Submitted by MOHAMAD NOZZI (Singapore), May 11, 2009 at 21:53
For instance, if we, muslims, need you, non-muslim, to guide us for the truth of the Holy Quran, it will be the laughing stocks in this world. Thus, I have no choice to explain to you what you have quoted Quran 9:33 and 3:85 mean.
Quran 9:32, "They desire to put out the light of Allah with their mouths, and Allah will not consent save to perfect His light, though the unbelievers are averse."
Quran 9:33, "Here it is who sent His Apostle with guidance and the religion of truth, that He might cause it to prevail over all religion, though the polythesists may be averse".
Prior to the explanation to Quran 9:33, you have browsed through Quran 9:32. Quran 9:32 is meant for the verse to prove that Allah is against unbelievers to persist their stubbornness to remain to be non-muslims.
The phrase, Here it is who sent His Apostle with guidance and the religion of truth, in Quran 9:33, implies that Allah was the one to send Muhammad and his Apostles to begin their mission on earth. The word, He, in Quran 9:33 certainly refers to Allah instead of Prophet Muhammad and his followers As the phrase, He might cause it to prevail over all religion though the polythesists may be averse, is mentioned in Quran 9:33, it implies that Allah is the one will ultimately cause other religions to cease. This event certainly occurs on the last judgment day since it is the action from Allah to non-muslims. Who are we, muslims, to act for Allah when Quran 9:33 mentions that Allah himself will carry out the action against non-muslims. As the word, He, is mentioned in Quran 9:33 instead of mentioning we, muslims, it implies that the task of elminating non-muslims fall in the hands of Allah instead of by muslims. How could we act for Allah when Quran 9:33 mentions that Allah will carry out the task of execution by himself? As the word, He, is mentioned in Quran 9:33, we, muslims, should respect Allah to let allow to execute his judgment upon non-muslims during the Last judgment Day. As the word, He, is mentioned in Quran 9;33 and it does not mention that Allah does delegate his duty to us, how could we abuse this verse to slaughter non-muslims? Thus, you quote this verse to abuse muslims to fight is certainly out of context.
Quran 3:85, "And whoever desire a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted by him, and in the hereafter he shall be one of the losers." The phrase, it shall not be accepted by him, in Quran 3:85 implies that Allah does not accept other religions. As the phrase, by him, is mentioned in Quran 3:85, it implies again the action from Allah too. We, muslims, are not Allah. We must respect Allah when it is mentioned that Allah himself wants to execute action by himself. As Allah is the one that demands action for the execution of judgment to non-muslims, how could we act for Allah to execute judgment on earth when Allah mentions that we, muslims, have to be submissive to Allah to carry out his judgment upon non-muslims.
You quote these verses to demand muslims to fight. Your support has been found to be misleading since you call us to abuse Allah's authority when Allah mentions that he will execute the judgment and yet you call us to fight. We, moderate muslims, respect Allah. When Allah mentions that he will execute his judgment upon non-muslims, we leave this authority to him for his execution.
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