Our "proud hindian" ...Reader comment on item: Still Asleep After Mumbai Submitted by Lt. General Ayyub Khan (Turkey), Jan 29, 2009 at 02:49 ... You Said: We have dealt with quite a few generals from your esteemed nation of beggars! I can remember one General Niazi who was stripped of his stars and his pistol during one of the wars by our General Arora.. You obviously dont know anything about military. When an order is give for ceasefire and withdrawal, the Generals and their juniors must obey orders. Anything less would constitute insubordinate behaviour. In the case of Bangladesh (former E. Pakistan) ---it was a badly executed war, and you cannot win a war when you dont have the local support (as we are seeing in iraq, afghanistan, and even indian-occupied kashmir where the locals are rising up against indian army). 1971 is your pride, but for us it is also. A new Muslim nation was born (Alhamdolillah). Ironically, the Bengalis HATE india. Esteemed nation of beggars? 40% of your country is in dire poverty, you have the worlds largest HIV rate. According to the United Nations Population Division projection, by year 2019 – 1.9% of indian population will be infected with the Virus --- and with your over-crowded population, that is a LOT of people!!!! http://www.expressindia.com/news/fullstory.php?newsid=75440 and look at your slums where the people dont even have access to running water! You will probably bring up the 105 million USD that were released to Pakistan –but you forget that Pakistan Army is dealing with a challenging insurgency. You indians have begun this bad habit of finger pointing at us. We are the ones fighting terrorism. It is your incompetent army (and elite forces!!) that couldnt even stop 10 unruly kids high on meth and armed with AK-47s (in indias richest area). Hmmmmm... You Said: Also one certain Pervez Musharraf who was made to lick dirt during Kargil. Only after you indians went crying to the UN while we were shooting down your Mig-27 junk aircrafts (and the UAV lent to you fools by israeli) and taking heavy toll on your army rangers. We didnt even dispatch our Airforce, and you should be real grateful about that. You indians had to use a huge chunk of your 1 million man clown army, just to stop a couple thousand of our forces (including guerilla fighters). You know how sometimes when you laugh so hard you feel so out of breath, and it really really hurts? We are all pointing and laughing at you. Even to this day. You Said: You see all the links which you have sent are from Wikipedia.. Uhhh....i used 2 links that were wikipedia (out of like 12 total!!! And those 2 links pertained to Babri Masjid incident and the Khalistan movement (both manifests of what happens when hindu extremism prevails in much of your trash-infested nation-state) And just for the fine audience, i will post some of those links (which they can view after they are done browsing this master-piece blog) –later on in this post You Said: So i think you beleive wikipedia more than your koran!!! hmm sounds logical at least. More logical than this ... which i am reading. Wikipedia can be edited. Quran can't. But Quran can be mis-interpreted, and that is what the terrorists who bastardize Islam are doing (and you Islamophobic people are banking in on this opportunity). You Said: No matter how hard you try to sugar coat your country or paint a bitter picture of India, the fact remains that we are one of the most progressive countries in the world and the fact that Pakistan is the worlds Begging Bowl. You see --- that is the difference between Pakistanis and indian. We are also very critical of our country and some of our past leaders. You indian have such inferiority complex that you always try to paint the so-called ‘'incredible india" to the world. You show those nice-looking immodestly dressed western-wannabe girls (who look like dripping ice cream thanks to the skin-whitening cream), you show some clean area in mombai or bangalore or some other God forsaken over-crowded metropolis. You do all these things, but forget that your country is the only country in the world in which there is a state-sponsored caste-system. A country where rituals such as ‘'marrying dogs to beat curses" (e.g. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/7093422.stm) still prevails to this day. We have our fair share of poverty and illiteracy in Pakistan as does much of the developing and even developed world. You Said: We have internal problems but the fact of the matter is at the end the majority of our minorities atleast have a decent future here in India and infact most of the muslims are also quite a progressive lot. Yes exactly....so why dont you indians mind your own ... business and clean up your own house –include the 193+ domestic insurgencys/seperatist movements. Get your things in check, and stop allowing your military officers to align themselves with extremist BJP party groups. We lost almost 100 Pakistani civilians in the Samjhota india-Pakistan Express train blasts. Even though one indian army officer was arrested for his role, no other justice has been served whatsoever. İndia needs to get serious about fighting terrorism. You Said: May i ask the Honarable General, What is the current state of Hindus , Sikhs Christians and buddhists in your begging bowl of a country?? Pakistan has a very tiny hindu population. And they are proud to be living as Pakistanis. In the past they used to face discrimination but now that Pakistan wants to show the world we are a resonsible country –and also create harmony within our borders –they are treated well by govt and by the people. But im sure we still have whackos in our country who want to disturb the balance. Anybody born under Pakistani flag is a brother/sister. As for Sikhs --- they are VERY VERY proud Pakistanis. We even have Sikh in our army! Forget about the Sikhs in Pakistan....even the Sikh in india ---their loyalties lie with Pakistan. In fact, i encountered several Sikh pilgrims in Lahore who were going to an ancient temple we have. They told us that they would fight for Pakistan, because india is a repressive and (expletive) country. =) Buddhist??? We dont have any, ... Christians – same situation as Hindus, except we have much more Christian than hindu. And the federal govt. has started a new scheme for minorities whereby the poorest ones are getting financial assistance for textbooks/discount housing/school costs etc. My maid happens to be a Pakistani Christian, and she is as much proud and loyal to the State as I and all other Pakistanis. You Said: Last time i checked the populations of the minority have gone down by 75%.. No. Its just that the Muslim population keeps growing (due to poor family planning in our country, or due to non-Muslims converting to Islam ---which is a reality even in America and Europe). You Said: Meanwhile the Muslims and other minorities in India have consistently grown and the average wellbieng has also gone up.. Yes there are SOME Muslims who have been very succesful in hindustan. But the truth is discrimination and inequality amongst Muslims of india has created huge divide and a lot of alienation. İ mean –common: Attack on Indian Christians worries Pope http://www.ndtv.com/convergence/ndtv/story.aspx?id=NEWEN20080068512&ch=10/13/2008%201:07:00%20AM Hindu Holy war strikes in India: 35 Christians killed and 50,000 forced from their homes More Christians killed in India violence http://www.christiantoday.com/article/more.christians.killed.in.india.violence/21306.htm Churches burnt as Hindu extremists wage anti-Christian violence hits eastern India http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/sep/01/india.religion Six more churches burn in India http://www.speroforum.com/site/article.asp?id=16047 India's Muslims in Crisis http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1862650,00.html You Said: You talked about afghans not wanting Indians to help them?? Dear General, our Infrastructure agencies are in the process of rebuilding afghanistan, Have you even been to Afghanistan? İ highly highly doubt it, kid. The indians are not very popular in Afghanistan. Even you can ask some of the Afghan refugees in india for an HONEST answer. Afghanistan is mostly Pakhtun, though thanks to the badly managed war by the Americans/NATO, other warlord foreigners have been brought into the mix like turkmen, ozbeks, tajiks etc. Pakhtun are still the majority stake-holders, and believe me –they despise your country and the people. How many indian engineers have been beat up and kidnapped? The taleban even blew up the indian embassy, an attack in which your defence attache turned into roast meat (and you indians tried to blame that one on us too.....LoL. You Said: i can understand that the growing friendship between the afghans and indians must be causing headaches for your Impossibly Stupid and Ignorant ( ISI) agency. In the end it makes no difference.....even after these roads to central asia etc. –the truth is that the majority of Afghan's imports will (by default) have to come in via Gwadar/Karachi/other ports of Pakistan. Afghanistan is land-locked while we have access to the Arabian Sea where Chinese, African and Gulfy ships pass through. I laud any work that betters society ---so if the indian built a few roads here and there, then i am happy for the Afghans. But i wont worry about Afghans siding with indians against Pakistan. Because Afghanistan has always naturally been a pseudo-extention of Pakistan. They need us for their economy. We need them for access to central asia and for strategic depth. And yes – i am not ashamed to admit it. If indian try to meddle around in our region, we will do something about it. indians have always been wetting themselves because of the existance of our ISI. So let them keep wetting themselves. ISI gets things done, unlike your incompetent RAW. We have agents and moles on the ground in Afghanistan, and even within the ranks of your indian navy and air force. Dont screw with us or our self interests and in return we wont screw with yours. You Said: Even afghanistan has started to threaten you now.. heres a link, news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/3050672.stm . . Did you even read the article you posted? It wasnt even a threat, it was a warning not to insult Karzais govt. And that article is from 2003, you retard. A lot of things have change since 2003. Among them, now even the Americans critisize Karzai and there are some talks in small-circles about hostile take-over and regime change. The americans really screwed up in Afghanistan the same way they screwed up in Iraq. Thats why they are scared to dare touching Iran. You Said: So dear Gayyub Khan get your facts straight and i think you still believe on Tooth Fairies.. I think you're still a fool. Actually thinking entails a vestige of uncertainty and mere speculation. Let me correct myself. YOU ARE A FOOL. You Said: You beleive that September 9/11 was caused by Mossad, a.) i think mossad had a role b.) CIA had knowledge about some nefarious terrorist plot involving airliners hijacked and used as weapons –and yet they twiddled their thumbs c.) National Security Advisor (Rice at the time) knew about the plot, but took no action d.) Explain this à http://video.aol.com/video-detail/five-dancing-israelis-arrested-on-911/745840109 and this --> http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/fiveisraelis.html You Said: Nov 29/ 11 was caused by Hindu fanatics to malign pakistan Mere speculation. But i personally dont believe the terrorists were trained in Pakistan or supported by Pakistan. The evidence is sketchy. The story is sketchy. And I am bothered by the fact that indian expects me to believe that Karkare's death was just a co-incidence –when he was the only one (despite threats) investigating the Malegon (sp?) blasts which were carried out by radical hindus. Your (seemingly BJP-leaning) indian media spouts nothing but utter junk and, on an international/western perspective, there is indeed on this a consensus being shared. I have seen many a debate on this topic and a vast number of commentators/journalists agree that the Indian media is outlandishly sensationalist and suffers from a lack of credibility. I have read the 69 page dossier of ‘evidence' handed over by india. (it is available online). You cannot call that evidence!!!! If it took indian 1 month to write that report??? India refused to cooperate with Interpol. India refuses Pakistani investigators to interrogate this guy ‘'Kasav" and/or allow them to the scenes of the crime (indian have already re-opened those second-rate hotels –so how are we supposed to collect forensic information??) You indians will never wake up from your sleep. İ think it is YOU who are still believing in the tooth fairy. ...
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