answer to Islam = submissionReader comment on item: Still Asleep After Mumbai Submitted by Keith Williams (United States), Dec 19, 2008 at 03:29 >> Islam does not promote forgiveness of sins.<< Forgiveness is taught in the Qur'an: Qur'an "Whatever ye are given (here) is (but) a convenience of this Life: but that which is with Allah is better and more lasting: (it is) for those who believe and put their trust in their Lord; (36) Those who avoid the greater crimes and shameful deeds, and, when they are angry even then forgive; (37) Those who harken to their Lord, and establish regular prayer; who (conduct) their affairs by mutual Consultation; who spend out of what We bestow on them for Sustenance; (38) And those who, when an oppressive wrong is inflicted on them, (are not cowed but) help and defend themselves. (39) The recompense for an injury is an injury equal thereto (in degree): but if a person forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is due, from Allah: for (Allah) loveth not those who do wrong. (40) But indeed if any do help and defend himself after a wrong (done) to them against such there is no cause of blame. (41) The blame is only against those who oppress men with wrong-doing and insolently transgress beyond bounds through the land, defying right and justice: for such there will be a Penalty grievous. (42) But indeed if any show patience and forgive, that would truly be an exercise of courageous will and resolution in the conduct of affairs. (43) Here are a few more verses on forgiveness if you would like to look them up later. You also wrote: >>Allah is an ancient moon God. Allah is an idol currently being worshipped by 1.5 billion people.<< No these are myths. Lets look inside the Qur'an and see shall we? What the Qur'an says about the Moon: [2:189] They ask you about the phases of the MOON! Say, "They provide a timing device for the people, and determine the time of Hajj." It is not righteous to beat around the bush; righteousness is attained by upholding the commandments and by being straightforward. You shall observe GOD, that you may succeed. *2:189 The literal Quranic idiom says: "Do not enter the homes through the back doors." The question about the phases of the moon is an example of beating around the bush; there were bad ulterior motives behind this question. [6:77] When he saw the MOON rising, he said, "Maybe this is my Lord!" When it disappeared, he said, "Unless my Lord guides me, I will be with the strayers." [6:96] At the crack of dawn, He causes the morning to emerge. He made the night still, and He rendered the sun and the MOON to serve as calculation devices. Such is the design of the Almighty, the Omniscient. [7:54] Your Lord is the one GOD, who created the heavens and the earth in six days,* then assumed all authority. The night overtakes the day, as it pursues it persistently, and the sun, the MOON, and the stars are committed to serve by His command. Absolutely, He controls all creation and all commands. Most Exalted is GOD, Lord of the universe. [10:5] He is the One who rendered the sun radiant, and the MOON a light, and He designed its phases that you may learn to count the years and to calculate. GOD did not create all this, except for a specific purpose. He explains the revelations for people who know. [12:4] Recall that Joseph said to his father, "O my father, I saw eleven planets, and the sun, and the MOON; I saw them prostrating before me." [13:2] GOD is the One who raised the heavens without pillars that you can see, then assumed all authority. He committed the sun and the MOON, each running (in its orbit) for a predetermined period. He controls all things, and explains the revelations, that you may attain certainty about meeting your Lord. [14:33] He has committed the sun and the MOON in your service, continuously. He has committed the night and the day to serve you. [16:12] And He commits, in your service, the night and the day, as well as the sun and the MOON. Also, the stars are committed by His command. These are (sufficient) proofs for people who understand. [21:33] And He is the One who created the night and the day, and the sun and the MOON; each floating in its own orbit. [22:18] Do you not realize that to GOD prostrates everyone in the heavens and the earth, and the sun, and the MOON, and the stars, and the mountains, and the trees, and the animals, and many people? Many others among the people are committed to doom. Whomever GOD shames, none will honor him. Everything is in accordance with GOD's will. [25:61] Most blessed is the One who placed constellations in the sky, and placed in it a lamp, and a shining MOON. Most Believers Destined for Hell [29:61] If you ask them, "Who created the heavens and the earth, and put the sun and the MOON in your service," they will say, "GOD." Why then did they deviate? God ALONE Worthy of Worship [31:29] Do you not realize that GOD merges the night into the day and merges the day into the night, and that He has committed the sun and the MOON in your service, each running in its orbit for a specific life span, and that GOD is fully Cognizant of everything you do? [35:13] He merges the night into the day, and merges the day into the night. He has committed the sun and the MOON to run for a predetermined period of time. Such is GOD your Lord; to Him belongs all kingship. Any idols you set up beside Him do not possess as much as a seed's shell. [36:39] The MOON we designed to appear in stages, until it becomes like an old curved sheath. [36:40] The sun is never to catch up with the MOON - the night and the day never deviate - each of them is floating in its own orbit. The Shape of the Earth* [39:5] He created the heavens and the earth truthfully. He rolls the night over the day, and rolls the day over the night.* He committed the sun and the MOON, each running for a finite period. Absolutely, He is the Almighty, the Forgiving. *39:5 This verse clearly informs us that the earth is round. The Arabic for "He rolls" (Yukawwir) is derived from the Arabic word for "ball" (Kurah). Since the Earth is not exactly round, a specific reference to its shape is given in 79:30. The Quran is replete with scientific information that became known to us centuries after the revelation of the Quran. Proofs of God [41:37] Among His proofs are the night and the day, and the sun and the MOON. Do not prostrate before the sun, nor the MOON; you shall fall prostrate before the GOD who created them, if you truly worship Him alone. [54:1] The Hour has come closer, and the MOON has split. [55:5] The sun and the MOON are perfectly calculated. [71:16] He designed the MOON therein to be a light, and placed the sun to be a lamp. [74:32] Absolutely, (I swear) by the MOON. [75:8] And the MOON is eclipsed. [75:9] And the sun and the MOON crash into one another. [84:18] And the MOON and its phases. [91:2] The MOON that follows it. What the Qur'an says about idols: [2:22] The One who made the earth habitable for you, and the sky a structure. He sends down from the sky water, to produce all kinds of fruits for your sustenance. You shall not set up IDOLS to rival GOD, now that you know. The Idols Disown Their Idolizers* [2:165] Yet, some people set up IDOLS to rival GOD, and love them as if they are GOD. Those who believe love GOD the most. If only the transgressors could see themselves when they see the retribution! They will realize then that all power belongs to GOD alone, and that GOD's retribution is awesome. *2:165-166 Jesus, Mary, Muhammad, Ali, and the saints will disown their idolizers on the Day of Resurrection. See also 16:86, 35:14, 46:6, and the Gospel of Matthew 7:21-23. [2:257] GOD is Lord of those who believe; He leads them out of darkness into the light. As for those who disbelieve, their lords are their IDOLS; they lead them out of the light into darkness - these will be the dwellers of Hell; they abide in it forever. Invitation to All Believers [3:64] Say, "O followers of the scripture, let us come to a logical agreement between us and you: that we shall not worship except GOD; that we never set up any IDOLS besides Him, nor set up any human beings as lords beside GOD." If they turn away, say, "Bear witness that we are submitters." God Controls Your Enemies [3:151] We will throw terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, since they set up besides GOD powerless IDOLS. Their destiny is Hell; what a miserable abode for the transgressors! The Unforgivable Sin [4:48] GOD does not forgive idolatry, but He forgives lesser offenses for whomever He wills. Anyone who sets up IDOLS beside GOD, has forged a horrendous offense. *4:48 Idol worship is not forgivable, if maintained until death. One can always repent from any offense, including idolatry, before death comes (see 4:18 & 40:66). Believers Or Hypocrites? [4:60] Have you noted those who claim that they believe in what was revealed to you, and in what was revealed before you, then uphold the unjust laws of their IDOLS? They were commanded to reject such laws. Indeed, it is the devil's wish to lead them far astray. [5:76] Say, "Would you worship beside GOD powerless IDOLS who can neither harm you, nor benefit you? GOD is Hearer, Omniscient." Intoxicants and Gambling Prohibited [5:90] O you who believe, intoxicants, and gambling, and the altars of IDOLS, and the games of chance are abominations of the devil; you shall avoid them, that you may succeed. On The Day Of Resurrection [5:116] GOD will say, "O Jesus, son of Mary,* did you say to the people, `Make me and my mother IDOLS beside GOD?' " He will say, "Be You glorified. I could not utter what was not right. Had I said it, You already would have known it. You know my thoughts, and I do not know Your thoughts. You know all the secrets. *5:116 It is noteworthy that the Quran consistently calls Jesus "son of Mary" and the Bible calls him "son of man". God knew that some will blaspheme and call him "son of God"! Idol Worshipers Deny Their Idolatry [6:22] On the day when we summon them all, we will ask the idol worshipers, "Where are the IDOLS you set up?" [6:24] Note how they lied to themselves, and how the IDOLS they had invented have abandoned them. [6:41] The fact is: only Him you implore, and He answers your prayer, if He so wills, and you forget your IDOLS. [6:64] Say, "GOD does save you this time, and other times as well, then you still set up IDOLS besides Him." [6:80] His people argued with him. He said, "Do you argue with me about GOD, after He has guided me? I have no fear of the IDOLS you set up. Nothing can happen to me, unless my Lord wills it. My Lord's knowledge encompasses all things. Would you not take heed? [6:81] "Why should I fear your IDOLS? It is you who should be afraid, since you worship instead of GOD IDOLS that are utterly powerless to help you. Which side is more deserving of security, if you know?" [6:94] "You have come back to us as individuals, just as we created you the first time, and you have left behind what we provided for you. We do not see with you the intercessors that you idolized and claimed that they will help you. All ties among you have been severed; the IDOLS you set up have abandoned you." [6:100] Yet, they set up besides GOD IDOLS from among the jinns, though He is the One who created them. They even attribute to Him sons and daughters, without any knowledge. Be He glorified. He is the Most High, far above their claims. [6:107] Had GOD willed, they would not have worshiped IDOLS. We did not appoint you as their guardian, nor are you their advocate. [6:108] Do not curse the IDOLS they set up beside GOD, lest they blaspheme and curse GOD, out of ignorance. We have adorned the works of every group in their eyes. Ultimately, they return to their Lord, then He informs them of everything they had done. Abusing God's Provisions [6:136] They even set aside a share of GOD's provisions of crops and livestock, saying, "This share belongs to GOD," according to their claims, "and this share belongs to our IDOLS." However, what was set aside for their IDOLS never reached GOD, while the share they set aside for GOD invariably went to their IDOLS. Miserable indeed is their judgment. [6:137] Thus were the idol worshipers duped by their IDOLS, to the extent of killing their own children.* In fact, their IDOLS inflict great pain upon them, and confuse their religion for them. Had GOD willed, they would not have done it. You shall disregard them and their fabrications. *6:137 God's law institutes whipping, not execution, as a punishment for adultery (24:1-2), while the some man made laws in the past stipulated execution. As pointed out in 42:21, some follow a corrupt way of religion that is not authorized by God. The Major Commandments [6:151] Say, "Come let me tell you what your Lord has really prohibited for you: You shall not set up IDOLS besides Him. You shall honor your parents. You shall not kill your children from fear of poverty - we provide for you and for them. You shall not commit gross sins, obvious or hidden. You shall not kill - GOD has made life sacred - except in the course of justice. These are His commandments to you, that you may understand." [7:3] You shall all follow what is revealed to you from your Lord; do not follow any IDOLS besides Him. Rarely do you take heed. [7:33] Say, "My Lord prohibits only evil deeds, be they obvious or hidden, and sins, and unjustifiable aggression, and to set up beside GOD powerless IDOLS, and to say about GOD what you do not know." [7:37] Who is more evil than those who invent lies about GOD, or reject His revelations? These will get their share, in accordance with the scripture, then, when our messengers come to terminate their lives, they will say, "Where are the IDOLS you used to implore beside GOD?" They will say, "They have abandoned us." They will bear witness against themselves that they were disbelievers. [7:191] Is it not a fact that they are idolizing IDOLS who create nothing, and are themselves created? [7:192] IDOLS that can neither help them, nor even help themselves? [7:194] The IDOLS you invoke besides GOD are creatures like you. Go ahead and call upon them; let them respond to you, if you are right. [7:195] Do they have legs on which they walk? Do they have hands with which they defend themselves? Do they have eyes with which they see? Do they have ears with which they hear? Say, "Call upon your IDOLS, and ask them to smite me without delay. [7:197] "As for the IDOLS you set up beside Him, they cannot help you, nor can they help themselves." [10:18] They worship beside GOD IDOLS that possess no power to harm them or benefit them, and they say, "These are our intercessors at GOD!" Say, "Are you informing GOD of something He does not know in the heavens or the earth?" Be He glorified. He is the Most High; far above needing partners. Idols Disown Their Worshipers [10:28] On the day when we summon them all, we will say to those who worshiped IDOLS, "We have summoned you, together with your IDOLS." We will have them confront each other, and their IDOLS will say to them, "We had no idea that you idolized us. [10:30] That is when each soul will examine everything it had done. They will be returned to GOD, their rightful Lord and Master, and the IDOLS they had fabricated will disown them. Reflect on Your Idols [10:34] Say, "Can any of your IDOLS initiate creation, then repeat it?" Say, "GOD initiates the creation, then repeats it." [10:35] Say, "Does any of your IDOLS guide to the truth?" Say, "GOD guides to the truth. Is one who guides to the truth more worthy of being followed, or one who does not guide, and needs guidance for himself? What is wrong with your judgment?" [10:66] Absolutely, to GOD belongs everyone in the heavens and everyone on earth. Those who set up IDOLS beside GOD are really following nothing. They only think that they are following something. They only guess. [11:21] These are the ones who lose their souls, and the IDOLS they had fabricated will disown them. [11:54] "We believe that some of our gods have afflicted you with a curse." He said, "I bear witness before GOD, and you bear witness as well, that I disown the IDOLS you have set up - [12:38] "And I followed instead the religion of my ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We never set up any IDOLS beside GOD. Such is the blessing from GOD upon us and upon the people, but most people are unappreciative. [12:40] "You do not worship beside Him except innovations that you have made up, you and your parents. GOD has never authorized such IDOLS. All ruling belongs to GOD, and He has ruled that you shall not worship except Him. This is the perfect religion, but most people do not know. [13:14] Imploring Him is the only legitimate supplication, while the IDOLS they implore beside Him, cannot ever respond. Thus, they are like those who stretch their hands to the water, but nothing reaches their mouths. The supplications of the disbelievers are in vain. [13:16] Say, "Who is the Lord of the heavens and the earth?" Say, "GOD." Say, "Why then do you set up besides Him masters who do not possess any power to benefit or harm even themselves?" Say, "Is the blind the same as the seer? Is darkness the same as the light?" Have they found IDOLS besides GOD who created creations similar to His creations, to the point of not distinguishing the two creations? Say, "GOD is the Creator of all things, and He is the One, the Supreme." [13:33] Is there any equal to the One who controls every single soul? Yet, they set up IDOLS to rival GOD. Say, "Name them. Are you informing Him of something on earth that He does not know? Or, are you fabricating empty statements?" Indeed, the schemes of those who disbelieve have been adorned in their eyes. They are thus diverted from the right path. Whomever GOD sends astray can never find a guiding teacher. [13:36] Those who received the scripture rejoice in what was revealed to you; some others may reject parts of it. Say, "I am simply enjoined to worship GOD, and never associate any IDOLS with Him. I invite to Him, and to Him is my ultimate destiny." Abraham [14:35] Recall that Abraham said, "My Lord, make this a peaceful land, and protect me and my children from worshiping IDOLS. [16:1] GOD's command has already been issued (and everything has already been written), so do not rush it. Be He glorified; the Most High, far above any IDOLS they set up. [16:3] He created the heavens and the earth for a specific purpose. He is much too High, far above any IDOLS they set up. The Dead Prophets and Saints [16:20] As for the IDOLS they set up beside GOD, they do not create anything; they themselves were created. Famous Excuse [16:35] The idol worshipers say, "Had GOD willed, we would not worship any IDOLS besides Him, nor would our parents. Nor would we prohibit anything besides His prohibitions." Those before them have done the same. Can the messengers do anything but deliver the complete message? [16:56] They designate for the IDOLS they set up out of ignorance, a share of the provisions we bestow upon them. By GOD, you will be held accountable for your innovations. The Idols Disown Their Idolizers [16:86] And when those who committed idol worship see their IDOLS, they will say, "Our Lord, these are the IDOLS we had set up beside You." The IDOLS will then confront them and say, "You are liars." [16:87] They will totally submit to GOD on that day, and the IDOLS they had invented will disown them. Abraham [16:120] Abraham was indeed an exemplary vanguard in his submission to GOD, a monotheist who never worshiped IDOLS. [17:56] Say, "Implore whatever IDOLS you have set up beside Him." They have no power to relieve your afflictions, nor can they prevent them. The Righteous Idols Worship God Alone [17:57] Even the IDOLS that they implore are seeking the ways and means towards their Lord. They pray for His mercy, and fear His retribution. Surely, the retribution of your Lord is dreadful. Bad Weather Friends [17:67] If you are afflicted in the middle of the sea, you forget your IDOLS and sincerely implore Him alone. But as soon as He saves you to the shore, you revert. Indeed, the human being is unappreciative. [21:67] "You have incurred shame by worshiping IDOLS beside GOD. Do you not understand?" The Hereafter [21:98] You and the IDOLS you worship besides GOD will be fuel for Hell; this is your inevitable destiny. [22:62] It is a fact that GOD is the Truth, while the setting up of any IDOLS beside Him constitutes a falsehood, and that GOD is the Most High, the Supreme. [22:71] Yet, they idolize beside GOD IDOLS wherein He placed no power, and they know nothing about them. The transgressors have no helper. Can They Create a Fly? [22:73] O people, here is a parable that you must ponder carefully: the IDOLS you set up beside GOD can never create a fly, even if they banded together to do so. Furthermore, if the fly steals anything from them, they cannot recover it; weak is the pursuer and the pursued. [23:59] And who never set up any IDOLS beside their Lord, God's Promise Kings and Queens on Earth [24:55] GOD promises those among you who believe and lead a righteous life, that He will make them sovereigns on earth, as He did for those before them, and will establish for them the religion He has chosen for them, and will substitute peace and security for them in place of fear. All this because they worship Me alone; they never set up any IDOLS beside Me. Those who disbelieve after this are the truly wicked. [25:17] On the day when He summons them, together with the IDOLS they had set up beside GOD, He will say, "Have you misled these servants of Mine, or did they go astray on their own?" [25:55] Yet, they still set up beside GOD IDOLS that cannot benefit them, nor harm them. Indeed, the disbeliever is an enemy of his Lord. [26:75] He said, "Do you see these IDOLS that you worship. They Will Disown Their Idols [26:92] They will be asked, "Where are the IDOLS you had worshiped [27:43] She had been diverted by worshiping IDOLS instead of GOD; she belonged to disbelieving people. Make No Distinction Among God's Messengers [27:59] Say, "Praise be to GOD and peace be upon His servants whom He chose. Is GOD better, or the IDOLS some people set up?" The Idols Disown Their Idolizers [28:62] The day will come when He calls upon them, saying, "Where are those IDOLS you had set up beside Me?" [28:64] It will be said, "Call upon your IDOLS (to help you)." They will call upon them, but they will not respond. They will suffer the retribution, and wish that they were guided! Idols Possess No Power [28:74] The day will come when He asks them, "Where are the IDOLS you had fabricated to rank with Me?" [28:75] We will select from every community a witness, then say, "Present your proof." They will realize then that all truth belongs with GOD, while the IDOLS they had fabricated will abandon them. You Shall Honor Your Parents [29:8] We enjoined the human being to honor his parents. But if they try to force you to set up IDOLS beside Me, do not obey them. To Me is your ultimate return, then I will inform you of everything you had done. God: The Only Source of Provisions [29:17] "What you worship instead of GOD are powerless IDOLS; you have invented a lie." The IDOLS you worship beside GOD do not possess any provisions for you. Therefore, you shall seek provisions only from GOD. You shall worship Him alone, and be appreciative of Him; to Him is your ultimate return. Social Pressure: A Profound Disaster [29:25] He said, "You worship beside GOD powerless IDOLS due to peer pressure, just to preserve some friendship among you in this worldly life. But then, on the Day of Resurrection, you will disown one another, and curse one another. Your destiny is Hell, wherein you cannot help one another." [30:13] Their IDOLS will have no power to intercede on their behalf; on the contrary, they will disown their IDOLS. Who Is Worthy of Worship? [30:40] GOD is the One who created you. He is the One who provides for you. He is the One who puts you to death. He is the One who resurrects you. Can any of your IDOLS do any of these things? Be He glorified. He is much too exalted to have any partners. [31:11] Such is the creation of GOD; show me what the IDOLS you set up beside Him have created. Indeed, the transgressors are far astray. [31:13] Recall that Luqman said to his son, as he enlightened him, "O my son, do not set up any IDOLS beside GOD; idolatry is a gross injustice."* *31:13 How will you feel if you take care of a child, give him the best education, and prepare him for life, only to see him thank someone else? Thus is idolatry; injustice. [31:15] If they try to force you to set up any IDOLS beside Me, do not obey them. But continue to treat them amicably in this world. You shall follow only the path of those who have submitted to Me. Ultimately, you all return to Me, then I will inform you of everything you have done. [34:22] Say, "Implore the IDOLS you have set up beside GOD. They do not possess as much as a single atom in the heavens, or the earth. They possess no partnership therein, nor does He permit them to be His assistants." [34:27] Say, "Show me the IDOLS you have set up as partners with Him!" Say, "No; He is the one GOD, the Almighty, Most Wise." [34:33] The followers will say to their leaders, "It was you who schemed night and day, then commanded us to be unappreciative of GOD, and to set up IDOLS to rank with Him." They will be ridden with remorse, when they see the retribution, for we will place shackles around the necks of those who disbelieved. Are they not justly requited for what they did? [35:13] He merges the night into the day, and merges the day into the night. He has committed the sun and the moon to run for a predetermined period of time. Such is GOD your Lord; to Him belongs all kingship. Any IDOLS you set up beside Him do not possess as much as a seed's shell. [35:40] Say, "Consider the IDOLS you have set up beside GOD; show me what on earth have they created." Do they own any partnership in the heavens? Have we given them a book wherein there is no doubt? Indeed, what the transgressors promise one another is no more than an illusion. [37:22] Summon the transgressors, and their spouses, and the IDOLS they worshiped [37:91] He then turned on their IDOLS, saying, "Would you like to eat? The Idols as Mediators A Common Myth [39:3] Absolutely, the religion shall be devoted to GOD alone. Those who set up IDOLS beside Him say, "We idolize them only to bring us closer to GOD; for they are in a better position!" GOD will judge them regarding their disputes. GOD does not guide such liars, disbelievers. [39:8] When the human being is afflicted, he implores his Lord, sincerely devoted to Him. But as soon as He blesses him, he forgets his previous imploring, sets up IDOLS to rank with GOD and to divert others from His path. Say, "Enjoy your disbelief temporarily; you have incurred the hellfire." [39:17] As for those who discard the worship of all IDOLS, and devote themselves totally to GOD alone, they have deserved happiness. Give good news to My servants. Profound Question [39:36] Is GOD not sufficient for His servant? They frighten you with the IDOLS they set up beside Him. Whomever GOD sends astray, nothing can guide him. They Believe in God Yet, They Are Going to Hell [39:38] If you ask them, "Who created the heavens and the earth?" they will say, "GOD." Say, "Why then do you set up IDOLS beside GOD? If GOD willed any adversity for me, can they relieve such an adversity? And if He willed a blessing for me, can they prevent such a blessing?" Say, "GOD is sufficient for me." In Him the trusters shall trust. [40:20] GOD judges equitably, while the IDOLS they implore beside Him cannot judge anything. GOD is the One who is the Hearer, the Seer. [40:42] "You invite me to be unappreciative of GOD, and to set up beside Him IDOLS that I do not recognize. I am inviting you to the Almighty, the Forgiver. Before God's Blessings Upon Him, Muhammad Used to Worship Idols [40:66] Say, "I have been enjoined from worshiping the IDOLS you worship beside GOD, when the clear revelations came to me from my Lord. I was commanded to submit to the Lord of the universe."* *40:66 The Arabic word "Nahaa" used in this verse indicates the stopping of something that was going on. See for example the same word in 4:171. See also 93:7. [40:73] They will be asked, "Where are the IDOLS you used to worship, [41:9] Say, "You disbelieve in the One who created the earth in two days, and you set up IDOLS to rank with Him, though He is Lord of the universe." Idols Disown Their Followers [41:47] With Him is the knowledge about the Hour (end of the world).* No fruits emerge from their sheaths, nor does any female conceive or give birth, without His knowledge. The day will come when He asks them: "Where are those IDOLS that you set up beside Me?" They will say, "We proclaim to You that none of us bears witness to that." [41:48] The IDOLS they had idolized will disown them, and they will realize that there will be no escape. The Idols: Innovating New Religious Laws [42:21] They follow IDOLS who decree for them religious laws never authorized by GOD. If it were not for the predetermined decision, they would have been judged immediately. Indeed, the transgressors have incurred a painful retribution. [45:10] Awaiting them is Gehenna. Their earnings will not help them, nor the IDOLS they had set up beside GOD. They have incurred a terrible retribution. [46:4] Say, "Consider the IDOLS you have set up beside GOD. Show me what on earth did they create. Do they own part of the heavens? Show me any other scripture before this one, or any piece of established knowledge that supports your idolatry, if you are truthful." The Idols Totally Unaware [46:5] Who is farther astray than those who idolize beside GOD IDOLS that can never respond to them until the Day of Resurrection, and are totally unaware of their worship? The Idols Disown Their Worshipers* [46:6] And when the people are summoned (on the Day of Judgment), their IDOLS will become their enemies, and will denounce their idolatry.* *46:6 See also Matthew 7:21-23: Jesus clearly disowns those who call him "Lord." [46:28] Why then did the IDOLS they set up to bring them closer to GOD fail to help them? Instead, they abandoned them. Such were the false gods they idolized; such were the innovations they fabricated. The Flimsy Idols [53:19] Compare this with the female IDOLS Allaat and Al-`Uzzah. Abraham: An Example [60:4] A good example has been set for you by Abraham and those with him. They said to their people, "We disown you and the IDOLS that you worship besides GOD. We denounce you, and you will see nothing from us except animosity and hatred until you believe in GOD ALONE." However, a mistake was committed by Abraham when he said to his father, "I will pray for your forgiveness,** but I possess no power to protect you from GOD." "Our Lord, we trust in You, and submit to You; to You is the final destiny. **60:4 We can pray for guidance for the idolators, not forgiveness, since God's law is that idolatry is the only unforgivable offense (4:48 & 116). [60:12] O you prophet, when the believing women (who abandoned the disbelievers) to seek asylum with you pledge to you that they will not set up any IDOLS besides GOD, nor steal, nor commit adultery, nor kill their children, nor fabricate any falsehood, nor disobey your righteous orders, you shall accept their pledge, and pray to GOD to forgive them. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful. [68:41] Do they have IDOLS? Let their IDOLS help them, if they are truthful. [72:2] " `It guides to righteousness, and we have believed in it; we will never set up any IDOLS besides our Lord. [72:20] Say, "I worship only my Lord; I never set up any IDOLS besides Him." peace
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