bayezid: Read more about Khalid bin Walid, the Sword of Islam from TabariReader comment on item: Still Asleep After Mumbai Submitted by Plato (India), Jan 10, 2009 at 10:17 bayezid, you write: >>‘Hakim b Hakim from Abu Jafar Muhammad b Ali told me: As soon as they had laid down their arms Khalid ordered their hands to be tied behind their backs and put them to the sword, killing a number of them. When the news reached the prophet he raised his hands to heaven and said, O god, I am innocent before thee of what Khalid has done.' Did the the Prophet give justice to those killed needlessly by Khalid? Make a guess. ALLAH gives justice. the prophets, like every other man, obey ALLAH. khalid bin walid was a meccan pagan before reverting to islam. th event that you so gratituously mentioned transpired just aftre he was a revert. that means he wasnt aware of most of the islamic laws. he was used to the ways of the pagan arabs and before being a muslim he used to be one of them. that clealy shows the reasons for his actions.<< You claim he wasn't aware of Islam's benevolent laws of war as he was a new convert when the incident in the hadith happened. What about by the time of the first Khalifa Abu Bakr? Did Khalid have sufficient time to discover the wonderfully merciful Islamic codes of war? Let us take a quick look at what he did during Abu Bakr's Caliphate. In 633 AD Abu Bakr sent Khalid bin Walid to Iraq. He invited them to Islam and fought some Christians and Persians who rejected his invitation to Islam. Let a respected Muslim historian tell what happened in his own words: Tabari Vol XI, The Challenge of the Empires, SUNY series in Near Eastern Studies, State University of New York Press. Page 24-45 & vOL XI pg 24: ‘The Muslims raged against them. Khalid said, "O God, if You deliver their shoulders to us, I will obligate myself to You not to leave any of them whom we can overcome until I make their canal run with their blood." …..Khalid commanded his herald to proclaim to the men, "Capture! Capture! Do not kill any except he who continues to resist." As a result, the cavalry brought prisoners in droves, driving them along. Khalid had detailed certain men to cut off their heads in the canal. He did that for a day and a night. They pursued them….. …..Khalid had blocked the the water from the canal. Now Khalid brought the water back, so that it flowed with spilled blood. Owing to this, it has been called the Blood Canal to this day…… Read more about this sahaba and Sword of Islam at this site: http://www.answering-ansar.org/answers/khalid/khalid_war_criminal.pdf >>i think even you are well informed of the fact that the great prophet reprimanded khalid for it. oh that fact slipped your eyes ? how very curious. the prophet was so angry at his that he refused to la his eyes on him .<< This is typical Muslim tactic. If you have no answer then make the accusation that the whole fact has not been reported. In this post of yours it is the so-called REPRIMAND. I have quoted a sahih hadith which says the prophet merely absolved HIMSELF with Allah for the crime Khalid had committed. Why did the Prophet feel guilty for what Khalid had done. Should he not have punished him for it? And you say he was REPRIMANDED. The REPRIMAND was that the prophet would not look at him? What a joke! Give me the hadith that talks of this joke by the prophet. >>and is that all u have to say abt khalid? im sure you are also aware that he never acted in such a brutal manner again. he fought hundreds of battles afterwards , and never once did he do what he did when he first reverted.<< Go back and read the first part of my reply to refresh your memory of what Khalid did after the Prophet's death. Also read what the website has to say about so many ‘holy' acts of this companion of the prophet. >> The HuJI, that Bangladesh harbours, the LeT and other terror groups Pakistan harbours and launch terror attacks into India are a threat to life, property and home of Indians. Are we committing a crime by not going to war with Bangladesh and Pakistan? I certainly think so, because by not taking out these terror outfits we are sure to have more deaths in future at their hands." >>bias words from a biased person. and totally unnecessary, since whatver u mentoned above has got nothing to do with islam. again, look at the sources. what the hell is a hulji?<< I have written HuJI. You never heard of it? Strange. It has been in existence since 1992. ‘The Harkat-ul-Jihad-al Islami Bangladesh (HuJI-B) was established in 1992, reportedly with assistance from Osama bin Laden's International Islamic Front (IIF). On April 30, 1992, several of the HuJI-B leaders addressed a press conference at the Jatiya Press Club in capital Dhaka and demanded that Bangladesh be converted into an Islamic State.' http://www.satp.org/satporgtp/countries/bangladesh/terroristoutfits/Huj.htm >> an let? i live in bd and ve never heard of let.<< Never heard of LeT? I am not surprised. Even the Pakistanis have not heard of it. Maybe not even ISI. ROTFL. >> maybe hulji since their leader was captured and he confessed to having been trained by indians themselves !<< Now it is maybe you have heard of HuJI? And not surprisingly you have heard that it is an Indian conspiracy to devour Bangladesh. Only problem is they have been found setting of bombs in India. Now why would Indians want to bomb their own people? To defame Bangladesh, and then invade it no doubt. I have been reading in the newspapers that the Pakistan government has never heard of Ajmal Kasar. But now they think that it is just possible that he is from Pakistan as the Indians have been claiming. >> does that come out in the newspapers ??? oh it was big news here.<< It must have been big news, I am sure. It must also have been big news that the Mumbai murderers were actually trained and guided by Indian intelligence from their offices in Islamabad. Muslims are great fans of Arabian Nights tales. And these are really fantastic terror tales. >>bayezid, which is it, was Islam spread by envoys and ambassadors or was it by war against nations that prevented Islam from being spread? You know very well, though you will not admit it, Islam was spread by war." islam spread by the grace of ALLAH. the reasonable people kne the truth and accepted islam..<< The grace of Allah has given Muslims many verses on how to spread Islam. Let me give you a sampling: 009.111 YUSUFALI: Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him in truth, through the Law, the Gospel, and the Qur'an: and who is more faithful to his covenant than Allah? then rejoice in the bargain which ye have concluded: that is the achievement supreme 009.039 YUSUFALI: Unless ye go forth, He will punish you with a grievous penalty, and put others in your place; but Him ye would not harm in the least. For Allah hath power over all things. >>the countries that fell to the muslim power were the ones unjust to thjeir own people and the small groups of immigrant mslims and minorities lving withiin their borders<< Your mullas must have certainly told you that the Hindus are unjust to the Muslims in India. This must mean it is your duty as a Bangladeshi Muslim to attack India and let justice prevail. That is what HuJI is doing. They know their Islamic duty. You must join them to let justice prevail for you Muslim brothers here. If not HuJI I am sure there others not tainted by any Hindu hand you join up as Allah wants you to in 9:39 on pain of a grievous penalty. >>so i think we both know you were trying to be clever.<< Yes I was trying to be clever. But Allah has guided to catch me out. It was very clever of you point out that the Prophet had REPRIMANDED Khaled for massacring people who had surrendered. Now you must try and catch me out on my excerpt from Tabari. Perhaps your mullah will be able to give you proof that Tabari was really a Shia or maybe a Jew trying to defame a true Sunni warlord like Khalid. You also showed up my ignorance of the fact that HuJI is an unknown group in Bangladesh and that it is really a creature of India. Bayezid, you have really outsmarted me with your deep knowledge of Islamic history. You are so confident of your knowledge that you never quote your sources. But I notice that you have really outsmarted yourself with your post heading: muhammad bin qasim retaliated against the stubborn ,suprestitious attackers on the muslim community in india' My history books tell me that there were no Muslims in India before Muhammad bin Qasim set foot in Sindh. It was a land of pure jahiliya with ignorant idol worshippers being UNJUST TO THEMSELVES. Regards Plato
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