is it that can be untangled from them? The way you have presented these figures I get the idea that the US is a country that has time only for incest, sexual abuse of women, drink alcohol, eat pork and any other Islamic crime you can think of.

Then tell us Maqsood, when did the Americans ever get the time from all their sexual and un-Islamic eating activities to invent many of the conveniences that we use, computers, telephones…send men to the moon, build world class universities and scientific establishments that educate millions of people from all over the world, invade Afghanistan and Iraq, create matchless industries that are the envy of the world?

They stole all that from the Muslim countries?? Or had Allah put all the Muslim countries asleep for centuries like He did those famous sleepers in the cave?

Maqsood, you again have a problem here. You consider the West to be in the throes of decadence despite all its achievements, so if the Islamic world is in a worse condition in the scientific, economic and educational fields does that not mean that Muslim countries are more decadent (sexually, alcoholically etc) and are desperately trying to hide the fact?

Yes, there will be more of you cavorting in an even more decadent fashion in paradise as Allah has promised. You are welcome to that satisfaction. But don't be jealous of the decadence we suffer from now and try to destroy it as you have threatened in this post (..my fight is…against any other religion or practice being carried out by ANYONE, ANYWHERE!)

What is obvious is that as a Muslim you are so ashamed of your performance in the real world of knowledge, culture and industry that you are trying to throw excreta on the US and the West to make you and your co-religionists look good. The only problem is it is like throwing excreta at a spinning fan, it just comes back to splatter your own face.

M:Australia - Child sex victim to pay

A CHILD sex victim is faced with a hefty legal bill after she failed to win an extension of time in which she could sue her molester.

The woman is the latest in a string of child sex victims to have gone to the District Court seeking an extension of the limitation period in which to bring the civil action………

P: You have picked up some story from Australia which has nothing to do with what we are talking about. Stories like these can be multiplied thousand fold, a good number of them will be from Islamic countries. Please read the Australian story again and explain to me how it is relevant to what we are talking about.

What is the moral of this story. What is the connection with what we are discussing. You once said we should have a more intelligent discussion. Is this your idea of an intelligent discussion??

M: Plato! Can you quote me the total number of such victims. As 60 % also mean 3 out of total 5 incidents.

JEDDAH, Dec 19: According to recent studies, 60 percent of all sexual assault victims are minors. Family members commit nearly one third of these incidents.

She pointed out that Interior Ministry studies have shown that 45 percent of children are mistreated during their daily lives.

P: The ministry study says 45% of children. Work out the math, it is quite easy.

M: More important is how many total children are mistreated.

Here is a comment from the report: "Unfortunately we don't like to talk about the problem and we always ignore it here in Saudi Arabia," she said.

P: You keep harping about numbers which you can easily calculate from the percentages. When you calculate don't forget what the report says about people not talking about it. You also have nothing to say about the lady saying people in Saudi Arabia don't like to talk about the problem.

M: More important is how many total children are mistreated. Can u tell me total no. of incidents in Saudi Arabia.

P: My dear Maqsood I am not keeping count of crimes in Saudi Arabia. It is a very secretive place and very little bad news is either given out or collected. If in Pakistan nearly 90% of such crimes go unreported in Saudi Arabia it is probably 95%. Below is what I quoted about Saudi

…."Many cases of child abuse remain undisclosed, either because a child does not, or cannot, tell anyone what has happened to them, or because no one reports the abuse to the …

The population of Saudi Arabia is about 15 million. About 20% (3 million) would be aged below 15. So if 45 % are mistreated, according to government figures, that makes about one million children mistreated. So even if 50% were sex crimes that makes 500,000 child victims. American population is about 17 times the the Saudi population so work out the proportions always keeping in mind that the figures are grossly underreported given the kind of secretive society the Saudis have. Are the figures something you can gloat about as a Muslim?

M: As I have said earlier these people who commit such crimes are not Muslims. Islam does not accept these people.

P: Maqsood do you think that people who commit such crimes in the United States are Christians or Buddhists or….?

M: They will definitely be punished. Islam is not the cause. Actual culprit is nude media that is mainly western who is blinding the Muslims from Islam.

P: Are people who follow Islam so easily beguiled by nude pictures and scenes in the media that they commit sex crimes. Does Islam have no hold on people who believe in it? Then what is the difference between Islam and other religions?

Instead of blaming the poor morality of Muslims you blame the Western media for showing female flesh. Not very different from the Australian imam saying white women are uncovered flesh ready for rape.

Are Muslim men so without self-control that seeing a nude picture of a woman they get so sexually excited that they go and commit sex crimes? You are admitting that Islam is useless as a guide to restrain human behaviour.

You also seem to be saying that you cannot pin blame for such sex crimes on Muslims and their religion Islam as it was those nude pictures (a Jewish-Christian conspiracy to defame islam, no doubt) that should really be held responsible for the crime.

M:But if u want to see the difference in an Islamic country and a Non Muslim country See the percentage difference in the number of incidents. As u quoted in Pakistan it will be

Comparison, Child abuse cases

In 2006, Pakistan child abuse cases 4 per day, that is 1460 per year, 0.0009 % of total population (total population of Pakistan in 2006 was 130 Million). These are reported figures may 50% of actual)

P: Let us do a more honest calculation, Maqsood. 1 in 3 girls are likely to be sexually abused before the age of 18. And 1 in 6 boys in the same age group are abused. (refer to my previous post)

This means that making the reasonable assumption that girls upto 18 make up about 10 per cent of the population 4.3 million girls (13 million divided by 3) in Pakistan have been abused. Similarly the number of boys abused will be about half this number giving a total figure of about 6.5 million children sexually abused in Islamic Pakistan at present.

You have quoted figures for 1896 in the next statistic you have given.

62% of females are sexually abused by age 18. Finkelhor, David and J. Dziuba-Leatherman. "Victimization of Children." American Psychologist Vol. 49:3 (1992): 173-183. 1896 in The Aetiology of Hysteria, Freud discusses his "Seduction Theory" acknowledging the sexual abuse and incest of children.

31% of males are sexually abused by age 18. Ibid.

From the plethora of figures you have given I have picked some figures that seem significant (rather than the century old figures).

‘In the U.S. in 2000 over 3 million child abuse and neglect reports were filed and one million were confirmed.'

Your report also has this for 2003

An estimated 906,000 children were victims of abuse and neglect in 2003 (cases substantiated by child protective service agencies).

Let us take the higher figure of 3 million child abuse AND neglect, of which 1 million were confirmed. Let us assume all the million cases were of sexual abuse, which is reasonable as children usually suffer from such crimes. And let us assume children from 0 to 18 are abused giving 18 million (a wildly high figure) which just about matches up with the Pakistan figure allowing for the difference in population.

M:The difference is wide clear. These are not new figures. It is from the same report I quoted earlier in previous messages. U still have some doubts Plato?/???

P: I have given above what I think are more realistic calculations. And you forgot one little detail Maqsood. I requested you to read the report carefully and in full. It seems you have not done so:

The report is based only on cases reported in national newspapers in Pakistan. Can you imagine the actual numbers Maqsood?

>>yo mean that single murder is not serious enough. But honestly tell me that having sex once, will you have more desire for next sex or less desire??? It will definitely be more. Then who will stop u to have 2nd sex, murder, drinks. There is no end. And this is practically proved by the facts from your society described in above reports.

P:What you are trying to say is unclear but would you kindly tell us what you think of the reports from the land of your Prophet and the land of the pure, Pakistan.<<

M: What science is involved that is unclear to u people??? Read again in context Plato!

(U Said: Admitting to taking a few drinks once in a while has made me into an

P: Actually I still do not understand but let me make a guess. The clue seems to be in: (U Said: Admitting to taking a few drinks once in a while has made me into an alcoholic. Having sex once in a while makes me a sex maniac?)

You assume that because one has sex once one will be prone to seek more. True, but only Muslim men who claim that merely seeing nude pictures excite them so much that they go out and commit sex offences seem to actually commit such crimes. The others, ie in our infidel world, have sex with a their wives or seek consensual sex elsewhere. They do not become sex maniacs. Muslim men are so deprived of female company by their religion that they become sexually desperate and have no recourse but go and find a female to have forced sex.

P:Maqsood, the basics of faith should, I believe, be based on logic. If not I can believe in voodoo, ghosts, in the tooth fairy…..and Allah.

M: yoU re right that's why I am trying to make you understand with logic 1st so that it can provide basics to your faith. Now you don't have any faith…..

P: I hope some of the logic of what I have said has come through to you.




Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (714) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
1relilgion vs humanity [21 words]abcdOct 5, 2012 09:53199510
2regarding Salmon Rushdie article from Jun [101 words]james kahnOct 15, 2007 14:38111519
hats off to England for bravery [202 words]Phil GreendAug 13, 2007 12:14106106
rushdie is not a muslim [171 words]syed mohammad aliJul 16, 2007 12:49103797
Salman Rushdie is a lucky man that he is no longer Muslim [42 words]dhimmi no moreJul 21, 2007 17:25103797
2Our dear Syed and how about the Muslim "crusades" aka futuh al-Islam? [84 words]dhimmi no moreJul 21, 2007 17:30103797
to dhimmi [60 words]SimonJul 22, 2007 18:47103797
Hi Simon [38 words]dhimmi no moreJul 23, 2007 18:55103797
Thanks [18 words]SimonJul 24, 2007 19:56103797
It is fine with me [9 words]dhimmi no moreJul 25, 2007 18:38103797
1.69 billion ....forced conversion [91 words]syed mohammad aliAug 6, 2007 13:16103797
You still did not answer my question! [42 words]dhimmi no moreAug 6, 2007 18:06103797
1My lie? Really? but the Qur'an really says so! [313 words]dhimmi no moreAug 7, 2007 06:51103797
There is, God forbid, 1.69 billion Muslims? really? [19 words]dhimmi no moreAug 7, 2007 07:08103797
there is big muslim population [131 words]syed mohammad aliAug 12, 2007 13:10103797
your argument makes me laugh [29 words]syed mohamamd aliAug 12, 2007 13:29103797
Your research? one word Bogus [60 words]dhimmi no moreAug 13, 2007 06:56103797
Again you did not answer my question [41 words]dhimmi no moreAug 13, 2007 07:01103797
Who is allah - alter ego of Mohammad!!! [37 words]JaladhiAug 13, 2007 15:47103797
jealous about growth of islam [89 words]syed mohammad aliAug 14, 2007 05:56103797
1Or could it be! [7 words]dhimmi no moreAug 14, 2007 06:54103797
Jealous? Really [33 words]dhimmi no moreAug 14, 2007 18:01103797
Dhimmi, I would not question Syed's numbers [90 words]JeffAug 14, 2007 22:45103797
we are victims of hatred [147 words]lubnakhanAug 31, 2008 10:58103797
Sword and Islam [44 words]dhimmi no more stupidAug 20, 2009 08:00103797
Religion of darkness [116 words]Clifford MartisSep 6, 2009 13:41103797
Rushdie not non muslim [70 words]jamesSep 16, 2009 08:27103797
Liberal countries??? [10 words]Odd S. OlavssønApr 11, 2013 16:54103797
3Islam is a religion of peace and not terrorism [141 words]Mahmood janSep 20, 2013 10:27103797
1Another victim of Arabian imperialism [20 words]dhimmi no moreSep 21, 2013 09:28103797
You better believe it! [38 words]PrashantSep 22, 2013 03:03103797
What is the situation of Kashmir (India ) right now? [109 words]Mahmood janSep 22, 2013 19:42103797
Can The Fatwa Cover Up Islam's Pre-Islamic Shame – Allah & His Daughters [350 words]Nancy DrewJul 15, 2007 19:42103733
1Congratulations to the Queen and to Salman Rushdie.- To Dhimmi No More.- what do you think Dhiimi? [197 words]YnnatchkahJul 15, 2007 19:03103728
QUEEN'S CHEAP MENTALITY [75 words]ShafiuddinJul 22, 2007 12:52103728
go live in 7th century. [136 words]surjJul 22, 2007 14:55103728
The venerated Ayesha [127 words]Kamal KrazieJul 13, 2007 03:49103572
My compliments to Sir Salman Rushdie [135 words]Jaisingh ThakurJul 11, 2007 08:02103438
Turn the madrassas into work-out studios [63 words]toothfairyJul 7, 2007 20:24103209
Allah is one .... who run the whole world. [3 words]M zeeshanJun 19, 2018 15:48103209
1Questions for our dear zeeshan from the failed state of Pakistan! [138 words]dhimmi no moreJun 21, 2018 06:58103209
A message for Daniel Pipes [65 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Syed Rafey HusainJul 6, 2007 05:07103077
Rushdie, reformation within societies is a delicate subject. [225 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 6, 2007 05:02103076
And do you think for a minute that Salman Rushdie will read your comment? [19 words]dhimmi no moreJul 7, 2007 12:31103076
To Dhimmi: Write books with delicate thoughtfulness [49 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 11, 2007 04:56103076
to Syed Rafey Husain [174 words]Ashish SrivastavaJul 11, 2007 09:17103076
Our dear Syed al-tablighee but you can read about the satanic verses in Muslim sources [15 words]dhimmi no moreJul 14, 2007 07:26103076
Our dear Syed and Salman Rushdie [129 words]dhimmi no moreJul 14, 2007 12:01103076
To Ashish:Muslim reaction has no moral basis if they are happy to live as a Interest Based Captilist Economy Worker. [102 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 16, 2007 00:22103076
To Ashish: Why do Muslims give such extreme reactions? [74 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 16, 2007 00:23103076
To Ashish: Is there something wrong with your religion? It with the people who follow it. [60 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 16, 2007 00:32103076
To Ashish: A just analysis. I agree it hurts when someone insults the prophets whether he is Mohammad or Jesus [53 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 16, 2007 00:35103076
To Ashish: Islamic way to protest [147 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 16, 2007 00:37103076
To Ashish: Most Muslim and non-Muslims souls are so eager to acquire worldly pleasures [199 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 16, 2007 00:42103076
Words.. [188 words]donvanJul 16, 2007 10:22103076
Why do Muslims kill if someone tries to disgrace our Religion/Prophet [406 words]MaqsoodJul 17, 2007 03:25103076
To Maqsood: Why does Islam revile idol worshippers? [310 words]PlatoJul 23, 2007 06:05103076
To Sayed Rafey:Is it sunnah to kill for insulting the prophet? [81 words]PlatoJul 23, 2007 07:40103076
WHATS THE PROBLEM... [178 words]DONVANJul 23, 2007 14:31103076
To Syed Rafey Husain: I am afraid you are lost sir. [436 words]Ashish SrivastavaJul 27, 2007 09:31103076
1To Syed Rafey:Executions for criticism exposes lack of confidence in your Prophet [870 words]PlatoJul 28, 2007 03:11103076
to mr. Syed Rafey Husain [165 words]Jens BaySep 21, 2007 05:42103076
To Jens Bay: You Are Right And Further Research Is Required [71 words]Syed Rafey HusainSep 22, 2007 04:13103076
To Syed Rafey Husain [354 words]Jens BaySep 24, 2007 08:12103076
To Jens: Do you have any Christian law/court/procedure like Islamic Fiqh? [447 words]Syed Rafey HusainSep 25, 2007 01:25103076
To Syed Rafey Husain [924 words]Jens BaySep 28, 2007 08:12103076
To Jens: Become a true believer of Jesus (PBUH) and become a man, who rejects the power, carnal pleasure and killing [1108 words]Syed Rafey HusainSep 30, 2007 05:34103076
5Mary and Myriam. Mother of Jesus and sister of Moses [702 words]Jens BayOct 1, 2007 06:36103076
I reject false teachings [1062 words]To Syed Rafey HusainOct 2, 2007 07:56103076
Every one have freedom of right to say any thing [48 words]sadiaMay 20, 2010 17:38103076
Mary the mother of Jesus and sister of moses [209 words]Sarah IdanJun 23, 2010 03:44103076
our dear Sarah [526 words]dhimmi no moreJun 23, 2010 18:56103076
replying to dhimmi no more [319 words]SarahJun 25, 2010 12:44103076
Our dear Sarah al-tablighee is back for more [702 words]dhimmi no moreJun 26, 2010 06:50103076
Why do you quote a corrupted book in-order to prove a point? surprise me with an answer and is this asking for much? [95 words]dhimmi no moreJun 26, 2010 11:42103076
replying to Dhimmi no more [158 words]Sarah IdanJun 26, 2010 22:54103076
Our dear sarah and you really need to stick to Urdu [340 words]dhimmi no moreJun 28, 2010 19:37103076
Mary VS Miriam [53 words]HanaSep 25, 2014 09:36103076
Mary daughter of Imran [100 words]GrahamAug 20, 2016 13:34103076
British Backbone [236 words]Mike RandallJul 5, 2007 04:27103003
1Hang Him, EVIL No sir [46 words]Anjum Nisar AhmedJul 5, 2007 02:56102993
1what wrong with you? [76 words]surjJul 14, 2007 19:22102993
1To whom it may concern [331 words]Kamal KrazieJul 4, 2007 13:10102905
On This American Independence Day, Let Freedom Be Honored [89 words]AnneMJul 4, 2007 08:25102886
An act of war by Pakistani minister - We are at war with islam [87 words]Roosevelt's DiscipleJul 4, 2007 08:12102883
1Salman Rushdie and British backbone:a reply to Roosevelt's disciple [256 words]Jaisingh ThakurJul 15, 2007 09:59102883
Musharaf is fooling West by using time tested Islamic Tactics of deception or Taqqiya [619 words]TauJul 16, 2007 02:38102883
promoting hate is the crime [69 words]andria switzerJul 2, 2007 18:17102448
To Andria: Let us define hate first. [24 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 5, 2007 06:45102448
1Our dear syed and what is really hate? [287 words]dhimmi no moreJul 11, 2007 19:23102448
Do Not Let Crazy Middle Easterners Destroy The World [185 words]MarciJul 2, 2007 16:35102424
Watch your back my dear [54 words]OliverJul 2, 2007 17:14102424
marci, you have to wake up [66 words]susanJul 2, 2007 17:56102424
Marci, if I may correct you [511 words]LennJul 4, 2007 16:03102424
Salman Rushdie and British backbone: A Reply to Marci [196 words]Jaisingh ThakurJul 17, 2007 06:24102424
Rule Brittania [10 words]joe kaffirJul 2, 2007 11:57102391
Good Exemplo [14 words]Jorge CordovaJul 2, 2007 03:53102209
Good Example? [80 words]MaqsoodJul 4, 2007 00:59102209
A TWO-WAY STREET. [122 words]Jorge CordovaJul 4, 2007 13:18102209
READ THIS [1224 words]TRUTH_FINDERJul 5, 2007 06:55102209
To Maqsood: Freedom of speech is not 'haram' for us infidels [566 words]PlatoJul 7, 2007 01:34102209
Moslem Crass Hypocrisy [160 words]DiggerdeviantJul 7, 2007 12:52102209
what hypocrisy? [153 words]surjJul 9, 2007 17:25102209
Example? Reply for Plato and other Non believers [1208 words]MaqsoodJul 16, 2007 07:25102209
1To Maqsood: Pigs are also Gods creation [2017 words]PlatoJul 23, 2007 06:30102209
Answers for Plato and all Non Believers [2766 words]MaqsoodJul 31, 2007 06:18102209
Answers for Plato and all Non Believers Part-2 [2349 words]MaqsoodJul 31, 2007 07:13102209
Answers for Plato and all Non Believers Part-4 [1652 words]MaqsoodAug 1, 2007 08:03102209
Answers for Plato and all Non Believers Part-5 [1154 words]MaqsoodAug 2, 2007 08:33102209
To Maqsood: You have shown circucision is useless! [810 words]PlatoAug 2, 2007 08:53102209
To Maqsood: Islamic beliefs dressed up to look like science. [1660 words]PlatoAug 2, 2007 09:55102209
Circumcision is as per nature [242 words]MaqsoodAug 3, 2007 03:29102209
1to Maqsood:LOL. Science in the Koran, when will Muslims see the light? [3786 words]PlatoAug 3, 2007 06:54102209
To Maqsood: On matters pertaining to Sura 9, mostly. [2328 words]PlatoAug 3, 2007 10:09102209
How very clever [230 words]surjAug 4, 2007 19:25102209
Muhammad kept Allah's share of booty - that means allah is alter ego of Muhammad!!! [208 words]JaladhiAug 5, 2007 19:41102209
Dont Just criticize Surj.... [888 words]MaqsoodAug 6, 2007 00:32102209
To Maqsood: Splitting the moon and other strange miracles. [3301 words]PlatoAug 6, 2007 06:09102209
1Pork Forbidden as per Nature [3639 words]MaqsoodAug 6, 2007 07:41102209
Dont Just critisize Surj.... [56 words]MaqsoodAug 7, 2007 03:36102209
To Maqsood:Almighty cursing humans. LOL. What kind of Almighty is He???? [1590 words]PlatoAug 7, 2007 05:01102209
2Plato, Dont Play multidimensional game ! [869 words]MaqsoodAug 7, 2007 07:04102209
1To Maqsood: Pigs are really humans in pigskin?? [4074 words]PlatoAug 7, 2007 21:24102209
Almighty Allah- Our God [130 words]MaqsoodAug 8, 2007 00:47102209
To Maqsood: On hypocrisy, science, reasoning etc [957 words]PlatoAug 8, 2007 01:07102209
This reply is much better [1908 words]MaqsoodAug 9, 2007 07:10102209
To Maqsood: Like oil and water, Islam and logic don't mix. [841 words]PlatoAug 9, 2007 13:20102209
To Maqsood: Circumcision, pork and Greek History don't mix [2535 words]PlatoAug 10, 2007 05:56102209
Pork Forbidden as per Nature [2233 words]MaqsoodAug 13, 2007 02:59102209
Alcohlism Prohibited as per Nature [3220 words]MaqsoodAug 13, 2007 03:12102209
Animal Slaughtering in Islam as per Nature [753 words]MaqsoodAug 13, 2007 03:17102209
To Maqsood:Some very interesting statistics from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan [3056 words]PlatoAug 14, 2007 10:11102209
To Maqsood: Nature does not care what you eat, only Allah does. [3535 words]PlatoAug 15, 2007 09:35102209
To Maqsood: Trust science, there are no fairy stories in it. [588 words]PlatoAug 15, 2007 22:03102209
To Maqsood: Some very interesting statistics..... Part II [1533 words]PlatoAug 16, 2007 00:42102209
Alcohlism Prohibited as per Nature [4490 words]MaqsoodAug 20, 2007 06:11102209
To Maqsood: On who is a hypocrite and who evil. Part I [638 words]PlatoAug 23, 2007 01:37102209
To Maqsood: Part II: On what is really shameful and authentic references. [2320 words]PlatoAug 23, 2007 02:56102209
To Maqsood: Part III: On who really has ugly intentions [2915 words]PlatoAug 23, 2007 03:02102209
To Maqsood: Muslim mind exposed: ..my fight is…against any other religion or practice being carried out by ANYONE, ANYWHERE! [3699 words]PlatoAug 23, 2007 03:54102209
To Maqsood:More about lies and on evil and ugly intentions. Part V [1938 words]PlatoAug 24, 2007 07:09102209
The Bible states that Pork is Forbidden [137 words]MariaApr 26, 2008 22:10102209
These Non Believers [98 words]MaqsoodApr 28, 2008 00:17102209
A question for you [50 words]simonSep 7, 2012 02:03102209
Answer to your question on US Film [381 words]MaqsoodSep 16, 2012 10:31102209
Anxiously waiting for Dr. Pipes' commentaries in regards to Glasgow and London. [226 words]YnnatchkahJul 2, 2007 02:04102199
Let him burn [76 words]Peter, ScotlandJul 6, 2007 14:41102199
Thanks Peter. [72 words]YnnatchkahJul 11, 2007 09:15102199
freedom is never free [89 words]Phil GreendJul 1, 2007 02:20102090
Glasgow will show some Backbone [188 words]Peter, ScotlandJun 30, 2007 14:21102052
Consider this [85 words]OliverJul 1, 2007 13:33102052
Islamic theology [63 words]quaoarJul 2, 2007 10:45102052
true. [34 words]surjJul 9, 2007 17:38102052
Religions [223 words]ProtegimusJul 12, 2007 15:41102052
I read the Quran and Live among muslims and I confirm what Salman Rushdi said? [323 words]Egyptian ChristianJun 30, 2007 11:03102044
PAINFUL [106 words]truth_finderJul 2, 2007 05:29102044
CHRISTIAN PERSECUTION [218 words]DONVANJul 2, 2007 16:34102044
Islam teaches no bloodshed neither any injustice [354 words]Faran HussainJul 3, 2007 14:11102044
wake up. [82 words]surjJul 9, 2007 18:06102044
watch out. [132 words]surjJul 9, 2007 18:41102044
The Truth Has A Way Of Coming Out About Christian Persecution [44 words]AnneMAug 17, 2007 08:18102044
Infosifting [173 words]Infosifter WDWCJun 30, 2007 10:21102042
Quran, Islam, Hamas, Rich Saudi, Rushdie all are different [187 words]Syed Rafey HusainJun 30, 2007 06:59102020
Shades of white? You can only blame Islam [195 words]dhimmi no moreJul 1, 2007 07:32102020
That's a great point! [41 words]SuziJul 1, 2007 19:49102020
To Dhimmi: If my Saudis brothers care more about life here then justice will prevail [392 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 2, 2007 07:12102020
for dhimmi- [42 words]free beeJul 2, 2007 13:41102020
Syed [79 words]donvanJul 2, 2007 17:01102020
Our Dear Freebee aka un drained aka Imad or whatever [20 words]dhimmi no moreJul 2, 2007 19:30102020
More bogus Arabic by another wannabe Arab [49 words]dhimmi no moreJul 2, 2007 20:03102020
To free bee [24 words]SimonJul 2, 2007 20:53102020
To donvan: Do you agree that there is any "Pure light"? Not the one I described off course. [181 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 08:21102020
Donvan- Go read your Brutal Christian History [89 words]Charles Deen MuhammedJul 3, 2007 13:26102020
To Syed Rafey: A cult of male violence against the weak [308 words]PlatoJul 4, 2007 01:51102020
1someone expelled from the marines... [181 words]susanJul 4, 2007 15:29102020
You obviously mean the islamic Hitler? [120 words]LennJul 4, 2007 16:43102020
To dhimmi: I did not know that your Allah's 26th name is the high (high on what it makes wonder) [90 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 5, 2007 06:51102020
No, Charles, you are wrong! [284 words]Mel LarawayJul 5, 2007 09:41102020
Know your facts. [210 words]surjJul 7, 2007 19:51102020
Charlie Deen, [116 words]donvanJul 8, 2007 13:54102020
Syed, [166 words]DEVROCKYJul 9, 2007 08:57102020
To DEVROCKY: There is Islam and a Muslim but nothing like Muhammedian exists [139 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 13, 2007 08:06102020
To DEVROCKY: Neither Christians nor Muslims are permitted to practice their religion in Muslim or non-Muslim countries [71 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 13, 2007 08:09102020
To DEVROCKY: If simple man (not the ones who have lust for worldly life) bring Islam is in a position of power, only justice will prevail [116 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 13, 2007 08:31102020
To DEVROCKY: land lords in Pakistan don't let people grow and study and use our taxes incorrectly [146 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 13, 2007 08:33102020
To DEVROCKY: Understanding Saudi Arabia [200 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 13, 2007 08:43102020
To DEVROCKY: Prophets are "Pure Light". [76 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 13, 2007 08:47102020
To Plato: Why are women economically weak in Islam? [121 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 16, 2007 02:52102020
To Plato: There is no Islamic country exists on this planet [75 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 16, 2007 02:57102020
How about Pakiland? [60 words]dihmmi no moreJul 21, 2007 20:49102020
Is our dear Charles Deen a real ex-Marine? [21 words]dhimmi no moreJul 21, 2007 20:54102020
To Sayed Rafey: Keep women repressed and then call them weak and deficient in intelligence [366 words]PlatoJul 23, 2007 06:42102020
To Sayed Rafey: What use is a guide that cannot guide? [231 words]PlatoJul 23, 2007 06:52102020
Yes, I can see it now.. [66 words]donvanJul 23, 2007 09:17102020
Quite the contrary... [157 words]donvanJul 23, 2007 09:47102020
take a chill pill... [49 words]donvanJul 23, 2007 14:41102020
A message for Islamist/Arab rulers, they being my brothers in Islam [95 words]Syed Rafey HusainJun 30, 2007 05:38102008
And do you think that arab rulers will listen to you that cannot even write his name in proper Arabic? [32 words]dhimmi no moreJul 1, 2007 07:35102008
To Dhimmi: Most Arab Rulers and their staff perhaps monitoring this website could speak, read and write English. [75 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 2, 2007 06:39102008
Moderate Extremists! [85 words]Thomas Justin KazeJun 30, 2007 01:39101997
To Thomas: Muslims have to follow their faith i.e. Leave Earthly life aside [60 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 1, 2007 03:51101997
1Reply to Syed in Pakistan [125 words]Romesh ChanderJul 1, 2007 17:21101997
How to quickly reach the next world! [16 words]PlatoJul 2, 2007 07:34101997
To Plato: With simple life comes non reactive soul. [115 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 01:26101997
To Romesh: Every human is different in terms of consciousness [79 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 09:26101997
A Note of Caution to Mr. Syed [79 words]Charles Deen MuhammedJul 3, 2007 13:36101997
Syed- They will NOT listen. [79 words]un drainedJul 3, 2007 13:40101997
To undrained: The Jews got their just reward!!! [140 words]PlatoJul 4, 2007 02:05101997
To Charles Deen Muhammad: God wills unbelievers to exist [144 words]:PlatoJul 4, 2007 02:14101997
D'hirk of Allah? [121 words]dhimmi no moreJul 4, 2007 07:20101997
To Sayed Rafey: Why is the Islamic world full of 'reactive' souls? [896 words]PlatoJul 4, 2007 10:03101997
jews, what a smart bunch [38 words]susanJul 4, 2007 15:32101997
Dear bewildered Syed; what, then, about the Afghans? [207 words]LennJul 4, 2007 17:00101997
To Muhammed: Beloved Brother Muhammed - Let Me Refresh My Soul [45 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 5, 2007 03:45101997
To un drained: My Beloved Brother - Let Me Do Dhkir By Not Forgetting All Mighty [63 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 5, 2007 03:50101997
Listening? [15 words]EsperanzaJul 6, 2007 08:50101997
To Lenn: I am not bewildered. However Afghan matter is directly related to Interest Based Banking System [532 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 8, 2007 08:15101997
More from our wannabe Arab Syed [43 words]dhimmi no moreJul 11, 2007 17:20101997
To Plato: Whatever Muslims say to you, you keep them saying "LIVE simple life your Prophet and then come back to us with ANY message". [209 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 12, 2007 02:09101997
To Syed: Not bewildered? Befuddled maybe? [1786 words]PlatoJul 13, 2007 04:41101997
To Plato: Note that only those men, women and children who come to fight with you in battle field are made slave. [302 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 13, 2007 10:59101997
Salman Rushdie and British backbone [240 words]Jaisingh ThakurJul 15, 2007 05:51101997
ToSyed: Read the Koran to understand why Muslims are 'reactive' [690 words]PlatoJul 15, 2007 06:55101997
Groups committed to Islamisation of Asia [152 words]ManishJul 16, 2007 02:48101997
1To Syed, - yes, I can prove there is one God (and it ain't allah) [324 words]LennJul 17, 2007 17:04101997
To Sayed Rafey:How many founders of religions indulged in wars of aggression? [673 words]PlatoJul 23, 2007 07:06101997
Do they even know what the signs say? [167 words]SuziJun 28, 2007 19:12101902
Hear - Hear [17 words]OliverJul 1, 2007 14:16101902
Shaking chin as a symbol of modern Western character [289 words]Leonid Kaplun-LeonovJun 28, 2007 16:21101878
Muslim protest is not the way for West to reconsider freedom [70 words]Syed Rafey HusainJun 29, 2007 01:15101878
To Leonid. [222 words]YnnatchkahJun 29, 2007 16:02101878
Question for Hussain [58 words]YnnatchkahJun 30, 2007 01:19101878
The Pope will never submit to you [183 words]true britJun 30, 2007 05:15101878
The Pope apologize for what? For stating the truth? [27 words]dhimmi no moreJun 30, 2007 06:53101878
Answer To Ynnatchkah - let you, me and Leonid worship All Mighty who is G-d. [127 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 1, 2007 05:22101878
To Brit: I am putting my best efforts (and need your hands too) to calm down all reactive souls [354 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 1, 2007 05:42101878
To Dhimmi: People of Makkah call Mohammad (May peace and blessing on him) "honest" and "truthful". [125 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 1, 2007 06:54101878
THE WEST WILL NEVER 'RECONSIDER' FREEDOM [169 words]OliverJul 1, 2007 13:10101878
My evidence that muhammad was a caravan raider and an Arabian warlord! [29 words]dhimmi no moreJul 1, 2007 16:55101878
we're not helping you [103 words]susanJul 1, 2007 17:16101878
Our dear Syed al-tablighee and logic [39 words]dhimmi no moreJul 1, 2007 17:31101878
Answer as to Why Syed Does not Understand the True Nature of islamism and mohummad [49 words]SinghaJul 2, 2007 00:13101878
To Dhimmi: Waqidi's al-Magahzi is no doubt a book of Islamic history but I am not a caravan raider and/or a warlord. [197 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 2, 2007 02:45101878
to Syed on worshipping GoD [134 words]ASJul 2, 2007 03:12101878
To Oliver: West should NEVER reconsider FREEDOM over the SUBMISSION to any form of Human dictatorship [389 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 2, 2007 05:00101878
ToSyed Rafey: [958 words]PlatoJul 2, 2007 10:10101878
to Leonid on Western character [109 words]ASJul 2, 2007 12:44101878
2Muhammad's biography and Waqidi's al-Maghazi! [103 words]dhimmi no moreJul 2, 2007 13:08101878
Our dear Syed and al-anfal or the spoils (of war)! And you knew it was coming! [119 words]dhimmi no moreJul 2, 2007 13:16101878
Then read surat al-anfal [25 words]dhimmi no moreJul 2, 2007 19:26101878
To dhimmi: You are right interest is Haram (prohibited) in Islam, Christianity and Judaism. [139 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 01:35101878
To dhimmi: Fundamentals of Islam are written in Quran and not in al-Maghazi by Waqidi [176 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 02:43101878
To Dhimmi: Respected Mother Teresa is obviously is not in the category of Prophets, Jesus is. [175 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 02:45101878
The sira is bogus but so is the hadith [220 words]dhimmi no moreJul 3, 2007 07:02101878
The hadith is all bogus! [452 words]dhimmi no moreJul 3, 2007 07:38101878
To Susan: Separation of church and state has brought up Heartless Headful People [93 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 09:36101878
1stop.. [10 words]donvanJul 3, 2007 10:31101878
Your Arabic is bogus [30 words]dhimmi no moreJul 3, 2007 20:04101878
The Qur'an? that opaque revelation? [437 words]dhimmi no moreJul 3, 2007 20:36101878
2Mother Terasa and her biography [70 words]dhimmi no moreJul 3, 2007 20:53101878
al-Maghazi means the invasions and your Arabic is just as bogus as it can get [54 words]dhimmi no moreJul 3, 2007 21:00101878
The loot collected from the victims of islam is charity, your Hindu ancestots included?You must be kidding! [39 words]dihmmi no moreJul 3, 2007 21:08101878
To Mr. Syed whom we love [238 words]SimonJul 3, 2007 22:19101878
Simon: well said [65 words]dhimmi no moreJul 4, 2007 07:36101878
islamic corruption [74 words]susanJul 4, 2007 14:42101878
Ynnatchkah syed is ok with female genital mutilation [24 words]susanJul 4, 2007 15:34101878
I can enlighten you about at least one word: tur [8 words]LennJul 4, 2007 16:47101878
To Simon: profiteer, going after money, going after sex [45 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 5, 2007 04:52101878
To Simon: "rock" n roll. what exactly you are referring to [42 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 5, 2007 04:54101878
To Simon: You are most welcome in discussion. [41 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 5, 2007 04:56101878
To Simon: A fruit of prophet is message that this worldly life is temporary and here after is everlasting [101 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 5, 2007 05:22101878
To Simon: A very tough test that disciples have passed. May blessing on all disciples of Jesus. [120 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 5, 2007 06:27101878
To Simon: They (i.e. Prophets) are high, very high above all this worldly lust. [70 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 5, 2007 06:31101878
To dhimmi: No debating on the word but let you know words have shades when translated [104 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 5, 2007 06:59101878
To Dhimmi: You have not given your opinion on basic question Why a war could be called as just? [140 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 5, 2007 07:15101878
To donvan: History shows wars,including Muslim, Chirstians, Hindu battles and current wars caused millions lives lost [313 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 5, 2007 07:22101878
1To AS: All Mighty is one and is creator of you and me [43 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 5, 2007 07:40101878
FREEDOM... [628 words]OliverJul 5, 2007 18:06101878
To Dhimmi: Don't you see, one can not change beliefs through force/sword for long time? [110 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 6, 2007 00:28101878
1To Dhimmi: Almost 2260 Hadith from Hazrat Ayesha all related to daily routines of Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) [188 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 6, 2007 01:21101878
To Dhimmi: A 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 18 years girl may not know happenings of Khyber but when Propher wake up in night [185 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 6, 2007 02:25101878
To Dhimmi: Muslims who collected Hadith call bogus hadith "Moa'zoo" (fabricated). [159 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 6, 2007 02:38101878
To dhimmi: 1/5 that goes to Allah is basically Charity distributed to poor and need [70 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 6, 2007 03:21101878
substance not form [87 words]leighJul 6, 2007 05:59101878
It is called Badr and not Badar [50 words]dhimmi no moreJul 7, 2007 06:20101878
You did not read "1984" [74 words]dhimmi no moreJul 7, 2007 06:36101878
One word: Bogus [73 words]dhimmi no moreJul 7, 2007 06:42101878
You said that Muhammad was an Arabian warlord as per surat al-anfal [33 words]dhimmi no moreJul 7, 2007 12:34101878
good [58 words]surjJul 10, 2007 18:56101878
To dhimmi: Only 1/5th of that you find from battle field and not from homes! [67 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 11, 2007 03:40101878
To dhimmi: War is a human history and future, it should have some rules including split the battle field stuff [267 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 11, 2007 04:01101878
To Syed: Give us your source for your claim [83 words]PlatoJul 11, 2007 04:15101878
Muhammad's little invasions were just wars? [32 words]dhimmi no moreJul 11, 2007 06:52101878
The meaning of the word al-maghazi and our dear Syed's bogus falsafa [13 words]dhimmi no moreJul 11, 2007 06:54101878
Here is the evidecne that Muhammad was after money etc... [16 words]dhimmi no moreJul 11, 2007 07:05101878
"rock" n roll and our dear Syed! [33 words]dhimmi no moreJul 11, 2007 07:08101878
SYED, [250 words]DONVANJul 11, 2007 09:06101878
dhimmi you are on point [102 words]SimonJul 11, 2007 11:10101878
Then we have 2260 bogus ahadith [71 words]dhimmi no moreJul 12, 2007 20:14101878
More bogus Arabic by our dear Syed [152 words]dhimmi no moreJul 12, 2007 20:26101878
Allah demands 1/5 of the loot [137 words]dhimmi no moreJul 14, 2007 12:28101878
The Peshita or the Syriac Bible [20 words]dhimmi no moreJul 14, 2007 13:00101878
Just like that?? [23 words]SimonJul 14, 2007 21:58101878
To Syed Rafey:Read 8:41 It says: But enjoy what ye took in war, LAWFUL AND GOOD... [429 words]PlatoJul 16, 2007 00:53101878
To donvan: Wars are neither political not religious events rather outcome of injustice [106 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 16, 2007 00:54101878
To donvan: There will be lots of injustice as you will never be able to find answers to political questions [189 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 16, 2007 01:04101878
To donvan: Here is what I believe about the Jews, the Christians and the Sabaeans "who believes in God and the Last Day" [204 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 16, 2007 01:11101878
To Plato: Write me which source or sources you believe in? [115 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 16, 2007 02:35101878
To Surj: Jesus (May peace and blessings on him) never said that he is All Mighty and worship him [43 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 16, 2007 02:39101878
To Oliver: Treat their neighbors fair. Yes this is one of the finest ways to do justice. [242 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 16, 2007 03:59101878
To Oliver: Real freedom of soul will come once no soul is bound to pay Interest [309 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 16, 2007 04:00101878
To Oliver: Allah knows best. But what I believe is that this is the last time children of Israel will be collected on the land of Israel before end of times. [555 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 16, 2007 04:02101878
To Leigh: Prophet Mohammad and Prophet Jesus (May Peace be upon him) both being the messenger of same Allah has taught that it is the intentions in hearts on which deeds depend. [231 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 16, 2007 08:20101878
How about your own ancestors the Hindus? [103 words]dhimmi no moreJul 21, 2007 21:02101878
I cannot speak for anyone else but myself [96 words]dhimmi no moreJul 21, 2007 21:23101878
Sayed ya sayed wull hob shu laziz [133 words]SimonJul 21, 2007 22:04101878
Shame on Muslims [161 words]surjJul 22, 2007 18:02101878
Try again, telling the truth. [160 words]surjJul 22, 2007 19:07101878
Relgion & State if stay together, morality will come back [36 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 23, 2007 01:34101878
both theocratic states [24 words]susanJul 23, 2007 18:17101878
The Creation of the World, Cumming? [192 words]Matti TorvinenSep 8, 2007 07:38101878
Reply [509 words]Asma BegumJun 16, 2008 21:01101878
Our dear Asma and the bogus hadith [285 words]dhimmi no moreJun 21, 2008 06:55101878
Muslims [73 words]saaddJan 22, 2010 04:17101878
Islam [51 words]BlueEysJan 30, 2010 10:30101878
No Backbone [256 words]GautieriJun 28, 2007 10:02101860
Well said [32 words]OliverJul 1, 2007 14:28101860
Dr.Pipes correct [39 words]VijayJun 28, 2007 08:47101854
Sir Salman, ok, but fine novelist!! [139 words]HarrakJun 28, 2007 07:16101849
Quran -The funniest novel about BIBLE [58 words]truth_finderJun 30, 2007 06:05101849
To Truth Finder: Can You Wait [85 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 1, 2007 06:42101849
....and the New Testament is a fiction of the Torah [41 words]MonkJul 2, 2007 16:40101849
Salman Rushdie and British backbone [83 words]S.C.PandaJun 28, 2007 05:33101845
Salman Rushdie [395 words]guy leven-torres (agricola)Jun 28, 2007 01:35101832
I have never doubted English backbone - thrive on cousin [20 words]OliverJul 1, 2007 14:40101832
If Only They Rioted... [123 words]JohnnyTJun 27, 2007 18:44101813
Why only riot when more ghastly crimes against humanity can be done!!! [146 words]JaladhiJun 29, 2007 10:53101813
1What's the big deal with the Satanic Verses, anyway? [170 words]Henrik Ræder ClausenJun 27, 2007 16:49101800
It's the Humor [94 words]Yuval Brandstetter MDJun 28, 2007 16:56101800
Fine (and not-so-fine :) points about Islam [376 words]Henrik Ræder ClausenJun 28, 2007 18:04101800
You surrender to All Mighty through Taurah & do justice in your words and I through Quran and I do justice in words [171 words]Syed Rafey HusainJun 29, 2007 02:09101800
To Henrik: Ibn Ishaq and al-Tabari are not the book of the Hadith rather History books. [79 words]Syed Rafey HusainJun 30, 2007 08:03101800
To Henrik: Mohammad (Peace be upon him) taught us to live simple life, away from the thrust of worldly things. [135 words]Syed Rafey HusainJun 30, 2007 08:16101800
The references you wanted [636 words]Henrik Ræder ClausenJun 30, 2007 18:12101800
weak faith? [153 words]RJJul 1, 2007 03:20101800
al-Ahadith are all bogus [29 words]dhimmi no moreJul 1, 2007 07:46101800
No laughing matter [29 words]OliverJul 1, 2007 14:48101800
Moral Model [127 words]OliverJul 1, 2007 15:09101800
Reference Please [87 words]OliverJul 1, 2007 15:20101800
An important correction [30 words]Henrik Ræder ClausenJul 1, 2007 16:20101800
Just Sharing A Bad Pun [47 words]orange yonasonJul 1, 2007 16:55101800
To Oliver: Reference and I will continue to invite you to surrender to One True All Mighty. [249 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 2, 2007 04:08101800
To Oliver: All Prophets taught the same "Moral Model" "Fear All Mighty and Follow me". [214 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 2, 2007 05:22101800
To Dhimmi: Quran is above all, then 6 books of Hadith and then remaning books of Hadith, and then history books. [121 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 2, 2007 06:36101800
To Henrik: Quran is above all, then 6 books of Hadith and then remaning books of Hadith, and then history books [237 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 2, 2007 10:35101800
To Henrik:First wife of Prophet Hazrat Khadijah al-Kubra 15 years elder than. Ayesha got married at the age of 9. [126 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 2, 2007 10:38101800
The evidence is right there [486 words]Henrik Ræder ClausenJul 2, 2007 16:53101800
I think we agree on this [25 words]Henrik Ræder ClausenJul 2, 2007 17:19101800
Syed and his Arabic language lesson for today [100 words]dhimmi no moreJul 2, 2007 19:43101800
Love not fear [97 words]OliverJul 3, 2007 01:47101800
To Henrik: Few years and at the age of 9 [66 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 07:54101800
dhimmi an athiest? [45 words]free beeJul 3, 2007 13:56101800
Yes, we agree [27 words]Henrik Ræder ClausenJul 4, 2007 01:50101800
To Oliver: There is a fear in love that "I do not things so I may loose my beloved" [180 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 6, 2007 02:52101800
To Dhimmi: Quran revealled in seven Qraat. Hazrat and Hadrat both are correct [103 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 6, 2007 03:17101800
follow me [86 words]leighJul 6, 2007 06:10101800
To Syed: Who created the reactive souls? [76 words]PlatoJul 11, 2007 04:26101800
Love covers a multitude of sins ... [394 words]OliverJul 11, 2007 23:45101800
Bogus the word is hadrat and not the Pakistani Hazrat [34 words]dhimmi no moreJul 12, 2007 19:45101800
No it is hadrat and not hazrat and your claim here is bogus [61 words]dihmmi no moreJul 12, 2007 20:54101800
A nice cosy arrangment between God and his Messenger [798 words]PlatoJul 15, 2007 04:57101800
To Dhimmi: My discussion with you closing now [83 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 15, 2007 11:49101800
To Plato: Who created those reactive souls? And Why Holy scriptures could misguide reactive souls? [121 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 16, 2007 02:31101800
To Henrik: Age of 9, Age of Puberty for Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqah (Razi Allah Talah Anhuma) [129 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 16, 2007 03:10101800
To Leigh, which portion of Quran you are referring to [250 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 16, 2007 08:09101800
Atrocious arabic [26 words]Joe KaffirJul 16, 2007 14:42101800
check it out. [60 words]surjJul 31, 2007 22:36101800
I agree to you Syed Rafey Husain [583 words]naveedApr 26, 2009 15:55101800
Thank you for your detailed comments. [10 words]Syed Rafey HusainApr 28, 2009 03:39101800
Interesting Facts on Salman and Ijaz [134 words]SinghaJun 27, 2007 12:00101764
Islam will follow the path of establishing the System Of Justice [125 words]Syed Rafey HusainJun 28, 2007 01:15101764
1Truth is the Greatest Enemy of Islam [140 words]SinghaJun 29, 2007 06:18101764
sure, beaheading justice [202 words]susanJun 29, 2007 11:12101764
A message for Islamist/Arab rulers, they being my brothers in Islam [374 words]Syed Rafey HusainJun 30, 2007 05:31101764
To Susan: I murder a SINGLE human unjustly, I killed the WHOLE humanity. (> 69 Million people!) [537 words]Syed Rafey HusainJun 30, 2007 06:33101764
before saying my name [385 words]susanJun 30, 2007 18:15101764
The proof is in history [148 words]pcmadnessJul 1, 2007 06:03101764
Blah Blah [112 words]OliverJul 1, 2007 15:41101764
To Oliver: Contract is better than war. And Humans do fight, but let's not make it a number 1 priority [100 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 2, 2007 03:31101764
To pcmadness: War is inevitable when not enough effort is given to calm down reactive souls in pre-war period [425 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 2, 2007 07:52101764
To Susan: You and me still have a time to write good or bad history [139 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 2, 2007 09:52101764
To Susan: Do the Math, because I do not see history like this [34 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 2, 2007 09:53101764
To Susan: Your attitude towards past is your biggest enemy [145 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 2, 2007 09:54101764
To Susan: Incorrect information, why there is Injustice in Pakistan [280 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 2, 2007 09:56101764
To Susan: Clearly write where you see injustice. I will be with you if it injust [173 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 2, 2007 09:57101764
fed up to bring you references [293 words]susanJul 2, 2007 17:32101764
no polio vaccine for the muslims [78 words]susanJul 2, 2007 17:34101764
math is a difficult thing [51 words]susanJul 2, 2007 17:36101764
muslims ignorant of history [111 words]susanJul 2, 2007 17:40101764
IN PAKISTAN, THOSE WHO CRY RAPE FACE JAIL [67 words]susanJul 2, 2007 17:42101764
When you repudiate mohammad ... [82 words]OliverJul 2, 2007 18:00101764
That won't happen - Oliver!! [69 words]JaladhiJul 2, 2007 20:58101764
To Susan: Let's work together and approach sensibly to most insensible. [73 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 01:14101764
To Susan: I am not from Madrasa but where you from? [79 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 01:16101764
To Susan: What injust you see in arranged marraiges, so I can voice with you [96 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 01:18101764
To Oliver: A question of justice. Surrender to my religion or being Killed [276 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 02:04101764
To Susan: Without following attributes of justice, I also don't want Pakistan to become any other kind of Islamic State [82 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 03:24101764
To Susan: ‘Stoning to death' is just and also prescribed in Taurah [210 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 03:26101764
To Susan: I have the answer and solution too. Why so many reactive souls (terrorist) are there? What is the root cause? [244 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 03:50101764
To Susan: Susan, you trim sentences, just like mentioned in Quran. [128 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 04:45101764
1To Susan: Muslims are a plague TODAY. [30 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 04:47101764
To Susan: More than 25 million people have died of AIDS as oppose to breeding with a cousin [125 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 05:11101764
To Susan: Marriage an economic burden due to burtal interest based capitalist economy [98 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 05:21101764
To Susan: Statistics about Pakistan. Most marriages are in close relatives [35 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 05:23101764
To Susan: Do you know the reason of honor killings in Pakistan? [63 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 05:24101764
To Susan: Glorious Quran and Prophet Mohammad clearly rejects all Forced agreements [92 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 05:26101764
To Susan:Land lord system in Pakistan is the source of most social illnesses and crimes. [136 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 05:31101764
True ... True [5 words]OliverJul 3, 2007 21:54101764
boycott all muslims [57 words]susanJul 4, 2007 13:56101764
asking for my address? [47 words]susanJul 4, 2007 13:59101764
arranged marriages are part of islam [107 words]susanJul 4, 2007 14:00101764
not interested one bit in what happens to women in pakistan [22 words]susanJul 4, 2007 14:02101764
there's no purity in islam [50 words]susanJul 4, 2007 14:04101764
yes [269 words]susanJul 4, 2007 14:16101764
To Jaladhi: Please provide reference. Shias and sunnis are treating each other? [56 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 5, 2007 09:18101764
To Jaladhi: Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen etc. are practically non Islamic countries. [110 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 5, 2007 09:28101764
To Oliver :Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen allow interest based banking prohibited in Islam [105 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 5, 2007 09:31101764
sharp end of sharia [72 words]leighJul 6, 2007 06:19101764
6So now you know what the Arabic word Naik really means? [62 words]dhimmi no moreJul 7, 2007 12:39101764
Teaching Enlightenment to Syed [165 words]SinghaJul 8, 2007 08:56101764
To Dhimmi: No one names himself with a vulgar word for sex including Dr. Zakir Naik [21 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 11, 2007 03:43101764
To Singha: A follower is led by the light of reveled justice. [71 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 13, 2007 09:19101764
To Singha: Wafa Sultan needs Muslims to help her getting justice but she isn't able to find one nearby. [80 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 13, 2007 09:23101764
To Singha: Reactive souls could do anything, anywhere and using any teaching. [223 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 13, 2007 09:29101764
To Susan: I know and I agree with you. Muslims have to fall back to the simple ways of living using Sunnah so that justice could prevail. [74 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 13, 2007 09:33101764
To Susan: Work for humans with me to bring sense of calmness. [45 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 13, 2007 09:37101764
Kiss uhkt el naik dhimmi you are right! [30 words]SimonJul 13, 2007 20:55101764
To Syed: What's NICE? Read your scriptures! [894 words]PlatoJul 16, 2007 03:07101764
To leigh: Federal Sharia Court suspended the judgment of the Lahore High Court which exonerated five of the six men [280 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 16, 2007 07:50101764
To Syed Rafey: The conspiracy of lower case alphabets! [1237 words]PlatoJul 16, 2007 07:54101764
IN FAVOUR OF DR. ZAKIR [25 words]atiq tajudeenApr 23, 2017 17:28101764
Re: the name 'Naik' [10 words]Lynda Layton-CruzSep 3, 2019 00:19101764
Rushdie, Taslima Nasrin, Amina Wadud, Jyllands-Posten, Pope Benedict [2022 words]Syed Rafey HusainJun 27, 2007 10:36101721
Are you kidding us? [74 words]EsperanzaJun 27, 2007 18:58101721
Syed's logic hurts my mind [82 words]Kamal KrazieJun 28, 2007 05:13101721
Criticize Mohummad and Quran with fervor and without any fear [83 words]SinghaJun 28, 2007 13:55101721
muslim student [24 words]Syed Rafey HusainJun 29, 2007 01:05101721
No I am telling surrendering to All Mighty will make souls to calm down. [165 words]Syed Rafey HusainJun 29, 2007 01:23101721
I am neither a liberal nor an Islamist but a person who wish to see Justice prevails for everyone [131 words]Syed Rafey HusainJun 29, 2007 01:29101721
Have You Ever Heard Of The Term, "Free Will" ? [47 words]AnneMJun 29, 2007 20:58101721
Truth and Freedom of Thought Remain Greatest Enemies of Islamism [76 words]SinghaJun 30, 2007 07:46101721
To Singha: Truth needs to triumph for human progress, if done by calm down soul. Reactive souls bring failure and catastrophe [162 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 1, 2007 04:08101721
To Anne: Believe Happens When You Answer Questions That Are Larger Than Your Life. [174 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 1, 2007 04:24101721
Then why are you here? [46 words]dhimmi no moreJul 1, 2007 07:50101721
Please consult the Bible? really? [31 words]dhimmi no moreJul 1, 2007 07:55101721
Nonsense refuted [86 words]EsperanzeJul 1, 2007 10:18101721
Our dear Syed al-tablighee or is he a mubaligh and the islamic truth! [201 words]dhimmi no moreJul 1, 2007 12:12101721
muslims and islam [58 words]susanJul 1, 2007 17:23101721
600 years before mohammad began playing with rocks ... [465 words]OliverJul 1, 2007 18:22101721
you did not answer her question [33 words]dhimmi no moreJul 1, 2007 20:05101721
Why Ideology of Islam is a Problem [229 words]SinhaJul 2, 2007 00:05101721
To dhimmi: I am talking to you on my own free will and conscience [115 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 2, 2007 05:11101721
To Esperanze: Souls have become reactive due to survival difficulties caused by "Interest Based Economy & Banking. [239 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 2, 2007 05:50101721
To dhimmi: Be Specific Where I was Spreading Arabs and Arabian imperialism [69 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 2, 2007 06:07101721
To dhimmi: Remember my objective is to make reactive souls to calm down. It is not to convert them. [129 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 2, 2007 06:29101721
To Syed Rafey: My reaction to your mail [1370 words]PlatoJul 2, 2007 09:00101721
Why Ideology of Islam is the Problem [247 words]SinghaJul 2, 2007 22:00101721
Why not SIR Dan Brown ? [42 words]Syed Mohammad HumayunJul 4, 2007 12:53101721
To Plato: People are deprived of basic living needs because of interest based banking and economy. [57 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 6, 2007 05:16101721
1To Plato: Stop interest based banking and economy and I have no doubt you will have wonderful mornings and pleasant evenings [146 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 6, 2007 05:24101721
I believe in Justice at large which means while doing justice within my own country it should not be at the cost of injustice anywhere else. [139 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 6, 2007 05:31101721
To Plato: In Pakistan Land Lord system has corrupted the whole place [61 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 6, 2007 05:33101721
To Plato: [24 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 6, 2007 05:35101721
To Plato: submission is equivalent to surrender [31 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 6, 2007 05:37101721
To Plato: "real logic" of being good is delicate very delicate and hence difficult to understand. [116 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 6, 2007 05:45101721
To Plato: Note soul escapes when body dies, but body becomes atheists when soul dies. [65 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 6, 2007 06:03101721
To Plato: Forced sumbission of soul bring slavery not in love. [31 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 6, 2007 06:06101721
To Plato, let us first agree on the definition of success first. [52 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 6, 2007 06:08101721
To Plato: Is there anything that can stop first any Man from not commiting sin? [127 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 6, 2007 06:28101721
To Plato: These are matters of souls. It is for soul to experience. [81 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 6, 2007 07:52101721
To Syed: Belief in the hereafter is as good as believing in a world inside mirrors. [252 words]PlatoJul 11, 2007 05:34101721
To Syed: Your evidence for the soul? [145 words]PlatoJul 11, 2007 05:51101721
To Syed: Islam is all about forced submission [175 words]PlatoJul 11, 2007 06:08101721
To Plato: But forced submission is what Allah and his Rasool want [54 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 16, 2007 01:31101721
To Plato: If you do not repeat the shahada you will burn in hell for ever [79 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 16, 2007 01:32101721
To Plato: What does it means "He may make it conqueror of all religion however much idolaters may be averse" [225 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 16, 2007 01:33101721
To Plato: Soul escapes when body dies, but body becomes atheists when soul dies [155 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 16, 2007 02:10101721
To Plato: How you do a justice to a killer who naturally dies next hour of killing, looting or raping one of your own family member? [255 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 16, 2007 02:20101721
To Syed Rafey: Justice? What does 8:41 and 8:69 teach you of justice? [253 words]PlatoJul 21, 2007 03:17101721
To Syed Rafey: The Landlord system is just another form of submission. [520 words]PlatoJul 21, 2007 04:41101721
To Syed Rafey: Believe in God? [22 words]PlatoJul 21, 2007 04:47101721
To Syed Rafey: Surrender is worse than submission [150 words]PlatoJul 21, 2007 05:47101721
To Sayed: Success, my definition [136 words]PlatoJul 21, 2007 06:22101721
To Sayed Rafey: You reaction against interest is unreasonable [268 words]PlatoJul 21, 2007 07:25101721
To Plato: Brilliant Answer to Syed Rafey [183 words]YnnatchkahJul 22, 2007 01:27101721
To Sayed Rafey: The onus of proof is on the one who postulates existence of something [526 words]PlatoJul 23, 2007 07:26101721
To Ynnatchkah: Appreciate your comment [201 words]PlatoJul 24, 2007 02:17101721
good work [55 words]fatmaJul 10, 2008 14:19101721
It's great that Rushdie is in the clear! [149 words]Henrik Ræder ClausenJun 27, 2007 10:15101720
Best is that Rushdie surrender to any of Holy Books, he will find peace. [228 words]Syed Rafey HusainJun 28, 2007 02:42101720
Nope [71 words]Henrik Ræder ClausenJun 28, 2007 17:43101720
Do you find motivation to surrender to Him (God or Allah)? [120 words]Syed Rafey HusainJun 29, 2007 01:51101720
A Message For Rushdie [225 words]Syed Rafey HusainJun 29, 2007 02:22101720
No [19 words]Henrik Ræder ClausenJun 29, 2007 17:09101720
To Henrik: But at least you should surrender to All Mighty through Quran or Bible or Taurah [84 words]Syed Rafey HusainJun 30, 2007 05:51101720
Our dear Syed and his bogus Islamic falsafa [98 words]dhimmi no moreJun 30, 2007 06:46101720
No need for surrender [16 words]Henrik Ræder ClausenJun 30, 2007 17:41101720
1good day to you my dear dhimmi no more [40 words]susanJun 30, 2007 18:20101720
To Henrik: Surrender also happens in love [29 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 1, 2007 03:52101720
To Dhimmi: Surrender will bring inner peace and outer justice. [365 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 1, 2007 06:30101720
The Not-So-Almighty is in trouble without submission [65 words]Henrik Ræder ClausenJul 1, 2007 15:03101720
Hi Susan long time no see [41 words]dhimmi no moreJul 1, 2007 16:08101720
Good point :) [97 words]Henrik Ræder ClausenJul 1, 2007 16:33101720
So what did we learn from our dear Syed? Nothing [129 words]dhimmi no moreJul 1, 2007 16:50101720
To Henrik: [176 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 2, 2007 03:00101720
To dhimmi: Do you believe in Ayah Q14.4? [149 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 2, 2007 03:19101720
To Henrik:We cave or not, this is for own personal gain and loss on the Day of Judgment. [108 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 2, 2007 04:32101720
Fear, not love, drives people to Allah [622 words]Henrik Ræder ClausenJul 2, 2007 17:13101720
So who is your Urdu rasul? Because he is not Muhammad [113 words]dhimmi no moreJul 3, 2007 07:09101720
Oh yeah? [85 words]dihmmi no moreJul 4, 2007 13:06101720
To Dhimmi: Followers struggled to full fill following Ayah, that Prophet Mohammad has been sent for whole mankind [112 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 6, 2007 00:48101720
To Dhimmi: So who is really your Rasool? Mohammad (Peace be upon him). He teaches me to do just in everything like a kind father. [126 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 6, 2007 00:55101720
To Dhimmi: What I believe I wanted to be part of last blessing sent be All Mighty. [119 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 6, 2007 01:03101720
So what did we learn? Nothing as usual and who is your Urdu rasul because he is not Muhammad [19 words]dhimmi no moreJul 7, 2007 06:22101720
Our dear Syed and his poor translation of Q21:107 [466 words]dhimmi no moreJul 7, 2007 07:13101720
To Dhimmi: Quran 34.28 Prophet Mohammad (May Allah Peace Be Upon Him) sent but to entire mankind [102 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 11, 2007 05:51101720
To Dhimmi: Better Translation [67 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 11, 2007 05:58101720
To Dhimmi: What do you think which person Quran 21.107 referring to? [133 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 11, 2007 06:06101720
Our dear Syed and Q5:3 and on being a wannabe arab [42 words]dhimmi no moreJul 12, 2007 12:50101720
Our dear Syed is in denial again and again [83 words]dhimmi no moreJul 12, 2007 13:00101720
To Dhimmi: What I say: He is Allah, the One and Only; and Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; [49 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 13, 2007 10:11101720
Our dear Syed and Q34:28 [126 words]dhimmi no moreJul 14, 2007 12:38101720
Bogus again [97 words]dhimmi no moreJul 14, 2007 12:49101720
So who is the subject of Q21:107? [94 words]dhimmi no moreJul 14, 2007 12:56101720
Oh Q112! [34 words]dhimmi no moreJul 21, 2007 17:56101720
"If your allah created this creation then who really created your Allah?" [83 words]SimonJul 21, 2007 22:15101720
1For Simon and who really created Allah? Sira pages 571-572 [426 words]dhimmi no moreJul 22, 2007 16:49101720
Thank you dhimmi [184 words]SimonJul 23, 2007 20:52101720
I'm always glad to help [27 words]dhimmi no moreJul 24, 2007 17:20101720
Thanks again [9 words]SimonJul 24, 2007 20:00101720
dhimmi I need help with a translation if you dont mind [255 words]SimonAug 21, 2007 09:46101720
The word anfasakum [238 words]dhimmi no moreAug 21, 2007 18:23101720
Hi Simon and the sources [182 words]dhimmi no moreAug 21, 2007 19:37101720
dhimmi thanks again! [53 words]SimonAug 23, 2007 09:29101720
dhimmi please one more time [70 words]SimonAug 23, 2007 11:46101720
The Quranic anfasakum [291 words]dhimmi no moreAug 23, 2007 18:03101720
Anfasakum one more time [157 words]dhimmi no moreAug 23, 2007 20:00101720
For Simon: Suicide in Islam revisited [502 words]dhimmi no moreAug 25, 2007 07:54101720
Slight correction [12 words]dhimmi no moreAug 25, 2007 10:34101720
Tabari's exegesis of Q4:49 and taqtulu anfasakum/anfusakum and it is: do not kill one another [222 words]dhimmi no moreAug 26, 2007 07:20101720
dhimmi [20 words]SimonAug 29, 2007 00:53101720
I answered you enough [48 words]fatimaMar 27, 2008 01:30101720
1Fatima the big time lawyer has no answers [278 words]dhimmi no moreMar 28, 2008 06:14101720
REPLY TO SULLY0f 26th June 2007 [96 words]PARAMASVARAN KANDIAHJul 6, 2007 08:09101715
"Whose idea was it?" [51 words]Lactantius Jr.Jun 27, 2007 04:58101697
If you want respect pay respect to others first [164 words]johnJun 28, 2007 07:20101697
Sir. Rushdie [67 words]Raqib Ahmed AsifJun 28, 2007 13:57101697
muslims must learn how to live [108 words]johnJun 29, 2007 09:53101697
To John [155 words]Raqib Ahmed AsifJun 29, 2007 21:56101697
Dr. Zakir Naik: Fall back to the way of the way of Holy Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him) speech [108 words]Syed Rafey HusainJun 30, 2007 07:39101697
speeches [53 words]susanJun 30, 2007 18:32101697
Mr Naik? [34 words]dhimmi no moreJul 1, 2007 07:57101697
Why [824 words]OliverJul 1, 2007 20:26101697
Beware of truth that will set you free . [159 words]Reply toJul 2, 2007 01:17101697
To dhimmi: Muslims have a tradition to correct each other if one is at mistake. [96 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 2, 2007 06:18101697
To Susan: Banu Nadir and Battle Of Khaybar - Present will be past soon so be just [308 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 2, 2007 08:31101697
Well you did ask for it! [34 words]dhimmi no moreJul 2, 2007 20:07101697
beware of truth that will set you free [164 words]johnJul 3, 2007 03:14101697
Reply to John [165 words]Raqib Ahmed AsifJul 3, 2007 03:37101697
To Raqib Ahmed Asif [838 words]OliverJul 3, 2007 22:09101697
To Raqib Ahmed Asif : Yeshua = Joshua = Jesus - never isa [222 words]OliverJul 3, 2007 22:57101697
1Zakir Naik is an Islamist Charlatan [162 words]SinghaJul 3, 2007 23:50101697
6difference between Isa or Hazrat Isa and JESUS CHRIST. [71 words]johnJul 4, 2007 01:22101697
Very well said [352 words]dhimmi no moreJul 4, 2007 08:22101697
To John [23 words]Raqib Ahmed AsifJul 4, 2007 13:04101697
More evidence from your own words [91 words]dhimmi no moreJul 4, 2007 13:11101697
Our dear Raqib rabina yurqib 'alihu [360 words]dhimmi no moreJul 4, 2007 13:43101697
Danger from Charlatans like Zakir Naik [171 words]SinghaJul 5, 2007 00:14101697
To brother Oliver [309 words]Raqib Ahmed AsifJul 5, 2007 01:34101697
To whom it may concern [334 words]Kamal KrazieJul 5, 2007 04:03101697
To Dhimmi: That is Naikah not Niak [41 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 6, 2007 03:09101697
Jesus ... the Son of God [301 words]OliverJul 10, 2007 00:04101697
YHWH only is God [232 words]OliverJul 10, 2007 13:45101697
Muslims Isaa is not Christians JESUS CHRIST (for Muhammad raqib asif) [4937 words]JohnJul 11, 2007 02:37101697
To dhimmi no more [230 words]Raqib Ahmed AsifJul 12, 2007 12:22101697
To my Brother Oliver [175 words]Raqib Ahmed AsifJul 12, 2007 14:03101697
6Our dear Mr Naik and the arabic word naik [139 words]dhimmi no moreJul 12, 2007 20:49101697
To Dhimmi: When you think any war could be just? Or give example of any one just war. [200 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 13, 2007 09:54101697
For our dear Raqib rabina yuraqib 'alihu: The bogus conterxt thing again and the word Hazart revisted [191 words]dhimmi no moreJul 14, 2007 07:47101697
Bogus again [68 words]dhimmi no moreJul 14, 2007 12:07101697
For our dear Raqib rabina yuraqib 'alihu: and the Z sickness [194 words]dhimmi no moreJul 14, 2007 12:19101697
For our dear Raqib rabina yuraqib 'alihu: and his poor logic part deux [90 words]dhimmi no moreJul 14, 2007 13:05101697
No its not! [22 words]SimonJul 14, 2007 22:17101697
Pakistani General Mushraf should act firmly against all Islamic Terrorist Organisations like JeM , LeT , Hizbul Mujahideen,etc [1502 words]RanetJul 16, 2007 02:57101697
To: Raqib Ahmed Asif [817 words]OliverJul 16, 2007 22:44101697
Out of context ... [499 words]OliverJul 16, 2007 23:45101697
Muhammad fought just wars? [29 words]dhimmi no moreJul 21, 2007 18:00101697
you better wake up. [195 words]surjJul 30, 2007 21:47101697
Zakir naik is brilliant [146 words]qasimSep 20, 2007 23:08101697
No Doubt Naik is a Charlatan [209 words]SinghaSep 25, 2007 22:43101697
didnt reply me [61 words]qasimSep 27, 2007 10:49101697
Reply to Brother Oliver [143 words]Raqib Ahmed AsifDec 9, 2007 12:39101697
Dr zaki naik [46 words]abdul raisJul 19, 2008 00:32101697
please [5 words]fardowsaSep 5, 2009 11:08101697
You are sad. [2439 words]AliMar 6, 2010 20:34101697
Our dear Ali another victim of Arabian imperilaism [101 words]dhimmi no moreMar 15, 2010 07:33101697
silly [33 words]HakeemDec 22, 2010 19:35101697
1His name is NAIK! What a scandal [147 words]dhimmi no moreDec 25, 2010 14:21101697
Somebody's goin' rawr! [81 words]FarnazApr 5, 2012 10:16101697
Paul New Doctrine [93 words]submitterAug 15, 2013 22:58101697
Our dear Submitter seems to be saying that the Bible is not a corrupted book! I smell riots [40 words]dhimmi no moreAug 17, 2013 20:52101697
Dr.Zakir Naik is Not a Arab, He is Indian from Ratnagiri Maharashtra State [81 words]Malang ShaikhApr 9, 2015 15:02101697
Indian Muslim names and Arabic [154 words]dhimmi no moreApr 11, 2015 08:04101697
Naik meaning in hindi [40 words]UmarAftabAug 7, 2016 08:10101697
Isa Bible is there [34 words]bwire joshuaDec 22, 2019 15:38101697
Salman Rushdie [228 words]Imdad AliJun 27, 2007 02:00101681
good job Ali [19 words]Un DrainedJun 27, 2007 21:22101681
Can you say "Fiction" [32 words]pcmadnessJun 28, 2007 04:52101681
The Mohammed in the mirror [47 words]Peter, ScotlandJun 28, 2007 18:41101681
We have more freedom of expression than you think, Imdad Ali [265 words]JeffJun 28, 2007 18:47101681
do you think? [41 words]susanJun 29, 2007 11:16101681
The satanic verses, Tabari and other sordid matters [156 words]dhimmi no moreJul 1, 2007 15:24101681
To Imdad Ali: Let other Muslims also be as lucky as you [40 words]PlatoJul 23, 2007 00:01101681
DO NOT back down [121 words]Bryan JacksonJun 26, 2007 20:50101510
Rushdie is NOT a Muslim according to the Ulemas of Islam. [80 words]M. WalaithJun 26, 2007 21:16101510
About the Media on Rushdie and the Fatwa, etc. [388 words]Jascha KesslerJun 26, 2007 20:24101487
Have you noticed... [108 words]David W. LincolnJun 26, 2007 19:45101476
Queen should Knight Altaf Hussain Next [83 words]Ejaz AhmedJun 26, 2007 20:54101476
Whatever goes 'round, comes 'round [211 words]David W. LincolnJun 27, 2007 10:03101476
Knighthood for Altaf - a Good Idea [114 words]SinghaJun 27, 2007 12:22101476
Disbelievers only praise the enemies of ISLAM. [22 words]Un DrainedJun 27, 2007 21:27101476
If Justice will prevail - Queen Elizabeth, should honour Salman Rushdie. [124 words]Syed Rafey HusainJun 28, 2007 01:55101476
Shame on Ejah Ahmed [285 words]VijayJun 28, 2007 07:45101476
How reverence is shown [391 words]David W. LincolnJun 28, 2007 23:02101476
More for Syed [983 words]David W. LincolnJun 29, 2007 16:55101476
To David: Rightly said Treat people the way you would want to be treated. [114 words]Syed Rafey HusainJun 30, 2007 07:54101476
ok, let's start muslim deportation [53 words]susanJun 30, 2007 18:29101476
Bigotry in the name of religion [180 words]David W. LincolnJul 1, 2007 05:27101476
Well Said - Special Privileges for Muslims in Islamic Countries is a Shame [47 words]SinghaJul 2, 2007 01:39101476
To David: As few as one person has died doing justice and he was successful in the eyes of All Mighty [197 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 2, 2007 05:35101476
To Susan: For instant relief, start reading Buddhism. For long term relief read my earlier post [146 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 2, 2007 08:43101476
I am not going to do your homework [406 words]susanJul 2, 2007 17:25101476
It's the religion - Susan!!! [225 words]JaladhiJul 2, 2007 20:48101476
To Susan: Female genitalia mutilation (FGC) is not explicitly endorsed in the Qur'an [109 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 06:07101476
To Susan: People living in Western countries don't know the calamity caused by their interest based Banks [125 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 06:09101476
To Susan: Love and trust are like, you give more you get more. [25 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 06:11101476
To Susan: Define civilized in terms of politics, sociology and economics [37 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 06:16101476
To Susan:Free land without any name. Is it USA, UK or Israel [78 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 06:25101476
To Susan: Imminent deportation of all muslims from MY lands. Is it a workable solution and what it solves? [93 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 06:33101476
To Susan:Non-Muslim Conditions. Reason is where you point to. What is most important to you? [130 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 06:42101476
To Susan: Know who you voice for Bishop Nazir-Ali. Put your weight so that justice prevail [202 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 07:09101476
To Susan: The larger problem is no one is helping smart people. Yes smart people. [193 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 07:17101476
To Susan:interest based economy and democracy being fake ideas (i.e. not harmonious to human bodies and soul at large) will die their natural death soon. [183 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 07:41101476
To Susan: Tree is "pure justice" but its fruits are rotten. [75 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 3, 2007 07:46101476
Jesus said ... [60 words]OliverJul 3, 2007 23:12101476
But you forgot to tell us that the Qur'an is also silent about the male variety of genital mutilation [54 words]dhimmi no moreJul 4, 2007 08:28101476
solution of all problems [87 words]susanJul 4, 2007 14:27101476
not true [95 words]susanJul 4, 2007 14:31101476
definition [29 words]susanJul 4, 2007 14:35101476
taqquia is a muslim thing [102 words]susanJul 4, 2007 14:38101476
you call criminals brothers [185 words]susanJul 4, 2007 14:46101476
read the posts by Syed [46 words]susanJul 4, 2007 15:22101476
To Oliver: Let us spread wisdom of love and justice [125 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 6, 2007 00:21101476
To Dhimmi: Quran neither talks about FGC or MGC but it says be a Muslim like Prophet Ibrahim (May peace and blessings of Allah on him [246 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 13, 2007 11:11101476
Did you ever read Maimonides? I doubt it very much [125 words]dhimmi no moreJul 21, 2007 17:54101476
They are my brothers in Islam, and if criminal will be punished. [15 words]Syed Rafey HusainJul 23, 2007 01:36101476
Ahmad Khatami proclaimed on 6-22-07 that the fatwah against Rushdie "must be carried out". [543 words]James VesceJun 26, 2007 19:31101468
(False) Iranian "Hudna", Rushdie Fails to Move the Zealots and Whitehall [184 words]YnnatchkahJun 26, 2007 17:25101450
Muslim Apostasy [93 words]TopnifeJun 26, 2007 16:40101447
Long Live the Queen [131 words]Peter, ScotlandJun 26, 2007 16:09101441
Poor politics of the Queen will NOT bring the two civilizations together [98 words]Julie O'NeillJun 26, 2007 20:16101441
Julie- good thinking [58 words]Eric ManningJun 26, 2007 20:35101441
There is only ONE civilization [9 words]MosheJun 27, 2007 03:58101441
Poor Politics of the Queen? [250 words]MelJun 27, 2007 14:04101441
The Queen, Rushdie and another era [157 words]gary fouseJun 27, 2007 23:56101441
Who are you...... [48 words]Peter, ScotlandJun 28, 2007 19:02101441
Gary, I think you are being fooled! [120 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
MosheJun 29, 2007 05:24101441
julie check your brain, not the queen [109 words]susanJun 30, 2007 18:42101441
so Eric prepare to live on your knees [146 words]susanJun 30, 2007 18:46101441
O'Neill et al [18 words]gary fouseJun 30, 2007 21:07101441
Relieved [26 words]EsperanzaJul 1, 2007 10:51101441
Never the twain shall meet [67 words]OliverJul 1, 2007 21:40101441
Get Real [47 words]OliverJul 1, 2007 21:46101441
BRAVO TO THE UK [35 words]KerryJun 26, 2007 15:12101433
I imagine this is what John LeCarre was TRYING to say... [47 words]JeremyJun 26, 2007 15:11101432
Remembering the Crusades and British Knighthood [388 words]M. ToveyJun 26, 2007 14:52101430
The first letdown from the Brits [92 words]Henriik Ræder ClausenJun 27, 2007 17:17101430
Anyone Else Out There Feeling Nostalgic? [42 words]orange yonasonJun 26, 2007 14:49101428
I Wonder What This Button Does? [108 words]orange yonasonJun 26, 2007 14:15101425
Rushdie and muslim leaders [181 words]G.VishvasJun 26, 2007 14:00101422
A correction on your article [104 words]Omar alRashidJun 26, 2007 13:55101421
Omar Rashid Commentary about the 'Canadian Islamic Lesbian' [252 words]YnnatchkahJun 26, 2007 21:44101421
Ynnatchkah: We condemn all Evil acts. [63 words]Omar alRashidJun 28, 2007 13:43101421
Stop "Condemning" Already, And DO Something USEFUL For A Change [201 words]orange yonasonJul 1, 2007 15:53101421
The problem.. [137 words]donvanJul 2, 2007 16:47101421
The Islamic Fascination With Controlling How and What the West Thinks [184 words]MarciJun 26, 2007 13:46101420
Just a thought [39 words]OliverJul 1, 2007 22:48101420
1inbreeding/cousin marriages [20 words]SusanApr 14, 2010 20:36101420
the rushdie affair [158 words]raheelJun 26, 2007 11:52101408
Raheel- Read some thing better please [107 words]Un DrainedJun 26, 2007 20:44101408
It's a good first step. [356 words]PatJun 26, 2007 11:46101407
These sort of things will end when makers of threats are treated as fathers of deeds [157 words]SullyJun 26, 2007 11:26101405
The man behind the man behind the bomb [150 words]Monte GardnerJun 29, 2007 11:36101405
Hitchens' latest article on Rushdie [46 words]Dan SchwartzJun 26, 2007 09:34101399
Book selling automats [116 words]G.VishvasJun 27, 2007 04:29101399
Spineless [108 words]TantrikkeltJun 26, 2007 09:23101375
Spineless hypocrites [72 words]MosheJun 27, 2007 04:26101375
Spineless [141 words]TantrikkeltJun 28, 2007 03:27101375
Thank you Tantrikkelt! [17 words]MosheJun 29, 2007 05:44101375
SPINELESS HYPOCRITES [149 words]K. P. VARANJul 23, 2007 09:58101375
Rushdie loathed the UK [171 words]Jackie GoymourJun 26, 2007 09:13101350
Reply to Raheel [110 words]Kamal KrazieJun 27, 2007 04:58101350

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