reply to kman answers to core problemsReader comment on item: Still Asleep After Mumbai Submitted by Keith Williams (United States), Feb 15, 2009 at 22:24 Hi Mr. kman, You wrote that >>You don't address the core of the problem.<< I will do my best to address them. First let me see if I understand the problem that you have posited and give my answer based on your questions. 1. >>The general population everywhere has little control over their governments. When you mix Islam with that government, you have a cowed populace that doesn't dare challenge any truth of its religious government . That they are "nice"people when confronted with a military presence is the actual problem. << This is a very good question and one that Muslims are very concerned and much talk but little action has been done. Religious governments do not really exist in any Islamic countries. They all have tyrannical political governments run by kings calling themselves Presidents for life but really are kings which are un-Islamic. If there were any Islamic governments then we would see a more egalitarian government system based on the Qur'an which we don't. Some prefer the situation even though they know that it is un-Islamic but accept it and know that they have to blame themselves for accepting that situation. Most people are just living out their lives trying to survive. There are a small number of extremists who want to manipulate the masses to action as well as a small resistance of Muslims who oppose them. In every country, not just Islam, that seems to be the case. Some have fought hard for the freedoms to have a more egalitarian system than others. Individually, most Muslims are living good, pious, and simple lives but as a group as a nation or country we are not and must take the actions to correct that. 2. >>Every Islamic move in history has been pre-ceded by a "nice" population that usually fled the consequences of their own nation's leaders - countries dominated by Islam. The "nice" folks set up a "peaceful" front that is always followed by the militants who come in and re-educate the flock on the Islamic principles that the latter part of the Quran written by Muhammad in the latter part of his life (the militant part) is the one that replaces & actually becomes the more "correct".<< Sounds like a good conspiracy theory. Muslims have been in America and the new world since 1492 with Christopher Columbus and with other explorers from Spain afterwards so when will your prophecy happen??? How long does your theory take to come true??? Muslims are world wide in almost every country on earth and every state in the U.S. when will your theory come to pass??? 3. >>As for Israel, you seem to be strangely quiet along with the rest of the world while HAMAS, the PLO, and Hezbullah do anything they like to Israel. When Israel then tries to defend itself, the world suddenly takes notice and then goes bananas against Israel. Your brand of popular-think that Israel should defend itself "moderately" has the same consequences as the Viet Nam and Iraq Wars.<< I did not know that you were a Christian Zionist or are you a Christian that supports the Jewish Zionistic agenda? I don't support HAMAS, PLO, Hezbullah, etc… nor do I support the Zionist policies in Israel, which are inhuman and should not be supported either. Do you think that Israel should do to the Palestinians the same that was done to the Jewish people by the Nazis??? Relocate and/or exterminate them all? You ask me, "So you don't think that Israel should defend itself "moderately". I ask you, "Why not???" Are you saying that the Jews are the Chosen People, indifferent to others, a religion without compassion for anyone who is not Jewish, which glorifies the God-decreed genocide described in the 4. >>Have you noticed per chance that your own info is a little one sided? HAMAS does everything it can to purposely draw fire from Israel to its own civilian populations and purposely targets Israeli civilian populations. It is beyond asinity that I even have to point these things out, as the majority of the world's popular Liberal dominated news services report in ways that heavily favor the lie of all terrorist factions.<< If that was so then all the more reason not to over react and play into HAMAS strategy. Also, Israel may be purposefully provoking HAMAS so they have an excuse to keep pushing the Palestinians out also. Those overreactions go against the Israeli cause and for HAMAS. The Information Operations campaign is non-existent for the Israelis which they don't seem to care about. No one knows what their agenda really is but it is not to win the hearts and minds of the Palestinians. We know it is the extermination of the Palestinians period. Especially when the commander of the Israeli Air Force, Dan Halutz, was asked at the time what he feels when he drops a bomb on a residential building? His unforgettable answer: "A slight bump to the wing." Or the top Rabbi in the Israeli Defense Forces puts out a pamphlet that says, No wonder Israeli Officers Battalion Commanders and below are afraid to show their faces on Israeli T.V. for fear maybe of being found for war crimes after this conflict is over. The most outstanding example is the "Chief Army Rabbi", Colonel Avichai Ronsky, who has declared that his job is to reinforce the "fighting spirit" of the soldiers. He is a man of the extreme right, not far from the spirit of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, whose party was outlawed in Israel for its fascist ideology. Under the auspices of the army rabbinate, religious-fascist brochures This material includes political incitement, such as the statement that the 5. >>The Arab nations have hundreds of millions of square miles of empty land that they could have given to the Palestinians a long time ago. Israel invited the Palestinians to join in with them back in 1948 with full citizenship rights and all properties and jobs intact. The Palestinians chose to do otherwise. The few that stayed, thank their lucky stars and pray to Allah that their Palestinian brothers across the borders never achieve their aims.<< So, would you let me take your home away from you and move you out to a tent in the desert??? Would you go for that??? The point is that it was their homes being taken away from them and given to the Jewish settlers. They were terrorized by the Zionist Irgun terrorist who later became the Israeli Defense Forces and Government and now by the current Israeli government with the same Zionist agenda under the guise of security. "We have to take this land and that land to push back the terrorist from getting to us". The next push may push them all the way out. These Zionist left no room for the poor Arab Christians and Muslims as well as some of the Jews already living there. The Irgun Terrorists were some bad Muldoons. An abbreviation for Irgun Zvai Leumi (National Military Organization). Established in 1937 as an underground Jewish extremist organization, also known as Etzel, derived from the pronounced initials of its Hebrew name. A more extreme group, LEHI, Acronym for Lohamei Herut Yisrael, literally, Fighters for Israel's Freedom, a former resistance and political organization, created in 1939 and disbanded under pressure in 1948. Commonly known as the Stern Gang. (their leader idolized the Nazis and even wanted to join them), broke away from it in 1939. Both groups were especially active during and after World War II against the British authorities in Palestine. Both maintained several thousand armed men until all Israeli forces were integrated in June 1948. While both the mainstream Zionists and the Revisionists supported the British against Germany and joined the British armed forces, the Stern Group opposed conscription of the Jews and went on to carry out armed robberies, murders, and terrorist attacks against both the British and the Arabs. It waged a campaign of terror aimed at driving out the British and establishing a Jewish state on the entire land of biblical Palestine, including Transjordan. The revisionist Zionist still has that dream with that dream proudly displayed on some Israeli maps. With the Jews a minority in Palestine, such a state would necessarily mean expelling the Arab population to ensure its Jewish character. In his support for the enemy of the British, Stern turned a blind eye to the anti-Semitism of the Nazis. The Stern Group's policies and actions were opposed and condemned by the overwhelming majority of Jews in Palestine. In return for help from first the Italians and later the Germans in driving the British out of Palestine, Stern promised that the new Jewish state would become a German client state while Jerusalem, with the exception of the Jewish holy places, would become a province of the Vatican. In other words, the establishment of a Jewish state took precedence over the safety of European Jewry. His group had meetings with the Nazi regime's representatives and tried to recruit 40,000 Jews from occupied Europe to invade Palestine and defeat the British. But the Germans had no more wish to alienate the Arabs and lose the chance of gaining access to the region's oil resources than the British and dismissed the offer. Thankfully he was later killed by the British MI5. http://www.jewsagainstzionism.com/mediaclips/weissmandl/weissmandlvideo.cfm http://www.jewsagainstzionism.com/resources/onlinebooks/Holocaust%20Victims%20Accuse.pdf http://www.trumanlibrary.org/whistlestop/study_collections/berlin_airlift/documents/PDFs/2-13.pdf http://www.trumanlibrary.org/whistlestop/study_collections/berlin_airlift/documents/PDFs/2-13.pdf Now HAMAS and others have adopted what has been happening to them by the Zionist and doing what had been done to them which is an eye for an eye but it may be time to forgive and move on only if Israel was willing to give up their Zionistic dream. It may only be a matter of time before Israel loses its patience of realizing their racist dream of the Jewish homeland for Jews only and with no Arabs. peace
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