QURAN AGAINST MUSLIMS TO DO OR TO STIR UP EVIL AGAINST NON-MUSLIMS - PROVENReader comment on item: A Saudi Prince's Threat to the Obama Administration Submitted by Mohamad Nozzi (Singapore), May 29, 2009 at 11:42 The following are the proofs to show that Holy Quran is against those muslims that do or act or stir up evil against non-muslims: a) Holy Quran commands all muslims to obey Quran instead of Sahih Bakhuri, or traditional believes or etc., or else they will be condemned in the hell: Quran 4:140, "And it has already been revealed to you in the Book (this Qur'an) that when you hear the Verses of Allah being denied and mocked at, then sit not with them, until they engage in a talk other than that; (but if you stayed with them) certainly in that case you would be like them. Surely, Allah will collect the hypocrites and disbelievers all together in hell." As the phrase, ...Qur'an)...when you hear the verses of Allah being denied and mocked at, is mentioned in Quran 4:140 with the phrase, hypocrites and disbelievers, it implies that Allah considers those people that deny and mock at the book of Quran to be the hypocrites and disbelievers. What is the end result of all these people that mock at the book of Quran? The phrase, all together in hell, in Quran 4:140 gives an absolute destiny for those that are against the book of Holy Quran. Quran 6:155, "And this is a blessed Book (the Qur'an) which We have sent down, so follow it and fear Allah (i.e. do not disobey His Orders), that you may receive mercy (i.e. be saved from the torment of hell)." This verse conveys a message to us that those that disobey the Qur'an will be tormented in hell. Or in other words, this verse commands all muslims to obey the book of Qur'an undoubtedly. Quran 22:57, "And those who disbelieved and belied Our Verses (of this Qur'an), for them will be a humiliating torment (in hell). " This verse again encourages muslims to believe and obey Quran or else their destiny is in hell. Quran 72:17, "That We might try them thereby. And whosoever turns away from the Reminder of his Lord (i.e. this Qur'an, - and practise not its laws and orders), He will cause him to enter in a severe torment (i.e. hell). " Quran 72:17 discourages muslims to disobey Quran or else they will be in a severe torment, hell. Quran 42:7, "And thus We have revealed to you (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه و سلم) a Qur'an in Arabic that you may warn the Mother of the Towns (Makkah) and all around it, and warn (them) of the Day of Assembling of which there is no doubt: when a party will be in Paradise (those who believed in Allah and followed what Allah's Messenger صلى الله عليه و سلم brought them) and a party in the blazing Fire (hell) (those who disbelieved in Allah and followed not what Allah's Messenger صلى الله عليه و سلم brought them). " The word, Qur'an, is highlighted earliest in Quran 42:7 to show you that this verse is talking about Quran. As the word, hell, is mentioned in Quran 42:7 with the phrase, followed not what Allah Messenger brought them, it implies that those muslims that do not obey Quran will be condemned in the hell. What are those things that Allah wants us, muslims, not to be against non-muslims? i) ILLEGAL SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN NON-MUSLIMS AND MUSLIMS WHETHER SECRET OR OPEN (We are told in that all non-muslims are unclean or impure and that we must not assoicate with them): Quan 6:151, "Say (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم): "Come, I will recite what your Lord has prohibited you from: Join not anything in worship with Him; be good and dutiful to your parents; kill not your children because of poverty - We provide sustenance for you and for them; come not near to Al-Fawahish (shameful sins, illegal sexual intercourse) whether committed openly or secretly; and kill not anyone whom Allah has forbidden, except for a just cause (according to islamic law). This He has commanded you that you may understand. " The phrase, illegal sexual intercourse whether committed openly, in Quran 6:151 should be muslims marry with non-muslims and for the phrase, illegal sexual intercourse whether committed...secretly, should be muslims have deeper relationship with non-muslims secretly and this is done without marriage and that is so-called, secret. Those muslims that disobey this verse has acted against Quran & its destiny as mentioned in Quran 72:17 is hell. 2) ALLAH COMMANDS US ONLY TO PREACH TO NON-MUSLIMS INSTEAD OF STIRRING UP TROUBLE WITH THEM, SUCH AS DESTROYING IDOLS, VANDALISM, VIOLENCE AND ETC.: Quran 64:12, "Obey Allah and His Messenger, but if ye turn back, then the duty of our Messenger is only to convey (the message) plainly". The phrase, the duty of our Messenger, in Quran 64:12 implies the responsibility of muslims. The phrase, to convey (the message) plainly, in Quran 64;12 implies preaching to non-muslims. The word, only, in Quran 64;12 has isolated our responsibility. As the phrase, the duty of our Messenger, is mentioned in Quran 64:12 with the phrase, only to convey (the message) plainly, it implies that Allah's mission for muslims is only to preach instead of fighting, violence, riots and/or etc. Those muslims that act against this verse to stir up problem with non-muslims simply act against Quran. Quran 72:17, "That We might try them thereby. And whosoever turns away from the Reminder of his Lord (i.e. this Qur'an, - and practise not its laws and orders), He will cause him to enter in a severe torment (i.e. hell). 3) QURAN 4:90 COMMANDS US NOT TO FIGHT WITH NON-MUSLIMS IF THEY WITHDRAW FROM US AND OFFER US PEACE Quran 4:90, "...So if they withdraw from you, and fight not against you, and offer you peace, then Allah has opened no way for you against them". The phrase, fight not against you, in Quran 4:90 implies that non-muslims do not fight or refuse to fight with us, muslims. The phrase, Allah has opened no way for you against them, in Quran 4:90 implies that Allah wants us to cease in fighting with them, non-muslims. As the phrase, if they writdraw from you, is mentioned in Quran 4:90 with the phrase, Allah has opened no way for you against them, it implies that Allah commands muslims not to fight against non-muslims if non-muslims do not or refuse to fight with us, muslims. Those muslims that continue to fight with non-muslims despite non-muslims cease fighting and offer peace with them have acted against Quran 4:90. The warning from Quran 72:17, "(for those that disobey Quran is) That We might try them thereby. And whosoever turns away from the Reminder of his Lord (i.e. this Qur'an, - and practise not its laws and orders), He will cause him to enter in a severe torment (i.e. hell)." 4) QURAN 6:110 COMMANDS US TO DEAL WITH THOSE NON-MUSLIMS IS TO LEAVE THEM INSTEAD OF CREATING VIOLENCE, RIOTS AND ETC. TO THEM Quran 6:110 (Yusuf Ali), "We (too) shall turn to (confusion) their hearts and their eyes, even as they refused to believe in this in the first instance: We shall leave them in their trespasses, to wander in distraction". Quran 6:110, "(mentions that if)...they refused to believe...we shall leave them in their trespasses (instead of slaughtering them)". Those muslims that keep on creating trouble to non-muslims even though non-muslims do not stir up trouble with them. The warning from Quran 72:17, "(for those that disobey Quran is) That We might try them thereby. And whosoever turns away from the Reminder of his Lord (i.e. this Qur'an, - and practise not its laws and orders), He will cause him to enter in a severe torment (i.e. hell)." 5) QURAN 5:32 COMMANDS MUSLIMS NOT TO KILL NON-MUSLIMS UNLESS RETALIATION OF MURDER Quran 5:32, "...if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land - it would be killed all mankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind..." The phrase, not in retaliation of murder, in Quran 5;32 implies that nobody has fought with us and/or slaughter our muslim fellows. The word, anyone, in Quran 5:32 certainly refers to muslims as well as non-muslims since a person, does not restrict itself to only muslims. As the phrase, if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, is mentioned n Quran 5:32 with the phrase, it would be killed all mankind, it implies that it is illegal for muslims to slaughter non-muslims unless they have fought with us and/or we fight as a result of our retaliation of murder with them. Unless non-muslims are those that start to stir up problems with muslims, muslims would defend. However, if non-muslims do not fight with us so as to kill any of us, we must not kill them as mentioned in Quran 5:32. The warning from Quran 72:17, "(for those that disobey Quran is) That We might try them thereby. And whosoever turns away from the Reminder of his Lord (i.e. this Qur'an, - and practise not its laws and orders), He will cause him to enter in a severe torment (i.e. hell)." We, moderate muslims, do not kill non-muslims since non-muslims respect our religion and do not fight with us. 6) QURAN 54:3 COMMANDS US, MUSLIMS NOT TO DO EVIL DEEDS SINCE WE WOULD BE CONDEMNED TO HELL 7) QURAN 2:212 COMMANDS US NOT TO FIGHT WHEN NON-MUSLIMS JUST MOCK AT US INSTEAD OF FIGHTING WITH US Quan 2:212, "Beautied is the life of this world for those who disbelieve, and they mock at those who believe. But those who obey Allah's orders and keep away from what has forbidden, will be above them on the Day of Resurrection..." The phrase, those who disbelieve, in Quran 2;212 certainly refers to unbelievers. The word, mock, in Quran 2;212 implies that non-muslims speak badly against muslims. Does Quran 2:212 encourage muslims to fight with these non-muslims that mock at us, muslims? No, since it is mentioned that Quran 2:212, "(we need to)...keep away from what has forbidden" instead of fighting with them. What if those muslims that start to fight even though non-muslims just mock at them but do not start fighting withthem? The warning from Quran 72:17, "(for those that disobey Quran is) That We might try them thereby. And whosoever turns away from the Reminder of his Lord (i.e. this Qur'an, - and practise not its laws and orders), He will cause him to enter in a severe torment (i.e. hell)." We, moderate muslims, do not kill non-muslims since non-muslims respect our religion and do not fight with us. 8) QURAN 82:14 CONDEMNS EVIL-DOERS AND SINNERS ALSO And verily, the Fujjar (the wicked, disbelievers, polytheists, sinners and evil-doers) will be in the blazing fire (Hell), The phrase, sinners and evil doers, in Quran 82:14 commands muslims not to do evil. As muslims are commanded not to do evil deeds, we must not perfom vandalism, riots, violence and etc. too. The warning from Quran 72:17, "(for those that disobey Quran is) That We might try them thereby. And whosoever turns away from the Reminder of his Lord (i.e. this Qur'an, - and practise not its laws and orders), He will cause him to enter in a severe torment (i.e. hell)." We, moderate muslims, do not kill non-muslims since non-muslims respect our religion and do not fight with us. 9) ONLY THOSE MUSLIMS THAT DO RIGHTEOUS DEEDS (INSTEAD OF THESE INCLUDE THOSE THAT DO EVIL DEEDS, SUCH AS, VANDALISM, RIOTS, VIOLENCE AND ETC.) HAVE THE RIGHT TO PARADISE Quran 33:71, "He will direct you to do righteous good deeds and will forgive you your sins. And whosoever obeys Allah and His Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم), he has indeed achieved a great achievement (i.e. he will be saved from the hell-fire and will be admitted to paradise). " 10) QURAN 45:21 CONDEMNS THOSE MUSLIMS THAT DO EVIL DEEDS SINCE IT MENTIONS THAT QURAN 45:21, "....THINK THAT...SHALL HOLD THEM EQUAL THOSE WHO BELIEVE AND DO RIGHTEOUS GOOD DEEDS...(THEIR THINKING ARE WRONG SINCE)...WORST IS THE JUDGMENT THAT THEY MADE Quran 45:21, "Or do those who earn evil deeds think that We shall hold them equal with those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, in their present life and after their death? Worst is the judgement that they make." WE, MODERATE MUSLIMS, HOPE THAT ALL RELIGIONS IN THIS WORLD MUST RESPECT EACH OTHER THAT THERE WOULD BE PEACE IN THIS WORLD Quran 54:3, "They belied (the Verses of Allah - this Qur'an), and followed their own lusts. And every matter will be settled (according to the kind of deeds: good deeds will take their doers to Paradise, and similarly evil deeds will take their doers to hell). " The phrase, evil deeds will take their doers to hell, in Quran 54:3 commands all muslims not to do evil deeds. The warning from Quran 72:17, "(for those that disobey Quran is) That We might try them thereby. And whosoever turns away from the Reminder of his Lord (i.e. this Qur'an, - and practise not its laws and orders), He will cause him to enter in a severe torment (i.e. hell)." We, moderate muslims, do not kill non-muslims since non-muslims respect our religion and do not fight with us.
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