Submitted by dhimmi no more (United States), May 6, 2021 at 07:52
This is from an old post of mine and I edited and updated the information:
This literary phenomenon is called iltifat or التفات :
1 - مصدر التفتَ إلى / التفتَ بـ / التفتَ عن .
2 - ( بلاغة ) انتقال مفاجئ أثناء الكلام إلى مخاطبة شخص أو شيء حاضر أو غائب .
Which really means the sudden change in the subject and object in a sentence and this is indeed a very embarrassing Quranic problem and it is used very often in the Qur'an. And this is why the Qur'an does not make any sense and here is an example
If we read Q4:3 it says
وان خفتم الا تقسطوا في اليتامى
This can be rendered as: And if you fear that you cannot deal fairly with the orphans
Well the question is what would one do if one is to be afraid not to deliver justice and being fair to orphans (notice that the text is silent about what is exactly this justice or being fair) and this is what one except to be in the second part of the sentence.
Oh do not hold your breath and let us read the rest of the verse
فأنكحوا ماطاب لكم من النساء مثنى وثلاث ورباع
This can be rendered as: Then have sex (no the word Inkahu does not mean marry it means sex. Marriage is زواج ) with the women that seem good to you two three or four
Wow If you or I would write such poor sentence we will get an F
I suspect that logic would dictate that the rest of the sentence would have been something like: Then do not adopt
So you can see that there is a total switch in the subject (the orphans in the first part of the sentence and women in the second part of this rather poor sentence) and in the object (in the first part is to do justice and in the second part is to have sex/marry the women that pleases you)
So much for the eloquent Qur'an
How did al-mufasereen explain this disaster? They tell us it is Quanic بلاغة or literary eloquence! SobhanAllah!
BTW: Henri Lammens believed that the claim by al-Mufasereen that Muhammad had 9 wives is from this verse or 2+3+4 = 9 et voila Muhammad has 9 wives! What a disaster
Here is Mr. Khattab's translation,131
Notice that Mr. Khattab is trying his best to obfuscate the disasters in this verse. You will not find: "due rights", "marry them" in the text. And no Nikah does not mean marriage, it means sex. Marriage in Arabic is Zawaj. And notice that he prefers to translate ma malakt aymanakum as: Bondwomen and not slaves. I wonder why.
More? in his footnote: He is quoting the Bible! I thought the Bible is a corrupted book.
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