Submitted by Prashant (United States), May 12, 2021 at 23:33
Dear Dr Pipes, I compliment the reader Jeff for his insightful message. Indeed, any definition of moderate as used in the context of Muslims and Islam looks absurd when applied to the adherents of any other religion. Examples, cited by Jeff are amusing (Mother Terressa a radical christian!). The fact of the matter is that radical Muslims wage wars to grab other people's land and moderate Muslims provide moral support to the radicals and apologize for them. This is the only difference between the two sets and all other sets are too small to matter.
War against Islam will not be won with violence. Non-Muslim world is too concerned about the welfare of their societies to waste their lives in unending wars. Muslims have no detterence (to paraphrase a past Israeli PM). They can fight wars forever. The non-Muslim world cannot match the Islamic world in hypocrisy and selfishness. The war to contain Islam will have to be won on an inetellectual basis. Better ideas will have to be spread far and wide and they will have to penetrate every Muslim mind (not so much to convert Muslims to other religions as to destroy Islamic stubburnness and self-righteousness. The Islamic cognitive dissonance has to be highlighted and we have to make it uncomfortable for Muslims to live with it. You cannot say in Q5-32 that killing one human is like killing all humanity and, then, go on to say in Q5-33 that disbelievers in Muhammad and Allah sould be torn apart. To be called a religion of peace, you must talk about the matters of love and forgiveness.
Luckily, a very nice thing is happening in this forum. People are responding to the original articles and people are responding to each other. These discussions bring forth new ideas. They also help improve the ideas. That is what is the need of time. For no fault of the world, the world is losing to Islam. Muslims have occupied all nations that are called Islamic. And, they are dictating the agenda in non-Muslim democratic nations. If we do not contain this phenomenon, it will swallow us. So we need to keep talking. We need to keep showing Muslims the mirror. On this site and elsewhere.
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