Submitted by dhimmi no more (United States), Apr 6, 2021 at 09:25
A Very Concerned Reader: again thank you for your kind remarks
Now, this time you and I will examine Q53 or Surat al-Najm so check this link from Mr. Khattab's translation of this Sura. Notice that each Sura is assigned as either revealed in Mecca or in Medina. In the case of Surat al-Najm it is a Meccan Sura.
Check the link and you will notice that the first 22 verses are very short and if you can read the Arabic, are very poetic. All of a sudden you will discover that verses 23-32 are long and even if you cannot read the Arabic this is very strange. Then from verse 33-62 we are back to short and very poetic verses
This was noted by the great 'Ali Dashti, the Iranian scholar of Islam who was murdered by the vile Khomeini, in his book "23 Years" the biography of Muhammad, that Q53:32 is Medinan and not Meccan verse. It is long and syntax is poor and it must have been added by Othman for reasons unknown to the text. Check page 51 in his book "23 Years"
Now, notice that the text of the Sura reverts back, from verse 33-62, to the short and very poetic verses of the first 22 verses
This is an old problem that faced al-Mufasereen about the fact that there are indeed: لماذا توجد ايات مكية في سور مدنية او العكس or "Why there are Meccan verses in chapters that are from Medina and vice versa." And as usual they do not know. Check this and use googletranslate or iphone translate
Here is Mr. Khattab's translation of Surat al-Najm
Notice that he does not inform his readers that Q53:32 is a Medina verse which either stems from ignorance or dishonesty.
Why is this important? al-Mufasereen defined translation as, and I'm paraphrasing, to write the words of a language in another language and clearly this chapter as assigned to the Meccan period. This means that he should have alerted the reader that this is not a Meccan verse and it is a Medina verse.
More? The Quran defines "textual corruption" in Q5:13 as:
يحرفون الكلم (الكلام) عن مواضعه
This can be rendered as: They corrupt the words from their places.
This really means that the author of the Qur'an is saying that, in this case the Jews and Christians, they have corrupted their books not by changing the words of God but by moving these words from one to another place in the Bible.
This means that the Qur'an, by its own definition, is a corrupted book and Mr. Khattab is silent. I wonder why
More? You and I will examine more disasters in Surat al-Furqan: 52 and is it a Mecca or a Medina verse.
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